This is a web application for smart fuel filling station mobile app, where all the adminstration work will be done.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- PHP - 8.0+
- Laravel - 9.0+
- MariaDB - 10.4.24
- Composer - 2.3.7
Clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone
Install project dependencies
composer install
Create database and copy .env.example to .env and put credentials of database created.
Run a command to migrate database schemas
php artisan migrate
Run a command to seed database with prepared data
php artisan db:seed
Create admin or super user with following commands
php artisan make:admin
Now you can run project in your browser using the following command
php artisan serve
Open your browser to
Enter your credentials to continue
Currently this project has no tests
Currently this system is hosted at
- GNU General - License