diff --git a/app/Commands/Html.hs b/app/Commands/Html.hs
index 750f1b74c3..a660d142f5 100644
--- a/app/Commands/Html.hs
+++ b/app/Commands/Html.hs
@@ -51,39 +51,40 @@ resultToJudocCtx res =
sres = res ^. resultInternal . resultScoper
runCommand :: forall r. (Members AppEffects r) => HtmlOptions -> Sem r ()
-runCommand HtmlOptions {..}
- | _htmlOnlySource = runGenOnlySourceHtml HtmlOptions {..}
- | otherwise = do
- entry <- getEntryPoint _htmlInputFile
- (r, rs) <- runPipelineHtml _htmlNonRecursive _htmlInputFile
- outputDir <- fromAppPathDir _htmlOutputDir
- let ctx = resultToJudocCtx r <> mconcatMap resultToJudocCtx rs
- Html.genJudocHtml
- entry
- JudocArgs
- { _judocArgsAssetsPrefix = _htmlAssetsPrefix,
- _judocArgsBaseName = "proj",
- _judocArgsCtx = ctx,
- _judocArgsMainModule = r ^. resultInternal . resultScoper . Scoper.resultModule,
- _judocArgsOutputDir = outputDir,
- _judocArgsUrlPrefix = _htmlUrlPrefix,
- _judocArgsIdPrefix = _htmlIdPrefix,
- _judocArgsTheme = _htmlTheme,
- _judocArgsNonRecursive = _htmlNonRecursive,
- _judocArgsNoFooter = _htmlNoFooter,
- _judocArgsNoPath = _htmlNoPath,
- _judocArgsExt = _htmlExt,
- _judocArgsStripPrefix = _htmlStripPrefix,
- _judocArgsFolderStructure = _htmlFolderStructure
- }
- when _htmlOpen $ case openCmd of
- Nothing -> logError "Could not recognize the 'open' command for your operating system"
- Just opencmd ->
- liftIO
- . void
- $ Process.spawnProcess
- opencmd
- [ toFilePath
- ( outputDir /> Html.indexFileName
- )
- ]
+runCommand HtmlOptions {..} = silenceProgressLog $ do
+ if
+ | _htmlOnlySource -> runGenOnlySourceHtml HtmlOptions {..}
+ | otherwise -> do
+ entry <- getEntryPoint _htmlInputFile
+ (r, rs) <- runPipelineHtml _htmlNonRecursive _htmlInputFile
+ outputDir <- fromAppPathDir _htmlOutputDir
+ let ctx = resultToJudocCtx r <> mconcatMap resultToJudocCtx rs
+ Html.genJudocHtml
+ entry
+ JudocArgs
+ { _judocArgsAssetsPrefix = _htmlAssetsPrefix,
+ _judocArgsBaseName = "proj",
+ _judocArgsCtx = ctx,
+ _judocArgsMainModule = r ^. resultInternal . resultScoper . Scoper.resultModule,
+ _judocArgsOutputDir = outputDir,
+ _judocArgsUrlPrefix = _htmlUrlPrefix,
+ _judocArgsIdPrefix = _htmlIdPrefix,
+ _judocArgsTheme = _htmlTheme,
+ _judocArgsNonRecursive = _htmlNonRecursive,
+ _judocArgsNoFooter = _htmlNoFooter,
+ _judocArgsNoPath = _htmlNoPath,
+ _judocArgsExt = _htmlExt,
+ _judocArgsStripPrefix = _htmlStripPrefix,
+ _judocArgsFolderStructure = _htmlFolderStructure
+ }
+ when _htmlOpen $ case openCmd of
+ Nothing -> logError "Could not recognize the 'open' command for your operating system"
+ Just opencmd ->
+ liftIO
+ . void
+ $ Process.spawnProcess
+ opencmd
+ [ toFilePath
+ ( outputDir /> Html.indexFileName
+ )
+ ]