Sourced from's releases.
Checkstyle 10.18.2 -
Bug fixes:
#15690 - JavadocParagraph: allowNewlineParagraph should allow '\n' after P tag and content start from new line #15642 - google_checks: Section 4.1.3 should not be covered by EmptyBlock and EmptyCatchBlock #15609 - google_checks SuppressionXpathSingleFilter for 'MethodName' check is too lenient in several ways #15434 - MissingJavadocMethod does not give warning for missing javadoc for protected methods in google_checks.xml #13553 - False positive in FallThroughCheck on last case #15233 - Suppression for long identifiers for
4.4 Column Limit: 100
rule of google java style guide #15414 - Google style: Javadoc is optional for "simple, obvious" members
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release checkstyle-10.18.2ca569e6
doc: release notes for 10.18.24eec526
Issue #6207: add class data abstraction coupling xpath regression testsfe4fde1
infra: fix link in exclude for jdepend-maven-plugin to fix run of maven-linkc...50cdde7
Issue #15456: Specify violation message for Nested Block (#11)b1d923e
Issue #15690: fix allowNewlineParagraph at JavadocParagraphCheckb41666f
dependency: bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-gpg-plugin4c378dc
supplemental: added violation messages in JavadocParagraph's input files82bc795
dependency: bump junit.version from 5.11.0 to 5.11.14704b0f
Issue #6207: Add XPath IT Regression Test for ModifiedControlVariable