amplitude using .getpolarized.io so we can track user flow across the site
new event design system to handle page views better and it's now using a pageView event in analytics.
improved our mobile app support by stripping out a lot of broken functionality to just get a v1 implemented.
migrated to a new persistent state store hook
Fixed one of the main safari bugs preventing us from shipping an iOS app.
Fixed bug in RendererAnalytics that would create too many sentry entries.
Worked on 'Personas' for when users go premium
Fixed bug where tags could not be created
Added more aggressive sentry exception reporting in order to detect and handle bugs more aggressively.
Added back in a logs capture system so that the user can copy their logs and send them to us if they're having a bug and we need more data.
Fixed bug with prefs not always loading and then blocking the UI.
Now canonicalizing /doc URLs for analytics.
Link to Polar forum
Fixed a bad bug preventing repository in Safari from being snappy on login.
It was far far too latent. Also, will speed things up for other users. -
The PDF outliner can be expanded and collapsed and we collapse by default such that only folders with depth=1 are collapsed by default.
properly handling user authentication now.
We now properly assert that the number of web captures you're making is compatible with your account and show the limits in the UI.
Can now right click the annotation in the doc viewer to scroll the annotation in the annotation sidebar.
Fixed help menu in the desktop app
Implemented phrase search in the PDF viewer
- more stores are now shallow
added support for webCapture: true through all parts of the capture process
AnnotationSidebarStore.tsx and FolderSidebarStore.tsx now use shallow equals for performance boost
added support for Firestore 8.0 and new Firebase UI auth
Upgrade to the latest version of RXJS
implemented shallow vs deep comparison in the main store which can be optionally enabled per store and makes UI clicks just about 1ms on average.
- Fixed bug with PDF documents not properly resuming pagemarks
- keyboard shortcut duration now shorter
- When deleting a tag we reset and select the default folder now to avoid confusing the user that a file has been deleted.
- Fixed a bug with uploading files ending in .PDF
- Fixed a bug where only one docMeta field could be changed when editing document metadata.
- Fixed react bug with not rendering the month properly when editing doc metadata
- Fixed a bug with dispatchPDFDocMeta in PDF documents. Order was incorrect.
- Improved sorting so that empty strings sort last.
- Fixed a bug with the UI not sorting properly for authors and other new columns.
- can edit metadata on documents directly now.
- cloze deletions no longer lock cards in the 'shown' position
- enter can show the answer to a flashcard, not just space
- rewrote a significant amount of the flashcard reviewer
- some mild fixes to anki sync so that data that we're going to sync is copied properly.
- we support zest feedback recording now
- fixed bug with copy/paste that would be grey.
- fixed bug with double delete trigger
- margin to the bottom of UI to prevent obscuring buttons
- added back mailing list subscriptions
- Fixed bug with app not exiting on last window.
- Remove trial text since we can't currently offer trials
- WAY better error message when we can't connect to Anki.
- Fixed bug where determinate progress bar on MacOS had rounded corners (regression)
- the cloze ID is computed from the text, not just an integer that's incremented
- Fixed bug with Anki not using CORS settings on startup
- Anki sync no longer creates excess tags that are not necessary
- Anki sync is faster now because we do not need to read DocMeta from firestore but instead have it in memory
- can now tag, archive, and flag for the document viewer.
- better font sizes for annotation repo
- better keyboard shortcuts UI
'contenteditable' events weren't being ignored.
zoom works wth keyboard bindings now.
Folder behavior was wrong when selecting subfolders
resize + scroll listeners are now passive which in theory should increase performance
impl of finc-next key binding
progress bar while we are computing all new files.
It's now no longer possible to create duplicate + new tags
Fixed bug with the document write indicator not properly updating
Toggle back and forth between full screen mode should work now.
- Polar 1.0 migration should work now.
- disable context menus on context menus
- Fixed bug with the first character of tabs being ignored
- Migration code for legacy PHZ documents should be enabled/working
- Fixed bug where the chrome extension wasn't being detected
- Fixed bug with keyboard binding on input elements
- Fixed bug with attempting to use chrome API on electron.
- Improved pricing page (but not done yet)
- Faster UI for dialogs
- Doc repo only allows regular tags now.
- remove archive option from annotations since it makes no sense
- Fixed key bindings and no longer using react-hotkeys.
- another big performance change
- Improved performance of the PDF doc viewer. Not all the performance updates I want though but getting better
- Fixed jumping to epub pagemarks
- Updated doc viewer menu with better menu entry names
- EPUB search next,prev works now
- PDF document scroll page number detection works now...
- Options (tags) are sorted in options now in the autocomplete dialog
- No folders when tagging annotations now
fixed bug with annotation repo store where it wasn't updating immediately.
tags for annotations now work
chrome extension now shows a dialog box when we're uploading a PDF
New modal progress upload widget for when the user MUST wait for the document to upload when using the save to polar chrome extension.
Fix to prevent being able to create an autocompleted tag twice.
stale updates are now ignored in the doc repo so that we don't have races in the updating of the UI
refactored code to make refreshing the UI faster
the account control can now dismiss the popper so that when you click on 'pricing' it goes away.
rewrote the way we handle EPUB highlights and search hit placement to be a lot more reliable.
logout now works again properly
single delete button for comments
Fix: wrapping issues with Safari
Fix: we can now remove documents from the archive again.
Fix: doc repo archives are much faster as we refresh the in-memory store first
Fix: PDF dark mode note enabled for light mode
Feature: Can now tag from within the doc viewer
Fix: Fixed EPUB jump in the doc viewer when opening up new documents
Fix: Fixed ctrl+f on Windows
Fixed bug where unicode characters are 'too long' when detecting if they are whitespace.
Fixed bug with annotation jumps that would break PDF and cause it to shift while working with text highlights.
EPUBs can now jump to the most recent reading position in the context menu.
Pagemark mode can now be set properly
Fixed bug in epub when changing pages.
Fixed bug where EPUB pagemarks would not render properly when the browser window was resized.
improved UI spacing
Fixed bug where we would sometimes handle the wrong range and log an exception and break the UI
Fixed bug where EPUB pagemarks would snap to the wrong position.
primary call to action buttons (add document, start review) are longer per figma spec
flag and archive buttons are now in the doc viewer (tag will come next)
- EPUB files can now be uploaded again
- Title for uploaded document is truncated
- You can now find text in epub documents that you're reading
- Fixed bug with PDF where you could no longer create area highlights.
- Context menu for folders working again.
- upgraded to latest version of typescript and tslint
- annotations in the annotation viewer can now be rich text.
- new state listener for the connection to firebase so we can debug when it disconnects/connects
- annotations in the annotation view are now sorted by 'last updated' not the creation time.
- annotations can have tags
- latest version of react-select
- Sentry is now disabled as it was breaking windows builds.
- Flow for the annotation sidebar now fixes the header at the top and properly sets overflow so just the sidebar text flows.
- Short term workaround for a bug where firebase won't write to prefs on startup which blocked cloud sync on restart for some users.
- Upgraded to latest Firebase libraries (7.7.0)
- Fixed bug with spacing in the tree sidebar for nodes that get compressed.
- Ability to filter annotations on the sidebar.
- Fixed bug with performing reviews when nothing left was available.
- Fixed bug with #? not being encoded properly due when creating file URLs.
- Suggestions and net promoter score disabled for now as users were complaining that it was asking too often. We're going to disable this until we can make sure that users are only asked once per month at most.
- significant improvements with mobile apps and spaced repetition
- Fixed bug with safari not rendering the top left folder filters...
- "Copy clipboard" from logs now pretty prints the JSON args
- Reworked flashcard app so the flashcards now look like real flashcards.
- Animations now work with the sidebar properly
- Navigations now work on tablet and phone with routes
- Reworked routes so that they're cached + faster plus work with nav
- Fixed bad bug with authentication and Google auth bringing up external URL window/prompts
- Fixed bug with flashcard entry where the wrong field was used.
- Fixed layout for sidebar and main content.
- Fixed Electron 7.0 distribution issue.
Fixed bug with tablets now showing the pricing plan
removed outline on MacOS for tree nodes on the sidebar.
Dramatically improved our mobile and tablet apps.
Fixed bug where PHZ files were breaking with iframes that were invalid.
Changed #annotations and #stats URLs so that they are /annotations and /stats as we're going to migrate to anchors for sub-screens for history.
Fixed privacy policy URL in login page
Tags can now contain spaces and hyphens
Semaphore now used for Windows disk writes.
Removed some unused libraries
Upgrades to latest firebase
Fix for Google authentication issues due to exposing Electron in User Agent and confused Google.
Migration to Electron 7.1.4
Flagged items are now bold.
odd/even coloring in the document list / table.
usability: the sidebar has been significantly redesigned
- "+" button for adding tags and folders
- context menu for adding tags and folders
- remove tag from docs
usability: expand/collapse of folders now works now.
UI: better UI filter control.
usability: you can now see the folders a file is within in the document repository
usability: you can now export annotations from the annotations view.
usability: double click of comments or flashcards edits them.
Reading and review for older items would fail due to schema changes.
ChromeOS is now a desktop platform
Upgrade account button now works.
Improved text in suggestions dialog.
The user suggestions dialog is centered.
usability: Fixed an issue where if the user accidentally hit 'r' the document would rotate and people couldn't figure out how to revert.
The sidebar now doesn't show the color for the buttons unless you hover over them. The colors are also more muted to help not distract more when using the annotation sidebar.
Flashcards stats in the mobile app
Ability to revise the text of a text highlight.
Big refactor of the context menu so that range selection and context menus work properly.
Ability to remove items from folders via right click
Multi-selection for deletes implemented
Deleting multiple items via context menu now works
Bronze now officially required for reading stats and recommended tags
The context menus now have icons
Major refactor of how text selection works using the new modern text layer code in pdf.js which has been a major complaint since 1.0. Excited to finally have this fixed!
Fixed bug where sometimes exceptions were swallowed
Updated Firebase to hopefully fix some bugs with latency and exceptions..
Fixed delete dialogs as they were using older code...
Merged branch for image optimization.
Fixed alignment of headers in the doc repo
Fixed bad bug with stats for spaced repetition queue not being computed accurately.
Improved performance of doc table when selecting items.
The document repository view is now much faster and context menus no longer have a 'gap' which wouldn't trigger the menu.
Now using larger buttons in the UI
Show the front + back of cards when we 'show answer'
Statistics now shown for flashcards when the user is using spaced repetition
No more hamburger menu in the sidebar. All options are now flat in the desktop UI and more discoverable.
Using proper MacOS system font along with Robot everywhere else including android devices.
New documentation rework and will be improving this long term.
Added two more colors to the annotation bar. Was frequently requested by our users so just added it.
Flashcards now inherit the text of the annotation when being created to avoid double copy / pasting of text.
Mobile now a supported platform and designed for spaced repetition. This will get us moving on mobile until we can build out a real/full reading platform there.
The header and footer in the doc repo is fixed now and don't move as you scroll.
Fixed bug with drag and drop and working with items from the second page of results.
Flashcard reviewer now integrated along with our normal spaced repetition.
Annotation reviewer spaced repetition system finally integrated into Polar
More work on mobile including disabling some features when using the app.
Active filters are now light blue so that users know they have filters enabled.
Color and annotation type filters now work.
Fixed bug with the root folders having the wrong counts
the dropdowns were broken and appearing off screen which is now fixed.
highlights in the annotation view have colors again.
upgraded to the latest version of Typescript
Fixed bug related to authentication and some accounts that would break when trying to login and this would fail intermittently.
It's now possible to drag documents from the document repository into the sidebar on tags and folders.
Upgraded to latest version of firebase
We now have 'Folders' and 'Tags' in the sidebar.
It's not possible to display tags in the sidebar and select them.
Fixed about 250 errors with npm audit as 'npm' itself somehow became a dependency.
upgrade jszip
Upgraded to pdfjs-dist 2.2.228
Fixed bug with polar not working when disconnected from the Internet.
Improved issue with markdown exports and text
Big upgrade of dependencies. firebase and pdf.js
Actually fixed the sidebar stall loading bug. Wasn't actually fixed.
Polar site now has SEO metadata for linked pages.
cleanup of dependencies to avoid security issues.
Migrating to lerna for module management. Things aren't perfect yet and version numbers might have gaps from here on out.
Fixed a bad bug which caused the sidebar to continually reload over and over again. We can still make it faster by using pure components I think.
Better name for the root node (Documents and Annotations)
URL nav should work in android now...
Fixed a bug that prevented mobile working properly.
Fixed wrap in dropdown buttons.
Fixed a bug with the MessageBox modal where the background wasn't inherited and the zIndex was wrong.
Rewrite of URL handling so that /groups are real URLs not hash URLs.
Fixed bug with overflow handling and the app not properly using scrollbars.
- /groups doesn't require auth now... auth is only triggered when you try to add a document or create a group.
Suggest that Anki users install the appropriate model names instead of a
generic error. -
Initial version of polar public groups. This is just a minimally viable release to test out new features and get user feedback. There's still a lot left to do.
- Small bug when dealing with account upgrades not allowing current plans to work.
- Support for yearly payment plans
- Users are required to upgrade now. We won't allow more documents to be added to the repository otherwise.
Telling the user that their account will now be disabled
Analytics for adding documents...
- fixed bug with returning undefined values of profiles that lack metadata
- ability to handle add document requests from a URL
Encourage users of free to go with Polar Premium...
Fixed bug with archive and flag not working.
Upgrade to Electron 5.0.6...
Fixed security dependency issue with lodash.
- Group sharing support added to Polar. You can now directly share documents with other users.
Forcing upgrades for users using large amounts of cloud storage.
Implementation of folders now.
- Fixed small bug where a pagemark with zero percent says that it 'has no percentage' but this is because zero is false and very misleading. I have to be more careful of that bug.
New payment system for Polar premium
Fixed bug when dragging area highlights.
Fixed regression in the webapp where PHZ files couldn't be loaded.
Fixed a potential sync issue where the cache could become inconsistent and polar would attempt to perform a read on a document that really doesn't exist.
Now we just yield a warning.
Better handling of uppercase filenames now.
Fixed bug in htmlviewer where the sandbox was breaking doc loading.
Fixed an issue with polar on linux not resolving symlinks properly on startup.
JSON is now represented without spacing to cut storage costs in half and speed up writes.
Update to latest interactjs
Datastore 'overview' now works on Firebase and syncs up with cloud aware datastore properly I think.
Fixed typo with "Appendix"
More aggressive prompting for suggestions but only 1x per week now.
new clipboard cleanser for properly handling the clipboard when pasting from part of the PDF. The handling is not yet perfect but we're making steps in that direction at least.
Fixed bug with highlights vanishing when colors were changed
Fixed bugs with .debs
- Fixes some bugs with snaps
we are now prompting the user for suggestions on how to fix polar.
unique machines code properly merged
enable snap distribution again.
Using a border around the selected item in the annotation view not a background
Fixed bug with the percentages being slightly off and causing issues being greater than 100%
Fixed a small performance issue with N writes during write() which also means we increase performance but lower Firebase costs.
Fixed bug with formatting being selected and part of the form being selected when double clicking in comments.
- Fixed bug with deletes not working. I need to get automated testing setup!
fixed a CSS issue with the dock
Fixed a bad bug where comments and flashcards wouldn't reload in the sidebar.
set a max height for the background resizer and don't allow it to go crazy resizing itself forever.
annotation sidebar is resizeable now
proper capture of iframes now
upgrade to latest jsdom
'Delete' char now works to delete one or multiple docs and you're prompted to confirm.
Fixed bug where the PDF page size yielded an incorrect placement of the area highlight.
The left side dock in the annotation view is now resizeable.
Fixed major performance issue when creating lots of annotations.
New color picker with advanced colors for highlights.
Fixed bug where capture would not remove noscript elements and would mangle the UI.
Dropdowns are faster now due to no delay.
Fixed bug with pagemarks < 1%
Upgrade to Electron 5.0.1
Fixed bug with mouse up when using iframes.
Area highlights now supported
Updated annotation view which is more usable and allows you to work with your notes and annotations more directly including better filtering and UI.
Polar chrome extension no longer handles PDFs by default. We will have to keep this functionality disabled until we can embed the entire web app within the chrome extension but this is a difficult task for now.
new component to ScrollIntoView so that when we're dealing with scrollable and long form content we can make sure the content and scrolled and viewable.
New handling for scrolling so that documents with slight overflow don't shift on us.
Fixed bug where capture would fail because load was 'aborted' but it really doesn't matter as we're just triggering load and it's up to the user if they want to capture.
Polar chrome extension now part of main polar repo for better support and faster iteration.
Upgraded to latest firebase versions
cleanup orphan javascript
Big upgrade to latest version of Electron:
Electron v5.0.0, Chromium v73.0.3683.119, Node v12.0.0, v8 v7.3.492.27-electron.0
This should hopefully fix a major latency issue some users were seeing on Ubuntu/Linux.
Major performance fix on large PDFs. Scrolling should be dramatically improved. There's still a small latency issue we're seeing but already performance is dramatically improved.
Enabled atomic writes again for all platforms.
Filtering for tags now lists the tags alphabetically
Right click on text highlight now add 'scroll into view'
Upgraded to latest version of Typescript 3.4.3
Fixed regression where progress wasn't being updated when progress messages were being sent from the renderer process.
Fixed bug which resorted in two file uploads to firebase while cloud sync was operational. For large files this was very painful and resorted in 2x data being uploaded.
Fixed bug where the UI would break when both filtering and removing tags on a document that was visible.
Increased the sidebar a bit to accommodate updating comments without overflow of the summernote bar.
Using the same account widget on web + desktop now.
Recording NPS and other stats in Firebase for analysis in bulk.
Completely reworked the splash system
Release to focus on our crowdfunding campaign.
Significant refactor to allow us to use direct URLs which we can calculate instead of having to use Firebase metadata + URL calculation which was very slow and latent. Sometimes up to 7500ms for fetching metadata. Now requests here are consistently 200ms and sometimes 0ms if we're fairly certain the URL exists (when the client is fully sync'd).
Fixed bug where iframes would not load within capture occasionally.
New support for attachments in DocInfo and the ability for attachments to just be a bucket + file ref...
No longer waiting for remote writes for large files.
Fixed bad bug with blob conversion that only hit us sometimes.
Added survey to the new NPS form too.
Integrated the net promoter score to prompt once per week so we get more NPS data points.
Fixed blob streams when replicating from the cloud back to disk.
Webapp now supports range queries for fetching PDFs rather than fetching the entire document. MASSIVE performance improvement here.
Migrated to workbox as sw-precache was officially deprecated.
Fixed ugly bug with async providers reading the value before it was awaited
Fixed bugs with the disk store not properly handling deletions of .meta files
Fixed bugs with delete when the cloud store was running not properly showing that deletes were performed.
Fixed bad bug where deletes were replicated and attempted to be read
New fix where a notice is given to the user that a delete was successful.
Added the ability to easily open a document by right clicking.
Title search now works if the substring is in the filename
New initial document sharing in Polar. Shares both the document and the annotations associated with it. Private by default of course..
New logging feature to change the log level via session or local storage. We can use this in the future to let users change their polar log level on the fly from within Polar.
Fixed ugly bug with handling special chars in filenames within the browser. t t
In Electron, the viewer window and the app repo now share the same session and the this means that we can use the cloud or firebase datastore... whichever we are configured for...
Fixed bug with hidden dropdown items not being hidden.
Firebase usage on the web about 4-10x faster due to properly using snapshots instead of fetching each record individually.
disable payments on appx...
Firebase usage on the web about 4-10x faster due to properly using snapshots instead of fetching each record individually.
disable payments on appx...
Fixed ugly bug which caused an error to be raised during capture which was a false positive.
Merged patch from Adam Wolf for hierarchical tags in Anki.
- Better link to chrome inline installation for now...
Multi-delete button now uses the confirm prompt properly.
The doc repo now supports a context menu for each row
Fixed major performance issue with the datastore on Electron as it was going through the IPC process for the datastore data reads and this was amazingly slow. Moving it into the renderer process speeds up reads by about 10x.
Fixed bad bug in the webapp where we wouldn't ever fetch the latest docs from firebase.
A ton of improvement to tooltips needed for mobile support but also the fact that having them popup bothered a lot of users.
Inline app message that styling with rich HTML is supported for new users.
More improvements for mobile.
Fixed bag bug where Firebase batches weren't used properly and we had a delete outside of the batch which could leave FB inconsistent.
Always show the multi-delete and multi-tag buttons even if just one is selected as it will still work just fine.
Make the top buttons for tagging and delete permanently displayed not hidden.
Added a couple key metrics for Firebase performance via tracer so that we can verify real-world behavior.
RendererAnalytics now safer if accidentally called from the Node context and just silently fails.
RendererAnalytics now supports using a stopwatch so we can track the times of important operations.
Improved CSS of annotation sidebar and included instructions on how to create your first annotation.
Use the sidebar area to explain how to create annotations.
- Fix to webapp to disable the context menu default when we intercept with our own context menu.
- New PHZ loader that's web friendly and doesn't require Electron. The new loader is now the default and means that the webapp can read (but not currently) write PHZ files.
Merged PR to support wayland via X-wayland for ubuntu and other distributions.
New GA logger to incorporate errors as events that can be tracked by custom category.
Didn't include pdfjs-dist with the webapp..
some basic new code for a direct loader for the PHZ mode
Portable implementation of PHZs that works in the browser and handles the PHZ directly within the HTMLViewer without Electron components needed.
Fixed bad bug where text couldn't be extracted on annotations that were in PDFs with large numbers of individual elements.
We had no analytics for the login page.
Fixed CSS wrap on text in GDPR notice.
The sidebar in the annotation view can now be viewed when the table scrolls and improved CSS padding + margins so that the layout is consistent.
Changed to a bottom bar for the comment and flashcard views.
Fixed a bug where editing an existing flashcard type use the previous type properly and a cloze could become a front/back card and vice versa.
Significantly improved annotation view including tab nav and filter bar.
Improved presentation of the UX of the annotation bar by placing the 'hr' at the bottom not the top.
Fixed bug with FilteredTagInput not properly yielding after selecting tags to filter the repository.
New mixBlendMode thanks to @TracyPoff that properly makes texts black instead of a shade of blue applied or tinted by area/text highlights.
Fixed bug with filtered tag input just dropping the tags not giving a warning.
New link to Polar Premium directly in the app pull down menu so that users can discover it easier.
New text extraction algorithm for PDFs to pull out the text without excess spacing.
Fixed bug with highlights showing up on the wrong page.
New major release milestone to highlight the webapp and new polar chrome extensions.
Updated "Save to Polar" extension which uses the webapp to preview and save apps as well as integrate properly with the web application and desktop.
Added 'preview' support to the webapp so that we can easily preview URLs
Fixed bug in FF with the webapp no longer working.
Now running latest version of pdf.js (from dec)
Flashcards can now be edited properly
Flashcards and comments are now in ascending order not descending
sidebar and viewer properly resized now
Comments can now be edited, not just viewed.
The DiskDatastore now performs more atomic operations when working with state files for more reliable operations.
Webapp users now properly get a default set of documents.
Tour now works on webapp
Number of fixes for the webapp including progress uploads (which also work for desktop sync too) and multiple file uploads.
Cancel button for when the user tries to login but wants to back out.
Cloze deletion flashcards now have cloze counter incremented.
Firebase can now send progress notifications to the desktop during file uploads to the cloud.
Fixed bug with link not being hidden on desktop electron.
New button on the top right so that users can find app updates easier.
new auto-resume of reading which is now enabled by default.
new prefs system for disk datastore and cloud and defaults to localstorage in the browser.
We no longer show background progress updates that complete very quickly. This was often distracting when the app was working in the background.
Fixed bug with PDF scroll into view where we wouldn't properly scroll to the proper position. Now we just scroll to the page that was last pagemarked.
We had the wrong link to the documentation.
Update to Electron 3.1.6
New AuthHandler system so that we can show user account information when using Firebase auth.
Cut down memory usage of the webapp from 1GB to about 200MB. The gmail app is about 120MB so this isn't far off from being 'reasonable' in terms of memory usage.
Upgraded to latest versions of Firebase and Webpack
Fixed bugs with multi-select not being able to properly pick the right
Tour now only works on Electron.
Update to Electron 3.1.5
Pagemarks now allow you to work through them and still can highlight and create + delete annotations now without the pagemarks getting in the way.
A number of changes needed to get the webapp version of Polar to work.
FilePaths.basename works in the browser context now.
Fixed bad bug that broke capture (sorry)
More components are PureComponent now for faster performance.
New buttons at the top for cleaner nav.
improved document links
Fixed bug where the viewer tour kept coming up.
Fixed nasty bug where the comment and flashcard text was hidden behind the toolbar.
Drag and drop of whole directories works now... Including a UI showing the files being imported. I need to include a timeout though.
A number of changes needed for the webapp are now merged into master.
Blackout when dragging files onto polar and drag to import now works.
Fixed escape so the filtered tag input goes away.
Fixed bugs with deleting items when they were not selected.
added metrics for anki sync and the nr of successful and failed tasks.
Track screen resolution size and platform name properly
Only show splashes when the user is online
Upgrade to latest reactstrap and bootstrap versions.
Should be the right amount of splashes now.
Analytics for the add content button. Not sure if people are capturing pages or not.
I inverted the splash time cutoff in this previous previous release and it should be fixed now.
Auto app update implemented for MacOS and Windows. There is a random delay of 3 days to prevent breaking clients in the wild.
Don't rely on GA to determine the OS. Record it ourselves.
Enabling auto-updates in this release to keep everyone on the latest so I can iterate faster.
quick release to disable another GA feature which could be greaking our analytics
Fixed Premium splash layout on smaller screens...
Splash messages should be delivered to users at the right times now.
I think I fixed a bug with tracking not working due to including 'app version' in the analytics data.
multi-delete button for bulk deleting documents
buttons in the doc repo are a bit bigger for better hit targets
multi-column selection by checkbox now to make it a bit more obvious for users to select multiple documents
Clicking flagged or archived buttons no longer select the row which was confusing.
Preview release DID NOT load the example docs (BAD BUG)
Now targeting header in the tour to avoid scroll.
New tour feedback and the end of the tour.
Only load example docs once.
GA events for cloud login and configured
User-Agent was not being properly tracked and this as very important to detect which Operating Systems were being used.
Fixed problem with constraining the window sizes on smaller displays like rep smaller laptops.
Sidebar now visible by default and the setting remembered with a local pref.
Fixed messenger and F10 and other commands that were accidentally broken in this release.
- more tour changes
Tour of how to use Polar for new users.
Replaced the context menu with a native React menu.
If we are given a path to a file during the writeFile datastore operation, we hard link it instead of copying it. This is only done with file paths (not data blobs) and works during PDF file import to avoid duplicate disk space usage.
re-importing an existing file should now open it in polar instead of doing nothing.
starting work to disabled updates for MS and Apple stores.
adding some newlines between markdown exported entries.
Updated windows build with new icons.
Feature: Properly keep track of reading progress and update the reading progress metrics now.
Feature: Ability to set the 'mode' for pagemarks now so that we can keep track of reading progress better. We support various pagemark modes like read, previously-read, table of contents, etc.
Feature: site (example.com) is now a column which you can add to the doc repo but isn't enabled by default. This is used for captured content. We may add this for other types of content in the future including PDFs if we can get proper URLs for the content in the future.
Feature: Double click on the pagemark progress bar now jumps to the last pagemark. This has been frequently requested but more specifically to have it automatically jump to the last position. I'm not able to implement the automatic portion right away so this is a temporary work around. My plan is to eventually put a button and a right click context menu when I rework some of the viewer support to React.
Feature: Now parse DOIs from PDFs and store them in the model. This feature isn't really used yet but we plan to add support for fetching additional metadata based on the DOI
Feature: More descriptive text for the assignment and filtering of documents around tags to avoid confusing the user around creating vs filtering of tags. Might still have to improve the UX here.
Bug: Rework the way we do app exit which hopefully fixes windows bugs and exception on exit.
Verified Electron 4.0.3 mostly works with Polar but only using 3.1.3 due to a bug with resizing / pagemarks.
Bug: Logging out of cloud sync makes it impossible to login back again. #536
more consistent header bar throughout the app.
Pagemark batches which help working with PDFs that have multiple pages. Now if you create pagemarks across pages you can delete one and the whole batch is also deleted.
Reworked analytics. I'm expecting a 2x falloff on this release I think.
Fixed bug with page zoom not working properly in the HTML viewer. The zoom now works but pagemarks still aren't placed properly.
Page number in markdown export
Disabled the top message boxes. They were annoying and only a stop gap until we have a proper onboarding mechanism. I
Electron 3.1.2
Donate and Discord buttons in header. These are important.
Setting POLAR_DISABLE_HARDWARE_ACCELERATION should disable hardwawre acceleration now if that's causing a problem for you.
Fixed sync bug related to not sending data to the cloud but I don't think this was actually released.
Fixed bug with promises not being resolved and the viewer not being updated but I don't think this was actually released.
Feature: Migrated to fixed nav header
Feature: GDPR notice in place.
Feature: Shift selects a range of documents, control selects one document at a time for multiple documents at once.
Feature: Implemented a basic exporter framework. Annotations can now be exported from the sidebar. Exporting will be improved over time with more features.
Bug: Fixed (I hope) long standing ugly bug of 'crash' of Electron on app exit due to windows not being destroyed via destroy(). Close does not release the resources properly.
Bug: Fixed bug where long titles in URLs could generate filenames that were too long and couldn't be represented on the filesystem. We not truncate at 50 chars.
Feature: New buttons for '+ Add' to import from disk or capture web page. Much easier to determine how to add content to polar.
Feature: multi-select and ability to tag multiple docs at once.
Feature: Sorting by tags is now much better and actually works. If you double click the sort column it will show you untagged documents sorted by the time they were added.
Dependencies: Update to electron 3.1.1
Bug: Fixed bug where hitting Enter when working with a title would cause the page to reload.
Create pagemark to point now works across multiple pages and ranges.
Fixed bad bug where the UI wouldn't update when a newly imported PDF wasn't immediately visible in the UI.
This was a bad initial user experience as they would have to reload for the PDFs to be visible.
Fixed major Twitter content capture bug where we weren't saving the CSS styles of HTML content.
Fixed bug where VH rules that were less than 100 weren't being set properly and some pages rendered ugly.
Fixed bug with the 'deck:' tag not properly working with Anki sync.
Importing large numbers of PDFs (and large PDFs) is now a lot faster and more responsive when using cloud storage. In the past we used to wait until the cloud layer was finished but this takes a long time to complete.
Now using 'localhost' instead of 'localapp.getpolarized.io' for the hostname. Some users weren't able to resolve this (not sure why) and additionally working offline didn't function either.
Major changes:
PDFs auto-import when trying to share them from the browser.
Refactored the rich text editor so the bar at the top is no longer in 'air' mode so that users can realize that it supports rich text.
support for cloze deletion
Stats view for core stats
New logs view to show logs as they're being written which can help users debug issues with Polar and report problems to the dev team plus understand what's happening with their data.
Related tags in the tag selector
'capturing' a PDF from the browser now works and the PDF is then saved into the repository.
Copy URL to clipboard shows toaster that the URL was copied successfully.
Reveal file in finder (or Explorer on Windows)
Copy file path to clipboard.
New annotations view to see all your annotations in one place.
New sidebar to expand contract to show other pages within polar
New option to create a pagemark at the mouse point. Still more work to make the key bindings visible.
Adding forced CSS for ::selection so that sites that have broken CSS for highlighting don't actually break polar and we also have consistent highlight support.
Fixed some navigational issues in the web capture system.
Fixed bug the annotation bar in PDF where resize will kill it. Hopefully the last bug there.
Backend changes to support cloze deletions in anki.
Fixed possible regression due to using SVG icons as these broke the app repo and possibly a few other issue.
Re-add uncaught exception handlers on app exit. Hope to fix the issues we were having with exceptions on app exit.
Completely new annotation bar for highlighting which should fix a major bug with the PDF mode.
Fixed some fonts + css with the sidebar.
Improved indeterminate progress bar on MacOS and just better in general
Print the version numbers for updates.
Fixed quote mangling due to improper UTF-8 handling.
Hopefully fixed high CPU bug on Windows caused by shutdown and attempting to double-close windows.
Sending analytics for number of invitations sent
Implemented Control+Enter for creating comments.
Making tags + updated + added columns visible by default for new users.
I think some people did not discover it by default.
change the button color of the capture button so that it's obvious what to click for new users
hopefully/finally fixed issue with the annotation popup bar in PDFs.
tab keyboard nav works for flashcards
control+enter works to create flashcards
escape hides the tag input
control+enter works for tag input
Cloud sync implemented based on Firebase.
Fixed progress bars on MacOS which looked rather ugly.
Fixed issue with highlighter popup becoming disabled with PDF.
Dozens of other smaller features and fixes integrated. This is a big release.
- Fixed bug with not loading all documents properly on startup.
New Splash system to keep customers engaged with Polar growth and marketing. We only display a few messages and only on startup. I don't want these to be annoying.
Tested to verify the published chrome URL works with the version of Chrome we are about to ship.
Support for our new chrome extension.
Disabling amp for now until we have a better solution on how to show the user that an AMP page is displayed and how to disable / enable it. Otherwise its confusing and often the amp page is WORSE not better.
Fixed bugs with the browser size not changing during capture browser changing and also fixed some issues with it not properly accepting the browser change in some situations.
Fixed bug in HTML zoom where the page would be truncated improperly.
Blocked amp ads during the capture but they aren't blocked during the preview at the moment.
"Fixed" nasty anti-aliasing bug in electron by blocking amp ads. They were annoying anyway but for some reason they were breaking chrome rendering - probably due to some web component nonsense.
Implemented a new strategy with the vertical height algorithm in the capture system to revert it back to auto instead of a fixed max-height. Works a lot better now.
Date/times no longer include ' ago' to be a bit more concise.
Basic initial version of AppPath which can be used to load apps via HTTP now.
The data transfer from the disk store to the firebase store works which means we're very close to having a full cloud implementation of sync.
Made the VH 100 fix for capture more picky
Added small FAQ entry to enable Anki sync.
Fixed a bug where we could select text and not properly work with elements.
Renderer analytics didn't understand that a callback without an error wasn't a failure.
Upgraded a number of important react packages:
react react-dom react-moment react-select @types/react-table @types/react-select @types/react @types/prop-types @types/node-fetch
removed inversify package (were not using it)
latest fontawesome
latest node-fetch
fixed issue with electron-builder where it was forcing us to upgrade to the latest version for each release.
Upgrade to latest semver and firebase-tools
Fixed bug where the lightbox was kept enabled after we deleted an annotation
We can now capture a new class of documents that use a vertical height on their CSS selectors.
We can now capture XML documents which used XSL stylesheets.
Major refactor of the disk datastore for the pending cloud sync functionality we're working on.
point release to fix auto-updates in release process and upgrade electron-builder and electron-updater
migration from typescript 3.0.3 to 3.1.6 due to incompatibility to with new electron-builder
Reduced the minimum mouse click duration required for bringing up the annotation bar.
Fixed bug with Electron generating an error window on exit due to a conversion of the wrong type to an integer. This was/is an Electron bug. This may not be fixed in all situations but it's much better than it was before.
Feature: drag and drop for bulk PDF import works.
Upgrade to Electron 3.0.8
Fixed analytics around number of documents in the repository
Feature: The "Delete" text is now danger red.
Feature: Implemented a confirm prompt when deleteing flashcards, comments, and annotations.
Feature: Implemented Cancel when creating flashcards and comments
Feature: Reworked anki sync to run from the doc repository.
Feature: Renamed "Copy URL" to "Copy Original URL"
- release to fix MacOS certificate bugs
banner message about opencollective donations
Change capture key binding to CommandOrControl+N (new). The other key binding conflicted with window management in Chrome and we might want to use those key bindings in the future.
STASH files can be added directly as a backend file just like images and video which means that they could work with the future firebase store.
refactored the way we're handling popups for the annotation bar. I think this will resolve most of the issues we're having but there are still a few more glitches to be fixed.
If any of the input tags were invalid, they were ALL ignored. Which is bad.
Fixed ugly bug where percentags can be > 100% but only slightly.
reworked the preview browser so that buttons are only enabled after you first load a URL so that it's not confusing for the user.
- release to fix MacOS release breakage.
ability to enable fetching the auto-update from a pre-release
the capture preview now expands the content once it's loaded. One issue here is that some documents appear too long. I think it is an issue with computing the scroll height reliably and I'm still figuring this part out.
when capture preview is running we now set a title
- another release to fix Windows by upgrading sentinel
- changes to analytics and a rapid release for fixing Windows.
more browsers for larger documents (desktop).
link to discord in the menu box.
emit an event for the number of documents loaded in the document repository
Snaps should be supported now. No more segfaults.
Annotation sidebar now supports:
- delete flashcard + comment
- delete text annotation
- menu for text-annotation to create flashcard + comment
Capture now has a key binding: CommandOrControl+Shift+W
Text highlights no longer being saved to JSON.. migrating them to the file repo...
Tags are stored with anki notes now. They weren't before but they're critical to making our anki support work better.
We now have a basic but imperfect settings systems that allows us to persist various changes locally .. Will need to be refactored a bit in the future to make it more MVC and to work better with react.
nr of annotations column to show / highlight documents which are annotated most.
tags column which isn't enabled by default.
improve double click handling to make sure we have a set of isolated single click columns.
merged PR from xuebingli to handle double click on columns intended to be single click.
Fixed a bug where some pages weren't properly expanding when they were first loaded.
Fixed GA tracking of events which weren't sending before. Need this to determine which features are being used.
Ability to click on the pulldown in the document repository to the right and copy the URL for a document that was captured.
Fixed bug where capture wouldn't generate a completely unique URL for storage on the file system and if you captured two URLs with the same title the later one would update the former one. We now include the a hash prefix of the SHA384 in the filename for uniqueness.
Put ToS, cookie policy, and privacy policy in the about links so that people can get access to these easily.
Super fast double click on text no longer brings up the annotation box. Only more explicit highlights where the suer drags their mouse.
Webaudio is enabled now. I had disabled it before as it's annoying when capture is running but we need it for video support to work properly.
PHZ files were not actually being compressed. Just stored. Weird bug with the API in jszip which made it easy to accidentally disable compression.
PHZ files will be 3x smaller in this release. -
Upgraded to the latest sentry. I think there snap bug is related to sentry but I'm not sure yet. The snap packages weren't working but maybe they will in this release.
Upgraded to latest packages:
- firebase
- react
- split.js
- reactstrap
Anki now properly uses the deck: tag when writing to decks.
Initial support for Youtube video embeds. We had NO support for youtube in the past so even though this is minimal it's better than what we currently have.
The delete document prompt now has a subtitle to note that you will also lose the annotations.
Border around the webview so you can see which part of the page is the doc.
On OS X it's common to re-create a window in the app when the dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open. The way we handle this now is that if there are no windows open we re-create the document repository so they can select one. Otherwise we just re-focus the most recently used window.
Deleting documents in the UI app repository is implemented.
Deleting documents from the repository via API is implemented.
Upgrade to latest reactstrap
Show the data dir path when loading help | about so that people can easily figure out where their data is being stored.
Ability to set titles for documents in the doc repository
Using Electron 3.0.4
This build should make manual auto-updates work.
Fixed a bug with some PDFs not opening properly
Fixed bug with split.js by upgrading and also fixed some issues with rendering the page initially with split.js which caused it to re-snap and re-center itself.
calling this version 1.0.0. We are mostly feature complete. There are a few things lacking but this way we can start getting more feedback as we're very stable and people shouldn't assume the app is beta just becuase we're lacking a few features.
Zip target was not provided for MacOS so auto-update was not working. Hopefully it will in the next release.
started adding the infra to add file attachments to the store
using persistent sessions now so GA metrics should be more accurate
message on the top of the doc repo so I can start using the polar user base more aggressively to help us out and contribute as a group.
improved the look of the sidebar a bit...
new 'toggle annotation sidebar' for the viewer mode.
manual updates might be set
more GA changes so I can track and improve polar usage
multiple color highlights
you can now jump from annotations in the sidebar to the part in the document where that annotation lies
annotation bar which pops up when you select text.
document repository now has last updated column
document repository now prints a better date format by default.
all future releases will automatically make it into snap and this is now a supported platform.
DMG file size down from 300MB to 111MB.
The user can now change browser profiles and change to two new profiles for desktop browsers.
Fixed bug where some pages wouldn't load properly in capture due to module resolution conflict.
Fixed security issue. Please upgrade.
Windows binaries should now be signed!
Mac OS builds are now signed.
New capture browser bar that is much prettier and more usable than the current browser bar and based on react.
new / updated capture system allows the user to change the device being emulated for pages that are tricky to capture.
Updated large number of dependencies
Electron 3.0.0
new (initial) annotation sidebar for navigating and creating additional annotations.
New tagging UI for the repository. Documents can have tags and and properly filter them. Tags follow twitter hashtag constraints.
Fixed issue with circular structure when logging.
Fixed document repository corruption bug
Fixed corruption issue regarding the store when two documents are open and one is updated.
Using intercept stream protocol instead of intercept buffer protocol. Should fix a number of major problems regarding capture.
Fixed capture issue around document corruption and some races after capture launched.
Fixed potential race creating directories
new build targets to make a new / local deb/snap without pushing them.
Fixed bug if a single DocMeta file is broken
Update to Electron 3.0 beta 12.
new browser based capture system.
Fixed bug where we could accidentally put the user in a situation where they can lock themselves out of the document repository.
Fixed issue with repository generating errors when no files were in the repo
Fixed issue with Files API returning empty exceptions which prevented debugging when in production.
We now write errors to ~/.polar/logs/error.log which should make it easier for users to help us find problems in production.
Electron 3.0 beta 10
Document Repository now supports the following features:
- flagging files
- archiving files
- filtering files by flagged only
- filtering files to hide archived files.
- improved spectron tests
- migrated to chai everywhere for assert
- more windows bug fixes.
- Fixed hopefully the last Windows issue. This was due to not awaiting a promise where on Linux it was unnecessary.
- Fixed a major Windows regression in pagemarks.
- AHA.. We were not using Electron 3.0 beta8.. we were still stuck on beta5 due to an electron-builder issue.
Improved how we create TextHighlight to avoid type issues.
Notes and Questions properly typed
BaseHighlight.rects properly typed now.
TextHighlight properly using string | Text for the text of a highlight.
FAQ updated for how to enable advanced logging.
FAQ updated to build from source.
Fixed logging issue where we might have been swallowing an uncaught exception.
Fixed bug where Polar is running and the user double clicks on the app again and nothing happens.
Removed # in URL for sync app since it's no longer needed and prevented execution on Windows.
Re-launch the app repository if polar is already running and the user clicks on the desktop icon.
- Updated logging to include the path when we can't open an AppPaths relative file.
Fixed a half dozen path separator bugs on Windows.
Fixed potential Windows bug when importing PDF files into the repo and working with files in general.
- Sending error traces to Sentry
- Fixed more platform issues on Windows
Fixed a number of important bugs with Windows
Screenshots are now taken when text highlights are created.
Improvements to HTML content generation when copying from the document.
new Screenshots and Attachment support for object model.
crash reporter enabled for backtrace.io but only in a basic scenario.
the renderer can write directly to disk now which improves performance
Updated to beta 8 of Electron 3.0
Spectron tests sort of working again.
More data copied from the PHZ to the DocMeta including URL and filename.
If you open a PDF file off disk it's imported into the stash now.
Major logging system improvements.
If the PHZ file is wider than the window we're loading in we now expand the window.
Snap file distribution disabled at the moment. They don't work properly and I need to take the time to build them correctly. We have tar.
Offset given to new windows so that it's not confused with the previous window.
Better logging for additional performance. Default log level is INFO bug we can change it later to WARN. Include the source of the log event and the log level in messages now.
new document repository UI as standard. Supports viewing your documents as a queue based on time, progress, filtering by document title, sorting by document, pagination of the documents in your repository, and double clicking to open a document.
AppAnalytics now sends userAgent to Google Analytics so we can track OS, Browser version, app version, etc.
re-enabled opening a file from the command line.
Started work on screenshots which are now disabled by default. When you take a highlight the screenshots are stored as part of the annotation for future reference.
Went through and upgraded all apps to make sure electron-log was enable and working properly.
now using electron-log as our logger by default. We now log to .polar/logs and consolidate all the window log lines into one location. This way users can debug their problems easier.
big refactor of the main app into smaller components. Code is much more manageable now.
update electron-log version
deleted some of the pdf.js nav links as they were broken for the most part.
Removed errant link to jquery-ui which was being fetched and probably slowing down the initial page load.
- Fixed Windows builds to have proper files for the .exe. Setup tested and it works properly now.
Capture now using webview by default for captured content. Should be much much more reliable and usable. Prevents crashes on Linux.
Windows builds now dramatically smaller. From 300MB down to 75MB.
Migrated to ASAR builds which should significantly improve performance on Windows
64bit and 32bit Windows builds now available.
Capturing now more reliable if it is aborted by the user. Electron used to lock up.
Initial Anki sync working
Flashcard input now fully working.
Ability to set titles for a document
Initial support for pagemarks that can be 'ignored' and have a state so that you can say that you're ignoring a whole section of a doc and not that it's been 'read'.
Image sync works for Anki and we properly handle media files.
Better integration with your primary browser. If you click on a link in a captured page it opens in your browser.
Started work on a video implementation to create notes+flashcards while watching a youtube video and keeping track of progress while watching it. Will take a while to have an implementation of this feature ready.
ability to easily toggle the devtools.
--enable-dev-tools command line arg for starting with the dev tools already running
reworked command line handling so that PDFs that are opened from the command line are opened in a new window.
new "Open in New Window" menu option so that we can work with multiple PDF files.
New windows were always maximized which was difficult to work with.
Support opening multiple windows now. We were constrained to just one window before.
- All PDF files are served via HTTP and webapp served via HTTP too which avoids some pdf.js bugs.