Returns the available topics as a JSON array.
Required permission level: None
GET /topics
200 OK
"id": "topic1",
"description": "Example topic"
"id": "topic2",
"description": "Another example"
Creates a new topic, and returns the updated list of topics.
Request body should be JSON of a Topic object.
Required permission level: 2 (Manage)
POST /topics
"id": "topic1",
"description": "Example topic"
200 OK
"id": "topic1",
"description": "Example topic"
"id": "topic2",
"description": "Another example"
Deletes a topic, and returns the updated list of topics.
Request body should be JSON, with id
being the ID of the topic you want to delete.
Required permission level: 2 (Manage)
DELETE /topics
"id": "topic2"
200 OK
"id": "topic1",
"description": "Example topic"
Returns the specified User, if they exist.
Request should have the following query parameters:
: the service the user uses to log in. For now, this can only bereddit
and only one of the following:
: the id of the user in the authentication provider.authUsername
: the name of the user in the authentication provider.
If multiple are provided, authId
will be prioritized.
Required permission level: 2 (Manage)
GET /users
200 OK
"authProvider": "reddit",
"authId": "7qne6haa9",
"authUsername": "april83c",
"permissionLevel": 3
Returns the User currently logged in.
Required permission level: 0 (None, but logged in)
GET /users/me
200 OK
"authProvider": "reddit",
"authId": "7qne6haa9",
"authUsername": "april83c",
"permissionLevel": 3
Changes something about a user, and then returns the updated User.
Request body should be JSON, with:
: the service the user uses to log in. For now, this can only bereddit
: the id of the user in the authentication provider.- The properties you want to change, which can be the following:
: the permission level of the user (number 0-3 as defined inenum PermissionLevel
of lib/Users.ts)
- You can't change the permission level of a user with the same permission level as you, unless your permission level is Owner (3), in which case you can change the permission level of anyone including other owners.
- You can't change someone's permission level to your own permission level, unless your permission level is Owner (3), in which case you can change anyone's permission level to any permission level including Owner (3)
- You can't change your own permission level.
Required permission level: 2 (Manage)
POST /users
"authProvider": "reddit",
"authId": "7qne6haa9",
"permissionLevel": 2
200 OK
"authProvider": "reddit",
"authId": "7qne6haa9",
"authUsername": "april83c",
"permissionLevel": 2
Deletes the currently logged in user.
DELETE /users/me
200 OK
Sends a notification to a topic*, and returns the number of people notified.
Request body should be JSON, with topic
being the ID of the topic you want to send to, and content
being the content of the notification.
Required permission level: 1 (SendMessages)
*It actually gets sent to everyone, since there's no mechanism to specify to the server what topics you're subscribed to. But the topic is specified in the message so the client can filter it out.
POST /notify
"topic": "topic1",
"content": "Hello world!"
200 OK
"count": "727"
Connect to /listen
. All messages should be in JSON and contain a e
(stands for event) property saying what kind of message (from the below) it is.
Required permission level: None
(topic): the Topic ID of the notification- (this could be a topic the client isn't aware of but does actually exist (i.e. got added later), so don't error if this is an unknown topic!)
(content): the content of the notification- 1000 character limit
- WebSocket messages do not include properties
of NotificationObject.
Equivalent to /listen
, but implemented through polling instead of WebSockets. Meant as a fallback for when a browser doesn't let the userscript connect to the WebSocket.
Returns an Array of NotificationObjects.
GET /listen-poll
200 OK
"e": "1",
"t": "announcements",
"c": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
"i": "1689880572364",
"a": "2023-07-20T19:16:12.364Z"
Required permission level: None