There are two methods for the installation of newt, either from source, or from a binary release. This document contains information on how to do both.
Binary releases of newt will be published on the Apache Mynewt website when available. To find these, please go to
The newt tool is written in Go ( In order to build Apache Mynewt, you must have Go 1.12 or later installed on your system. Please visit the Golang website for more information on installing Go (
Once you have Go installed, you can build newt by running the contained script. This script will create the newt executable with the following path, relative to the source directory:
If you do not wish to run the included script, you can build newt manually with Go as follows (executed from the source directory):
$ cd "$GOPATH"/src/
$ git clone
$ cd mynewt-newt/newt
$ go get
$ go build
This downloads the dependencies and builds newt executable.
You can test the installation by running newt:
$ newt
Newt allows you to create your own embedded application based on the Mynewt
operating system. Newt provides both build and package management in a single
tool, which allows you to compose an embedded application, and set of
projects, and then build the necessary artifacts from those projects. For more
information on the Mynewt operating system, please visit
Please use the newt help command, and specify the name of the command you want
help for, for help on how to use a specific command
newt [flags]
newt [command]
newt help [<command-name>]
For help on <command-name>. If not specified, print this message.
Available Commands:
version Display the Newt version number.
install Install project dependencies
upgrade Upgrade project dependencies
new Create a new project
info Show project info
target Command for manipulating targets
build Builds one or more apps.
clean Deletes app build artifacts.
test Executes unit tests for one or more packages
load Load built target to board
debug Open debugger session to target
size Size of target components
create-image Add image header to target binary
run build/create-image/download/debug <target>
-h, --help help for newt
-l, --loglevel string Log level, defaults to WARN. (default "WARN")
-o, --outfile string Filename to tee log output to
-q, --quiet Be quiet; only display error output.
-s, --silent Be silent; don't output anything.
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output when executing commands.
Use "newt [command] --help" for more information about a command.