michael jackson unpkg
- cdn for everything on npm
- examples: https://github.com/unpkg/unpkg-demos
- use webpack to add script tags for CDN libs instead of bundling them
- module level cdn caching
- use https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs to load commonjs modules via web
shirley wu d3 & react
- react -> rendering; d3 -> calculations
- d3 only needs to render (access dom) for transitions, axes, brushes
- d3 by itself is enough for hover, click, simple interactions
- react for componentizing visualizations & managing state as user interacts
- interaction -> propagate from parent -> data calculation in componentwillreceiveprops / render
Devon Lindsey A hand wave of React for all your Internet of Thangs
- adafruit pn532 breakout board
- johnny-five.io
- https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/
- http://iamdustan.com/react-hardware/
Michael Chan Back to React: The Story of Two Apps
- shel silverstein missing piece
- jit solutions
- bigger components, inline styles, component state -> don't break out until needed
- know who's driving "what role does react play in your app?"
- do it now / fuck it - don't perf code
- know your patterns: hoc vs callbacks / render funcs
- "it's not the edge that's bleeding, it's you"
- make it simple until it doesn't work anymore
- "debugging is twice as hard as writing the code, if you write as clever as possible you are by definition unable to debug it"
- partner, don't depend - when you npm install its your code now
Lin Clark What WebAssembly means for React
- probably not worth it yet but might bring speed gains in future??
Ben Ilegbodu Layperson's guide to React Fiber
- diffs btwn 15 & 16
- no React.PropTypes
- no createClass
- components can return arrays; pattern --
const Aux = (props) => props.children;
const SomeComponent = () => (
); - components can return strings (i18n)
- uncaught errors unmount app
componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo)
('ErrorBoundary' class) class ErrorBoundary extends PureComponent { state = { hasError: false } componentDidCatch(error, info) {...} render() { if (!this.state.error) { return this.props.children } } }
- https://github.com/chentsulin/awesome-react-renderer
- node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js
fiberAsyncScheduling: true
- ReactDOM.unstable_deferredUpdates(() => { this.setState((state, props) => { // return next state }) })
- lin clark: cartoon intro to fiber
- slides: http://www.benmvp.com/slides/2017/reactrally/fiber.html#/
Bonnie Milián ReacTex: using React Native and Neural Networks to recognize handwritten equations
- deepdreamgenerator.com
- udacity deep learning nanodegree andrew ng
- siraj raval ai edu
Nicolas Gallagher Twitter Lite, React Native, and Progressive Web Apps
- DOM requires too many abstractions; doesn't handle touch; CSS is hard
- react native = react without DOM
- StyleSheet -> atomic css
- Q: best practice for "media queries" in component based design?
- glitch.com/edit/#!/rnw
- can use same components on native & web; no difference for DOM (i.e., traditional react)
- react-native-web, react-primitives, react-sketchapp
Jana Beck React-ing htmlFor=empathy
Zack Argyle Redux + ServiceWorker = Offline React
- ServiceWorker = proxy, cache, push notif., sync
- offline-plugin, sw-precache, workbox, service-workers
8/25 Preethy Kasireddy We all started somewhere
Evan Czaplicki Elm - Convergent Evolution
- both have vDOM
- both uni-directional data flow
- elm architecture: model -> html -> elm runtime -> messages (to model)
- react: components + UDDF
- elm: functions = only UDDF
- react: immutable makes it better, but not enforced
- http://swannodette.github.io/2013/12/17/the-future-of-javascript-mvcs
- elm: lazy - keep ref to fn and args, memoize results, dont compare again for rendering
- static analysis: TS/flow vs. built in amazing errors
- noredink: 200k lines of elm, 0 runtime exceptions
- npm vs elm-package: AUTO semantic versioning, elm can detect major changes
- guide.elm-lang.org
Henry Zhu So how does Babel even work? Let's create the JSX transform to find out!
- http://astexplorer.net/
- babel is independent, just a project (no funding)
- developers <-> babel <-> tc39
Jennifer Van Scaling My First Enterprise React App!
- enterprise: persist, grow, tested
- scale: things have to stay fast & usable
- how to keep react fast?
- presentation vs. container component
- ?react_perf & open devtools
- remove unnecessary renders:
- how to make app seem fast?
- prioritize network calls
- devtools -> network tab -> priority column
- rendering priority:
- html
- css
- ajax
- images
- scripts
- font
- for fonts
- prioritize network calls
- how to keep redux fast?
- setState
- connect at multiple components
- normalized state
- how to keep agile cycles fast as dev team grows
- organize by feature: container, component, ducks
- docs
- types!
- how to maintain usability as user base grows?
- accessibility
- react-a11y
- react-axe
Sean Larkin Everything is a plugin!! Mastering webpack from the inside out
- @TheLarkInn
- tapable instances
- compiler
- top level
const compiler = webpack(config);
<- compiler instance
- compilation: "the brain"
- resolver: "the blood hound"
- module factory
- takes successfully resolved request
- collects source for file
- wrap in module object
- parser
- module object -> AST
- find all require/import, create dependency object
- module -> require/import -> module + dependencies
- template
- data bind to view
- data = code; view = output file (
) - chunk = array of modules (module = file + deps)
- compiler
- compiler -> compilation -> module -> loader -> parser -> dependencies -> recurse deps as modules
return (
<WriteToDisk render={({ compilation, userConfig}) => (
compilation.chunks.map(chunk => (
<Bundle name={chunk.name}>
- every tapable instance can be plugged in to
- github.com/thelarkinn/everything-is-a-plugin
- npm install
- git checkout 1.0
- webpack.academy
- artsy-webpack-tour
- webpack.js.org/concepts
- contrib: triage, loaders, docs, use
- opencollective.com/webpack
Cameron Matheson GraphQL IRL
- graphql = types & resolvers
- DataLoader
Justice Mba Demystifying setState()
David Khourshid Infinitely Better UIs with Finite Automata
- "bottom up" -> make basic version, iterate
- UI = graph, not tree
- "Deterministic Finite Automata"
- finite: number of states
- automata: logical sequence
- deterministic: given current state & action, next state is deterministic (predictable)
- AKA "finite state machine"
- initial state + transitions between states; transitions are directed
- common language for designer & developer
const machine = {
idle: {
CLICK: 'loading'
loading: {
RESOLVE: 'goat'
REJECT: 'error'
const transition = machine[state][action]
- sitoscape (??)
- from each point on graph, use dijkstra to find shortest path to any other point
- automate unit testing
- caveat: "state explosion" - add a single state adds lots of transitions
- fix: statecharts a.k.a. hierarchical finite state machines
- orthogonal state machines for being in more than one state at a time
- history states
- xstate (on npm)
- constructing the user interface with statecharts - ian horrocks
- statecharts a visual formalism for complex systems - david harel
- pure ui - guillermo rauch
- pure ui control - adam solove
- https://github.com/davidkpiano/xstate
Cara Kuei Start a conversation between browser windows
- postmessage
Max Stoiber OSS
- can i make it open source?
- knowledge can be made into open source project (or blog post)
- documentation PRs