diff --git a/manual/index.php b/manual/index.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c103cd58d --- /dev/null +++ b/manual/index.php @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ + + + + + + + + + + Photobooth Manual + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Photobooth Manual



+ +
+ $fields) { + $open = ''; + if($i == 0){ + $open = ' open init'; + } + echo '
'; + echo '
'; + echo '


'; + echo '
'; + echo '
'; + + foreach($fields as $key => $field) { + echo '
'; + switch($field['type']) { + case 'checkbox': + echo '


'; + echo '


'; + echo '
'; + break; + case 'multi-select': + case 'range': + case 'select': + case 'input': + echo '

'; + echo '


'; + echo '
'; + break; + case 'color': + case 'hidden': + echo ''; + echo '
'; + break; + } + } + echo '
'; + echo '
'; + $i++; + } + ?> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/resources/lang/en.json b/resources/lang/en.json index 6c3e7fb3d..f70428bf5 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en.json +++ b/resources/lang/en.json @@ -95,6 +95,119 @@ "mail_subject": "Subject", "mail_text": "Text", "mail_username": "Username of the e-mail account", + "manual_allow_delete": "If enabled pictures can be deleted on result page directly after they have been taken.", + "manual_chroma_keying": "Enter the path and name used for the Chromakeying Folder. This should be a subfolder of your \"data\" folder!", + "manual_commands_exiftool_cmd": "EXIFtool commandline which is executed after taking a picture if \"Preserve EXIF data\" is enabled.", + "manual_commands_exiftool_msg": "Message returned from EXIFtool commandline.", + "manual_commands_print_cmd": "Commandline which is executed while pressing the \"Print\" button.", + "manual_commands_print_msg": "Message returned from print command.", + "manual_commands_take_picture_cmd": "Commandline which is executed while pressing the \"Take Pic\" button. On Linux you can for example use gphoto2 to take pictures, on Windows you can use digiCamControl.", + "manual_commands_take_picture_msg": "Message returned from take picture command.", + "manual_continuous_collage": "Take collage without interupption.", + "manual_crop_onprint": "If enabled, pictures are cropped at print by given height and width.", + "manual_cups_button": "Show a button on startpage to easily access CUPS (Common Unix Printing System).", + "manual_dev": "Enables development mode. Sample pictures will be used instead taking a picture.", + "manual_event_symbol": "Choose a symbol which is shown between entered text.", + "manual_event_textLeft": "Enter the text visible on the left side of the choosen symbol.", + "manual_event_textRight": "Enter the text visible on the right side of the choosen symbol.", + "manual_file_format_date": "If enabled, date formatted image names are used. This also gives the possibility to show date and time of the image inside the gallery.", + "manual_folders_data": "Enter name of your data folder.", + "manual_folders_images": "Enter the path and name used for the Image Folder. This should be a subfolder of your \"data\" folder!", + "manual_folders_keying": "If enabled, chromakeying can be accessed from gallery for your pictures.", + "manual_folders_print": "Enter the path and name used for the Print Folder. This should be a subfolder of your \"data\" folder!", + "manual_folders_qrcodes": "Enter the path and folder used for the QR Folder. This should be a subfolder of your \"data\" folder!", + "manual_folders_thumbs": "Enter the path and name used for the Thumbnail Folder. This should be a subfolder of your \"data\" folder!", + "manual_folders_tmp": "Enter the path and name used for the TEMP Folder. This should be a subfolder of your \"data\" folder!", + "manual_force_buzzer": "If enabled, the take picture and collage buttons disappear. You now get a button which tells to use a buzzer to take a picture or collage.", + "manual_gallery_date_format": "Enter your date style.", + "manual_general_camera_mode": "Choose between front- and backfacing camera mode of your device cam.", + "manual_general_cheese_time": "Choose a time \"Cheeeeeeeese!\" is shown after countdown.", + "manual_general_cntdwn_time": "Set your countdown time.", + "manual_general_collage_cntdwn_time": "Set your countdown time between pictures while taking a collage.", + "manual_general_collage_key": "Specify the key id to use that key to take a collage (e.g. 13 is the enter key). For example use https://keycode.info to find out the key id.", + "manual_general_default_imagefilter": "Choose an imagefilter which is applied by default after taking a picture.", + "manual_general_disabled_filters": "Choose filters which get removed from the available imagefilter.", + "manual_general_ipCamPreviewRotation": "Choose to rotate the preview from URL.", + "manual_general_ipCamURL": "CSS style to use a stream from an URL for preview at countdown.

Example: url(../img/bg_bluegray.jpg)

", + "manual_general_language": "Choose interface language.

If you're missing a language or like to help improving translations visit the \"How to update or add translations?\" inside the Photobooth Wiki for instructions.

", + "manual_general_photo_key": "Specify the key id to use that key to take a picture (e.g. 13 is the enter key). For example use https://keycode.info to find out the key id.", + "manual_general_pictureRotation": "Add a value which will set the degrees a picture is rotated after taking it.", + "manual_general_polaroid_rotation": "Enter a value which is used as degrees a picture gets rotated with polaroid effect.", + "manual_general_start_screen_subtitle": "Enter the subtitle visible on startpage.", + "manual_general_start_screen_title": "Enter the title visible on startpage", + "manual_general_take_frame_path": "Enter the path of the frame which is applied to your picture after taking it.", + "manual_general_time_to_live": "Enter a value used as milliseconds. This value defines the time your picture is visible on the result screen after taking a picture.", + "manual_general_videoHeight": "Add a value which is used as height for preview by device cam.", + "manual_general_videoWidth": "Add a value which is used as width for preview by device cam.", + "manual_general_webserver_ip": "Please define the IP address of the Photobooth web server to make the QR-Code working if you're accessing Photobooth via \"localhost\", \"\" or if you have Photobooth installed inside a subfolder.

Example if Photobooth can be accessed directly:

Example if Photobooth is installed inside a subfolder:

", + "manual_image_preview_before_processing": "If enabled, images are preloaded and shown during filter processing.", + "manual_is_event": "If enabled, you can define a text and choose between different symbols which are visible on the start page.", + "manual_is_textonprint": "If enabled, you can print some text on top of your pictures.", + "manual_jpeg_quality_jpeg_quality_chroma": "Picture quality used for chromakeying pictures.", + "manual_jpeg_quality_jpeg_quality_image": "Picture quality used for taking pictures.", + "manual_jpeg_quality_jpeg_quality_thumb": "Picture quality used for thumbnails.", + "manual_keep_images": "If enabled, original images will be kept inside tmp folder.", + "manual_login_enabled": "If enabled, a username and password will be needed to access the adminpage and/or start screen (depending on your setup).", + "manual_login_password": "Define your password used for login. Please note: after saving your password will only be visible as a hash inside adminpanel. For login don't enter the hash, enter the password you have set.", + "manual_login_username": "Define the username used to login into Photobooth.", + "manual_mail_fromAddress": "Enter your return address which is used while sending pictures via email.", + "manual_mail_fromName": "Enter your sender name which is used while sending pictures via email.", + "manual_mail_host": "Enter your email host adress.", + "manual_mail_password": "Enter your password used to login into your email account.", + "manual_mail_port": "Enter the port used for email.", + "manual_mail_secure": "Enter used SSL-protocol (tls or ssl) used to send emails.", + "manual_mail_subject": "Enter the subject used while sending pictures via email.", + "manual_mail_text": "Enter the mail text which is used while sending pictures via email.", + "manual_mail_username": "Enter the username used to login into your email account.", + "manual_newest_first": "If enabled, latest images will be shown first inside the gallery.", + "manual_polaroid_effect": "If enabled, a polaroid effect is applied to your picture after it was taken.", + "manual_preserve_exif_data": "If enabled, EXIF data is preserved while taking pictures. Please setup the \"EXIFtool command\" inside the \"Commands\" tab.", + "manual_previewCamFlipHorizontal": "If enabled, preview by device cam is flipped horizontal.", + "manual_previewCamTakesPic": "If enabled, a picture is taken from device cam instead executing the \"Take picture command\". Please note that the resolution depends on the given hight and width because it's acts like taking a screenshot.", + "manual_previewFromCam": "If enabled, a preview by your device cam is used at countdown. Preview by \"device cam\" will always use the camera of the device where Photobooth get opened in a Browser (e.g. on a tablet it will always show the tablet camera while on a smartphone it will always show the smartphone camera instead)! A secure origin or exception is required! You can find out how to set an exception here.", + "manual_previewFromIPCam": "If enabled, a preview by defined url will be visible at countdown. Make sure to have a stream available you can use (e.g. from your Webcam, Smartphone Camera or Raspberry Pi Camera).", + "manual_print_crop_height": "Enter a value for the height which is used for the picture if \"Crop picture at print\" is enabled.", + "manual_print_crop_width": "Enter a value for the width which is used for the picture if \"Crop picture at print\" is enabled.", + "manual_print_font_path": "Enter the path to the font used to print text on your image.", + "manual_print_fontsize": "Enter the fontsize used to print text on your image.", + "manual_print_frame": "If enabled, a frame is applied on your picture at print.", + "manual_print_frame_path": "Enter the path of the frame which is applied to your picture at print.", + "manual_print_line1": "Text used for 1. Line which gets printed on your picture.", + "manual_print_line2": "Text used for 2. Line which gets printed on your picture.", + "manual_print_line3": "Text used for 3. Line which gets printed on your picture.", + "manual_print_linespace": "Enter used linespace while printing text on your picture.", + "manual_print_locationx": "X-Coordinates of the text while printing text on your picture.", + "manual_print_locationy": "Y-Coordinates of the text while printing text on your picture.", + "manual_print_qrcode": "If enabled, a QR-Code is printed on the right side of the picture while printing.", + "manual_print_rotation": "Enter a value which is used as degrees a picture gets rotated at print.", + "manual_protect_admin": "If enabled, admin panel can only be accessed if a username and password is entered.", + "manual_protect_index": "If enabled, start screen can only be accessed if a username and password is entered.", + "manual_randomPicture": "If enabled, random pictures will be shown at standalone gallery.", + "manual_remove_config": "If enabled, personal config gets removed on reset.", + "manual_remove_images": "If enabled, all images gets removed on reset.", + "manual_remove_mailtxt": "If enabled, mail database gets removed on reset.", + "manual_rounded_corners": "If enabled, the Photobooth UI uses smooth rounded edges.", + "manual_scrollbar": "If enabled, a scrollbar is visible in gallery.", + "manual_send_all_later": "If enabled, entered email adresses get stored inside a database instead sending choosed picture directly. For example, this can be used to send a mail with all pictures or a link to an online gallery after the event.", + "manual_show_date": "If enabled, date and time is visible below the image inside the gallery and standalone slideshow.", + "manual_show_error_messages": "If enabled real error messages are shown on error.", + "manual_show_fork": "If enabled, a fork badge is shown on the right upper corner on the start screen.", + "manual_show_gallery": "If enabled, user can access the gallery from start screen.", + "manual_slideshow_pictureTime": "Add a value which is used as milliseconds an image is displayed at slideshow.", + "manual_slideshow_refreshTime": "Refresh slideshow page afert entered seconds.", + "manual_take_frame": "If enabled, defined frame will be applied to your picture after taking it.", + "manual_toggle_fs_button": "If enabled, a button to toggle fullscreenmode will be added to the start screen.", + "manual_use_collage": "If enabled, user can take a collage. A collage consists of 4 pictures. Optional you can take a collage with or without interruption.", + "manual_use_download": "If enabled, a download button is visible on each picture inside the gallery.", + "manual_use_filter": "If enabled, user can choose a imagefiler after taking a picture.", + "manual_use_mail": "If enabled, a email button is visible on each picture inside the gallery. Depending on your setup you can send pictures via email directly or collect entered email address inside a database.", + "manual_use_print": "If enabled, a print button is visible on result screen, gallery and chromakeying page.", + "manual_use_qr": "If enabled, a QR-Button is visible on the result screen and inside gallery. User can download a picture while scanning the QR-Code. If you're accessing Photobooth via \"localhost\", \"\" or if you have Photobooth installed inside a subfolder, please define IP address of the Photobooth web server to make the QR-Code working.

Example if Photobooth can be accessed directly:

Example if Photobooth is installed inside a subfolder:

", + "manual_use_thumbs": "If enabled, thumbnails are used for standalone gallery. This will improve the performance slightly.", + "manual_user_interface_background_admin": "CSS Style for background on admin panel. For example you can define a \"url\" or a color.", + "manual_user_interface_background_chroma": "CSS Style for background on chromakeying page. For example you can define a \"url\" or a color.", + "manual_user_interface_background_image": "CSS Style for background on start-, login- and slideshow pages. For example you can define a \"url\" or a color.", + "manual_user_interface_font_size": "Enter the default fontsize used for the Photobooth interface.", "milliseconds": "milliseconds", "newCollage": "New Collage", "newPhoto": "New Picture", @@ -148,6 +261,7 @@ "show_error_messages": "Show error messages", "show_fork": "Show Fork Badge", "show_gallery": "Show Gallery", + "show_wiki": "Open Wiki (internet connection required)", "slideshow": "Slideshow", "slideshow_pictureTime": "Milliseconds an image is displayed", "slideshow_refreshTime": "Refresh page afert X seconds", diff --git a/resources/sass/manual.scss b/resources/sass/manual.scss new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a5f14c162 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/sass/manual.scss @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +@import "modules/theme"; +@import "partials/basic"; +@import "partials/button"; +@import "partials/fonts"; +@import "partials/toggle"; + +$error: #e74c3c; +$success: #2ecc71; + +.manualwrapper { + display: block; + position: relative; + overflow-y: auto; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + background-color: $mainColor; + background-image: $adminBackground; + background-position: center center; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: cover; + background-attachment: fixed; +} + +.manual-panel { + width: calc(40 * 1em); + padding: 30px 30px 90px; + height: auto; + margin: 50px auto; + background: $panelColor; + position: relative; + max-width: 100%; + color: $fontColor; +} + +.panel { + .panel-heading { + padding: 10px; + cursor: pointer; + border: 1px solid $borderColor; + .plus { + display: inline-block; + } + .minus { + display: none; + } + + &:hover { + background: $hoverPanelColor; + } + + } + .panel-body { + display: none; + padding: 20px; + border: 1px solid $borderColor; + } + + &.open { + .panel-heading { + .minus { + display: inline-block; + } + .plus { + display: none; + } + } + } + + &.init { + .panel-body{ + display: block; + } + } +} + +.form-row { + margin-bottom: 15px; +} + +.back-to-pb { + color: $fontColor; + text-decoration: none; + padding: 0 3px; + + &:hover { + background-color: $hoverPanelColor; + } +} + +.wiki-btn { + cursor: pointer; + background: $mainColor; + color: $buttonFontColor; + width: 100%; + position: absolute; + padding: 20px; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + right: 0; + transition: background 0.7s ease; + + &:hover { + background: $hoverColor; + } +} + +code { + background-color: #f1f1f1; + color: #606060; + padding: 2px; + font-size: 0.8em; +} diff --git a/resources/sass/rounded.scss b/resources/sass/rounded.scss index 521441936..987782121 100644 --- a/resources/sass/rounded.scss +++ b/resources/sass/rounded.scss @@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ margin-left: 5px; } -.admin-panel { +.admin-panel, +.manual-panel { border: 0 none; border-radius: 10px; } @@ -76,6 +77,11 @@ button { border-radius: 10px; } +.wiki-btn { + border: 2px solid $borderColor; + border-radius: 10px; +} + .slider { height: 15px; border-radius: 5px;