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vito.he edited this page May 29, 2019 · 67 revisions

1. compatible with dubbo v2.5.x based on hessian2 and getty;

2. release version v1.0.x based on the design in dubbo-go-V1.0 design; We are working on this now.

Task list:

task owner status
v2.6.5.0 release main mission hxm&fyc done
k8s registry zhb doing
log4go improvement, hessian2 method/struct tag zzq done
getty:refactor designing to support epoll machanisim wg doing
hessian2 improvement cch done
cluster strategy: Failfast/Failsafe/Failback 匠尘 doing
loadbalance: RoundRobin/LeastActive/ConsistentHash 诣极 doing
filter : TokenFilter/AccessLogFilter/GenericFilter 舒铭
p2p without registry hxm doing
getty network i/o performance optimization & dubbogo business gr pool fyc doing
tps limit zzq
routing rule
monitor metrics(prometheus) gxg

3. release version v1.1.x compatible with dubbo v2.7.x

Waiting for start.

  • dynamic configuration (dubbo v2.7.x)
task owner status
dynamic configuration

4. add support in dubbo ecos system based on extention module in dubbo-go, may be we can import some third party solution.

  • service degraded (dubbo ecos system)
  • tracing (dubbo ecos system)
task owner status
service degraded
trace(jeager impl)

5. dubbo-go mesh based on k8s and istio

6. Some Java service features such as

  • Delayed service exposure
  • connection postpone