Releases: areee/dart_kassakuitti_cli
Releases · areee/dart_kassakuitti_cli
What's Changed
- Enhancement 13 (K-ruoka specific changes) by @areee in #16
- Bug fixes:
should be nullable- Skip substituted products section if it seems to be empty
- Some enhancements:
- Home delivery row
- Packaging material costs row
- Bug fixes:
Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0
What's Changed
- Enhancement 12 by @areee in #15
- Update 'strings2ReceiptProducts' (notice campaign rows)
- Add 'ansicolor' dependency & use it in 'eanHandler'
- Start using Hive as a local database for "complicated" product names
Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0
What's Changed
- Small enhancement in descriptions & method names by @areee in #1
- Fix variable name ('a' -> 'product') by @areee in #2
- Enhacement 2 (read EAN products from HTML file) by @areee in #3
- Enhancement 3 (take discount into account) by @areee in #4
- Include also support for K-ruoka by @areee in #5
- Fix a bug with loading an HTML from S-kaupat by @areee in #6
- Add support for CLI options / arguments by @areee in #7
- Fix a bug with a very long product name by @areee in #8
- Fix a bug & an error by @areee in #9
- Update readme (fix path in alias section) by @areee in #10
- Enhancement 8 by @areee in #11
- Fix a div selector bug in S-kaupat HTML loader by @areee in #12
- Update the codebase to the first release version (0.10.0) by @areee in #13
New Contributors
Full Changelog: