For comprehensive details of every change, please consult
Rails upgraded to 4.2.x along with major upgrades to many gems. This resolves some security issues with running the old version of Rails now EOL.
Better display of milestone and task forecast dates
Milestone starting date
JRuby upgraded to 9.1 with the promises of better performance
Support for MRI ruby versions below 2.2 is now dropped
Lots of improvements to security. No known security holes existed before, but now there are more checks, explicit routes and explicit params which can be modified
Fix invalid timezones for some users
Fixed some issues with the war bundle containing an empty broken jar
Projects can now have default users.
Snippets and task templates are now sortable.
Users can choose to make their comment private by default.
IMPORTANT: environment.local.rb has been replaced by configuration options in context.xml (if you are running in a JVM) or application.yml (if you continue with MRI Ruby)
This release has a number of Rails security patches
Language translations throughtout the application
New filter options
Switch the autogrow library for a better, more reliable one
jruby is now a first class citizen and all remaining issues with background processes are resolved
postgresql support suffered bitrot. Thanks to the contributions from the people at Digital Natives, postgresql is now back in full support
also thanks to Digital Natives we now have translations for the entire application into Hungarian and Hebrew. Other translations are in the process of being added
the ability to edit and add contacts/people can be disabled in application.yml
Travis continuous integration testing is working again
forecast date is now in the task list
top navigation reorganised into a simpler structure
huge number of smaller improvements and bug fixes
Access to Rails console and rake commands is now possible in Java environment (refer to README).
jqGrid has been replaced with slickGrid. Functionality is mostly the same, but it works better on very long lists and is easier to maintain. It also works better in the overall design.
previously the selected grid columns and their order were saved on the server, per user. Now this is saved in the browser which means if you access jobsworth from different machines you will need to set your preferences on each.
Added a custom font to help make the design clearer and easier to read
Upgrades to most gems and to Rails itself. No user visible changes.
Moved task number below task name heading to improve readability
Simpler support for installations with only one tennant
Fix tests under jruby
Numerous UI improvements to user settings and other preferences
Better keyboard support for search
Don’t show users or projects already added in clairvoyance fields
Separate assets storage per tennant
Let user fix duplicated users
Merge duplicate email addresses and add database constraint
Calendar and gantt now shows the forecast date
IMPORTANT: Removed the project files feature. Files linked to tasks are not affected. If you are looking for a broader file sharing system per project, we recommend DropBox, Google Files, or one of many other similar tools. If you had project files which were important to you, make sure you save them before upgrading.
IMPORTANT: Remove the notes feature. This was never particularly helpful and cluttered the screen. If you had notes which were important to you, make sure you save them before upgrading.
MAJOR FEATURE: New task planning page, showing the next tasks for each assigned user
MAJOR FEATURE: Complete refactoring of the gantt chart
MAJOR FEATURE: Milestones now have status. When in ‘planning’, you can add tasks to the milestone, but all tasks are snoozed. When in ‘open’ you can add tasks and tasks are not snoozed. When ‘locked’, you cannot add any further tasks to the milestone, and when the last task in the milestone is closed then the entire milestone automatically closes.
Tasks now have an estimated date: the date when jobsworth predicts they will be started
Milestones now have a lifecycle, reflected in their status
Next tasks show date estimates for when each task should be completed.
Next tasks now show tooltips for more information
Clean up tooltips
Integrate services with the billing processes
Various minor display bug fixes
Tasks can now be marked as “quoted”
Major refactor of the worklog/eventlog schema. No significant user visible changes except that some worklogs are no longer duplicated.
Add create resource link at customer’s page
Better error recovery in case of bad email addresses or other email issues
Clearer display of default time estimates in the task
Upgraded to Rails 3.2 with some performance improvements and security patches
New background processing of task estimated dates and weights
New milestone list page, suitable for planning
New feature: services and service level agreements
Better naming of page titles (useful when you have lots of tabs open)
Easier to delete companies
Error messages in a variety of colours
Enforce uniqueness of company names (case-insensitive)
Some fixes for UTF characters in the product name
Rework overview page to remove that last bits of prototype and fix remaining bugs
Fixed several issues with creating a new database and populating it with data
Grouping tasks by assigned user
Read-only access to the project view
Task weighting by milestone
Delete companies
Fix problem with adding user to project permissions
Hide completed projects and milestones in task search
Special sauce added to outbound emails which will thread them in most mail clients
Deleting milestones now works properly
Merged Messages and Activity tabs in the task view. This will reduce the page load time.
Improved handling of files with unusual extensions
Known issues:
It is not possible to search for and find inactive resources, people and contacts.
Jobsworth now passes all tests on Ruby 1.9.3. Now 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 are the only supported versions of Ruby.
Threw out gantt chart which did not work well and replaced it with a simpler resource view as part of the calendar plugin
Fix last comment date in task list. This value was not being updated due to excessive caching.
When a user comments on a closed task in the web UI, the task is automatically re-opened
Certain encryption specific attachments are not saved as attachments from incoming email
Audit and workload reports removed since they aren’t very useful and have started to suffer from bitrot
Reports now renamed “Billing”
Project list page completely rebuilt
Reports now no longer depend on the current task list search results. This makes them about 1000 times faster to run on large data sets.
Timeline can be displayed for an arbitrary date range
Twitter bootstrap CSS framework imported and the html on every page has been refactored and cleaned up. This has resulted in a fairly major design cleanup.
New liquid layout replacing tables everywhere in the html. This should be a major improvement for mobile and tablet devices.
New projects would sometimes not appear in the task project popup due to caching. Fixed.
Remove ability to customise CSS/logo per customer
Consistent approach to the way all the menus work
New search box within the menu bar as a quick way to get to resources, tasks, contacts, etc
Task list groupings show summary total information
Fix sort task list by due date or last comment date
Clients are now called Contacts everywhere
Known issues:
Some widgets on the overview page no longer work properly.
It is not possible to search for and find inactive resources, people and contacts.
IMPORTANT: the field “requested by” in each task has been removed from this release. If you have important information in there, please put it somewhere else before upgrading. The ability to add multiple clients and multiple users should better serve this need.
Upgrade Rails from 3.0.9 to 3.1. If anything, this was a more significant set of changes than going from 2.x to 3.0.
Email addresses from incoming emails which are unknown to jobsworth are now better tracked
Receiving emails into jobsworth works even if the task does not validate (eg. there are compulsory fields not yet set)
Using the Google compiler to compress javascript now. You must have Java installed on your production server for this to work.
New worktime tracking system. Every task has a timer which records how long it has been open.
the user popup list now shows a better selection of users
User/client search now performs a ‘contains in’ search rather than a ‘starts with’ search
Task timer now runs when you first open a task and prompts you to save work time when you save a message
Email addresses can no longer be added to a task. You now have to create a new user. For orphaned email addresses attached to tasks (eg. from incoming emails) there is now a user interface to attaching them to a user.
Lots of visual bug fixes and simplification of the design, particularly of the task edit view
Upgrade jqgrid to 4.3
Show task filters on all pages
Better handling of incoming email errors
Compression of javascript into a single file with Google closure compiler. This should accelerate page load considerably.
Fixed bug with user selection when creating a new task
Upgrade to Rails 3.0.9. Some security and some performance fixes.
A range of minor cosmetic fixes
IMPORTANT: Forums have been removed from this version. All data related to forums will be deleted when you upgrade.
migrated all the old file storage to the new MD5 naming syntax
upgraded many libraries to newer bug fix releases
fix problem deployed on OSX with file storage where filenames have spaces
fix calendar not showing proper task dates in some circumstances
show unread tasks more clearly in the list view
passwords are no longer stored. Instead we keep the SHA hash of the password which is much more secure. Even if the database is compromised, passwords cannot be read.
lots of bug fixes, improvements for different browsers and cosmetic fixes
improvements to many of the unit tests
do not send emails to inactive users
inactive users should not appear on pick lists
new menu to quickly add users to the task who are related to the clients linked to the task
strip html from snippets
new “top 5 next tasks” panel
introduced SCSS for cleaner styling
IMPORTANT: Support for Ruby 1.8 has been removed. You must now run Ruby 1.9.2 or higher.
IMPORTANT: when upgrading from 1.3 or earlier, you should run twice to ensure the new cron scheduler is running. You should also find and kill the delayed_job process by hand.
Triggers are now implemented. This allows user definable actions to be performed whenever a task is created or saved.
Task weighting and queue initial implementation, not yet ready for production use. This is the beginning of a system to ensure tasks are given to team members in order of priority and the precursor to implementing an SLA-type functionality.
Task comments are now linked to the email addresses to which they are sent or received. This allows for incoming emails from unknown users to be properly handled.
Users, clients and resources can now be marked as “inactive” to suppress them from being used
incoming emails which are invalid (too large, too old, empty subject, bad subject or blank body) are rejected with an appropriate message. There is a new config/bad_subjects.txt file which can be configured.
email is now sent using a different (more robust) method. Delayed_job is no longer needed. Jobsworth 1.4 now starts up the rufus-scheduler cron daemon to manage sending emails every 60 seconds.
gantt chart performance has been improved
suppressed email addresses: you can now define a list of email addresses which will not end up in a task cc list. These might be the address of jobsworth itself, or particular support addresses which should be ignored.
implemented ‘target date’ in the task edit view. This displays either the due date (if you set one) or the milestone date (if there is a milestone).
the task list now maintains the scroll position and group collapsed states between refreshes. This works with ‘local storage’ so it will only work in Firefox/Chrome/Safari/IE8+
“Snooze until customer responds” is a new feature which puts a task into hibernation until a customer adds a comment or replies
Task dependencies are now found in the ‘Snooze’ section. They work as before, but now also show any ‘snoozed’ tasks as grey in the list.
The task list now shows a ‘last comment’ date
lots of small bug fixes and UI improvements
Milestone changes (closing, changes, new) no longer send an email to everyone on the project
A range of minor UI bug fixes
Upgrade to Rails 3.0.3 which results in further major performance improvements.
Ongoing refactoring which results in more performance improvements, some quite significant.
Further improvements to the GANTT chart
Better handling of incoming email attachment file naming, including the detection of duplicates to reduce disk storage. Files are stored with a filename as the MD5 hash of the file. This avoids all sorts of cross-platform, UTF, case senstivity and other naming issues.
Better handling of UTF8 data in incoming emails, in templates and in data within the database.
IMPORTANT: you will need to change “Clockingit::Application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotifier” to “Jobsworth::Application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotifier” in the file config/environment.local.rb in your installation.
A range of bug fixes resulting from the Rails 3 upgrade, including fixes to the email sending and receiving. Massive performance improvements resulting from working around Rails bugs: typically we are seeing average page response times drop from 2000ms to 150ms.
This major release has focussed on migrating to Rails 3 and implementing a new GANTT chart. Lots of small bugs cleaned up and several XSS and other security holes are patched.
A new background email sender is implemented which makes task saving vastly faster and paves the way for time based events in the future.
Make sure you read the installation instructions on the new way to get email integraton working for both incoming and outbound emails.
A number of minor bug fixes for Ruby 1.9 and some cross site scripting attack fixes.
There are now multiple email addresses allowed for each user. This is step one of a major refactoring of how email addresses are stored and used.
Fix escaping of emails and comments. This means that there is no longer any rich styled text allowed inside comments.
We now store the last 10 search filters for each user.
Dramatic improvements in the way caching is flushed, resulting in major speed increase.
Right side panels are now collapsible.
Dragging tasks between groups in the list view changes the values in that task. For instance, dragging between milestones will change the milestone. This is a huge usability step forward and the culmination of a lot of work over the last month.
Task filters now have a NOT option. That is, you can apply the inverse of any of the filters.
The task list can now be grouped by milestones. Soon we’ll be able to drag and drop tasks between those milestones directly in the grid view.
We’ve moved to the new mysql2 adaptor. Please change your database.yml file from “adapter: mysql” to “adapter: mysql2” if you wish to use it. It promises faster speeds and better UTF compatibility.
Templates now don’t create a saved record until after the user saves explicitly.
The activities widget on the overview page is removed. It posed a major security hole.
Move to Rails 2.3.8 and the XSS plugin. This closes a huge number of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities within the code. We’ve also moved to Erubis as a template engine which results in some performance improvements.
Templates can now be deleted.
Snippets: new feature which is essentially a template for adding tasks.
Autocomplete now implemented from the jquery-ui library. Much more robust, faster and prettier.
To do items are now sortable
Version control integration. Now we integrate with SVN, git or any other SCM system.
Move all attachment code to Paperclip. This make it all more robust and simpler.
Some major changes under the hood in preparation for access control improvements. Tasks watchers and assignees are now merged into one table.
Comment level access control is now implemented. Look for the new role popup in the user view which lets you assign one of two access levels. Some more work on the UI is coming, so consider this just a preview of what is to come.
The push server (comet) has been removed along with all the things which depended on it: chat, shout and push notifications. The code is simpler and easier to install, and hopefully a little faster.
The status “in progress” has now been removed. Before upgrading your database, you should ensure that if you are using this status, that you create a new custom property for tasks and copy across all your relevant in progress task statuses.
Task templates are now implemented
Switch to using jqGrid for task list. Very sexy and supports column reordering and resizing, plus much more.
Some remaining Ruby 1.9 problems fixed. There are no issues currently known of with 1.9 and it runs much faster.
You can now hide columns in the list view. Your choices will be remembered for your user login.
The performance of the task list view with over 100 tasks is now drastically improved.
The task edit view is now an integral part of the task list view. This is a major change to the user interface, but will make it much faster to move through tasks and make changes.
A completely rewritten task filter system is now in place. This means that all existing filters will be lost and you will need to recreate them all from scratch. However the new system is much faster and more extendable and gives us opportunities to do things like display unread counts against each filter. Already keywords and tags have been added to the filter system.
The QuickAdd feature for quickly adding tasks has been removed. The code has not been maintained for a long time and is now broken with regard to the new features added to tasks this year. Also, the QuickAdd takes much longer to open on the browser than the regular New Task, so there is nothing quick about it. For these reasons it was decided to remove the code and focus on improving speed and usability of the existing task edit view.
A new list view design and filter has now been implemented and switched to be the default. There is still a little more cleanup required but it is almost done. The new filter will be much faster to use for advanced users than the old clunky filter interface. Overall the html is drastically faster to draw in the browser and much faster to render server-side.
Some cosmetic changes to the menus. Translations will need to be updated at some point.
Use caching for task list. Cache should be cleared manually after server restart - run “rake tmp:cache:clear”
Upgraded to Rails 2.3.3
Incoming emails with no task number are now dropped into a default project set in the company settings view.
Now all URLs reference the task number and not an internal task ID which should not be visible to the user.
Many database constraints and indexes have been added. This will improve speed and also ensure database integrity. Care should be taken when applying these updates to ensure you don’t have existing bad data which prevents the constraints from being added.
Some fixes implemented to allow postgresql to be used.
Rework entire filter section on reports page to bring it more into alignment with the filter for tasks. This means that your previous filter state is preserved when moving from tasks to reports.
Work logs now can have custom attributes.
Exception emails are now sent to the system admin. This makes it much easier to diagnose problems. In order to use this feature, please add these two lines to the bottom of environment.local.rb
ExceptionNotifier.exception_recipients = [ “[email protected]” ]
ExceptionNotifier.sender_address = %(“Application Error” <[email protected]>)
There is a whole new login screen.
If you are using Jobsworth behind an SSL configured web server, you can now add a configuration parameter to environment.local.rb so that outgoing emails are sent with https links in them.*
Outgoing emails now respect the SSL status and product name of the installation. Make sure these lines are in the config block in environment.local.rb :productName => “some task tracking system” :SSL => true
Update to Rails 2.3.2 and upgrade all associated plugins and gems at the same time. This should give us some significant speed improvements.
IMPORTANT: because of an update to the ferret search server, please run:
# rake ferret:rebuild_all_indexes RAILS_ENV=production
This will rebuild the search indices.
Change the list of users who will be notified when a task is changed. There is now option to allow the user to choose who should receive a notification on a per-task per-user basis.
Only send notification emails when a task is created or commented on.
Speed improvements to the user view. Previously displaying hundreds of users was very slow due to loading all those avatars.
‘Active’ flag added to clients, customers, organizational units and resources. This allows you to keep historical data (eg. users linked to tasks) but still disable them from appearing in the user interface
IMPORTANT: config/environment.rb now has a localised friend config/environment.local.rb. This means that your config in environment.rb will be overwritten when you upgrade via git. Please copy environment.rb-example to environment.local.rb and adjust any configuration for your local needs.
A new task filtering interface now implemented! This allows you to select multiple milestones, users, etc but without the clunkiness of the previous design. Also added is a filter to always show unread tasks even if they don’t match the rest of your filtered choices.
Organizational units can now have custom attributes.
Clients are now linked to users. This means all users belong to a client (their company) and existing users have been migrated into client 1.
The user interface has been substantially reworked to cope with thousands of users and thousands of clients.
Consistent naming implemented so that clients aren’t sometimes called customers. This means changing controllers and URLs.
Many places where popups used to be used to select users or clients are now autocomplete.
Added custom attributes to clients and to users. This means you can now define additional fields for storing telephone numbers, emails, addresses or anything else you’d like per user and client.
Add organizationalUnit. This maps to the same concept in LDAP which is often used for departments or physical locations (eg. offices, stores, etc)
Resources types can be defined, resources can be added and linked to tasks. There is a new user permission “use_resources” that allows/disallows people to see them. Resource types can only be setup by Administrators.
Fix bugs with checkboxes in nested forms. Revert things that were using selects with Yes/No to use checkboxes instead.
Resources system created. This allows the administrator to define resources types and attributes. Resources can then be created and organised hierarchically.
Rename stylesheets to give them more consistent naming.
Clean up html structure, removing unneeded tables in layout. Also fix some indenting to make it easier to try and debug excessive nested html.
Migrate several prototype calls across to jQuery
Break up large layouts into some smaller pieces.
Remove version number: 0.99.3 is not even remotely right.
Implementation of multi-select for filtering
Shortcut ‘add me’ for adding yourself to the notification list.
Read/unread status implemented. Now tasks are marked as unread for all watchers when an notification is sent, which puts a little star next to the task in the list view. Users can also use this star for flagging items which they wish to review.
Handle autolinking of URLs with : and +
Increase fontsize slightly for task links / names
Task browse, calendar and GANTT are now grouped together with common filter GUI and a new set of tabs to switch between their display. At the same time a bit of duplicate task filtering code was merged so this part will be more consistent and easier to modify in the future.
Users can now choose not to receive emails for their own changes to a task.
Further cleanup of right side of task edit view.
Fix broken html with additional </td> and no matching open.
Move add attachments into the common block on the right side of the task edit view.
Have push_server find it’s config file via relative path
fixed bug in report csv display
Creating new milestones from the task edit view now uses a shadowbox floating area and javascript has been moved to jquery
Stylesheets with full stops in the middle are not properly referenced by Rails.
Show last comment made on task in tooltip - Load dynamically after a 1 second delay.
Add shadowbox for image attachments. This uses the jquery library, so some fixes were made to activate jquery properly.
Attachments should be given the correct mime type and disposition when being transferred. This means that images will be displayed inline.
Make error messages from file uploading easier to debug.
Refactor login process so that common code is in one place (how to find the company from the URL), and for the simple case with only one company, assume that incoming requests are routed to that company.
Allow non default TCP port for Timer window
Give ProjectFiles a way to re-create thumbnails
Use same background as fieldsets for image thumbnails
Run db:migrate on schema init from setup.rb
Update documention and install allison rdoc templates in vendor folder to remove an external dependency.
Allow multi-file uploads for tasks
Click Thumbnail to view full picture, link to download
Extract RMagick operations into a lib
Rework dropshadow generation to fix later ImageMagick
Fix empty file in first upload slot
Allow multiple file uploads at a time for ProjectFiles
Fix email notifications on incoming email comments
Add automatic Table of Contents for Wiki pages
Initial jQuery support. This is the beginning of what will be a 2 year project to elminate prototype.
Custom properties work is now complete. Rather than the hardcoded ‘type’, ‘severity’ and ‘priority’, you can now define these properties in any way you choose. You can add new properties, add and edit the possible values and set the default values. Properties may be linked to icons and to colours which display in the list view. All reports, filters, saved views, and other code has been updated to accommodate these new custom properties. Drag and drop also works. Please allow some time for the database to be converted when you upgrade to this version.
Cleaned up the task information workflow, by rearranging elements and styles
Include Created in CSV tasklist dump to get task lifespan
Allow time entry on tasks in all your projects
Include completion date in CSV tasklist dump
Finished cleaning up the labels, task property panes and the language used for tooltips and some labels
allow translators to move text in property filters
Allow hiding of dependencies from views and browse
Allow changing widget names again
Move work_log entries along with task when moving via drag and drop.
can sort property values now
can filter on custom properties
can remove property values
added custom properties to preferences menu
custom properties saving on new
display custom properties on task edit page
added some functional tests for property creation
can add, edit basic custom properties
all tests now pass
Instead of owners being notified for every message added to a task, the owner is now added to the default list of people to
Then it becomes easy to remove the owner as a watcher if they are no longer relevant to the task.
add the ability to set the DB host, not everybody uses localhost
Removing an item should utilise a cross rather than a tick.
Remove hardcoded clockingit website URL.
Changed header to white so that logos with white backgrounds look better in the header block.