We are going to be using ZOO for our WPS during this demo. A small amount of preparation work is required to get all the files we need.
Open a Terminal window ("Applications/Accessories/Terminal Emulator"):
sudo setxkbmap gb
Then hit return. You should see that the flag in the top-right of the VM window has become a Union Jack.
- Right-click on a blank bit of desktop and choose 'open terminal' if you don't have one open already.
- Copy the following commands one line at a time and paste them into your terminal using ctrl-v: wget http://www.archaeogeek.com/downloads/zoo.tar.bz2 sudo tar -xvjpf zoo.tar.bz2 -C / sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/ psql -f /var/www/temp/ws2013.sql If asked for the sudo password, it's user
- You also need to install an additional library (utility package) for ZOO to run. Again in your terminal type the following: sudo apt-get install libsvg-cairo Type 'y' when prompted to install the required packages.
- Restart the apache service to ensure it picks up the changes. Again in your terminal, type the following: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart ... and guess what the sudo password is?