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207 lines (176 loc) · 5.81 KB

File metadata and controls

207 lines (176 loc) · 5.81 KB

Creating a collapsible tree with support for moving and drag and drop

Require plugin Tools. Use the composer to install: composer require dereuromark/cakephp-tools:^0.12.3

Creating a collapsible tree

  1. Include Tools.Tree helper in your Controller:

     * An array containing the names of helpers this controller uses. The array elements should
     * not contain the "Helper" part of the class name.
     * @var mixed
     * @link
    public $helpers = [
  2. In your View file add:

    echo $this->AssetCompress->css('CakeTheme.tree', ['block' => 'css']);
    echo $this->AssetCompress->script('CakeTheme.tree', ['block' => 'script']);
    $expandClass = '';
    if ($expandAll) {
        $expandClass = 'bonsai-expand-all';
    $treeOptions = [
        'class' => 'bonsai-treeview' . $expandClass,
        'model' => 'SomeModel',
        'id' => 'some-tree',
        'element' => 'SomeElement'
    $treeWrapOptions = [
        'data-url' => $dropUrl,
        'data-nested' => 'true',
        'data-change-parent' => 'false',
        'data-toggle' => 'draggable',
    $tree = $this->Tree->generate($treeData, $treeOptions);
    if ($draggable) {
        $tree = $this->Html->div(null, $tree, $treeWrapOptions);
    echo $tree;

Adding support for moving and drag and drop

  1. In your Controller add:

    • Include the Move component:

      public $components = [
          'CakeTheme.Move' => ['model' => 'ModelName'],
    • Include the ViewExtension helper:

      public $helpers = [
    • Add action move and drop:

       * Action `move`. Used to move employee to new position.
       * @param string $direct Direction for moving: `up`, `down`, `top`, `bottom`
       * @param int|string $id ID of record for moving
       * @param int|string $delta Delta for moving
       * @throws InternalErrorException if tree of subordinate is disabled
       * @throws MethodNotAllowedException if request is not POST
       * @return void
      public function move($direct = null, $id = null, $delta = 1) {
          $this->Move->moveItem($direct, $id, $delta);
       * Action `drop`. Used to drag and drop employee to new position, 
       *  include new manager.
       * POST Data:
       *  - `target` The ID of the item to moving to new position;
       *  - `parent` New parent ID of item;
       *  - `parentStart` Old parent ID of item;
       *  - `tree` Array of ID subtree for item. 
       * @throws BadRequestException if request is not AJAX, POST or JSON.
       * @throws InternalErrorException if tree of subordinate is disabled
       * @throws MethodNotAllowedException if request is not POST
       * @return void
      public function drop() {
  2. In your Model add:

    • Include behaviors Tree and Move:

      public $actsAs = [
    • If needed, add callback functions:

       * Returns a list of all events that will fire in the model during it's lifecycle.
       * Add listener callbacks for events `Model.beforeUpdateTree` and `Model.afterUpdateTree`.
       * @return array
      public function implementedEvents() {
          $events = parent::implementedEvents();
          $events['Model.beforeUpdateTree'] = array('callable' => 'beforeUpdateTree', 'passParams' => true);
          $events['Model.afterUpdateTree'] = array('callable' => 'afterUpdateTree');
          return $events;
       * Called before each update tree. Return a non-true result
       * to halt the update tree.
       * @param array $options Options:
       *  - `id`: ID of moved record,
       *  - `newParentId`: ID of new parent for moved record,
       *  - `method`: method of move - moveUp or moveDown,
       *  - `delta`: delta for moving.
       * @return bool True if the operation should continue, false if it should abort
      public function beforeUpdateTree($options = array()) {
          return true;
       * Called after each successful update tree operation.
       * @return void 
      public function afterUpdateTree() {
  3. In your View add:

    • Include JS and CSS files:

      echo $this->AssetCompress->css('CakeTheme.tree');
      echo $this->AssetCompress->script('CakeTheme.tree');
    • Create move buttons:

      echo $this->ViewExtension->buttonsMove($url, $useDrag, $glue, $useGroup);


      • $url - URL to move action in controller, e.g.: ['controller' => 'employees', 'action' => 'move', $employee['Employee']['id']]

      • $useDrag - flag of using drag and drop button

      • $glue - glue for buttons, e.g.:  

      • $useGroup - If True and empty $glue, use group buttons.

      • Wrap table in DIV element:

        $dataUrl = $this->Html->url(
                'controller' => 'posts',
                'action' => 'drop',
                'ext' => 'json',
        <div data-toggle="draggable" data-url="<?php echo $dataUrl; ?>">
                    <tr data-id="<?php echo $ID; ?>">

        Where $ID - ID of table row for moving.