diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/io/tlc/TlcConfigLexer.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/io/tlc/TlcConfigLexer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5761e003bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/io/tlc/TlcConfigLexer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+package at.forsyte.apalache.io.tlc
+import at.forsyte.apalache.io.tlc.config._
+import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
+ * A lexer for the TLC configuration files.
+ *
+ * @author Igor Konnov
+ */
+object TlcConfigLexer extends RegexParsers {
+ override def skipWhitespace: Boolean = true
+ def identifier: Parser[Ident] = {
+ "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*".r ^^ { name => Ident(name) }
+ }
+ def constant: Parser[Constant] = {
+ "CONSTANT(S|)".r ^^ (_ => Constant())
+ }
+ def init: Parser[Init] = {
+ "INIT" ^^ (_ => Init())
+ }
+ def next: Parser[Next] = {
+ "NEXT" ^^ (_ => Next())
+ }
+ def specification: Parser[Specification] = {
+ "SPECIFICATION" ^^ (_ => Specification())
+ }
+ def invariant: Parser[Invariant] = {
+ "INVARIANT" ^^ (_ => Invariant())
+ }
+ def property: Parser[Property] = {
+ "PROPERT(Y|IES)" ^^ (_ => Property())
+ }
+ def constraint: Parser[Constraint] = {
+ "CONSTRAINT" ^^ (_ => Constraint())
+ }
+ def assign: Parser[Assign] = {
+ "<-" ^^ (_ => Assign())
+ }
+ def eq: Parser[Eq] = {
+ "=" ^^ (_ => Eq())
+ }
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/io/tlc/TlcConfigParser.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/io/tlc/TlcConfigParser.scala
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index 0000000000..3963e9da74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/io/tlc/TlcConfigParser.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package at.forsyte.apalache.io.tlc
+ * A parser for the TLC configuration files.
+ *
+ * @author Igor Konnov
+ */
+class TlcConfigParser {
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/dsl/dsl.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/dsl/dsl.scala
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index ea64903838..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/dsl/dsl.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-import scala.collection.mutable
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.dsl {
- * Domain-specific classes and objects that allow one to write TLA+ code directly.
- */
-abstract class TlaExpr
-case class TlaInt(v: Int) extends TlaExpr
-case class TlaStr(v: String) extends TlaExpr
-abstract class TlaSym
-case class TlaVar(name: String)
-case class TlaConst(name: String)
-case class TlaOper(sname: Symbol, sargs: List[Symbol], var body: Option[TlaExpr]) {
- def ARGS(args: Symbol*) = new TlaOper(sname, args.toList, None)
- def DEF(e: TlaExpr) = {
- body = Some(e)
- this
- }
-case class TlaInstance(name: String) {
- var subst: List[Tuple2[Symbol, TlaExpr]] = List()
- def WITH(params: Tuple2[Symbol, TlaExpr]*) =
- subst = params.toList
-class Module(private val builder: Builder, val namesym: Symbol) {
- private val symbols: Map[String, TlaSym] = Map()
- private var assumptions: List[TlaExpr] = List()
- private var imports: List[String] = List()
- def name = namesym.name
- def EXTENDS(mods: Symbol*) =
- for (s <- mods.reverseIterator)
- imports = s.name :: imports
- def CONSTANT(s: Symbol) = symbols + (s.name -> TlaConst(s.name))
- def CONSTANTS(syms: Symbol*) = for (s <- syms) CONSTANT(s)
- def VARIABLE(s: Symbol) = symbols + (s.name -> TlaVar(s.name))
- def VARIABLES(syms: Symbol*) = for (s <- syms) VARIABLE(s)
- def ASSUME(e: TlaExpr) =
- assumptions = e :: assumptions
- def OPER(opsym: Symbol) = {
- val oper = new TlaOper(sname = opsym, sargs = List(), body = None)
- symbols + (opsym.name -> oper)
- oper
- }
- def INSTANCE(opsym: Symbol) = new TlaInstance(opsym.name)
-class Builder {
- def MODULE(name: Symbol) = new Module(this, name)
- * Implicit conversions. Use import Implicit._ to enable the conversions.
- */
-object Implicit {
- implicit def intToTlaExpr(i: Int): TlaExpr = TlaInt(i)
- implicit def stringToTlaExpr(s: String): TlaExpr = TlaStr(s)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Kind.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Kind.scala
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index ebc29920f1..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Kind.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.ir
- * An entity kind, which mirrors the kind of a tla2sany.semantic.SemanticNode.
- *
- * @see tla2sany.semantic.SemanticNode of TLA Toolbox
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-object Kind extends Enumeration {
- // value 1 is used for a module
- val Const = Value(2, "Constant")
- val Var = Value(3, "Variable")
- val BoundSym = Value(4, "BoundSymbol")
- val UserOp = Value(5, "UserDefinedOperator")
- val ModInst = Value(6, "ModuleInstance")
- val BuiltinOp = Value(7, "BuiltinOperator")
- val OpArg = Value(8, "OperatorArgument")
- val OpApp = Value(9, "OperatorApplication")
- val LetIn = Value(10, "LetIn")
- val FormalParam = Value(11, "FormalParam")
- val Theorem = Value(12, "Theorem")
- val SubstIn = Value(13, "SubstIn")
- val AssumeProve = Value(14, "AssumeProve")
- // value 15 is missing in SemanticNode
- val Numeral = Value(16, "Numeral")
- val Decimal = Value(17, "Decimal")
- val String = Value(18, "String")
- val AtNode = Value(19, "AtNode")
- val Assume = Value(20, "Assume")
- val Instance = Value(21, "Instance")
- val NewSymb = Value(22, "NewSymb") // instance statement or definition
- val ThmOrAssumpDef = Value(23, "ThmOrAssump")
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Loc.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Loc.scala
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index 76644c5d3c..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Loc.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.ir
- * A location in a text file characterized by line number and column.
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-class Loc(val lineno: Int, val colno: Int) extends Ordered[Loc] {
- /**
- * Compare locations as a natural order on (line, column)
- * @param that the object to compare to
- * @return -1 when less than, 0 when equal, and 1 otherwise
- */
- override def compare(that: Loc): Int =
- if (this.lineno == that.lineno)
- Integer.compare(this.colno, that.colno)
- else
- Integer.compare(this.lineno, that.lineno)
-object Loc {
- def apply(line: Int, col: Int): Loc = new Loc(line, col)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/LocRange.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/LocRange.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 456aa0ad4f..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/LocRange.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.ir
- * A range in a file.
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-class LocRange(val start: Loc, val end: Loc) {
- /**
- * Compare non-intersecting ranges
- *
- * @param that the range to compare to
- * @return true iff the ranges do not intersect and this range is before that range
- */
- def before(that: LocRange): Boolean =
- end < that.start
- /**
- * Compare non-intersecting ranges
- *
- * @param that the range to compare to
- * @return true iff the ranges do not intersect and this range is after that range
- */
- def after(that: LocRange): Boolean =
- start > that.end
- /**
- * Check whether two ranges intersect
- *
- * @param that the range to compare to
- * @return true iff the ranges intersect
- */
- def intersects(that: LocRange): Boolean = {
- val (left, right) = if (start < that.start) (this, that) else (that, this)
- left.end >= right.start
- }
- /**
- * Check whether two ranges do not intersect
- *
- * @param that the range to compare to
- * @return true iff the ranges do not intersect
- */
- def not_intersect(that: LocRange): Boolean =
- !this.intersects(that)
- /**
- * Check whether the range is inside of another range
- *
- * @param larger the range that is supposed to be larger
- * @return true iff this range is inside of the larger range (equal borders are included)
- */
- def inside(larger: LocRange): Boolean =
- larger.start <= start && end <= larger.end
-object LocRange {
- def apply(start: Loc, end: Loc) = new LocRange(start, end)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Module.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Module.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b24d386214..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Module.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.ir
- * A TLA+ module.
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-class Module(val origin: Origin,
- val uniqueName: String,
- val constants: List[UserOpDecl],
- val variables: List[UserOpDecl],
- val operators: List[UserOpDef],
- val assumptions: List[Assumption],
- val theorems: List[Theorem])
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Origin.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Origin.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ece9cdfcff..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Origin.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.ir
- * Data on the symbol origin
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-class Origin(
- val uid: Int,
- val level: Int,
- val filename: String,
- val locRange: LocRange
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Spec.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Spec.scala
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index ea44b32e08..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/Spec.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.ir
- * A complete TLA specification
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-class Spec(val modules: List[Module])
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/SymbolTable.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/SymbolTable.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a5ff50543..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/SymbolTable.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.ir
- * A place where all the definitions and declarations are kept.
- * This is what goes under the tag in the XML format by tla2sany.XMLExporter.
- *
- * @todo the name may be misleading
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-class SymbolTable {
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/TlaNode.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/TlaNode.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3743430170..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/TlaNode.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.ir
- * Every object of TLA intermediate representation inherits from this one.
- * Case classes implement different types of TLA nodes.
- * Note that using this hierarchy allows badly-formed expressions,
- * i.e., one can define weird expressions like a variable with two formal parameters.
- * We will probably add consistency checks later.
- */
-sealed abstract class TlaNode
- * A declaration of a user-defined operator, e.g., of a variable.
- * UserOpDecl differs from UserOpDef in that the former does not have a body.
- */
-case class UserOpDecl(kind: Kind.Value, uniqueName: String, arity: Int, origin: Origin)
- extends TlaNode
-/** A user-defined operator */
-case class UserOpDef(uniqueName: String, params: List[FormalParam], body: TlaNode, origin: Origin)
- extends TlaNode
-/** A built-in operator */
-case class BuiltinOp(uniqueName: String, params: List[FormalParam], origin: Origin)
- extends TlaNode
- * A formal parameter
- *
- * @param arity the arity of the parameter, i.e., the parameter is an operator
- * @param isLeibniz when true, then the parameter is Leibniz,
- * i.e., it respects substitution: A = B => F(A) = F(B).
- *
- * @see L. Lamport. TLA+2: a preliminary guide, p. 7. 15 Jan 2014.
- */
-case class FormalParam(uniqueName: String, arity: Int, isLeibniz: Boolean = true)
- extends TlaNode
-/** Operator application */
-case class OpApply(oper: TlaNode, args: List[TlaNode], origin: Origin)
- extends TlaNode
-/** An assumption */
-case class Assumption(body: UserOpDef, origin: Origin)
- extends TlaNode
-/** An axiom */
-case class Axiom(body: UserOpDef, origin: Origin)
- extends TlaNode
-/** A theorem */
-case class Theorem(body: UserOpDef, origin: Origin)
- extends TlaNode
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/XmlError.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/XmlError.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 249b0e4410..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/XmlError.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.parser
- * An error reported by XmlImporter.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @author Igor Konnov
- */
-class XmlError (val elem: xml.Node, val message: String)
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/XmlImporter.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/XmlImporter.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c900c81aa6..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/XmlImporter.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.parser
-import String.format
-import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.ir._
-import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet
-import scala.xml.{Elem, Node}
- * A parser of TLA+ code from XML generated by XMLExporter.
- * Our goal is to make this parser to behave as a compiler, so it does not crash on the first error,
- * but ignores the unexpected elements and then reports all the errors (up to a given limit).
- *
- * Note that the same instance of XmlImporter should not be used in different threads.
- *
- * @see tla2sany.XMLExporter
- *
- * @todo do a preliminary structure check with XML schema?
- *
- * @deprecated use at.forsyte.apalache.tla.SanyImporter
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-class XmlImporter {
- var contextToParse: Map[Int, xml.Node] = Map()
- var context: Map[Int, TlaNode] = Map()
- var maxUid = 0
- /**
- * Parse an XML tree created by SANY
- * @param node root node (tagged with modules)
- * @return an internal representation of the TLA spec and the list of errors (if any were found)
- */
- def parse(node: xml.Node): Tuple2[Spec, List[XmlError]] = {
- maxUid = 0
- if (node.label != "modules")
- throw new XmlImporterException(String.format("Expected ..., found <%s>%s>",
- node.label, node.label))
- contextToParse = collectContextNodes(node \ "context" \ "entry")
- context = Map()
- (new Spec((node \ "ModuleNode").map(parseModule).toList), List())
- }
- private def nextUid() = {
- val uid = maxUid
- maxUid = maxUid + 1
- uid
- }
- // updates maxUid and returns a map from uid to the corresponding node
- private def collectContextNodes(nodes: xml.NodeSeq): Map[Int, xml.Node] = {
- def getUid(node: xml.Node): Int =
- (node \ "UID").text.toInt
- // pick any Elem (not Text!) different from UID
- def getSub(node: xml.Node): xml.Node = {
- val sub = (node \ "_").filter(_.label != "UID")
- if (sub.length == 1)
- sub.head
- else
- throw new XmlImporterException(format("Unexpected entry structure: %s (sub = %s)",
- node.toString(), sub.toString()))
- }
- maxUid = 1 + nodes.map(getUid).foldLeft(0)(Math.max)
- nodes.foldLeft (Map[Int, xml.Node]()) ((m, n) => m + (getUid(n) -> getSub(n)))
- }
- private def parseModule(node: xml.Node): Module = {
- val uniqueName = (node \ "uniquename").text
- val origin = parseOrigin(nextUid(), 0, (node \ "location").head)
- val vars = (node \ "variables" \ "OpDeclNodeRef" \ "UID")
- .map(n => ofKind(parseOpDecl(n.text.toInt), Kind.Var)).toList
- //
- //
- val operators = (node \ "definitions" \ "UserDefinedOpKindRef" \ "UID").map(n => parseOpDef (n.text.toInt)).toList
- new Module(origin, uniqueName, constants = List(), variables = vars,
- operators = operators, assumptions = List(), theorems = List())
- }
- private def parseOpDecl(uid: Int): UserOpDecl = {
- context.get(uid) match {
- case Some(node) =>
- node.asInstanceOf[UserOpDecl]
- case _ =>
- val node = contextToParse(uid)
- assert(node.label == "OpDeclNode")
- val uniqueName = (node \ "uniquename").text
- val level = (node \ "level").text.toInt
- val origin = parseOrigin(uid, level, (node \ "location").head)
- val arity = (node \ "arity").text.toInt
- val kindId = (node \ "kind").text.toInt
- val kind = Kind(kindId)
- val decl = UserOpDecl(uniqueName = uniqueName, origin = origin, arity = arity, kind = kind)
- context += uid -> decl
- decl
- }
- }
- private def ofKind(decl: UserOpDecl, expectedKind: Kind.Value): UserOpDecl = {
- if (decl.kind != expectedKind)
- throw new XmlImporterException(format("Expected kind %s, found %s", expectedKind, decl.kind))
- else
- decl
- }
- private def parseOpDef(uid: Int): UserOpDef = {
- context.get(uid) match {
- case Some(node) =>
- node.asInstanceOf[UserOpDef]
- case _ =>
- val node = contextToParse(uid)
- assert(node.label == "UserDefinedOpKind")
- val uniqueName = (node \ "uniquename").text
- val level = (node \ "level").text.toInt
- val origin = parseOrigin(uid, level, (node \ "location").head)
- val arity = (node \ "arity").text.toInt
- val body = parseChildExprNode((node \ "body").head)
- val params = List() // todo: parse params
- assert(params.size == arity)
- val oper = UserOpDef(uniqueName = uniqueName, params, body, origin)
- context += uid -> oper
- oper
- }
- }
- private def parseBuiltinOp(uid: Int): BuiltinOp = {
- context.get(uid) match {
- case Some(node) =>
- node.asInstanceOf[BuiltinOp]
- case _ =>
- val node = contextToParse(uid)
- assert(node.label == "BuiltInKind")
- val uniqueName = (node \ "uniquename").text
- val level = (node \ "level").text.toInt
- val origin = parseOrigin(uid, level, (node \ "location").head)
- val arity = (node \ "arity").text.toInt
- val params = (node \ "params" \ "leibnizparam" \ "FormalParamNodeRef" \ "UID")
- .map(n => parseFormalParam(n.text.toInt)).toList
- assert(params.size == arity)
- val oper = BuiltinOp(uniqueName = uniqueName, params, origin)
- context += uid -> oper
- oper
- }
- }
- private def parseFormalParam(uid: Int) = {
- context.get(uid) match {
- case Some(node) =>
- node.asInstanceOf[FormalParam]
- case _ =>
- val node = contextToParse(uid)
- assert(node.label == "FormalParamNode")
- val uniqueName = (node \ "uniquename").text
- val arity = (node \ "arity").text.toInt
- val param = FormalParam(uniqueName = uniqueName, arity = arity)
- context += uid -> param
- param
- }
- }
- private def parseChildExprNode(parent: xml.Node): TlaNode = {
- // make it final?
- val options = TreeSet("AtNode",
- "DecimalNode", "LabelNode", "LetInNode", "NumeralNode", "OpApplNode", "StringNode", "SubstInNode")
- val exprNode = parent.child.find(n => options.contains(n.label))
- exprNode match {
- case Some(n) =>
- parseExprNode(n)
- case None =>
- val msg = format("Expected one of the expression nodes at XML node@%s: %s", (parent \ "UID").text, options)
- throw new XmlImporterException(msg)
- }
- }
- private def parseExprNode(node: xml.Node): TlaNode = {
- node.label match {
- case "OpApplNode" =>
- parseOpApplNode(node)
- case _ => // todo: parse the other types of nodes
- throw new XmlImporterException("Unexpected expression type: " + node.label)
- }
- }
- private def parseOpApplNode(node: xml.Node): OpApply = {
- val level = (node \ "level").text.toInt
- val origin = parseOrigin(nextUid(), level, (node \ "location").head)
- val operNodes = node \ "operator"
- val oper =
- if (operNodes.size == 1)
- parseChildOperRef(operNodes.head)
- else throw new XmlImporterException("Incorrect OpApplNode.operator: " + node)
- def isElem (n: xml.Node): Boolean = n match {
- case _: xml.Elem => true
- case _ => false
- }
- val operandNodes = (node \ "operands").head.nonEmptyChildren.filter(isElem) /* ignore the text elements */
- val operands =
- try operandNodes.map(parseExprNode).toList
- catch {
- case e: XmlImporterException =>
- throw new XmlImporterException(e.message + " in: " + node.toString())
- }
- // todo: parse boundSymbols
- OpApply(oper = oper, args = operands, origin = origin)
- }
- private def parseChildOperRef(parent: xml.Node) = {
- // make it final?
- val options = TreeSet("FormalParamNodeRef", "ModuleNodeRef", "OpDeclNodeRef", "TheoremNodeRef",
- "AssumeNodeRef", "ModuleInstanceKindRef", "UserDefinedOpKindRef", "BuiltInKindRef")
- val exprNode = parent.child.find(n => options.contains(n.label))
- exprNode match {
- case Some(ref) =>
- parseOperRef(ref)
- case None =>
- val msg = format("Expected one of the expression nodes (%s) at XML node %s", options, parent)
- throw new XmlImporterException(msg)
- }
- }
- private def parseOperRef(node: xml.Node) = {
- node.label match {
- case "BuiltInKindRef" =>
- parseBuiltinOp((node \ "UID").text.toInt)
- case "UserDefinedOpKindRef" =>
- parseOpDef((node \ "UID").text.toInt)
- case "OpDeclNodeRef" =>
- parseOpDecl((node \ "UID").text.toInt)
- case _ => // todo: parse the other kinds
- throw new XmlImporterException("Unexpected expression type: " + node.label)
- }
- }
- private def parseOrigin(uid: Int, level: Int, node: xml.Node): Origin = {
- val filename = (node \ "filename").text
- val startCol = (node \ "column" \ "begin").text.toInt
- val endCol = (node \ "column" \ "end").text.toInt
- val startLine = (node \ "line" \ "begin").text.toInt
- val endLine = (node \ "line" \ "end").text.toInt
- new Origin(uid, level, filename, LocRange(Loc(startLine, startCol), Loc(endLine, endCol)))
- }
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/XmlImporterConsole.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/XmlImporterConsole.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ffd930a70..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/XmlImporterConsole.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.parser
-import scala.xml.XML
- * A command-line to check how good our parser is.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @author Igor Konnov
- */
-object XmlImporterConsole {
- def use(): Unit = {
- println("Arguments: filename.xml")
- System.exit(1)
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- Console.printf("*** APALACHE ***\n\n")
- Console.printf("XmlImporterConsole\n")
- if (args.length < 1)
- use()
- val xml = XML.loadFile(args(0))
- val spec = new XmlImporter().parse(xml)
- }
diff --git a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/XmlImporterException.scala b/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/XmlImporterException.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8025ad8a13..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/XmlImporterException.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.parser
- * A general exception reported by XmlImporter
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-class XmlImporterException(val message: String)
- extends Exception(message)
diff --git a/tla-import/src/test/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/dsl/TestTlaDsl.scala b/tla-import/src/test/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/dsl/TestTlaDsl.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c66d18bd0..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/test/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/dsl/TestTlaDsl.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.dsl
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith
-import org.scalatest.FunSuite
-import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
-import Implicit._
- * Tests for DSL
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-class TestTlaDsl extends FunSuite {
- test("all in one") {
- /*
- val b = new Builder
- // top-level definitions
- val m = b MODULE 'foo
- m CONSTANTS ('n, 't)
- m ASSUME 42
- m OPER 'F ARGS ('a, 'b) DEF 42
- m OPER 'G ARGS ('a, 'b) DEF "baz"
- m INSTANCE 'M2 WITH ('p1 -> 1, 'p2 -> 3)
- // set operations
- m OPER 'OPER1 DEF SetEnum(1, 2, 3) CUP SetFilter('x, 'S, TRUE) CUP SetMap('x, 'S, 42) CAP SUBSET SetEnum(1, 2)
- assert("foo" == m.name)
- */
- }
diff --git a/tla-import/src/test/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/TestLocRangeSuite.scala b/tla-import/src/test/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/TestLocRangeSuite.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d525a73b50..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/test/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/TestLocRangeSuite.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.ir
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith
-import org.scalatest.FunSuite
-import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
- * Tests for LocRange
- *
- * @see at.forsyte.apalache.tlair.LocRange
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-class TestLocRangeSuite extends FunSuite {
- test("1:2-3:4 is before 3:5-4:6") {
- assert(LocRange(Loc(1, 2), Loc(3, 4)) before LocRange(Loc(3, 5), Loc(4, 6)))
- }
- test("1:2-3:4 is before 4:1-4:6") {
- assert(LocRange(Loc(1, 2), Loc(3, 4)) before LocRange(Loc(4, 1), Loc(4, 6)))
- }
- test("4:1-4:6 is not before 1:2-3:4") {
- assert(!(LocRange(Loc(4, 1), Loc(4, 6)) before LocRange(Loc(1, 2), Loc(3, 4))))
- }
- test("1:2-4:2 is not before 4:1-4:6") {
- assert(!(LocRange(Loc(1, 2), Loc(4, 2)) before LocRange(Loc(4, 1), Loc(4, 6))))
- }
- test("3:5-4:6 is after 1:2-3:4") {
- assert(LocRange(Loc(3, 5), Loc(4, 6)) after LocRange(Loc(1, 2), Loc(3, 4)))
- }
- test("4:1-4:6 is after 1:2-3:4") {
- assert(LocRange(Loc(4, 1), Loc(4, 6)) after LocRange(Loc(1, 2), Loc(3, 4)))
- }
- test("1:2-3:4 is not after 4:1-4:6") {
- assert(!(LocRange(Loc(1, 2), Loc(3, 4)) after LocRange(Loc(4, 1), Loc(4, 6))))
- }
- test("4:1-4:6 is not after 1:2-4:2") {
- assert(!(LocRange(Loc(4, 1), Loc(4, 6)) after LocRange(Loc(1, 2), Loc(4, 2))))
- }
- test("2:1-3:4 intersects 1:5-4:3") {
- assert(LocRange(Loc(2, 1), Loc(3, 4)) intersects LocRange(Loc(1, 5), Loc(4, 3)))
- }
- test("2:1-3:4 intersects 3:4-4:3") {
- assert(LocRange(Loc(2, 1), Loc(3, 4)) intersects LocRange(Loc(3, 4), Loc(4, 3)))
- }
- test("2:1-3:4 does not intersect 4:4-4:3") {
- assert(!(LocRange(Loc(2, 1), Loc(3, 4)) intersects LocRange(Loc(4, 4), Loc(4, 3))))
- }
- test("2:1-3:4 not_intersect 4:4-4:3") {
- assert(LocRange(Loc(2, 1), Loc(3, 4)) not_intersect LocRange(Loc(4, 4), Loc(4, 3)))
- }
- test("2:1-3:4 inside 1:5-4:3") {
- assert(LocRange(Loc(2, 1), Loc(3, 4)) inside LocRange(Loc(1, 5), Loc(4, 3)))
- }
- test("1:4-3:4 not inside 1:5-4:3") {
- assert(!(LocRange(Loc(1, 4), Loc(3, 4)) inside LocRange(Loc(1, 5), Loc(4, 3))))
- }
diff --git a/tla-import/src/test/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/TestLocSuite.scala b/tla-import/src/test/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/TestLocSuite.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index cdc5beb938..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/test/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/ir/TestLocSuite.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.ir
-import org.scalatest.FunSuite
-import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith
- * Tests for Loc
- *
- * @see at.forsyte.apalache.tlair.Loc
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-class TestLocSuite extends FunSuite {
- test("different lines are compared correctly") {
- val lesser = new Loc(2, 5)
- val greater = new Loc(3, 3)
- assert(lesser.compare(greater) < 0)
- }
- test("different columns are compared correctly") {
- val lesser = new Loc(3, 3)
- val greater = new Loc(3, 4)
- assert(lesser.compare(greater) < 0)
- }
- test("equal locations are reported equal") {
- val lesser = new Loc(3, 3)
- val greater = new Loc(3, 4)
- assert(lesser.compare(greater) < 0)
- }
diff --git a/tla-import/src/test/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/TestXmlImporterSuite.scala b/tla-import/src/test/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/TestXmlImporterSuite.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d66e1834f..0000000000
--- a/tla-import/src/test/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/obsolete/parser/TestXmlImporterSuite.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.parser
-import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.ir._
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith
-import org.scalatest.FunSuite
-import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
- * Tests for XmlImporter
- *
- * @see at.forsyte.apalache.tla.obsolete.parser.XmlImporter
- *
- * @author konnov
- */
-class TestXmlImporterSuite extends FunSuite {
- test("empty spec") {
- val xml =
- val (spec, errors) = new XmlImporter().parse(xml)
- assert(0 == spec.modules.size)
- assert(errors.isEmpty)
- }
- test("malformed xml") {
- val xml =
- intercept[XmlImporterException] {
- new XmlImporter().parse(xml)
- }
- }
- test("one empty module") {
- val xml =
- 162
- 19
- HC
- HourClock
- val (spec, errors) = new XmlImporter().parse(xml)
- assert(errors.isEmpty)
- assert(1 == spec.modules.size)
- val module = spec.modules.head
- assert("HourClock" == module.uniqueName)
- assert("HC" == module.origin.filename)
- assert(1 == module.origin.locRange.start.colno)
- assert(1 == module.origin.locRange.start.lineno)
- assert(62 == module.origin.locRange.end.colno)
- assert(9 == module.origin.locRange.end.lineno)
- }
- test("one variable") {
- val xml =
- 9
- 510
- 34
- HourClock
- 1
- hr
- 0
- 3
- 162
- 19
- HourClock
- HourClock
- 9
- val (spec, errors) = new XmlImporter().parse(xml)
- assert(errors.isEmpty)
- assert(1 == spec.modules.size)
- val module = spec.modules.head
- assert(1 == module.variables.size)
- val hr = module.variables.head
- assert("hr" == hr.uniqueName)
- assert(0 == hr.arity)
- assert(1 == hr.origin.level)
- assert(Kind.Var == hr.kind)
- assert("HourClock" == module.origin.filename)
- assert(1 == module.origin.locRange.start.colno)
- assert(1 == module.origin.locRange.start.lineno)
- assert(62 == module.origin.locRange.end.colno)
- assert(9 == module.origin.locRange.end.lineno)
- }
- test("one definition") {
- val xml =
- 4
- 0 0
- 0 0
- 0
- =
- 2
- 5
- 6
- 5
- Formal_0
- 0
- 6
- Formal_1
- 0
- 234
- 127
- 44
- HourClock
- 1 HCini 0
- 12 27
- 4 4
- HourClock
- 1
- 4
- 12 13
- 4 4
- HourClock
- 1
- 9
- 12 13
- 4 4
- HourClock
- 1
- 9
- 9
- 510
- 34
- HourClock
- 1
- hr
- 0
- 3
- 162
- 19
- HourClock
- HourClock
- 234
- val (spec, errors) = new XmlImporter().parse(xml)
- assert(errors.isEmpty)
- assert(1 == spec.modules.size)
- val module = spec.modules.head
- assert(1 == module.operators.size)
- // the standard things
- val op = module.operators.head
- assert(1 == op.origin.locRange.start.colno)
- assert(4 == op.origin.locRange.start.lineno)
- assert(27 == op.origin.locRange.end.colno)
- assert(4 == op.origin.locRange.end.lineno)
- assert(1 == op.origin.level)
- assert("HourClock" == op.origin.filename)
- // the parameters
- assert(op.params.isEmpty)
- // and now the body
- op.body match {
- case app: OpApply =>
- assert(4 == app.origin.locRange.start.lineno)
- assert(4 == app.origin.locRange.end.lineno)
- assert(12 == app.origin.locRange.start.colno)
- assert(27 == app.origin.locRange.end.colno)
- assert("HourClock" == app.origin.filename)
- assert(1 == app.origin.level)
- // the operator is actually a built-in operator
- app.oper match {
- case bop: BuiltinOp =>
- assert("=" == bop.uniqueName)
- assert("--TLA+ BUILTINS--" == bop.origin.filename)
- assert(0 == bop.origin.level)
- assert(2 == bop.params.size)
- val param0 = bop.params.head
- val param1 = bop.params.tail.head
- assert("Formal_0" == param0.uniqueName)
- assert(param0.isLeibniz)
- assert(0 == param0.arity)
- assert("Formal_1" == param1.uniqueName)
- assert(param1.isLeibniz)
- assert(0 == param1.arity)
- case _ =>
- fail("Expected BuiltinOp")
- }
- assert(2 == app.args.length)
- def isHr(operand: TlaNode): Unit = operand match {
- case opapp: OpApply =>
- assert(12 == opapp.origin.locRange.start.colno)
- assert(13 == opapp.origin.locRange.end.colno)
- assert(4 == opapp.origin.locRange.start.lineno)
- assert(4 == opapp.origin.locRange.end.lineno)
- assert("HourClock" == opapp.origin.filename)
- assert(1 == opapp.origin.level)
- opapp.oper match {
- case d: UserOpDecl =>
- assert("hr" == d.uniqueName)
- case _ =>
- fail("Expected hr")
- }
- case _ =>
- fail("Expected OpApply as the 0th operand")
- }
- isHr(app.args.head)
- isHr(app.args.tail.head)
- case _ =>
- fail("Expected OpApply")
- }
- }