Script Keybase Chat in Go!
This is my fork of keybase/go-keybase-chatbot.
This module is a side-project/work in progress and may change or have crashes, but feel free to play with it. As long as you're logged in as a Keybase user, you can use this module to script basic chat commands.
Make sure to install Keybase.
go get -u
package main
import (
func fail(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, msg+"\n", args...)
func main() {
var kbLoc string
var kbc *kbchat.API
var err error
flag.StringVar(&kbLoc, "keybase", "keybase", "the location of the Keybase app")
if kbc, err = kbchat.Start(kbLoc); err != nil {
fail("Error creating API: %s", err.Error())
tlfName := fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", kbc.Username(), "kb_monbot")
fmt.Printf("saying hello on conversation: %s\n", tlfName)
if err = kbc.SendMessageByTlfName(tlfName, "hello!"); err != nil {
fail("Error sending message; %s", err.Error())
This must be run first in order to start the Keybase JSON API stdin/stdout interactive mode.
send a new message by specifying a TLF name
send a new message by specifying a conversation ID
get all conversations, optionally filtering for unread status
get all text messages, optionally filtering for unread status
Reads the messages in a channel. You can read with or without marking as read.
Returns an object that allows for a bot to enter into a loop calling NewMessageSubscription.Read
to receive any new message across all conversations (except the bots own messages). See the following example:
sub := kbc.ListenForNewTextMessages()
for {
msg, err := sub.Read()
if err != nil {
fail("failed to read message: %s", err.Error())
if err = kbc.SendMessage(msg.Conversation.Id, msg.Message.Content.Text.Body); err != nil {
fail("error echo'ing message: %s", err.Error())
- attachment handling (posting/getting)
- edit/delete
- many other things!
- welcomed!