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Run Snakemake

Now we are ready to start running Tourmaline commands using the snakemake command. In the file paths below, {method} is one of: dada2-pe (paired-end DADA2), dada2-se (single-end DADA2), or deblur-se (single-end Deblur); and {filter} is one of unfiltered (no filtering of representative sequences and feature tables) or filtered (filtering of representative sequences and feature tables by taxonomy and/or feature ID).

Note that any of the commands below can be run with various options, including --printshellcmds to see the shell commands being executed and --dryrun to display which rules would be run but not execute them.

Tourmaline will automatically check if the required input files and parameters are provided properly before running, and will generate an error with feedback if they are not.

Unfiltered mode

The first command is snakemake dada2_pe_denoise, which imports the FASTQ files and the reference database (if not already present in directory 01-imported), summarizes the FASTQ data, runs denoising using DADA2, and summarizes and visualizes the output feature table and representative sequences (for DADA2, the representative sequences are amplicon sequence variants or ASVs).

snakemake dada2_pe_denoise
# or dada2_se_denoise or deblur_se_denoise

At this point, the user should determine if the DADA2 parameters need to be modified (and if so, delete the output files and rerun the denoise step) and when satisfied choose appropriate rarefaction depths for the parameters “alpha_max_depth” and “core_sampling_depth” in config.yaml.

The second command is snakemake dada2_pe_taxonomy_unfiltered, which assigns taxonomy to the representative sequences using a Naive Bayes classifier or consensus BLAST method, visualizes the taxonomy, and generates an interactive taxa barplot.

snakemake dada2_pe_taxonomy_unfiltered
# or dada2_se_taxonomy_unfiltered or deblur_se_taxonomy_unfiltered

The third command is snakemake dada2_pe_diversity_unfiltered, which will align and build a phylogenetic tree of the representative sequences, identify representative sequences that have unassigned taxonomy or are potential outliers, summarize and plot the representative sequence properties, perform alpha-rarefaction, and run alpha-diversity and beta-diversity analyses and group significance tests using a full suite of metrics.

snakemake dada2_pe_diversity_unfiltered
# or dada2_se_diversity_unfiltered or deblur_se_diversity_unfiltered

The fourth and final command is snakemake dada2_pe_report_unfiltered, which will create a comprehensive HTML report of parameters, metadata, inputs, outputs, and visualizations in a single file. The report includes hyperlinks to QIIME 2 visualization files, which can be downloaded and drag-and-dropped into for viewing. Filtering of representative sequences is provided by the filtered mode.

snakemake dada2_pe_report_unfiltered
# or dada2_se_report_unfiltered or deblur_se_report_unfiltered

Filtered mode

After viewing the unfiltered results—the taxonomy summary and taxa barplot, the representative sequence summary plot and table, or the list of unassigned and potential outlier representative sequences—the user may wish to filter (remove) certain taxonomic groups or representative sequences. If so, the user should first check the following parameters and/or files:

  • copy 2-output-dada2-pe-unfiltered/02-alignment-tree/repseqs_to_filter_outliers.tsv to 00-data/repseqs_to_filter_dada2-pe.tsv to filter outliers, or manually include feature IDs in 00-data/repseqs_to_filter_dada2-pe.tsv to filter those feature IDs (change "dada2-pe" to "dada2-se" or "deblur-se" as appropriate);
  • exclude_terms in config.yaml – add taxa to exclude from representative sequences, if desired;
  • repseq_min_length and repseq_max_length in config.yaml – set minimum and/or maximum lengths for filtering representative sequences, if desired;
  • repseq_min_abundance and repseq_min_prevalence in config.yaml – set minimum abundance and/or prevalence values for filtering representative sequences, if desired.

The user can then run the filtered mode of the workflow.

snakemake dada2_pe_denoise
# or dada2_se_denoise or deblur_se_denoise

snakemake dada2_pe_taxonomy_filtered
# or dada2_se_taxonomy_filtered or deblur_se_taxonomy_filtered

snakemake dada2_pe_diversity_filtered
# or dada2_se_diversity_filtered or deblur_se_diversity_filtered

snakemake dada2_pe_report_filtered
# or dada2_se_report_filtered or deblur_se_report_filtered

Note that the multiple sequence alignment and tree are rebuilt after filtering representative sequences. Depending on the alignment program and parameters, alignment can take several hours to complete.

Check the output

View report

Open your HTML report (03-reports/report_{method}_{filter}.html) in Chrome or Firefox. To view the linked files:

  • QZV (QIIME 2 visualization): click to download, then drag and drop in Empress trees (e.g., rooted_tree.qzv) may take more than 10 minutes to load.
  • TSV (tab-separated values): click to download, then open in Microsoft Excel or Tabview (command line tool that comes with Tourmaline).
  • PDF (portable document format): click to open and view in new tab.

Downloaded files can be deleted after viewing because they are already stored in your Tourmaline directory.

Reality check

After completing denoising and core diversity analyses, determine if the results make sense by asking the following questions:

  • How many sequences did I start with, and how many are left after denoising?
  • Are the representative sequences of similar length or of very different lengths?
  • Do the sequence alignment and tree look reasonable?
  • Do samples cluster in an expected way in PCoA space?
  • Do the taxonomic profiles match expected taxonomic compositions?

Modify intermediate files

The parameters in config.yaml offer many options for customization, but you may want to process your data in a way that Tourmaline doesn't currently support.

You can modify or replace any of the intermediate files in the workflow. As long as the filename and location are the same as the original file, Snakemake will recognize it and use it in the workflow. Here are some examples where this might be useful:

  • Alignment: Tourmaline builds the multiple sequence alignment of representative sequences de novo (with choice of 3 programs), but you could build it using a different method and then save the alignment as 02-output-{method}-{filter}/02-alignment-tree/aligned_repseqs.fasta and 02-output-{method}-{filter}/02-alignment-tree/aligned_repseqs.qza.
  • Tree: Tourmaline builds the tree of representative sequences de novo using FastTree, but you could build it using a different method (e.g., with qiime fragment-insertion) and then save the tree as 02-output-{method}-{filter}/02-alignment-tree/rooted_tree.qza.

Snakemake tips


Snakemake works by executing rules, defined in the Snakefile. Rules specify commands and outputs but most critically inputs, which dictate which other rules must be run beforehand to generate those inputs. By defining pseudo-rules at the beginning of the Snakefile, we can specify desired endpoint targets as "inputs" that force execution of the whole workflow or just part of it.

When a Snakemake command is run, only those rules that need to be executed to produce the requested target will be run. To make the most of Tourmaline, you might want to familiarize yourself with Snakemake using the documentation or follow the tutorial here to create your own simple Snakemake workflow and understand how it works.

Dry run and print shell commands

To see which jobs (rules) and commands will be run by the workflow, use the options --dryrun and --printshellcmds, respectively. --dryrun will prevent the workflow from being executed. --printshellcmds can be used with our without --dryrun:

snakemake dada2_pe_denoise --dryrun --printshellcmds

Regenerate specific files

You can always delete any file you want to regenerate. Then there are several ways to regenerate it:

  • Run snakemake FILE and Snakemake will determine which rules (commands) need to be run to generate that file.
  • Run snakemake RULE where the rule generates the desired file as output.

Cleanup metadata for file

If a file is being regenerated when you think it shouldn't be, or a symbolic link is not being recognized, it might help to cleanup the metadata of that file. Cleaning up the metadata means that snakemake removes any tracked version info, and any marks that files are incomplete. Do do this, run:

snakemake --cleanup-metadata <filenames>

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

Snakemake provides the command option --dag to generate a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of the jobs (rules) that will be run. The DAG is basically a graph that shows the flow and order of rules to reach your desired target, and it can be rendered as a PDF (or other image format) using the program dot on your computer.

For example, to get a graph of the rules run when setting the rule snakemake dada2_pe_report_unfiltered as your target, run this command:

snakemake dada2_pe_report_unfiltered --dag | dot -Tpdf -Grankdir=LR -Gnodesep=0.1 -Granksep=0.1 > dag.pdf

For a simplified graph, use the --rulegraph option in place of --dag:

snakemake dada2_pe_report_unfiltered --rulegraph | dot -Tpdf -Grankdir=LR -Gnodesep=0.1 -Granksep=0.1 > rulegraph.pdf