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Apex Test Kit with BDD

Jianfeng Jin edited this page Apr 10, 2022 · 16 revisions

Mockito BDD flavor has been ported into Apex Test Kit with some twists.

YourClass mock = (YourClass) ATK.mock(YourClass.class);
// Given

// When
String returnValue = mock.doSomething();

// Then
System.assertEquals('Sth.', returnValue);
((ATKMockTest) ATK.then(mock).should().once()).doSomething();

1. Strictness

ATK begins with the most strict settings by default, and developers can use setting methods to gradually relax them. Each of the following setting methods can only work within its corresponding strictness.

Strictness stubbedVoids() defaultAnswer() stubOnly()
Strict Mode
Lenient Mode
When step cannot track stub-only invocations
Then step cannot verify stub-only invocations

1. 1 Strict Mode

Strict mode is the default strictness enforced for all mocking activities. It helps write clean mocking codes and increase productivity. In strict mode, ATK will:

  1. Fail unstubbed method invocation immediately.
  2. Mark stubbed method invocation as verified implicitly for the haveNoMoreInteractions() calls.
  3. Detect unused stubs at the end of test with haveNoUnusedStubs() calls.

In strict mode, void methods can be treated as stubbed methods and automatically verified, by setting stubbedVoids():

// 1. global level
// 2. mock level
ATK.mock(YourClass.class, ATK.withSettings().stubbedVoids());

1.2 Lenient Mode

In lenient mode, unstubbed methods will return default values, and they have to be explicitly verified for the haveNoMoreInteractions() calls. Use lenient() to enable lenient mode at three setting levels:

// 1. global level
// 2. mock level
ATK.mock(YourClass.class, ATK.withSettings().lenient());
// 3. stub level

Here are the ways to specify different default answers at global and mock levels:

// 1. global level
// 2. mock level
ATK.mock(YourClass.class, ATK.RETURNS_DEFAULTS);
ATK.mock(YourClass.class, ATK.withSettings().lenient().defaultAnswer(ATK.RETURNS_DEFAULTS));
Default Answers Description
ATK.RETURNS_DEFAULTS Return zeros, false, empty strings, empty collections (list, set, map), and then nulls. This is the default behavior.
ATK.RETURNS_SELF Return mock itself whenever a method is invoked that returns a Type equal to the class or a superclass.
ATK.RETURNS_MOCKS Return ordinary values (zeros, false, empty string, empty collections) first, then it tries to return mocks. If the return type cannot be mocked (e.g. is final) then plain null is returned.
Custom Answers Custom default answers can also be supplied to the defaultAnswer() method, please check Answer Customization for detail.

2. Mock Settings

As you have already seen, settings can be applied at three levels from high to low. Lower level settings will override the higher level settings:

|        +------------------+  |
|        |      +--------+  |  |
| global | mock |  stub  |  |  |
|        |      +--------|  |  |
|        +------------------+  |

2.1 Global Level Settings

Global settings are defined with ATK.mock().withSettings().

    .stubbedVoids() // In strict mode, void methods are treated as stubbed methods and automatically verified.
    .lenient()      // Enable lenient mode.
    .defaultAnswer(ATK.RETURNS_DEFAULTS) // Specify default answers for lenient mode.
    .stubOnly()     // In either strict or lenient mode, any interactions can neither be tracked nor verified.
    .verbose();     // For development/debug purpose to print verbose messages.

2.2 Mock Level Settings

YourClass mock = (YourClass) ATK.mock(YourClass.class, ATK.withSettings()
    .name('mock')   // This name is used in exception message, otherwise "[YourClass]" is used as instance name.
    .stubbedVoids() // In strict mode, void methods are treated as stubbed methods and automatically verified.
    .lenient()      // Enable lenient mode.
    .defaultAnswer(ATK.RETURNS_DEFAULTS) // Specify default answers for lenient mode.
    .stubOnly()     // In either strict or lenient mode, any interactions can neither be tracked nor verified.
    .verbose());    // For development/debug purpose to print verbose messages.

2.3 Stub Level Settings

ATK.lenient() is the only stub level setting used to bypass the strict mode.

((YourClass) ATK.lenient().willReturn('one').given(mock)).doWithInteger(1);
Mock API Name Description Example
ATK.GlobalSettings ATK.mock() Define global settings. ATK.mock().withSettings().lenient();
Object ATK.mock(Type mockType) Create mock for the class type. ATK.mock(YourClass.class);
Object ATK.mock(Type mockType, ATK.Answer defaultAnswer) Create mock for the class type with default answers. ATK.mock(YourClass.class, ATK.RETURNS_DEFAULTS);
Object ATK.mock(Type mockType, ATK.MockSettings settings) Create mock for the class type with dedicated settings. ATK.mock(YourClass.class, ATK.withSettings().lenient());

3. Given Steps

3.1 Five Rules

Please consider the following five rules carefully before define stubs in the given steps.

YourClass mock = (YourClass) ATK.mock(YourClass.class);

// 1. Given Statements must defined between ATK.startStubbing() and ATK.stopStubbing().

// 2. The following two flavors define the same behavior. 
ATK.given(mock.doWithInteger(1)).willReturn('one');               // 2-1. Flavor 1
((YourClass) ATK.willReturn('one').given(mock)).doWithInteger(1); // 2-2. Flavor 2

// 3. Only the second flavor can be used for void methods.
((YourClass) ATK.willDoNothing().given(mock)).doVoidReturn();

// 4. Matchers can be used to define the stubs with arbitrary arguments.

// 5. Latter Stub with same arguments can override the former one.
ATK.given(mock.doWithInteger(1).willReturn('one');           // 5-1. Cannot be matched
ATK.given(mock.doWithInteger(ATK.gte(1)).willReturn('>=1');  // 5-2. Will be matched


3.2 Answers

Here are the APIs to define answers for the stubs in the give steps.

API Name Description
willReturn(Object value) Return any value that compatible with the target method return type.
willAnswer(ATK.Answer answer) Return a customized answer dynamically according to conditions such as arguments and return type.
willThrow(Exception exp) Throw the exception when target method is called.
willDoNothing() Return null. Supposed to be called with void methods only.

Answer Chaining

Answers can be chained for a particular stub, and their values will be returned one by one in the defining order for each interaction. If the answers are exhausted, null will be returned instead. Here is an example:

YourClass mock = (YourClass) ATK.mock(YourClass.class);
ATK.given(mock.doWithInteger(1)).willReturn('one').willReturn('another one');

System.assertEquals('one', mock.doWithInteger(1));
System.assertEquals('another one', mock.doWithInteger(1));
System.assertEquals(null, mock.doWithInteger(1));

Answer Customization

Customized answers can be supplied to both defaultAnswer() and willAnswer() methods.

public class YourCustomAnswer implements ATK.Answer {
    public Object answer(ATK.Invocation invocation) {
        // ...

ATK.mock(YourClass.class, ATK.withSettings().defaultAnswer(new YourCustomAnswer()));
ATK.given(mock.doWithInteger(1)).willAnswer(new YourCustomAnswer()); // mock is created elsewhere
ATK.Invocation Properties Description
Object mock The mock object.
Type mockType The mock type.
ATK.Method method The method metadata, also reference to ATK.method properties below.
List<Object> arguments The Arguments passed into the invocation.
ATK.Method Properties Description
String name The method name.
Type returnType The method return type.
List<String> paramNames The method parameter names.
List<Type> paramTypes The method parameter types.

4. Then Steps

This is the only flavor to declare then statements. And as the same as given statements, argument matchers can be used as well.

((YourClass) ATK.then(mock).should().once()).doWithInteger(1);
((YourClass) ATK.then(mock).should().once()).doWithInteger(ATK.anyInteger());

4.1 Verification Mode

API Name Alias To Description
never() times(0) Verifies that interaction did not happen.
once() times(1) Verifies that interaction happened exactly once.
times(Integer n) Allows verifying exact number of invocations.
atLeastOnce() atLeast(1) Allows at-least-once verification.
atLeast(Integer n) Allows at-least-n verification.
atMostOnce() atMost(1) Allows at-most-once verification.
atMost(Integer n) Allows at-most-n verification.
API Name Description Example
haveNoInteractions() Fail if there are any interactions with the mock in when steps. ATK.then(mock).should().haveNoInteractions()
haveNoMoreInteractions() Fail if there are any interactions unverified with the mock. ATK.then(mock).should().haveNoMoreInteractions()
haveNoUnusedStubs() Fail if there are any unused/unmatched stubs in when steps. ATK.then(mock).should().haveNoUnusedStubs()

4.2 In-Order Verification

YourClass mock = (YourClass) ATK.mock(YourClass.class, ATK.withSettings().lenient());


ATK.InOrder inOrder = ATK.InOrder(mock);

((YourClass) ATK.then(mock).should(inOrder).times(2)).doWithInteger(1);
((YourClass) ATK.then(mock).should(inOrder).times(1)).doWithInteger(2);
((YourClass) ATK.then(mock).should(inOrder).times(1)).doWithInteger(1);


Not all verification modes are supported by in-order verifications. Please stick to the following verification modes with should(ATK.InOrder inOrder):

API Name Descriptions
never() Verifies that interaction did not happen.
once() Verifies that interaction happened exactly once.
times(Integer n) Allows verifying exact number of invocations.
calls(Integer n) Non-greedy verifications. Check Mockito wiki Greedy Algorithm of Verification InOrder for detail.
haveNoMoreInteractions() In-order verifications are tracked in a different context, so even in strict mode, all interactions should be exhausted with verifications explicitly.

4.3 Assert Messages

Here are sample assertion messages. The generated method signature could be different than the one defined in the test classes, such as all exact values will be replaced by ATK.eq() matchers. In future this is an area I will continuously improve, to help developers better understand the message contexts.

Expected "[ATKMockTest].doWithIntegers(ATK.eq(1))" to be called 1 time(s). But has been called 0 time(s).
Expected "[ATKMockTest].doWithIntegers(ATK.eq(1))" to be called at least 3 time(s). But has been called 0 time(s).
Expected "[ATKMockTest].doWithIntegers(ATK.eq(1))" to be called at most 3 time(s). But has been called 0 time(s).

5. Matchers

Please don't mix exact values and matchers in one given statement, either use exact values or matchers for all arguments.

// Correct
ATK.given(mock.doWithIntegers(1, 2, 3)).willReturn('1, 2, 3');
ATK.given(mock.doWithIntegers(ATK.eqInteger(1), ATK.eqInteger(2), ATK.eqInteger(3)).willReturn('1, 2, 3');

// Wrong
ATK.given(mock.doWithIntegers(1, 2, ATK.eqInteger(3)).willReturn('1, 2, 3');

5.1 Type Matchers

Any Types

Please supply exactly the same type used by the matched argument, neither ancestor nor descendent types are allowed.

API Name Description Example
Object any() Matches anything, including nulls. ATK.any()
Object any(Type type) Matches any object of given type, excluding nulls. ATK.any(String.class)
Object nullable(Type type) Argument that is either null or of the given type. ATK.nullable(String.class)


API Name Alias To Description
Integer anyInteger() ATK.any(Integer.class) Only allow valued Integer, excluding nulls.
Long anyLong() ATK.any(Long.class) Only allow valued Long, excluding nulls.
Double anyDouble() ATK.any(Double.class) Only allow valued Double, excluding nulls.
Decimal anyDecimal() ATK.any(Decimal.class) Only allow valued Decimal, excluding nulls.
Date anyDate() ATK.any(Date.class) Only allow valued Date, excluding nulls.
Datetime anyDatetime() ATK.any(Datetime.class) Only allow valued Datetime, excluding nulls.
Time anyTime() ATK.any(Time.class) Only allow valued Time, excluding nulls.
Id anyId() ATK.any(Id.class) Only allow valued Id, excluding nulls.
String anyString() ATK.any(String.class) Only allow valued String, excluding nulls.
Boolean anyBoolean() ATK.any(Boolean.class) Only allow valued Boolean, excluding nulls.


API Name Description Example
List<Object> anyList() Only allow non-null List. ATK.anyList()
Object anySet() Only allow non-null Set. ATK.anySet()
Object anyMap() Only allow non-null Map. ATK.anyMap()
SObject anySObject() Only allow non-null SObject. ATK.anySObject()
List<SObject> anySObjectList() Only allow non-null List<SObject>, such as List<Account> etc. ATK.anySObjectList()

5.2 Value Matchers


API Name Description
Object isNull() null argument.
Object isNotNull() Not null argument.
Object same(Object value) Object argument that is the same as the given value.


API Name Alias To Description
Object eq(Object value) Object argument that is equal to the given value.
Integer eqInteger(Integer value) (Integer) ATK.eq(123) Integer argument that is equal to the given value.
Long eqLong(Long value) (Long) ATK.eq(123L) Long argument that is equal to the given value.
Double eqDouble(Double value) (Double) ATK.eq(123.0D) Double argument that is equal to the given value.
Decimal eqDecimal(Decimal value) (Decimal) ATK.eq(123.0) Decimal argument that is equal to the given value.
Date eqDate(Date value) (Date) ATK.eq( Date argument that is equal to the given value.
Datetime eqDatetime(Datetime value) (Datetime) ATK.eq( Datetime argument that is equal to the given value.
Time eqTime(Time value) (Time) ATK.eq(Time.newInstance(0, 0, 0, 0)) Time argument that is equal to the given value.
Id eqId(Id value) (Id) ATK.eq(accountId) Id argument that is equal to the given value.
String eqString(String value) (String) ATK.eq('In Progress') String argument that is equal to the given value.
Boolean eqBoolean(Boolean value) (Boolean) ATK.eq(true) Boolean argument that is equal to the given value.

Non Equals

API Name Alias To Description
Object ne(Object value) Object argument that is not equal to the given value.
Integer neInteger(Integer value) (Integer) Integer argument that is not equal to the given value.
Long neLong(Long value) (Long) Long argument that is not equal to the given value.
Double neDouble(Double value) (Double) Double argument that is not equal to the given value.
Decimal neDecimal(Decimal value) (Decimal) Decimal argument that is not equal to the given value.
Date neDate(Date value) (Date) Date argument that is not equal to the given value.
Datetime neDatetime(Datetime value) (Datetime) Datetime argument that is not equal to the given value.
Time neTime(Datetime value) (Time), 0, 0, 0)) Time argument that is not equal to the given value.
Id neId(Id value) (Id) Id argument that is not equal to the given value.
String neString(String value) (String)'In Progress') String argument that is not equal to the given value.
Boolean neBoolean(Boolean value) (Boolean) Boolean argument that is not equal to the given value.


Comparison matchers are overloaded with the following primitive types: Integer, Long, Double, Decimal, Date, Datetime, Time, Id, String.

API Name Description Example
gt(Object value) Greater than the given value.
gte(Object value) Greater than or equal to the given value. ATK.gte(10.0D)
lt(Object value) Less than the given value.
lte(Object value) Less than or equal to the given value. ATK.lte(
between(Object min, Object max) Between the given values. min and max values are inclusive, same behavior as the BETWEEN keyword used in SQL. ATK.between(1, 10)
between(Object min, Object max, Boolean inclusive) Use inclusive = false to exclude boundary values. ATK.between(1, 10, true)
between(Object min, Boolean minInclusive, Object max, Boolean maxInclusive) Finer control to the min and max inclusive behaviors. ATK.between(1, false, 10, true)


API Name Example
String isBlank() ATK.isBlank()
String isNotBlank() ATK.isNotBlank()
String contains(String value) ATK.contains('abc')
String startsWith(String value) ATK.startsWith('abc')
String endsWith(String value) ATK.endsWith('abc')
String matches(String regexp) ATK.matches('^[2-9]\\d\'{\'2\'}\'-\\d\'{\'3\'}\'-\\d\'{\'4\'}\'$')


API Name Example
SObject sObjectWithId(Id value) ATK.sObjectWithId(accountId)
SObject sObjectWithName(String value) ATK.sObjectWithName('Salesforce')
SObject sObjectWith(SObjectField field, Object value) ATK.sObjectWith(Account.Name, 'Salesforce')
SObject sObjectWith(Map<SObjectField, Object> value) ATK.sObjectWith(new Map<SObjectField, Object> {})
LIst<SObject> sObjectListWith(SObjectField field, Object value) ATK.sObjectListWith(Opportunity.StageName, 'Open')
LIst<SObject> sObjectListWith(Map<SObjectField, Object> value) ATK.sObjectListWith(new Map<SObjectField, Object> {})
LIst<SObject> sObjectListWith(List<Map<SObjectField, Object>> value, Boolean inOrder) ATK.sObjectListWith(new List<Map<SObjectField, Object>>{})

5.3 Logical Matchers

ATK.given(mock.doWithInteger((Integer) ATK.allOf(,'arg > 1 AND arg < 10');


API Name Description
Object allOf(Object arg1, Object arg2) Logical AND operator.
Object allOf(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) Logical AND operator.
Object allOf(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4) Logical AND operator.
Object allOf(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5) Logical AND operator.
Object allOf(List<Object> args) Logical AND operator.


API Name Description
Object anyOf(Object arg1, Object arg2) Logical OR operator.
Object anyOf(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) Logical OR operator.
Object anyOf(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4) Logical OR operator.
Object anyOf(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5) Logical OR operator.
Object anyOf(List<Object> args) Logical OR operator.


API Name Description
Object isNot(Object arg1) Logical NOT operator.
Object noneOf(Object arg1, Object arg2) Logical NOR operator.
Object noneOf(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) Logical NOR operator.
Object noneOf(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4) Logical NOR operator.
Object noneOf(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5) Logical NOR operator.
Object noneOf(List<Object> args) Logical NOR operator.

Happy Hacking!

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