diff --git a/.github/.container-structure-test-config.yaml b/.github/.container-structure-test-config.yaml
index 2ce44f1ce..60107655e 100644
--- a/.github/.container-structure-test-config.yaml
+++ b/.github/.container-structure-test-config.yaml
@@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ commandTests:
     args: [ "--version" ]
     expectedOutput: [ "([0-9]+\\.){2}[0-9]+\\n$" ]
+  - name: "trivy"
+    command: "trivy"
+    args: [ "--version" ]
+    expectedOutput: [ "Version: ([0-9]+\\.){2}[0-9]+\\n" ]
   - name: "tfupdate"
     command: "tfupdate"
     args: [ "--version" ]
diff --git a/.pre-commit-hooks.yaml b/.pre-commit-hooks.yaml
index 7b5152ba4..e8115b487 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-hooks.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-hooks.yaml
@@ -86,13 +86,21 @@
   exclude: \.terraform\/.*$
 - id: terraform_tfsec
-  name: Terraform validate with tfsec
+  name: Terraform validate with tfsec (deprecated, use "terraform_trivy")
   description: Static analysis of Terraform templates to spot potential security issues.
   require_serial: true
   entry: hooks/terraform_tfsec.sh
   files: \.tf(vars)?$
   language: script
+- id: terraform_trivy
+  name: Terraform validate with trivy
+  description: Static analysis of Terraform templates to spot potential security issues.
+  require_serial: true
+  entry: hooks/terraform_trivy.sh
+  files: \.tf(vars)?$
+  language: script
 - id: checkov
   name: checkov (deprecated, use "terraform_checkov")
   description: Runs checkov on Terraform templates.
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 165a30f86..fcf33f2a9 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ RUN if [ "$INSTALL_ALL" != "false" ]; then \
         echo "export TERRASCAN_VERSION=latest" >> /.env && \
         echo "export TFLINT_VERSION=latest" >> /.env && \
         echo "export TFSEC_VERSION=latest" >> /.env && \
+        echo "export TRIVY_VERSION=latest" >> /.env && \
         echo "export TFUPDATE_VERSION=latest" >> /.env && \
         echo "export HCLEDIT_VERSION=latest" >> /.env \
     ; else \
@@ -136,6 +138,17 @@ RUN . /.env && \
     ) && chmod +x tfsec \
     ; fi
+# Trivy
+RUN . /.env && \
+    if [ "$TRIVY_VERSION" != "false" ]; then \
+    if [ "$TARGETARCH" != "amd64" ]; then ARCH="$TARGETARCH"; else ARCH="64bit"; fi; \
+    ( \
+        TRIVY_RELEASES="https://api.github.com/repos/aquasecurity/trivy/releases" && \
+        [ "$TRIVY_VERSION" = "latest" ] && curl -L "$(curl -s ${TRIVY_RELEASES}/latest | grep -o -E -i -m 1 "https://.+?/trivy_.+?_${TARGETOS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz")" > trivy.tar.gz \
+        || curl -L "$(curl -s ${TRIVY_RELEASES} | grep -o -E -i -m 1 "https://.+?/v${TRIVY_VERSION}/trivy_.+?_${TARGETOS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz")" > trivy.tar.gz \
+    ) && tar -xzf trivy.tar.gz trivy && rm trivy.tar.gz \
+    ; fi
 # TFUpdate
 RUN . /.env && \
     if [ "$TFUPDATE_VERSION" != "false" ]; then \
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4f0eee1d4..0f2877d71 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ If you are using `pre-commit-terraform` already or want to support its developme
   * [terraform\_fmt](#terraform_fmt)
   * [terraform\_providers\_lock](#terraform_providers_lock)
   * [terraform\_tflint](#terraform_tflint)
-  * [terraform\_tfsec](#terraform_tfsec)
+  * [terraform\_tfsec (deprecated)](#terraform_tfsec-deprecated)
+  * [terraform\_trivy](#terraform_trivy)
   * [terraform\_validate](#terraform_validate)
   * [terraform\_wrapper\_module\_for\_each](#terraform_wrapper_module_for_each)
   * [terrascan](#terrascan)
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ If you are using `pre-commit-terraform` already or want to support its developme
 * [`terrascan`](https://github.com/tenable/terrascan) required for `terrascan` hook.
 * [`TFLint`](https://github.com/terraform-linters/tflint) required for `terraform_tflint` hook.
 * [`TFSec`](https://github.com/liamg/tfsec) required for `terraform_tfsec` hook.
+* [`Trivy`](https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy) required for `terraform_trivy` hook.
 * [`infracost`](https://github.com/infracost/infracost) required for `infracost_breakdown` hook.
 * [`jq`](https://github.com/stedolan/jq) required for `terraform_validate` with `--retry-once-with-cleanup` flag, and for `infracost_breakdown` hook.
 * [`tfupdate`](https://github.com/minamijoyo/tfupdate) required for `tfupdate` hook.
@@ -125,6 +127,7 @@ docker build -t pre-commit-terraform \
     --build-arg TERRASCAN_VERSION=1.10.0 \
     --build-arg TFLINT_VERSION=0.31.0 \
     --build-arg TFSEC_VERSION=latest \
+    --build-arg TRIVY_VERSION=latest \
     --build-arg TFUPDATE_VERSION=latest \
     --build-arg HCLEDIT_VERSION=latest \
@@ -138,7 +141,7 @@ Set `-e PRE_COMMIT_COLOR=never` to disable the color output in `pre-commit`.
-brew install pre-commit terraform-docs tflint tfsec checkov terrascan infracost tfupdate minamijoyo/hcledit/hcledit jq
+brew install pre-commit terraform-docs tflint tfsec trivy checkov terrascan infracost tfupdate minamijoyo/hcledit/hcledit jq
@@ -156,6 +159,7 @@ python3.7 -m pip install -U checkov
 curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/terraform-docs/terraform-docs/releases/latest | grep -o -E -m 1 "https://.+?-linux-amd64.tar.gz")" > terraform-docs.tgz && tar -xzf terraform-docs.tgz && rm terraform-docs.tgz && chmod +x terraform-docs && sudo mv terraform-docs /usr/bin/
 curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/terraform-linters/tflint/releases/latest | grep -o -E -m 1 "https://.+?_linux_amd64.zip")" > tflint.zip && unzip tflint.zip && rm tflint.zip && sudo mv tflint /usr/bin/
 curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/aquasecurity/tfsec/releases/latest | grep -o -E -m 1 "https://.+?tfsec-linux-amd64")" > tfsec && chmod +x tfsec && sudo mv tfsec /usr/bin/
+curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/aquasecurity/trivy/releases/latest | grep -o -E -i -m 1 "https://.+?/trivy_.+?_Linux-64bit.tar.gz")" > trivy.tar.gz && tar -xzf trivy.tar.gz trivy && rm trivy.tar.gz && sudo mv trivy /usr/bin
 curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/tenable/terrascan/releases/latest | grep -o -E -m 1 "https://.+?_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz")" > terrascan.tar.gz && tar -xzf terrascan.tar.gz terrascan && rm terrascan.tar.gz && sudo mv terrascan /usr/bin/ && terrascan init
 sudo apt install -y jq && \
 curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/infracost/infracost/releases/latest | grep -o -E -m 1 "https://.+?-linux-amd64.tar.gz")" > infracost.tgz && tar -xzf infracost.tgz && rm infracost.tgz && sudo mv infracost-linux-amd64 /usr/bin/infracost && infracost register
@@ -178,6 +182,7 @@ curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/terraform-docs/terraform-docs/re
 curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/tenable/terrascan/releases/latest | grep -o -E -m 1 "https://.+?_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz")" > terrascan.tar.gz && tar -xzf terrascan.tar.gz terrascan && rm terrascan.tar.gz && sudo mv terrascan /usr/bin/ && terrascan init
 curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/terraform-linters/tflint/releases/latest | grep -o -E -m 1 "https://.+?_linux_amd64.zip")" > tflint.zip && unzip tflint.zip && rm tflint.zip && sudo mv tflint /usr/bin/
 curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/aquasecurity/tfsec/releases/latest | grep -o -E -m 1 "https://.+?tfsec-linux-amd64")" > tfsec && chmod +x tfsec && sudo mv tfsec /usr/bin/
+curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/aquasecurity/trivy/releases/latest | grep -o -E -i -m 1 "https://.+?/trivy_.+?_Linux-64bit.tar.gz")" > trivy.tar.gz && tar -xzf trivy.tar.gz trivy && rm trivy.tar.gz && sudo mv trivy /usr/bin
 sudo apt install -y jq && \
 curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/infracost/infracost/releases/latest | grep -o -E -m 1 "https://.+?-linux-amd64.tar.gz")" > infracost.tgz && tar -xzf infracost.tgz && rm infracost.tgz && sudo mv infracost-linux-amd64 /usr/bin/infracost && infracost register
 curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/minamijoyo/tfupdate/releases/latest | grep -o -E -m 1 "https://.+?_linux_amd64.tar.gz")" > tfupdate.tar.gz && tar -xzf tfupdate.tar.gz tfupdate && rm tfupdate.tar.gz && sudo mv tfupdate /usr/bin/
@@ -274,6 +279,7 @@ There are several [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/) hooks to keep Terraform
 | `terraform_providers_lock`                             | Updates provider signatures in [dependency lock files](https://www.terraform.io/docs/cli/commands/providers/lock.html). [Hook notes](#terraform_providers_lock)                                                                              | -                                                                                    |
 | `terraform_tflint`                                     | Validates all Terraform configuration files with [TFLint](https://github.com/terraform-linters/tflint). [Available TFLint rules](https://github.com/terraform-linters/tflint/tree/master/docs/rules#rules). [Hook notes](#terraform_tflint). | `tflint`                                                                             |
 | `terraform_tfsec`                                      | [TFSec](https://github.com/aquasecurity/tfsec) static analysis of terraform templates to spot potential security issues. [Hook notes](#terraform_tfsec)                                                                                      | `tfsec`                                                                              |
+| `terraform_trivy`                                      | [Trivy](https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy) static analysis of terraform templates to spot potential security issues. [Hook notes](#terraform_trivy)                                                                                      | `trivy`                                                                              |
 | `terraform_validate`                                   | Validates all Terraform configuration files. [Hook notes](#terraform_validate)                                                                                                                                                               | `jq`, only for `--retry-once-with-cleanup` flag                                      |
 | `terragrunt_fmt`                                       | Reformat all [Terragrunt](https://github.com/gruntwork-io/terragrunt) configuration files (`*.hcl`) to a canonical format.                                                                                                                   | `terragrunt`                                                                         |
 | `terragrunt_validate`                                  | Validates all [Terragrunt](https://github.com/gruntwork-io/terragrunt) configuration files (`*.hcl`)                                                                                                                                         | `terragrunt`                                                                         |
@@ -681,7 +687,9 @@ To replicate functionality in `terraform_docs` hook:
-### terraform_tfsec
+### terraform_tfsec (deprecated)
+**DEPRECATED**. [tfsec was replaced by trivy](https://github.com/aquasecurity/tfsec/discussions/1994), so please use [`terraform_trivy`](#terraform_trivy).
 1. `terraform_tfsec` will consume modified files that pre-commit
     passes to it, so you can perform whitelisting of directories
@@ -738,6 +746,48 @@ To replicate functionality in `terraform_docs` hook:
         - --args=--config-file=.tfsec.json
+### terraform_trivy
+1. `terraform_trivy` will consume modified files that pre-commit
+    passes to it, so you can perform whitelisting of directories
+    or files to run against via [files](https://pre-commit.com/#config-files)
+    pre-commit flag
+    Example:
+    ```yaml
+    - id: terraform_trivy
+      files: ^prd-infra/
+    ```
+    The above will tell pre-commit to pass down files from the `prd-infra/` folder
+    only such that the underlying `trivy` tool can run against changed files in this
+    directory, ignoring any other folders at the root level
+2. To ignore specific warnings, follow the convention from the
+    Example:
+    ```hcl
+    #trivy:ignore:AVD-AWS-0107
+    #trivy:ignore:AVD-AWS-0124
+    resource "aws_security_group_rule" "my-rule" {
+        type = "ingress"
+        cidr_blocks = [""]
+    }
+    ```
+3. `terraform_trivy` supports custom arguments, so you can pass supported `--format` (output), `--skip-dirs` (exclude directories) and other flags:
+    ```yaml
+     - id: terraform_trivy
+       args:
+         - >
+           --args=--format json
+           --skip-dirs="**/.terragrunt-cache"
+    ```
 ### terraform_validate
 1. `terraform_validate` supports custom arguments so you can pass supported `-no-color` or `-json` flags:
diff --git a/hooks/terraform_tfsec.sh b/hooks/terraform_tfsec.sh
index 24b7d438f..d05ed4241 100755
--- a/hooks/terraform_tfsec.sh
+++ b/hooks/terraform_tfsec.sh
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ function main {
+  common::colorify "yellow" "tfsec tool was deprecated, and replaced by trivy. You can check trivy hook here:"
+  common::colorify "yellow" "https://github.com/antonbabenko/pre-commit-terraform/tree/master#terraform_trivy"
   common::per_dir_hook "$HOOK_ID" "${#ARGS[@]}" "${ARGS[@]}" "${FILES[@]}"
diff --git a/hooks/terraform_trivy.sh b/hooks/terraform_trivy.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dc205601a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/terraform_trivy.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -eo pipefail
+# globals variables
+# shellcheck disable=SC2155 # No way to assign to readonly variable in separate lines
+readonly SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd -P)"
+# shellcheck source=_common.sh
+. "$SCRIPT_DIR/_common.sh"
+function main {
+  common::initialize "$SCRIPT_DIR"
+  common::parse_cmdline "$@"
+  common::export_provided_env_vars "${ENV_VARS[@]}"
+  common::parse_and_export_env_vars
+  # Support for setting PATH to repo root.
+  for i in "${!ARGS[@]}"; do
+    ARGS[i]=${ARGS[i]/__GIT_WORKING_DIR__/$(pwd)\/}
+  done
+  common::per_dir_hook "$HOOK_ID" "${#ARGS[@]}" "${ARGS[@]}" "${FILES[@]}"
+# Unique part of `common::per_dir_hook`. The function is executed in loop
+# on each provided dir path. Run wrapped tool with specified arguments
+# Arguments:
+#   dir_path (string) PATH to dir relative to git repo root.
+#     Can be used in error logging
+#   change_dir_in_unique_part (string/false) Modifier which creates
+#     possibilities to use non-common chdir strategies.
+#     Availability depends on hook.
+#   args (array) arguments that configure wrapped tool behavior
+# Outputs:
+#   If failed - print out hook checks status
+function per_dir_hook_unique_part {
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Unused var.
+  local -r dir_path="$1"
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Unused var.
+  local -r change_dir_in_unique_part="$2"
+  shift 2
+  local -a -r args=("$@")
+  # pass the arguments to hook
+  trivy conf "$(pwd)" --exit-code=1 "${args[@]}"
+  # return exit code to common::per_dir_hook
+  local exit_code=$?
+  return $exit_code
+# Unique part of `common::per_dir_hook`. The function is executed one time
+# in the root git repo
+# Arguments:
+#   args (array) arguments that configure wrapped tool behavior
+function run_hook_on_whole_repo {
+  local -a -r args=("$@")
+  # pass the arguments to hook
+  trivy conf "$(pwd)" "${args[@]}"
+  # return exit code to common::per_dir_hook
+  local exit_code=$?
+  return $exit_code
+[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" != "$0" ] || main "$@"