- context: Context;
- instance: FetchComponent;
-interface PreactElement {
- attributes: P;
-function getProps
(element: React.ReactElement
| PreactElement
): P {
- return (element as React.ReactElement
).props || (element as PreactElement
-function isReactElement(element: React.ReactNode): element is React.ReactElement {
- return !!(element as any).type;
-function isComponentClass(Comp: React.ComponentType): Comp is React.ComponentClass {
- return Comp.prototype && (Comp.prototype.render || Comp.prototype.isReactComponent);
-function providesChildContext(
- instance: React.Component,
-): instance is React.Component & React.ChildContextProvider {
- return !!(instance as any).getChildContext;
-// Recurse a React Element tree, running visitor on each element.
-// If visitor returns `false`, don't call the element's render function
-// or recurse into its child elements.
-export function walkTree(
- element: React.ReactNode,
- context: Context,
- visitor: (
- element: React.ReactNode,
- instance: React.Component | null,
- context: Context,
- childContext?: Context,
- ) => boolean | void,
-) {
- if (Array.isArray(element)) {
- element.forEach(item => walkTree(item, context, visitor));
- return;
- }
- if (!element) {
- return;
- }
- // A stateless functional component or a class
- if (isReactElement(element)) {
- if (typeof element.type === 'function') {
- const Comp = element.type;
- const props = Object.assign({}, Comp.defaultProps, getProps(element));
- let childContext = context;
- let child;
- // Are we are a react class?
- if (isComponentClass(Comp)) {
- const instance = new Comp(props, context);
- // In case the user doesn't pass these to super in the constructor.
- // Note: `Component.props` are now readonly in `@types/react`, so
- // we're using `defineProperty` as a workaround (for now).
- Object.defineProperty(instance, 'props', {
- value: instance.props || props,
- });
- instance.context = instance.context || context;
- // Set the instance state to null (not undefined) if not set, to match React behaviour
- instance.state = instance.state || null;
- // Override setState to just change the state, not queue up an update
- // (we can't do the default React thing as we aren't mounted
- // "properly", however we don't need to re-render as we only support
- // setState in componentWillMount, which happens *before* render).
- instance.setState = newState => {
- if (typeof newState === 'function') {
- // React's TS type definitions don't contain context as a third parameter for
- // setState's updater function.
- // Remove this cast to `any` when that is fixed.
- newState = (newState as any)(instance.state, instance.props, instance.context);
- }
- instance.state = Object.assign({}, instance.state, newState);
- };
- if (Comp.getDerivedStateFromProps) {
- const result = Comp.getDerivedStateFromProps(instance.props, instance.state);
- if (result !== null) {
- instance.state = Object.assign({}, instance.state, result);
- }
- } else if (instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount) {
- instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount();
- } else if (instance.componentWillMount) {
- instance.componentWillMount();
- }
- if (providesChildContext(instance)) {
- childContext = Object.assign({}, context, instance.getChildContext());
- }
- if (visitor(element, instance, context, childContext) === false) {
- return;
- }
- child = instance.render();
- } else {
- // Just a stateless functional
- if (visitor(element, null, context) === false) {
- return;
- }
- child = Comp(props, context);
- }
- if (child) {
- if (Array.isArray(child)) {
- child.forEach(item => walkTree(item, childContext, visitor));
- } else {
- walkTree(child, childContext, visitor);
- }
- }
- } else if ((element.type as any)._context || (element.type as any).Consumer) {
- // A React context provider or consumer
- if (visitor(element, null, context) === false) {
- return;
- }
- let child;
- if ((element.type as any)._context) {
- // A provider - sets the context value before rendering children
- ((element.type as any)._context as any)._currentValue = element.props.value;
- child = element.props.children;
- } else {
- // A consumer
- child = element.props.children((element.type as any)._currentValue);
- }
- if (child) {
- if (Array.isArray(child)) {
- child.forEach(item => walkTree(item, context, visitor));
- } else {
- walkTree(child, context, visitor);
- }
- }
- } else {
- // A basic string or dom element, just get children
- if (visitor(element, null, context) === false) {
- return;
- }
- if (element.props && element.props.children) {
- React.Children.forEach(element.props.children, (child: any) => {
- if (child) {
- walkTree(child, context, visitor);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- } else if (typeof element === 'string' || typeof element === 'number') {
- // Just visit these, they are leaves so we don't keep traversing.
- visitor(element, null, context);
- }
- // TODO: Portals?
-function hasFetchDataFunction(instance: React.Component): instance is FetchComponent {
- return typeof (instance as any).fetchData === 'function';
-function isPromise(promise: Object): promise is Promise {
- return typeof (promise as any).then === 'function';
-function getPromisesFromTree({
- rootElement,
- rootContext = {},
-}: PromiseTreeArgument): PromiseTreeResult[] {
- const promises: PromiseTreeResult[] = [];
- walkTree(rootElement, rootContext, (_, instance, context, childContext) => {
- if (instance && hasFetchDataFunction(instance)) {
- const promise = instance.fetchData();
- if (isPromise