Javascript thread library. Uses web workers when run in browsers and child processes when run by node.js. Also supports browsers which do not support web workers.
- For client and server use
- Use different APIs (web worker, node child_process) transparently
- Thread pools
- Built-in error handling
- Well tested
- ES6 and backwards-compatible
Spawn threads to do the time-consuming work and let the parent thread focus on daily business!
const spawn = require('threads').spawn;
const thread = spawn(function(input, done) {
// Everything we do here will be run in parallel in another execution context.
// Remember that this function will be executed in the thread's context,
// so you cannot reference any value of the surrounding code.
done({ string : input.string, integer : parseInt(input.string) });
.send({ string : '123' })
// The handlers come here: (none of them is mandatory)
.on('message', function(response) {
console.log('123 * 2 = ', response.integer * 2);
.on('error', function(error) {
console.error('Worker errored:', error);
.on('exit', function() {
console.log('Worker has been terminated.');
npm install --save threads
bower install --save threads
<script src=""></script>
(where VERSION
is the library's version to use, like v0.7.3
You don't have to write the thread's code inline. The file is expected to be a
commonjs module (so something that uses module.exports = ...
), for node and
const threads = require('threads');
const config = threads.config;
const spawn = threads.spawn;
// Set base paths to thread scripts
basepath : {
browser : 'http://myserver.local/thread-scripts',
node : __dirname + '/../thread-scripts'
const thread = spawn('worker.js');
.send({ do : 'Something awesome!' })
.on('message', function(message) {
console.log('worker.js replied:', message);
// Use CommonJS syntax (module.exports). Works in browser, too!
// Only limitation: You won't have require() when run in the browser.
module.exports = function(input, done) {
done('Awesome thread script may run in browser and node.js!');
You can also pass async functions, a.k.a. functions returning a Promise, to spawn threads.
const spawn = require('threads').spawn;
const thread = spawn(function ([a, b]) {
// Remember that this function will be run in another execution context.
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(a + b), 1000)
.send([ 9, 12 ])
// The handlers come here: (none of them is mandatory)
.on('message', function(response) {
console.log('9 + 12 = ', response);
You can also create a thread pool that spawns a fixed no. of workers. Pass jobs to the thread pool which it will queue and pass to the next idle worker. You can also pass the number threads to be spawned. Defaults to the number of CPU cores.
const Pool = require('threads').Pool;
const pool = new Pool();
// Alternatively: new Pool(<number of threads to spawn>)
// Run a script
const jobA = pool
.send({ do : 'something' });
// Run the same script, but with a different parameter
const jobB = pool
.send({ do : 'something else' });
// Run inline code
const jobC =
function(input, done) {
const hash = md5(input);
done(hash, input);
}, {
// dependencies; resolved using node's require() or the web workers importScript()
md5 : 'js-md5'
).send('Hash this string!');
.on('done', function(hash, input) {
console.log(`Job C hashed: md5("${input}") = "${hash}"`);
.on('done', function(job, message) {
console.log('Job done:', job);
.on('error', function(job, error) {
console.error('Job errored:', job);
.on('finished', function() {
console.log('Everything done, shutting down the thread pool.');
You can also spawn a thread for streaming purposes. The following example shows a very simple use case where you keep feeding numbers to the background task and it will return the minimum and maximum of all values you ever passed.
const threads = require('threads');
const spawn = threads.spawn;
const thread = spawn(function() {});
.run(function minmax(int, done) {
if (typeof this.min === 'undefined') {
this.min = int;
this.max = int;
} else {
this.min = Math.min(this.min, int);
this.max = Math.max(this.max, int);
done({ min : this.min, max : this.max }});
.on('message', function(minmax) {
console.log('min:', minmax.min, ', max:', minmax.max);
.on('done', function() {
As it turns out,
is no one-way road.
.run(function doThis(input, done) {
done('My first job!');
.run(function doThat(input, done) {
done('Old job was boring. Trying something new!');
Instead of using callbacks, you can also turn thread messages and pool jobs into promises.
.send({ important : 'data' })
.then(function success(message) {}, function error(error) {});;
pool.send({ data : 1 }).promise(),
pool.send({ data : 2 }).promise()
]).then(function allResolved() {
console.log('Everything done! It\'s closing time...');
You can also use transferable objects to improve performance when passing large buffers (in browser). Add script files you want to run using importScripts() (if in browser) as second parameter to See Transferable Objects: Lightning Fast!.
Both features will be ignored by node.js version for now.
const threads = require('threads');
const spawn = threads.spawn;
const thread = spawn(function() {});
const largeArrayBuffer = new Uint8Array(1024 * 1024 * 32); // 32MB
const jobData = { label : 'huge thing', data: largeArrayBuffer.buffer };
.run(function(input, done) {
// do something cool with input.label,
// call done.transfer() if you want to use transferables in the thread's response
// (the node.js code simply ignores the transferables)
done.transfer({ some : { response : input.buffer } }, []);
}, [
// this file will be run in the thread using importScripts() if in browser
// the node.js code will ignore this second parameter
// pass the buffers to transfer into thread context as 2nd parameter to send()
.send(jobData, [ largeArrayBuffer.buffer ]);
The thread can also notify the main thread about its current progress.
const threads = require('threads');
const spawn = threads.spawn;
const thread = spawn(function() {});
.run(function(input, done, progress) {
setTimeout(done, 1000);
setTimeout(function() { progress(25); }, 250);
setTimeout(function() { progress(50); }, 500);
setTimeout(function() { progress(75); }, 750);
.on('progress', function(progress) {
console.log(`Progress: ${progress}%`);
.on('done', function() {
Progress: 25%
Progress: 50%
Progress: 75%
You can provide a fallback if the user's browser does not support web workers. See webworker-fallback. This will not have any effect if used by node.js code.
Not yet completely implemented.
To do:
- gulp task to bundle dependencies using browserify and expose all of them -> dependency bundle
- dependency bundle can be imported by importScripts()
- code can just call
var myDependency = require('my-dependency');
, no matter if browser or node.js
const config = require('threads').config;
// These configuration properties are all optional
basepath : {
node : 'path/to/my/worker/scripts/directory',
web : 'path-or-url/to/my/worker/scripts/directory'
fallback : {
slaveScriptUrl : 'path-or-url/to/dist/slave.js' // used for IE where you cannot pass code to a worker using a data URI
Thank you,, for reporting the issues and helping to debug them!
Solution: Pass down __dirname
to worker and use it in require()
(see Issue 28)
This library is published under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
Have fun and build something awesome!