1 | 1 | ---
2 | 2 |
3 |
| - name: Devel pipeline |
4 |
| - |
5 |
| - on: # yamllint disable-line rule:truthy |
6 |
| - pull_request_target: |
7 |
| - types: [opened, reopened, synchronize] |
8 |
| - branches: |
9 |
| - - devel |
10 |
| - paths: |
11 |
| - - '**.yml' |
12 |
| - - '**.sh' |
13 |
| - - '**.j2' |
14 |
| - - '**.ps1' |
15 |
| - - '**.cfg' |
16 |
| - |
17 |
| - # A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs |
18 |
| - # that can run sequentially or in parallel |
19 |
| - jobs: |
20 |
| - # This will create messages for first time contributers and direct them to the Discord server |
21 |
| - welcome: |
22 |
| - runs-on: ubuntu-latest |
23 |
| - |
24 |
| - steps: |
25 |
| - - uses: actions/first-interaction@main |
26 |
| - with: |
27 |
| - repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} |
28 |
| - pr-message: |- |
29 |
| - Congrats on opening your first pull request and thank you for taking the time to help improve Ansible-Lockdown! |
30 |
| - Please join in the conversation happening on the [Discord Server](https://www.lockdownenterprise.com/discord) as well. |
31 |
| -
32 |
| - # This workflow contains a single job which tests the playbook |
33 |
| - playbook-test: |
34 |
| - # The type of runner that the job will run on |
35 |
| - runs-on: ubuntu-latest |
36 |
| - env: |
37 |
| - ENABLE_DEBUG: ${{ vars.ENABLE_DEBUG }} |
38 |
| - # Imported as a variable by terraform |
39 |
| - TF_VAR_repository: ${{ github.event.repository.name }} |
40 |
| - defaults: |
41 |
| - run: |
42 |
| - shell: bash |
43 |
| - working-directory: .github/workflows/github_linux_IaC |
44 |
| - |
45 |
| - steps: |
46 |
| - - name: Clone ${{ github.event.repository.name }} |
47 |
| - uses: actions/checkout@v3 |
| 3 | + name: Devel pipeline |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | + on: # yamllint disable-line rule:truthy |
| 6 | + pull_request_target: |
| 7 | + types: [opened, reopened, synchronize] |
| 8 | + branches: |
| 9 | + - devel |
| 10 | + paths: |
| 11 | + - '**.yml' |
| 12 | + - '**.sh' |
| 13 | + - '**.j2' |
| 14 | + - '**.ps1' |
| 15 | + - '**.cfg' |
| 16 | + |
| 17 | + # A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs |
| 18 | + # that can run sequentially or in parallel |
| 19 | + jobs: |
| 20 | + # This will create messages for first time contributers and direct them to the Discord server |
| 21 | + welcome: |
| 22 | + runs-on: ubuntu-latest |
| 23 | + |
| 24 | + steps: |
| 25 | + - uses: actions/first-interaction@main |
48 | 26 | with:
49 |
| - ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} |
50 |
| - |
51 |
| - # Pull in terraform code for linux servers |
52 |
| - - name: Clone github IaC plan |
53 |
| - uses: actions/checkout@v3 |
54 |
| - with: |
55 |
| - repository: ansible-lockdown/github_linux_IaC |
56 |
| - path: .github/workflows/github_linux_IaC |
57 |
| - |
58 |
| - - name: Add_ssh_key |
59 |
| - working-directory: .github/workflows |
60 |
| - env: |
61 |
| - SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock |
62 |
| - PRIVATE_KEY: "${{ secrets.SSH_PRV_KEY }}" |
63 |
| - run: | |
64 |
| - mkdir .ssh |
65 |
| - chmod 700 .ssh |
66 |
| - echo $PRIVATE_KEY > .ssh/github_actions.pem |
67 |
| - chmod 600 .ssh/github_actions.pem |
68 |
| -
69 |
| - - name: DEBUG - Show IaC files |
70 |
| - if: env.ENABLE_DEBUG == 'true' |
71 |
| - run: | |
72 |
| - echo "OSVAR = $OSVAR" |
73 |
| - echo "benchmark_type = $benchmark_type" |
74 |
| - pwd |
75 |
| - ls |
76 |
| - env: |
77 |
| - # Imported from github variables this is used to load the relvent OS.tfvars file |
78 |
| - OSVAR: ${{ vars.OSVAR }} |
79 |
| - benchmark_type: ${{ vars.BENCHMARK_TYPE }} |
80 |
| - |
81 |
| - - name: Terraform_Init |
82 |
| - id: init |
83 |
| - run: terraform init |
84 |
| - env: |
85 |
| - # Imported from github variables this is used to load the relvent OS.tfvars file |
86 |
| - OSVAR: ${{ vars.OSVAR }} |
87 |
| - TF_VAR_benchmark_type: ${{ vars.BENCHMARK_TYPE }} |
88 |
| - |
89 |
| - - name: Terraform_Validate |
90 |
| - id: validate |
91 |
| - run: terraform validate |
92 |
| - env: |
93 |
| - # Imported from github variables this is used to load the relvent OS.tfvars file |
94 |
| - OSVAR: ${{ vars.OSVAR }} |
95 |
| - TF_VAR_benchmark_type: ${{ vars.BENCHMARK_TYPE }} |
96 |
| - |
97 |
| - - name: Terraform_Apply |
98 |
| - id: apply |
99 |
| - env: |
100 |
| - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} |
101 |
102 |
| - OSVAR: ${{ vars.OSVAR }} |
103 |
| - TF_VAR_benchmark_type: ${{ vars.BENCHMARK_TYPE }} |
104 |
| - run: terraform apply -var-file "github_vars.tfvars" -var-file "${OSVAR}.tfvars" --auto-approve -input=false |
105 |
| - |
106 |
| - ## Debug Section |
107 |
| - - name: DEBUG - Show Ansible hostfile |
108 |
| - if: env.ENABLE_DEBUG == 'true' |
109 |
| - run: cat hosts.yml |
110 |
| - |
111 |
| - # Aws deployments taking a while to come up insert sleep or playbook fails |
112 |
| - |
113 |
| - - name: Sleep for 60 seconds |
114 |
| - run: sleep 60s |
115 |
| - |
116 |
| - # Run the ansible playbook |
117 |
| - - name: Run_Ansible_Playbook |
118 |
| - uses: arillso/action.playbook@master |
119 |
| - with: |
120 |
| - playbook: site.yml |
121 |
| - inventory: .github/workflows/github_linux_IaC/hosts.yml |
122 |
| - galaxy_file: collections/requirements.yml |
123 |
| - private_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRV_KEY }} |
124 |
| - # verbose: 3 |
125 |
| - env: |
126 |
127 |
128 |
| - |
129 |
| - # Remove test system - User secrets to keep if necessary |
130 |
| - |
131 |
| - - name: Terraform_Destroy |
132 |
| - if: always() && env.ENABLE_DEBUG == 'false' |
133 |
| - env: |
134 |
| - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} |
135 |
136 |
| - OSVAR: ${{ vars.OSVAR }} |
137 |
| - TF_VAR_benchmark_type: ${{ vars.BENCHMARK_TYPE }} |
138 |
| - run: terraform destroy -var-file "github_vars.tfvars" -var-file "${OSVAR}.tfvars" --auto-approve -input=false |
| 27 | + repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} |
| 28 | + pr-message: |- |
| 29 | + Congrats on opening your first pull request and thank you for taking the time to help improve Ansible-Lockdown! |
| 30 | + Please join in the conversation happening on the [Discord Server](https://www.lockdownenterprise.com/discord) as well. |
| 31 | +
| 32 | + # This workflow contains a single job that tests the playbook |
| 33 | + playbook-test: |
| 34 | + # The type of runner that the job will run on |
| 35 | + runs-on: ubuntu-latest |
| 36 | + env: |
| 37 | + ENABLE_DEBUG: ${{ vars.ENABLE_DEBUG }} |
| 38 | + # Imported as a variable by terraform |
| 39 | + TF_VAR_repository: ${{ github.event.repository.name }} |
| 40 | + defaults: |
| 41 | + run: |
| 42 | + shell: bash |
| 43 | + working-directory: .github/workflows/github_linux_IaC |
| 44 | + |
| 45 | + steps: |
| 46 | + - name: Clone ${{ github.event.repository.name }} |
| 47 | + uses: actions/checkout@v4 |
| 48 | + with: |
| 49 | + ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} |
| 50 | + |
| 51 | + # Pull in terraform code for linux servers |
| 52 | + - name: Clone GitHub IaC plan |
| 53 | + uses: actions/checkout@v4 |
| 54 | + with: |
| 55 | + repository: ansible-lockdown/github_linux_IaC |
| 56 | + path: .github/workflows/github_linux_IaC |
| 57 | + |
| 58 | + - name: Add_ssh_key |
| 59 | + working-directory: .github/workflows |
| 60 | + env: |
| 61 | + SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock |
| 62 | + PRIVATE_KEY: "${{ secrets.SSH_PRV_KEY }}" |
| 63 | + run: | |
| 64 | + mkdir .ssh |
| 65 | + chmod 700 .ssh |
| 66 | + echo $PRIVATE_KEY > .ssh/github_actions.pem |
| 67 | + chmod 600 .ssh/github_actions.pem |
| 68 | +
| 69 | + - name: DEBUG - Show IaC files |
| 70 | + if: env.ENABLE_DEBUG == 'true' |
| 71 | + run: | |
| 72 | + echo "OSVAR = $OSVAR" |
| 73 | + echo "benchmark_type = $benchmark_type" |
| 74 | + pwd |
| 75 | + ls |
| 76 | + env: |
| 77 | + # Imported from GitHub variables this is used to load the relevant OS.tfvars file |
| 78 | + OSVAR: ${{ vars.OSVAR }} |
| 79 | + benchmark_type: ${{ vars.BENCHMARK_TYPE }} |
| 80 | + |
| 81 | + - name: Terraform_Init |
| 82 | + id: init |
| 83 | + run: terraform init |
| 84 | + env: |
| 85 | + # Imported from GitHub variables this is used to load the relevant OS.tfvars file |
| 86 | + OSVAR: ${{ vars.OSVAR }} |
| 87 | + TF_VAR_benchmark_type: ${{ vars.BENCHMARK_TYPE }} |
| 88 | + |
| 89 | + - name: Terraform_Validate |
| 90 | + id: validate |
| 91 | + run: terraform validate |
| 92 | + env: |
| 93 | + # Imported from GitHub variables this is used to load the relevant OS.tfvars file |
| 94 | + OSVAR: ${{ vars.OSVAR }} |
| 95 | + TF_VAR_benchmark_type: ${{ vars.BENCHMARK_TYPE }} |
| 96 | + |
| 97 | + - name: Terraform_Apply |
| 98 | + id: apply |
| 99 | + env: |
| 100 | + AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} |
| 102 | + OSVAR: ${{ vars.OSVAR }} |
| 103 | + TF_VAR_benchmark_type: ${{ vars.BENCHMARK_TYPE }} |
| 104 | + run: terraform apply -var-file "github_vars.tfvars" -var-file "${OSVAR}.tfvars" --auto-approve -input=false |
| 105 | + |
| 106 | +## Debug Section |
| 107 | + - name: DEBUG - Show Ansible hostfile |
| 108 | + if: env.ENABLE_DEBUG == 'true' |
| 109 | + run: cat hosts.yml |
| 110 | + |
| 111 | + # Aws deployments taking a while to come up insert sleep or playbook fails |
| 112 | + |
| 113 | + - name: Sleep for 60 seconds |
| 114 | + run: sleep ${{ vars.BUILD_SLEEPTIME }} |
| 115 | + |
| 116 | + # Run the Ansible playbook |
| 117 | + - name: Run_Ansible_Playbook |
| 118 | + uses: arillso/action.playbook@master |
| 119 | + with: |
| 120 | + playbook: site.yml |
| 121 | + inventory: .github/workflows/github_linux_IaC/hosts.yml |
| 122 | + galaxy_file: collections/requirements.yml |
| 123 | + private_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRV_KEY }} |
| 124 | + # verbose: 3 |
| 125 | + env: |
| 126 | + ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING: "false" |
| 128 | + ANSIBLE_INJECT_FACT_VARS: "false" |
| 129 | + |
| 130 | + # Remove test system - User secrets to keep if necessary |
| 131 | + |
| 132 | + - name: Terraform_Destroy |
| 133 | + if: always() && env.ENABLE_DEBUG == 'false' |
| 134 | + env: |
| 135 | + AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} |
| 137 | + OSVAR: ${{ vars.OSVAR }} |
| 138 | + TF_VAR_benchmark_type: ${{ vars.BENCHMARK_TYPE }} |
| 139 | + run: terraform destroy -var-file "github_vars.tfvars" -var-file "${OSVAR}.tfvars" --auto-approve -input=false |
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