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vito.he edited this page May 10, 2019 · 67 revisions

1. compatible with dubbo v2.5.x based on hessian2 and getty;

2. release version v2.6.0 based on the design in dubbo-go-V2.6.x design; We are working on this now.

Task list:

 * hxm & fyq: rpc v2.6;

 * gxg & zhb: etcd v3 & k8s registry;

 * zzq: log4go improvement, hessian2 method/struct tag;

 * wg: getty;

 * cch: hessian2 improvement;

Update the latest progress: * Most of the development work has been completed, the latest code is in the develop branch. We are working hard on usability testing and pressure testing.

In addition to this, there are some extended functional tasks, and hope someone can pick up these tasks:

 * cluster strategy : Failfast、Failsafe、Failback、Forking、Broadcast

 * load balance strategy: RoundRobin、LeastActive、ConsistentHash

 * standard filter in dubbo: TokenFilter、AccessLogFilter、CountFilter、ActiveLimitFilter、ExecuteLimitFilter

 * registry impl: etcd & kubernetes(gxg & zhb) 、consul 

3. compatible with dubbo v2.7.x and not finished function in dubbo v2.6.x.

  • routing rule (dubbo v2.6.x)
  • monitoring (dubbo v2.6.x)
  • metrics (dubbo v2.6.x)
  • system filters such as tpsLimiting (dubbo v2.6.x)
  • dynamic configuration (dubbo v2.7.x)

4. add support in dubbo ecos system based on extention module in dubbo-go, may be we can import some third party solution.

  • service degraded (dubbo ecos system)
  • tracing (dubbo ecos system)

5. dubbo-go mesh based on k8s and istio

6. Some Java service features such as

  • Delayed service exposure
  • Generalization of reference
  • connection postpone