diff --git a/.changesets/add-config-appsignal-rb-file-support.md b/.changesets/add-config-appsignal-rb-file-support.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccb8fe8af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changesets/add-config-appsignal-rb-file-support.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+bump: minor
+type: add
+Add `config/appsignal.rb` config file support. When a `config/appsignal.rb` file is present in the app, the Ruby gem will automatically load it when `Appsignal.start` is called.
+The `config/appsignal.rb` config file is a replacement for the `config/appsignal.yml` config file. When both files are present, only the `config/appsignal.rb` config file is loaded when the configuration file is automatically loaded by AppSignal  when the configuration file is automatically loaded by AppSignal.
+Example `config/appsignal.rb` config file:
+# config/appsignal.rb
+Appsignal.configure do |config|
+  config.name = "My app name"
+To configure different option values for environments in the `config/appsignal.rb` config file, use if-statements:
+# config/appsignal.rb
+Appsignal.configure do |config|
+  config.name = "My app name"
+  if config.env == "production"
+    config.ignore_actions << "My production action"
+  end
+  if config.env == "staging"
+    config.ignore_actions << "My staging action"
+  end
diff --git a/lib/appsignal.rb b/lib/appsignal.rb
index 2a74fef96..1859ba995 100644
--- a/lib/appsignal.rb
+++ b/lib/appsignal.rb
@@ -103,6 +103,13 @@ def start # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
+      if config_file_context?
+        internal_logger.warn(
+          "Ignoring call to Appsignal.start in config file context."
+        )
+        return
+      end
       unless extension_loaded?
         internal_logger.info("Not starting AppSignal, extension is not loaded")
@@ -110,9 +117,7 @@ def start # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
       internal_logger.debug("Loading AppSignal gem")
-      @config ||= Config.new(Config.determine_root_path, Config.determine_env)
-      @config.validate
+      _load_config!
       if config.valid?
@@ -142,6 +147,41 @@ def start # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
+    #
+    # @param env_var [String, NilClass] Used by diagnose CLI to pass through
+    #   the environment CLI option value.
+    # @api private
+    def _load_config!(env_param = nil)
+      context = Appsignal::Config::Context.new(
+        :env => Config.determine_env(env_param),
+        :root_path => Config.determine_root_path
+      )
+      # If there's a config/appsignal.rb file
+      if context.dsl_config_file?
+        if config
+          # When calling `Appsignal.configure` from an app, not the
+          # `config/appsignal.rb` file, with also a Ruby config file present.
+          message = "The `Appsignal.configure` helper is called from within an " \
+            "app while a `#{context.dsl_config_file}` file is present. " \
+            "The `config/appsignal.rb` file is ignored when the " \
+            "config is loaded with `Appsignal.configure` from within an app. " \
+            "We recommend moving all config to the `config/appsignal.rb` file " \
+            "or the `Appsignal.configure` helper in the app."
+          Appsignal::Utils::StdoutAndLoggerMessage.warning(message)
+        else
+          # Load it when no config is present
+          load_dsl_config_file(context.dsl_config_file, env_param)
+        end
+      else
+        # Load config if no config file was found and no config is present yet
+        # This will load the config/appsignal.yml file automatically
+        @config ||= Config.new(context.root_path, context.env)
+      end
+      # Validate the config, if present
+      config&.validate
+    end
     # Stop AppSignal's agent.
     # Stops the AppSignal agent. Call this before the end of your program to
@@ -244,10 +284,28 @@ def configure(env_param = nil, root_path: nil)
         @config = Config.new(
           root_path_param || Config.determine_root_path,
-          Config.determine_env(env_param)
+          Config.determine_env(env_param),
+          # If in the context of an `config/appsignal.rb` config file, do not
+          # load the `config/appsignal.yml` file.
+          # The `.rb` file is a replacement for the `.yml` file so it shouldn't
+          # load both.
+          :load_yaml_file => !config_file_context?
+      # When calling `Appsignal.configure` from a Rails initializer and a YAML
+      # file is present. We will not load the YAML file in the future.
+      if !config_file_context? && config.yml_config_file?
+        message = "The `Appsignal.configure` helper is called while a " \
+          "`config/appsignal.yml` file is present. In future versions the " \
+          "`config/appsignal.yml` file will be ignored when loading the " \
+          "config. We recommend moving all config to the " \
+          "`config/appsignal.rb` file, or the `Appsignal.configure` helper " \
+          "in Rails initializer file, and remove the " \
+          "`config/appsignal.yml` file."
+        Appsignal::Utils::StdoutAndLoggerMessage.warning(message)
+      end
       config_dsl = Appsignal::Config::ConfigDSL.new(config)
       return unless block_given?
@@ -397,6 +455,11 @@ def active?
       config&.active? && extension_loaded?
+    # @api private
+    def dsl_config_file_loaded?
+      defined?(@dsl_config_file_loaded) ? true : false
+    end
     def params_match_loaded_config?(env_param, root_path_param)
@@ -408,6 +471,52 @@ def params_match_loaded_config?(env_param, root_path_param)
         (root_path_param.nil? || config.root_path == root_path_param)
+    # Load the `config/appsignal.rb` config file, if present.
+    #
+    # If the config file has already been loaded once and it's trying to be
+    # loaded more than once, which should never happen, it will not do
+    # anything.
+    def load_dsl_config_file(path, env_param = nil)
+      return if defined?(@dsl_config_file_loaded)
+      begin
+        ENV["_APPSIGNAL_CONFIG_FILE_ENV"] = env_param if env_param
+        @dsl_config_file_loaded = true
+        require path
+      rescue => error
+        @config_file_error = error
+        message = "Not starting AppSignal because an error occurred while " \
+          "loading the AppSignal config file.\n" \
+          "File: #{path.inspect}\n" \
+          "#{error.class.name}: #{error}"
+        Kernel.warn "appsignal ERROR: #{message}"
+        internal_logger.error "#{message}\n#{error.backtrace.join("\n")}"
+      ensure
+        unless Appsignal.config
+          # Ensure _a config object_ is present, even if something went wrong
+          # loading it or the file is empty. In this config file context, see
+          # the context env vars, it will intentionally not load the YAML file.
+          Appsignal.configure
+          # Disable if no config was loaded from the file but it is present
+          config[:active] = false
+        end
+        # Disable on config file error
+        config[:active] = false if defined?(@config_file_error)
+      end
+    end
+    # Returns true if we're currently in the `config/appsignal.rb` file
+    # context.
+    def config_file_context?
+      ENV.fetch("_APPSIGNAL_CONFIG_FILE_CONTEXT", nil) == "true"
+    end
     def start_internal_stdout_logger
       @internal_logger = Appsignal::Utils::IntegrationLogger.new($stdout)
       internal_logger.formatter = log_formatter("appsignal")
diff --git a/lib/appsignal/cli/diagnose.rb b/lib/appsignal/cli/diagnose.rb
index a27812431..658a4be84 100644
--- a/lib/appsignal/cli/diagnose.rb
+++ b/lib/appsignal/cli/diagnose.rb
@@ -188,15 +188,16 @@ def puts_format(label, value, options = {})
         def configure_appsignal(options)
+          env_option = options.fetch(:environment, nil)
           # Try and load the Rails app, if any.
           # This will configure AppSignal through the config file or an
           # initializer.
-          require_rails_app_if_present
+          require_rails_app_if_present(env_option)
-          # If no config was found by loading the app, load with the defaults.
-          Appsignal.configure(options.fetch(:environment, nil))
-          Appsignal.config.write_to_environment
+          # No config loaded yet, try loading as normal
+          Appsignal._load_config!(env_option) unless Appsignal.config
+          Appsignal.config.write_to_environment
           Appsignal.internal_logger.info("Starting AppSignal diagnose")
@@ -631,9 +632,12 @@ def print_empty_line
           puts "\n"
-        def require_rails_app_if_present
+        def require_rails_app_if_present(env_option)
           return unless rails_present?
+          # Set the environment given as an option to the diagnose CLI so the
+          # Rails app uses it when loaded.
+          ENV["_APPSIGNAL_CONFIG_FILE_ENV"] = env_option
           # Mark app as Rails app
           data[:app][:rails] = true
           # Manually require the railtie, because it wasn't loaded when the CLI
@@ -649,6 +653,8 @@ def require_rails_app_if_present
           puts error.backtrace
           data[:app][:load_error] =
             "#{error.class}: #{error.message}\n#{error.backtrace.join("\n")}"
+        ensure
+          ENV.delete("_APPSIGNAL_CONFIG_FILE_ENV")
         def rails_present?
diff --git a/lib/appsignal/config.rb b/lib/appsignal/config.rb
index e2a9cfe85..3210de76e 100644
--- a/lib/appsignal/config.rb
+++ b/lib/appsignal/config.rb
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ def self.add_loader_defaults(name, env: nil, root_path: nil, **options)
     def self.determine_env(initial_env = nil)
+        ENV.fetch("_APPSIGNAL_CONFIG_FILE_ENV", nil), # PRIVATE ENV var used by the diagnose CLI
         ENV.fetch("APPSIGNAL_APP_ENV", nil),
         ENV.fetch("RAILS_ENV", nil),
         ENV.fetch("RACK_ENV", nil)
@@ -53,6 +54,9 @@ def self.determine_env(initial_env = nil)
     # Determine which root path AppSignal should initialize with.
     # @api private
     def self.determine_root_path
+      app_path_env_var = ENV.fetch("APPSIGNAL_APP_PATH", nil)
+      return app_path_env_var if app_path_env_var
       loader_defaults.reverse.each do |loader_defaults|
         root_path = loader_defaults[:root_path]
         return root_path if root_path
@@ -61,6 +65,26 @@ def self.determine_root_path
+    # @api private
+    class Context
+      DSL_FILENAME = "config/appsignal.rb"
+      attr_reader :env, :root_path
+      def initialize(env: nil, root_path: nil)
+        @env = env
+        @root_path = root_path
+      end
+      def dsl_config_file
+        File.join(root_path, DSL_FILENAME)
+      end
+      def dsl_config_file?
+        File.exist?(dsl_config_file)
+      end
+    end
     # @api private
       :activejob_report_errors => "all",
@@ -213,8 +237,10 @@ def self.determine_root_path
     #   How to integrate AppSignal manually
     def initialize(
-      env
+      env,
+      load_yaml_file: true
+      @load_yaml_file = load_yaml_file
       @root_path = root_path.to_s
       @config_file_error = false
       @config_file = config_file
@@ -269,8 +295,20 @@ def load_config
       @initial_config[:env] = @env
       # Load the config file if it exists
-      @file_config = load_from_disk || {}
-      merge(file_config)
+      if @load_yaml_file
+        @file_config = load_from_disk || {}
+        merge(file_config)
+      elsif yml_config_file?
+        # When in a `config/appsignal.rb` file and it detects a
+        # `config/appsignal.yml` file.
+        # Only logged and printed on `Appsignal.start`.
+        message = "Both a Ruby and YAML configuration file are found. " \
+          "The `config/appsignal.yml` file is ignored when the " \
+          "config is loaded from `config/appsignal.rb`. Move all config to " \
+          "the `config/appsignal.rb` file and remove the " \
+          "`config/appsignal.yml` file."
+        Appsignal::Utils::StdoutAndLoggerMessage.warning(message)
+      end
       # Load config from environment variables
       @env_config = load_from_environment
@@ -435,6 +473,13 @@ def freeze
+    # @api private
+    def yml_config_file?
+      return false unless config_file
+      File.exist?(config_file)
+    end
     def logger
@@ -458,7 +503,7 @@ def detect_from_system
     def load_from_disk
-      return if !config_file || !File.exist?(config_file)
+      return unless yml_config_file?
       read_options = YAML::VERSION >= "4.0.0" ? { :aliases => true } : {}
       configurations = YAML.load(ERB.new(File.read(config_file)).result, **read_options)
diff --git a/spec/lib/appsignal/cli/diagnose_spec.rb b/spec/lib/appsignal/cli/diagnose_spec.rb
index d2236c873..049516b23 100644
--- a/spec/lib/appsignal/cli/diagnose_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/appsignal/cli/diagnose_spec.rb
@@ -916,8 +916,39 @@ def dont_accept_prompt_to_send_diagnostics_report
+          describe "with config/appsignal.rb" do
+            let(:root_path) { File.join(tmp_dir, "config_file_test_diagnose1") }
+            let(:app_name) { "DiagnoseDSLapp" }
+            let(:push_api_key) { "DiagnosePushAPIKey" }
+            let(:options) { { :environment => "production" } }
+            before do
+              FileUtils.mkdir_p(root_path)
+              config_contents =
+                <<~CONFIG
+                  Appsignal.configure do |config|
+                    config.name = "#{app_name}"
+                    config.push_api_key = "#{push_api_key}"
+                  end
+                CONFIG
+              write_file(File.join(root_path, "config", "appsignal.rb"), config_contents)
+              ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_PATH"] = root_path
+              ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_NAME"] = "ENV app name"
+              run
+            end
+            it "loads config/appsignal.rb" do
+              expect(output).to include(
+                "  name: \"DiagnoseDSLapp\"\n" \
+                  "    Sources:\n" \
+                  "      env: \"ENV app name\"\n" \
+                  "      dsl: \"DiagnoseDSLapp\"\n"
+              )
+            end
+          end
           if DependencyHelper.rails_present?
-            context "when is a Rails app" do
+            context "when is a Rails app with config/appsignal.yml config file" do
               let(:root_path) { rails_project_fixture_path }
               let(:app_name) { "TestApp" }
               let(:environment) { "test" }
@@ -929,10 +960,11 @@ def dont_accept_prompt_to_send_diagnostics_report
                 if defined?(MyApp) && MyApp::Application.initialized?
-                run_within_dir(root_path)
               it "includes the Rails default config in the output and transmitted report" do
+                run_within_dir(root_path)
                 expect(output).to include(
                   "  name: \"TestApp\"\n" \
                     "    Sources:\n" \
@@ -941,11 +973,10 @@ def dont_accept_prompt_to_send_diagnostics_report
                 # Outputs values from the DSL
                 expect(output).to include(
-                  "  ignore_actions: [\"Action from DSL\"]\n" \
+                  "  ignore_actions: [\"Rails::HealthController#show\"]\n" \
                     "    Sources:\n" \
                     "      default: []\n" \
-                    "      loaders: [\"Rails::HealthController#show\"]\n" \
-                    "      dsl:     [\"Action from DSL\"]\n"
+                    "      loaders: [\"Rails::HealthController#show\"]\n"
                 expect(received_report["app"]["rails"]).to be(true)
@@ -958,10 +989,77 @@ def dont_accept_prompt_to_send_diagnostics_report
                     "ignore_actions" => ["Rails::HealthController#show"]
+              end
+              context "when there's a problem loading the app" do
+                before do
+                  # A spot where we can mock an error raise
+                  expect(Appsignal::Utils::RailsHelper).to receive(:environment_config_path)
+                    .and_raise(ExampleStandardError, "error message", ["line 1", "line 2"])
+                  run_within_dir(root_path)
+                end
+                it "includes a load error" do
+                  expect(output).to include(
+                    "ERROR: Error encountered while loading the Rails app\n" \
+                      "ExampleStandardError: error message"
+                  )
+                  expect(received_report["app"]["load_error"])
+                    .to eq("ExampleStandardError: error message\nline 1\nline 2")
+                end
+              end
+            end
+            context "when is a Rails app with config/appsignal.rb config file" do
+              let(:root_path) { File.join(tmp_dir, "diagnose_test_app_#{SecureRandom.uuid}") }
+              let(:app_name) { "TestApp" }
+              let(:environment) { "test" }
+              # Set the environment option so it's more predictable which
+              # environment we should mock API requests for
+              let(:options) { { :environment => environment } }
+              before do
+                # Copy Rails project so we can require the same
+                # `config/appsignal.rb` file multiple times in one test suite
+                # from multiple locations.
+                FileUtils.cp_r(rails_project_with_config_rb_fixture_path, root_path)
+                # Workaround to not being able to require the railtie file
+                # multiple times and triggering the Rails initialization process.
+                # This will be used whtn the MyApp app has already been loaded.
+                if defined?(MyApp) && MyApp::Application.initialized?
+                  Appsignal::Integrations::Railtie.load_default_config
+                end
+              end
+              after { FileUtils.rm_rf(root_path) }
+              it "includes the Rails default config in the output and transmitted report" do
+                run_within_dir(root_path)
+                expect(output).to include(
+                  "  name: \"TestApp\"\n" \
+                    "    Sources:\n" \
+                    "      loaders: \"MyApp\"\n" \
+                    "      dsl:     \"TestApp\"\n"
+                )
+                expect(received_report["app"]["rails"]).to be(true)
+                expect(received_report["config"]["sources"]).to include(
+                  "loaders" => {
+                    "root_path" => root_path,
+                    "env" => "test",
+                    "log_path" => File.join(root_path, "log"),
+                    "name" => "MyApp",
+                    "ignore_actions" => ["Rails::HealthController#show"]
+                  }
+                )
                 # Includes values from the DSL
                 expect(received_report["config"]["sources"]).to include(
                   "dsl" => {
-                    "ignore_actions" => ["Action from DSL"]
+                    "active" => true,
+                    "name" => "TestApp",
+                    "push_api_key" => "abc",
+                    "enable_minutely_probes" => false
diff --git a/spec/lib/appsignal_spec.rb b/spec/lib/appsignal_spec.rb
index 222a69c78..857b7be5a 100644
--- a/spec/lib/appsignal_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/appsignal_spec.rb
@@ -5,9 +5,18 @@
   let(:transaction) { http_request_transaction }
   describe ".configure" do
-    context "when active" do
+    let(:root_path) { tmp_dir }
+    before do
+      log_dir = File.join(root_path, "log")
+      FileUtils.mkdir_p(log_dir)
+    end
+    context "when started" do
       it "doesn't update the config" do
-        start_agent
+        start_agent(
+          :root_path => root_path,
+          :options => { :active => true, :push_api_key => "dummy" }
+        )
         Appsignal::Testing.store[:config_called] = false
         expect do
           Appsignal.configure do |_config|
@@ -18,7 +27,10 @@
       it "logs a warning" do
-        start_agent
+        start_agent(
+          :root_path => tmp_dir,
+          :options => { :active => true, :push_api_key => "dummy" }
+        )
         logs =
           capture_logs do
             Appsignal.configure do |_config|
@@ -34,7 +46,7 @@
     context "with config but not started" do
       it "reuses the already loaded config if no env arg is given" do
-        Appsignal.configure(:my_env, :root_path => project_fixture_path) do |config|
+        Appsignal.configure(:my_env, :root_path => root_path) do |config|
           config.ignore_actions = ["My action"]
@@ -56,7 +68,7 @@
       it "reuses the already loaded config if the env is the same" do
-        Appsignal.configure(:my_env, :root_path => project_fixture_path) do |config|
+        Appsignal.configure(:my_env, :root_path => root_path) do |config|
           config.ignore_actions = ["My action"]
@@ -76,7 +88,7 @@
       it "loads a new config if the env is not the same" do
-        Appsignal.configure(:my_env, :root_path => project_fixture_path) do |config|
+        Appsignal.configure(:my_env, :root_path => root_path) do |config|
           config.name = "Some name"
           config.push_api_key = "Some key"
           config.ignore_actions = ["My action"]
@@ -104,7 +116,7 @@
           config.ignore_actions = ["My action"]
-        Appsignal.configure(:my_env, :root_path => project_fixture_path) do |config|
+        Appsignal.configure(:my_env, :root_path => root_path) do |config|
           expect(config.ignore_actions).to be_empty
           config.active = true
           config.name = "My app"
@@ -162,21 +174,41 @@
       it "uses the given root path to read the config file" do
-        Appsignal.configure(:test, :root_path => project_fixture_path)
+        err_stream = std_stream
+        logs =
+          capture_logs do
+            capture_std_streams(std_stream, err_stream) do
+              Appsignal.configure(:test, :root_path => project_fixture_path)
+            end
+          end
+        message = "The `Appsignal.configure` helper is called while a `config/appsignal.yml` " \
+          "file is present."
+        expect(logs).to contains_log(:warn, message)
+        expect(err_stream.read).to include("appsignal WARNING: #{message}")
         expect(Appsignal.config.env).to eq("test")
         expect(Appsignal.config[:push_api_key]).to eq("abc")
         # Ensure it loads from the config file in the given path
         expect(Appsignal.config.file_config).to_not be_empty
-      it "loads the config without a block being given" do
-        Dir.chdir project_fixture_path do
-          Appsignal.configure(:test)
-        end
+      it "loads the config from the YAML file" do
+        err_stream = std_stream
+        logs =
+          capture_logs do
+            capture_std_streams(std_stream, err_stream) do
+              Dir.chdir project_fixture_path do
+                Appsignal.configure(:test)
+              end
+            end
+          end
+        message = "The `Appsignal.configure` helper is called while a `config/appsignal.yml` " \
+          "file is present."
+        expect(logs).to contains_log(:warn, message)
+        expect(err_stream.read).to include("appsignal WARNING: #{message}")
         expect(Appsignal.config.env).to eq("test")
         expect(Appsignal.config[:push_api_key]).to eq("abc")
         # Ensure it loads from the config file in the current working directory
@@ -202,14 +234,6 @@
-      it "loads the config from the YAML file" do
-        Dir.chdir project_fixture_path do
-          Appsignal.configure(:test) do |config|
-            expect(config.name).to eq("TestApp")
-          end
-        end
-      end
       it "recognizes valid config" do
         Appsignal.configure(:my_env) do |config|
           config.push_api_key = "key"
@@ -243,6 +267,18 @@
         expect(Appsignal.config.env).to eq("env_env")
+      it "reads config options from the environment" do
+        ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_ENV"] = "env_env"
+        ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_NAME"] = "AppNameFromEnv"
+        Appsignal.configure do |config|
+          expect(config.env).to eq("env_env")
+          expect(config.name).to eq("AppNameFromEnv")
+        end
+        expect(Appsignal.config.env).to eq("env_env")
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:name]).to eq("AppNameFromEnv")
+      end
       it "reads the environment from a loader default" do
         define_loader(:loader_env) do
@@ -373,6 +409,212 @@ def on_load
         expect(Appsignal.config.env).to eq("env_env")
+      it "reads the config/appsignal.rb file if present" do
+        test_path = File.join(tmp_dir, "config_file_test_1")
+        FileUtils.mkdir_p(test_path)
+        Dir.chdir test_path do
+          config_contents =
+            <<~CONFIG
+              Appsignal.configure do |config|
+                config.active = false
+                config.name = "DSL app"
+                config.push_api_key = "config_file_push_api_key"
+                config.ignore_actions << "Test"
+              end
+            CONFIG
+          write_file(File.join(test_path, "config", "appsignal.rb"), config_contents)
+        end
+        ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_PATH"] = test_path
+        Appsignal.start
+        expect(Appsignal.dsl_config_file_loaded?).to be(true)
+        expect(Appsignal.config.root_path).to eq(test_path)
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:active]).to be(false)
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:name]).to eq("DSL app")
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:push_api_key]).to eq("config_file_push_api_key")
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:ignore_actions]).to include("Test")
+      ensure
+        FileUtils.rm_rf(test_path)
+      end
+      it "ignores calls to Appsignal.start from config/appsignal.rb" do
+        test_path = File.join(tmp_dir, "config_file_test_2")
+        FileUtils.mkdir_p(test_path)
+        Dir.chdir test_path do
+          config_contents =
+            <<~CONFIG
+              Appsignal.configure do |config|
+                config.active = false
+                config.name = "DSL app"
+              end
+              Appsignal.start
+            CONFIG
+          write_file(File.join(test_path, "config", "appsignal.rb"), config_contents)
+        end
+        ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_PATH"] = test_path
+        logs = capture_logs { Appsignal.start }
+        expect(logs)
+          .to contains_log(:warn, "Ignoring call to Appsignal.start in config file context.")
+        expect(Appsignal.dsl_config_file_loaded?).to be(true)
+        expect(Appsignal.config.root_path).to eq(test_path)
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:active]).to be(false)
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:name]).to eq("DSL app")
+      ensure
+        FileUtils.rm_rf(test_path)
+      end
+      it "only reads from config/appsignal.rb if it and config/appsignal.yml are present" do
+        test_path = File.join(tmp_dir, "config_file_test_3")
+        FileUtils.mkdir_p(test_path)
+        Dir.chdir test_path do
+          config_contents =
+            <<~CONFIG
+              Appsignal.configure(:test) do |config|
+                config.active = false
+                config.name = "DSL app"
+                config.push_api_key = "config_file_push_api_key"
+              end
+            CONFIG
+          write_file(File.join(test_path, "config", "appsignal.rb"), config_contents)
+          yaml_contents =
+            <<~YAML
+              test:
+                active: true
+                name: "YAML app"
+                ignore_errors: ["YAML error"]
+            YAML
+          write_file(File.join(test_path, "config", "appsignal.yml"), yaml_contents)
+        end
+        ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_PATH"] = test_path
+        err_stream = std_stream
+        logs =
+          capture_logs do
+            capture_std_streams(std_stream, err_stream) do
+              Appsignal.start
+            end
+          end
+        warning_message = "Both a Ruby and YAML configuration file are found."
+        expect(logs).to contains_log(:warn, warning_message)
+        expect(err_stream.read).to include("appsignal WARNING: #{warning_message}")
+        expect(Appsignal.dsl_config_file_loaded?).to be(true)
+        expect(Appsignal.config.root_path).to eq(test_path)
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:active]).to be(false)
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:name]).to eq("DSL app")
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:push_api_key]).to eq("config_file_push_api_key")
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:ignore_errors]).to_not include("YAML error")
+      ensure
+        FileUtils.rm_rf(test_path)
+      end
+      it "only reads from config/appsignal.rb even if it's empty" do
+        test_path = File.join(tmp_dir, "config_file_test_3")
+        FileUtils.mkdir_p(test_path)
+        Dir.chdir test_path do
+          config_contents = "# I am empty!"
+          write_file(File.join(test_path, "config", "appsignal.rb"), config_contents)
+          yaml_contents =
+            <<~YAML
+              test:
+                active: true
+                name: "YAML app"
+                ignore_errors: ["YAML error"]
+            YAML
+          write_file(File.join(test_path, "config", "appsignal.yml"), yaml_contents)
+        end
+        ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_PATH"] = test_path
+        Appsignal.start
+        expect(Appsignal.dsl_config_file_loaded?).to be(true)
+        # No Appsignal.configure was called, so it's misconfigured, but it
+        # shouldn't fall back on the YAML file.
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:active]).to be(false)
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:name]).to be_nil
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:ignore_errors]).to be_empty
+      ensure
+        FileUtils.rm_rf(test_path)
+      end
+      it "options set in config/appsignal.rb are leading" do
+        test_path = File.join(tmp_dir, "config_file_test_4")
+        FileUtils.mkdir_p(test_path)
+        Dir.chdir test_path do
+          config_contents =
+            <<~CONFIG
+              Appsignal.configure(:test) do |config|
+                config.active = true
+                config.name = "DSL app"
+                config.push_api_key = "config_file_push_api_key"
+              end
+            CONFIG
+          write_file(File.join(test_path, "config", "appsignal.rb"), config_contents)
+        end
+        ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_PATH"] = test_path
+        # These env vars should not be used as the config option values
+        ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_ENV"] = "env_env"
+        ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_NAME"] = "env_name"
+        ENV["APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY"] = "env_push_api_key"
+        Appsignal.start
+        expect(Appsignal.dsl_config_file_loaded?).to be(true)
+        expect(Appsignal.config.root_path).to eq(test_path)
+        expect(Appsignal.config.env).to eq("test")
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:active]).to be(true)
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:name]).to eq("DSL app")
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:push_api_key]).to eq("config_file_push_api_key")
+      ensure
+        FileUtils.rm_rf(test_path)
+      end
+      it "doesn't start if config/appsignal.rb raised an error" do
+        test_path = File.join(tmp_dir, "config_file_test_5")
+        FileUtils.mkdir_p(test_path)
+        Dir.chdir test_path do
+          config_contents =
+            <<~CONFIG
+              Appsignal.configure do |config|
+                config.active = true
+                config.name = "DSL app"
+                config.push_api_key = "config_file_push_api_key"
+              end
+              raise "uh oh" # Deliberatly crash
+            CONFIG
+          write_file(File.join(test_path, "config", "appsignal.rb"), config_contents)
+        end
+        ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_PATH"] = test_path
+        err_stream = std_stream
+        logs =
+          capture_std_streams(std_stream, err_stream) do
+            capture_logs do
+              Appsignal.start
+            end
+          end
+        message =
+          "Not starting AppSignal because an error occurred while loading the " \
+            "AppSignal config file.\n" \
+            "File: \"#{File.join(test_path, "config/appsignal.rb")}\"\n" \
+            "RuntimeError: uh oh\n"
+        expect(logs).to contains_log(:error, message)
+        expect(err_stream.read).to include("appsignal ERROR: #{message}")
+        expect(Appsignal.dsl_config_file_loaded?).to be(true)
+        expect(Appsignal.config.root_path).to eq(test_path)
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:active]).to be(false) # Disables the config on error
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:name]).to eq("DSL app")
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:push_api_key]).to eq("config_file_push_api_key")
+      ensure
+        FileUtils.rm_rf(test_path)
+      end
     context "when config is loaded" do
@@ -496,6 +738,50 @@ def on_start
+      it "doesn't load config/appsignal.rb if Appsignal.configure was called beforehand" do
+        Appsignal.configure do |config|
+          config.active = false
+          config.name = "DSL app"
+          config.push_api_key = "dsl_push_api_key"
+        end
+        test_path = File.join(tmp_dir, "config_file_test_5")
+        FileUtils.mkdir_p(test_path)
+        config_file_path = File.join(test_path, "config", "appsignal.rb")
+        Dir.chdir test_path do
+          config_contents =
+            <<~CONFIG
+              Appsignal.configure do |config|
+                config.active = false
+                config.name = "DSL app"
+                config.push_api_key = "config_file_push_api_key"
+              end
+            CONFIG
+          write_file(config_file_path, config_contents)
+        end
+        ENV["APPSIGNAL_APP_PATH"] = test_path
+        err_stream = std_stream
+        logs =
+          capture_logs do
+            capture_std_streams(std_stream, err_stream) do
+              Appsignal.start
+            end
+          end
+        message = "The `Appsignal.configure` helper is called from within an " \
+          "app while a `#{config_file_path}` file is present."
+        expect(logs).to contains_log(:warn, message)
+        expect(err_stream.read).to include("appsignal WARNING: #{message}")
+        expect(Appsignal.dsl_config_file_loaded?).to be(false)
+        expect(Appsignal.config.root_path).to eq(project_fixture_path)
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:active]).to be(false)
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:name]).to eq("DSL app")
+        expect(Appsignal.config[:push_api_key]).to eq("dsl_push_api_key")
+      ensure
+        FileUtils.rm_rf(test_path)
+      end
     context "when already started" do
diff --git a/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app/config/environment.rb b/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app/config/environment.rb
index e8472b7aa..8f8b9ad4b 100644
--- a/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app/config/environment.rb
+++ b/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app/config/environment.rb
@@ -3,8 +3,3 @@
 # Initialize the Rails application.
-# Asserted from the diagnose spec
-Appsignal.configure do |config|
-  config.ignore_actions = ["Action from DSL"]
diff --git a/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app_with_config_rb/config/application.rb b/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app_with_config_rb/config/application.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8955293f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app_with_config_rb/config/application.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+require "rails"
+module MyApp
+  class Application < Rails::Application
+    config.active_support.deprecation = proc { |message, stack| }
+    config.eager_load = false
+    def self.initialize!
+      # Prevent errors about Rails being initialized more than once
+      return if defined?(@initialized)
+      super
+      @initialized = true
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app_with_config_rb/config/appsignal.rb b/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app_with_config_rb/config/appsignal.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1623d491c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app_with_config_rb/config/appsignal.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Appsignal.configure do |config|
+  config.activate_if_environment(:production, :development, :test)
+  config.name = "TestApp"
+  config.push_api_key = "abc"
+  config.enable_minutely_probes = false
diff --git a/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app_with_config_rb/config/environment.rb b/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app_with_config_rb/config/environment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f8b9ad4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app_with_config_rb/config/environment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Load the Rails application.
+require_relative "application"
+# Initialize the Rails application.
diff --git a/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app_with_config_rb/log/.gitkeep b/spec/support/fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app_with_config_rb/log/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/spec/support/helpers/config_helpers.rb b/spec/support/helpers/config_helpers.rb
index 98b66ba6d..48504e895 100644
--- a/spec/support/helpers/config_helpers.rb
+++ b/spec/support/helpers/config_helpers.rb
@@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ def rails_project_fixture_path
   module_function :rails_project_fixture_path
+  def rails_project_with_config_rb_fixture_path
+    File.expand_path(
+      File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../fixtures/projects/valid_with_rails_app_with_config_rb")
+    )
+  end
+  module_function :rails_project_fixture_path
   def build_config(
     root_path: project_fixture_path,
     env: "production",
diff --git a/spec/support/helpers/directory_helper.rb b/spec/support/helpers/directory_helper.rb
index 109e8e8ac..2380b2fcc 100644
--- a/spec/support/helpers/directory_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/support/helpers/directory_helper.rb
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ def tmp_dir
     @tmp_dir ||= File.join(spec_dir, "tmp")
+  def write_file(path, contents)
+    parent_dir = File.dirname(path)
+    FileUtils.mkdir_p(parent_dir)
+    File.write(path, contents)
+  end
   def fixtures_dir
     @fixtures_dir ||= File.join(support_dir, "fixtures")
diff --git a/spec/support/testing.rb b/spec/support/testing.rb
index 8fbb184e7..3e980a64c 100644
--- a/spec/support/testing.rb
+++ b/spec/support/testing.rb
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ def clear_config!
     # @api private
     def clear!
+      remove_instance_variable(:@dsl_config_file_loaded) if defined?(@dsl_config_file_loaded)
+      remove_instance_variable(:@config_file_error) if defined?(@config_file_error)
       Appsignal.internal_logger = nil