GraphQL subscriptions is a simple npm package that lets you wire up GraphQL with a pubsub system (like Redis) to implement subscriptions in GraphQL.
is an extension for GraphQL, and you can use it with any GraphQL client and server (not only Apollo).
npm install graphql-subscriptions
This package should be used with a network transport, for example
import { PubSub, SubscriptionManager } from 'graphql-subscriptions';
import schema from './schema';
// PubSub can be easily replaced, for example with
const pubsub = new PubSub();
const subscriptionManager = new SubscriptionManager({
// setupFunctions maps from subscription name to a map of channel names and their filter functions
// in this case it will subscribe to the commentAddedChannel and re-run the subscription query
// every time a new comment is posted whose repository name matches args.repoFullName.
setupFunctions: {
commentAdded: (options, args) => ({
newCommentsChannel: {
filter: comment => comment.repository_name === args.repoFullName,
// start a subscription
query: `
subscription newComments($repoName: String!){
commentAdded(repoName: $repoName) { # <-- this is the subscription name
createdBy {
variables: {
repoName: 'apollostack/GitHunt-API',
context: {},
callback: (err, data) => console.log(data),
// publish to the channel
pubsub.publish('newCommentsChannel', {
id: 123,
content: 'Test',
repoFullName: 'apollostack/GitHunt-API',
posted_by: 'helfer',
// the query will run, and the callback will print
// {
// data: {
// commentAdded: {
// id: 123,
// content: 'Test',
// createdBy: {
// username: 'helfer',
// }
// }
// }
// }