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xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%" viewBox="0 0 153 24" aria-labelledby="title" style="overflow:visible"><title id="title">Dakota</title><g fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"><path d="M136.426 23.4234H129.26L136.682 0.575439H145.64L152.999 23.4234H145.672L144.649 19.7434H137.418L136.426 23.4234ZM141.033 6.49544L138.954 14.0794H143.113L141.033 6.49544Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M113.874 6.81544H107.507V0.575439H127.503V6.81544H121.136V23.4234H113.874V6.81544Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M78.7539 12.096C78.7539 8.27733 79.8093 5.312 81.9199 3.2C84.0528 1.06667 87.03 0 90.8514 0C94.6285 0 97.5501 1.03467 99.6163 3.104C101.705 5.17333 102.749 8.096 102.749 11.872C102.749 15.712 101.694 18.6987 99.583 20.832C97.4723 22.944 94.4951 24 90.6515 24C86.8745 24 83.9417 22.9653 81.8533 20.896C79.787 18.8267 78.7539 15.8933 78.7539 12.096Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M54.1387 0.575439H61.4012V8.15944L67.416 0.575439H75.0304L67.9279 9.08744L75.8623 23.4234H67.9599L63.1928 14.4314L61.4012 16.6074V23.4234H54.1387V0.575439Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M31.8003 23.4234H24.6338L32.0563 0.575439H41.0145L48.373 23.4234H41.0465L40.0227 19.7434H32.7921L31.8003 23.4234ZM36.4074 6.49544L34.3278 14.0794H38.487L36.4074 6.49544Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M0 0.575439H9.37409C13.2986 0.575439 16.2634 1.53544 18.2683 3.45544C20.2732 5.35411 21.2757 8.14877 21.2757 11.8394C21.2757 15.5941 20.2519 18.4634 18.2043 20.4474C16.178 22.4314 13.2346 23.4234 9.37409 23.4234H0V0.575439ZM13.9172 11.9354C13.9172 8.41544 12.4881 6.65544 9.63004 6.65544H7.10255V17.3434H9.63004C12.4881 17.3434 13.9172 15.5408 13.9172 11.9354Z" fill="currentColor"></path></g></svg></div></div></a></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rj4 _1fdeie9osg _1fdeie9ppc _1fdeie9qm8 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9apc _1fdeie9d40 _1fdeie910w _1fdeie96m8 _1fdeie950w _1fdeie9vvr" data-aos="fade-in"><a target="_self" href="pricing.html"><div class="geo66s0 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_1qk0eqq8 _1fdeie99ps _1qk0eqqe"><button class="geo66s0 geo66se _1fdeie9t5c _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9eqo _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie9vw0 _1fdeie96m8 _1fdeie969c _1fdeie96bk _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9nok _1fdeie9wc0 _1fdeie9vw6 _1fdeie9vwd _70xks51 _1fdeie9p5s _1fdeie9q2o _1fdeie9qxc _1fdeie9o6o _1fdeie9tj4 _1fdeie951c _1fdeie910w _1fdeie9dv _1fdeie927k _1fdeie91kj" type="button">About</button></div></a><a target="_self" href="signin.html"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9ri8 _1fdeie9ork _1fdeie9pog _1fdeie9qlc _1fdeie99r4 _1fdeie9j2o _1fdeie9gy8 _1fdeie9hv4 _1fdeie9is0 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie99uo _1fdeie910g _1fdeie9o4w _1fdeie9vx7 _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9npg _1qk0eqq1 _1qk0eqq8 _1fdeie99ps _1qk0eqqe"><button class="geo66s0 geo66se _1fdeie9t5c _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9eqo _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie9vw0 _1fdeie96m8 _1fdeie969c _1fdeie96bk _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9nok _1fdeie9wc0 _1fdeie9vw6 _1fdeie9vwd _70xks51 _1fdeie9p5s _1fdeie9q2o _1fdeie9qxc _1fdeie9o6o _1fdeie9tj4 _1fdeie951c _1fdeie910w _1fdeie9dv _1fdeie927k _1fdeie91kj" type="button" href="/signin">Sign in</button></div></a><button class="geo66s0 geo66se _1fdeie99pc _1fdeie9t5c _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9eqo _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie9vw0 _1fdeie96m8 _1fdeie969c _1fdeie96bk _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9nok _1fdeie9wc0 _1fdeie9vw6 _1fdeie9vwd _70xks51 _1fdeie9p5s _1fdeie9q2o _1fdeie9qxc _1fdeie9o6o _1fdeie9tj4 _1fdeie95tc _1fdeie98w _1fdeie9ab _1fdeie91fk _1fdeie91gz" type="button">Open account</button></div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vkg"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie911c"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9jkg _1fdeie9gts _1fdeie9hqo _1fdeie9ink _1fdeie9r74 _1fdeie9ots _1fdeie9ouj _1fdeie9pqo _1fdeie9prf _1fdeie9qnk _1fdeie9qob _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9aq8 _1fdeie9lr4 _1fdeie9tg0"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9tc0 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Dakota Privacy Policy</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">Last Updated: December 5, 2023</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h1c _1fdeie9868">This Privacy Notice is designed to help you understand how Dakota Ridge, Inc. (“Dakota,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) collects, uses, and shares your personal information, and to help you understand and exercise your privacy rights.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">1. Scope And Updates To This Privacy Notice</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">This Privacy Notice applies to personal information processed by us, including on our website www.Dakota.xyz (the “Site”), our products and services available on app.dakota.xyz, and any other online or offline offerings (collectively called the “Dakota Products”).</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">Changes to our Privacy Notice</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">We may revise this Privacy Notice from time to time in our sole discretion. If there are any material changes to this Privacy Notice, we will notify you as required by applicable law. You understand and agree that you will be deemed to have accepted the updated Privacy Notice if you continue to use the Dakota Products after the new Privacy Notice takes effect.</div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">2. Personal Information We Collect</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">The categories of personal information we collect depend on how you interact with us, the Dakota Products, and the requirements of applicable law. We collect information that you provide to us, information we obtain automatically when you use the Dakota Products, and information from other sources such as third-party services and organizations, as described below.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">A. Personal Information You Provide to Us Directly</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">We may collect personal information that you provide to us.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Account Information</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We and our service providers may collect personal information in connection with your application for, and creation of, a Dakota Product account, including Know Your Customer (“KYC”) information, such as, your name, business’s name, state of incorporation, type, mailing address, your employer tax identification number (or comparable number issued by a government) or social security number, and personal identification information for all material beneficial owners of your business. We may also collect your bank account number, payment card primary account number (“PAN”), and tax identification number. </div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Transaction Information</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We collect information about the transactions made on the Dakota Products, such as the wallet addresses of the recipients and the senders, their names, your account balance, payment history, currency amounts, currency preferences, payment methods, dates, and/or timestamps.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Financial and Blockchain Information</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">When you sign up to use the Dakota Products, you may choose to connect the Dakota Products to your bank account. If you do so, we will collect your bank account number and account balance. The Dakota Products may also enable you to: (A) store information about the digital assets and currencies on decentralized blockchains (each, a “Blockchain”) that Dakota, in its sole discretion, elects to support (each, a “Supported Digital Asset”) to facilitate transactions; and (B) monitor deposits, view balances of, and stake your associated Supported Digital Assets. Dakota will collect information related to such Supported Digital Assets.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Your Communications with Us</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may collect personal information, such as your name, or company name, when you request information about Dakota or the Dakota Products, register for our newsletter, request support, or otherwise communicate with us.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Interactive Features</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We and others who use the Dakota Products may collect personal information that you submit or make available through our interactive features (e.g., social media pages). Any information you provide using the public sharing features of the Dakota Products will be considered “public,” unless otherwise required by applicable law, and is not subject to the privacy protections referenced herein.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Conferences, Trade Shows, and Other Events</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may collect personal information from individuals when we attend or host conferences, trade shows, and other events. </div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Business Development and Strategic Partnerships</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may collect personal information from individuals and third parties to assess and pursue potential business opportunities. </div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Job Applications</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may post job openings and opportunities on the Dakota Products. If you respond to one of these postings, we may collect your personal information, such as your application, CV, cover letter, and/or any other information you provide to us.</div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">B. Personal Information Collected Automatically </div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">We may collect personal information automatically when you use the Dakota Products.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Automatic Collection of Personal Information</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may collect certain information automatically when you use the Dakota Products, such as your Internet protocol (IP) address, user settings, MAC address, cookie identifiers, mobile carrier, mobile advertising and other unique identifiers, browser or device information, location information (including approximate location derived from IP address), and Internet service provider. We may also automatically collect information regarding your use of the Dakota Products, such as pages that you visit before, during and after using the Dakota Products, items that you search for via the Dakota Products, information about the links you click, the types of content you interact with, the frequency and duration of your activities, and other information about how you use the Dakota Products. </div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Cookie Policy (and Other Technologies)</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We, as well as third parties that provide content or other functionality on the Dakota Products, may use cookies, pixel tags, and other technologies (“Technologies”) to automatically collect information through your use of the Dakota Products.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9urk _1fdeie9dkg"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Cookies</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Cookies are small text files placed in device browsers that store preferences and facilitate and enhance your experience.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Pixel Tags/Web Beacons</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">A pixel tag (also known as a web beacon) is a piece of code embedded in the Dakota Products that collects information about engagement on the Dakota Products. The use of a pixel tag allows us to record, for example, that a user has visited, a particular web page. We may also include web beacons in e-mails to understand whether messages have been opened, acted on, or forwarded.</div></div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">Our uses of these Technologies fall into the following general categories:</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Operationally Necessary</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">This includes Technologies that allow you access to the Dakota Products, applications, and tools that are required to identify irregular website behavior, prevent fraudulent activity, improve security, or allow you to make use of our functionality;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Performance-Related</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may use Technologies to assess the performance of the Dakota Products, including as part of our analytic practices to help us understand how individuals use Dakota Products (see Analytics below)</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Functionality-Related</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may use Technologies that allow us to offer you enhanced functionality when accessing or using the Dakota Products. This may include identifying you when you sign into the Dakota Products or keeping track of your specified preferences, interests, or past items viewed;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">See “Your Privacy Choices and Rights” below to understand your choices regarding these Technologies.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Analytics</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may use Technologies and other third-party tools to process analytics information on the Dakota Products. These Technologies allow us to better understand how our digital Services are used and to continually improve and personalize the Dakota Products. </div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9urk _1fdeie9dkg"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie987k _1fdeie9868"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9868">Google Analytics</div>We use Google Analytics to review the performance of the Dakota Products. For more information about how Google uses your personal information (including for its own purposes, e.g., for profiling or linking it to other data), please read<!-- --> <a class="geo66s0 geo66sf _1fdeie99r4 _1fdeie9j2o _1fdeie9gy8 _1fdeie9hv4 _1fdeie9is0 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie99uo _1fdeie910g _1fdeie9o4w _1fdeie9vx7 _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9npg _1qk0eqq1 _1qk0eqq8 _1fdeie99ps _1qk0eqqd _1qk0eqqf _1qk0eqq4" style="display:inline" href="https://policies.google.com/privacy" target="_blank">“How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services.”</a> <!-- -->To learn more about how to opt-out of Google Analytics’ use of your information, please click<!-- --> <a class="geo66s0 geo66sf _1fdeie99r4 _1fdeie9j2o _1fdeie9gy8 _1fdeie9hv4 _1fdeie9is0 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie99uo _1fdeie910g _1fdeie9o4w _1fdeie9vx7 _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9npg _1qk0eqq1 _1qk0eqq8 _1fdeie99ps _1qk0eqqd _1qk0eqqf _1qk0eqq4" style="display:inline" href="http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout" target="_blank">here</a>.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">3. How We Use Your Personal Information</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">We use your personal information for a variety of business purposes, including to provide the Dakota Products, for administrative purposes, and to market our products and Services, as described below.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">A. Provide the Dakota Products</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">We use your personal information to fulfill our contract with you and provide you with the Dakota Products, such as:</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Managing your information and accounts;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Providing access to certain areas, functionalities, and features of the Dakota Products;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Answering requests for customer or technical support; </div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Communicating with you about your account, activities on the Dakota Products, and policy changes; and</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Processing applications if you apply for a job we post on the Dakota Products.</div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">B. Administrative Purposes</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">We use your personal information for various administrative purposes, such as:</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Pursuing our legitimate interests such as direct marketing, research and development (including marketing research), network and information security, and fraud prevention;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity, and prosecuting those responsible for that activity;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Measuring interest and engagement in the Dakota Products;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Improving, upgrading, or enhancing the Dakota Products;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Developing new products and services;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Ensuring internal quality control and safety;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">To facilitate the connection of third-party services or applications;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Authenticating and verifying individual identities, including requests to exercise your rights under this Privacy Notice;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Debugging to identify and repair errors with the Dakota Products;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Auditing relating to interactions, transactions, and other compliance activities;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Sharing personal information with third parties as needed to provide the Dakota Products;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Processing information about your Dakota account to provide you the Dakota Products;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Enforcing our agreements and policies; and</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Carrying out activities that are required to comply with our legal obligations. For example, when you use our digital currency services, we are required to collect, use, and store your personal information such as verifying your identity in order to comply with anti-money laundering laws across jurisdictions.</div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">C. With Your Consent</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">We may use personal information for other purposes that are clearly disclosed to you at the time you provide personal information or with your consent.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">D. Other Purposes</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">We also use your personal information for other purposes as requested by you or as permitted by applicable law.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">De-identified and Aggregated Information</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may use personal information to create de-identified and/or aggregated information, such as demographic information, information about how you use the Dakota Products, information about the device from which you access the Dakota Products, or other analyses we create. De-identified and/or aggregated information is not personal information, and we may use, disclose, and retain such information as permitted by applicable laws including, but not limited to, for research, analysis, analytics, and any other legally permissible purposes.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Information Made Available on the Blockchain Network</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Privacy Notice, information you make available on the blockchain network via the Dakota Products, such as your user information and related electronic wallet address may be shared with third parties, made publicly visible and/or appear as part of or any other applicable Blockchain network, including when you conduct any sales, purchases, or other related activities through the Services. In these situations, the personal information you share may not be able to be modified or deleted due to the immutable nature of the Blockchain. The foregoing disclosure may be made for purposes related to facilitating those activities or transactions on the Blockchain, including without limitation making payments to Dakota.</div></div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">4. How We Disclose Your Personal Information</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">We disclose your personal information to third parties for a variety of business purposes, including to provide the Dakota Products, to protect us or others, or in the event of a major business transaction such as a merger, sale, or asset transfer, as described below.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">A. Disclosures to Provide the Dakota Products</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">The categories of third parties with whom we may share your personal information are described below. </div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Service Providers</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may share your personal information with our third-party service providers and vendors that assist us with the provision of the Dakota Products. This includes service providers and vendors that provide us with IT support, hosting, payment processing, customer service, and related services.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Business Partners</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may share your personal information with business partners to provide you with the Dakota Products you have requested. We may also share your personal information with business partners with whom we jointly offer products or services.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Affiliates</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may share your personal information with our corporate affiliates. </div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">APIs/SDKs</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We may use third-party application program interfaces (“APIs”) and software development kits (“SDKs”) as part of the functionality of the Dakota Products. For more information about our use of APIs and SDKs, please contact us as set forth in “Contact Us” below.</div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">B. Disclosures to Protect Us or Others</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">We may access, preserve, and disclose any information we store associated with you to external parties if we, in good faith, believe doing so is required or appropriate to: comply with law enforcement or national security requests and legal process, such as a court order or subpoena; protect your, our, or others’ rights, property, or safety; enforce our policies or contracts; collect amounts owed to us; or assist with an investigation or prosecution of suspected or actual illegal activity.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">C. Disclosure in the Event of Merger, Sale, or Other Asset Transfers</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, financing due diligence, reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, purchase or sale of assets, or transition of service to another provider, your information may be sold or transferred as part of such a transaction, as permitted by law and/or contract.</div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">5. Your Privacy Choices And Rights</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">Your Privacy Choices</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">The privacy choices you may have about your personal information are determined by applicable law and are described below. </div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Email Communications</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">If you receive an unwanted email from us, you can use the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of the email to opt out of receiving future emails. Note that you will continue to receive transaction-related emails regarding the Dakota Products you have requested. We may also send you certain non-promotional communications regarding us and the Dakota Products, and you will not be able to opt out of those communications (e.g., communications regarding the Dakota Products or updates to our Terms or this Privacy Notice). </div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">“Do Not Track”</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Do Not Track (“DNT”) is a privacy preference that users can set in certain web browsers. Please note that we do not respond to or honor DNT signals or similar mechanisms transmitted by web browsers.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie987k _1fdeie9868"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9868">Cookie Choices</div>You may stop or restrict the placement of Technologies on your device or remove them by adjusting your preferences as your browser or device permits. However, if you adjust your preferences, the Dakota Products may not work properly. Please note that cookie-based opt-outs are not effective on mobile applications. However, you may opt-out of personalized advertisements on some mobile applications by following the instructions for<a class="geo66s0 geo66sf _1fdeie99r4 _1fdeie9j2o _1fdeie9gy8 _1fdeie9hv4 _1fdeie9is0 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie99uo _1fdeie910g _1fdeie9o4w _1fdeie9vx7 _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9npg _1qk0eqq1 _1qk0eqq8 _1fdeie99ps _1qk0eqqd _1qk0eqqf _1qk0eqq4" style="display:inline" href="https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/6048248?hl=en" target="_blank">Android</a>,<!-- --> <a class="geo66s0 geo66sf _1fdeie99r4 _1fdeie9j2o _1fdeie9gy8 _1fdeie9hv4 _1fdeie9is0 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie99uo _1fdeie910g _1fdeie9o4w _1fdeie9vx7 _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9npg _1qk0eqq1 _1qk0eqq8 _1fdeie99ps _1qk0eqqd _1qk0eqqf _1qk0eqq4" style="display:inline" href="https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202074" target="_blank">iOS</a>, and<!-- --> <a class="geo66s0 geo66sf _1fdeie99r4 _1fdeie9j2o _1fdeie9gy8 _1fdeie9hv4 _1fdeie9is0 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie99uo _1fdeie910g _1fdeie9o4w _1fdeie9vx7 _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9npg _1qk0eqq1 _1qk0eqq8 _1fdeie99ps _1qk0eqqd _1qk0eqqf _1qk0eqq4" style="display:inline" href="https://www.networkadvertising.org/mobile-choice/" target="_blank">others</a>.</div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">Please note you must separately opt out in each browser and on each device.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">Your Privacy Rights</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">In accordance with applicable law, you may have the right to:</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Access to and Portability of Your Personal Information,</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">including:</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9urk _1fdeie9dk0"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">(i) confirming whether we are processing your personal information;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">(ii) obtaining access to or a copy of your personal information; and </div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">(iii) receiving an electronic copy of personal information that you have provided to us, or asking us to send that information to another company in a structured, commonly used, and machine readable format (also known as the “right of data portability”);</div></div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Request Correction</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">of your personal information where it is inaccurate or incomplete;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Request Deletion</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">of your personal information;</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Request Restriction</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">of or Object to our processing of your personal information; and</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Withdraw your Consent</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">to our processing of your personal information. Please note that your withdrawal will only take effect for future processing and will not affect the lawfulness of processing before the withdrawal.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us as set forth in “Contact Us” below. We will process such requests in accordance with applicable laws.</div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">6. International Transfers Of Personal Information</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">All personal information processed by us may be transferred, processed, and stored anywhere in the world, including, but not limited to, the United States or other countries, which may have data protection laws that are different from the laws where you live. We endeavor to safeguard your personal information consistent with the requirements of applicable laws.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie987k _1fdeie9868">If we transfer personal information which originates in the European Economic Area, Switzerland, and/or the United Kingdom to a country that has not been found to provide an adequate level of protection under applicable data protection laws, one of the safeguards we may use to support such transfer is the<!-- --> <a class="geo66s0 geo66sf _1fdeie99r4 _1fdeie9j2o _1fdeie9gy8 _1fdeie9hv4 _1fdeie9is0 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie99uo _1fdeie910g _1fdeie9o4w _1fdeie9vx7 _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9npg _1qk0eqq1 _1qk0eqq8 _1fdeie99ps _1qk0eqqd _1qk0eqqf _1qk0eqq4" style="display:inline" href="https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/international-dimension-data-protection/standard-contractual-clauses-scc/standard-contractual-clauses-international-transfers_en" target="_blank">EU Standard Contractual Clauses</a>.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">For more information about the safeguards, we use for international transfers of your personal information, please contact us as set forth below.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">7. Children’s Information</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">The Dakota Products are not directed to children under 13 (or other age as required by local law), and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868">If you are a parent or guardian and believe your child has uploaded personal information to the Dakota Products without your consent, you may contact us as described in “Contact Us” below. If we become aware that a child has provided us with personal information in violation of applicable law, we will delete any personal information we have collected, unless we have a legal obligation to keep it, and terminate the child’s account, if applicable.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">8. Retention</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">We take measures to delete your personal information or keep it in a form that does not permit identifying you when this personal information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we process it, unless we are required by law to keep this personal information for a longer period. When determining the specific retention period, we take into account various criteria, such as the type of Dakota Products provided to you, the nature and length of our relationship with you, and mandatory retention periods provided by law and the statute of limitations.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">9. Supplemental Notice For California Residents</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">The California “Shine the Light” law permits users who are California residents to request and obtain from us once a year, free of charge, a list of the third parties to whom we have disclosed their personal information (if any) for their direct marketing purposes in the prior calendar year, as well as the type of personal information disclosed to those parties.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">10. Supplemental Notice For Nevada Residents</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">If you are a resident of Nevada, you have the right to opt-out of the sale of certain personal information to third parties who intend to license or sell that personal information. Please note that we do not currently sell your personal information as sales are defined in Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A. If you have any questions, please contact us as set forth in “Contact Us” below.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">11. Supplemental Notice For European Users</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9868">This section applies to users located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), Switzerland or the United Kingdom (“U.K.”).</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">Our Legal Bases for Processing Personal Information</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">We only process your personal information when we have a valid “legal basis.” The legal bases we may rely on to process your information include:</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Consent</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">You have consented to the use of your personal information, for example to use cookies.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Contractual Necessity</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We need your information to provide you with the Dakota Products, for example to respond to your inquiries.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Compliance with a Legal Obligation</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We have a legal obligation to use your personal information, for example to comply with tax and accounting obligations.</div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9i6o _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">Legitimate Interests</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9874 _1fdeie9868">We or a third party have a legitimate interest in using your personal information. In particular, we have a legitimate interest in using your personal information for product development and internal analytics purposes, and otherwise to improve the safety, security, and performance of the Dakota Products. We only rely on our or a third party’s legitimate interests to process your personal information when these interests are not overridden by your rights and interests.</div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">Supervisory Authority</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">If your personal information is subject to the applicable data protection laws of the EEA, Switzerland, or the U.K., you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority if you believe our processing of your personal information violates applicable law.</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868"><a class="geo66s0 geo66sf _1fdeie99r4 _1fdeie9j2o _1fdeie9gy8 _1fdeie9hv4 _1fdeie9is0 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie99uo _1fdeie910g _1fdeie9o4w _1fdeie9vx7 _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9npg _1qk0eqq1 _1qk0eqq8 _1fdeie99ps _1qk0eqqd _1qk0eqqf _1qk0eqq4" style="display:inline" href="https://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/board/members_en" target="_blank">EEA Data Protection Authorities (DPAs)</a></div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868"><a class="geo66s0 geo66sf _1fdeie99r4 _1fdeie9j2o _1fdeie9gy8 _1fdeie9hv4 _1fdeie9is0 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie99uo _1fdeie910g _1fdeie9o4w _1fdeie9vx7 _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9npg _1qk0eqq1 _1qk0eqq8 _1fdeie99ps _1qk0eqqd _1qk0eqqf _1qk0eqq4" style="display:inline" href="https://www.edoeb.admin.ch/edoeb/en/home/the-fdpic/contact.html" target="_blank">Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC)</a></div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9h00 _1fdeie9hxc _1fdeie9rmo"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9rls _1fdeie9tv4 _1fdeie9exs _1fdeie96n4 _1fdeie9ao _1fdeie9v00 _1fdeie9cxs"></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9868"><a class="geo66s0 geo66sf _1fdeie99r4 _1fdeie9j2o _1fdeie9gy8 _1fdeie9hv4 _1fdeie9is0 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie99uo _1fdeie910g _1fdeie9o4w _1fdeie9vx7 _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9npg _1qk0eqq1 _1qk0eqq8 _1fdeie99ps _1qk0eqqd _1qk0eqqf _1qk0eqq4" style="display:inline" href="https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/" target="_blank">UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">12. Other Provisions</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g _1fdeie9hxc"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9vvk _1fdeie99ow _1fdeie99ts _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gz4 _1fdeie9868">Third-Party Websites/Applications</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">The Dakota Products may contain links to other websites/applications and other websites/applications may reference or link to the Dakota Products. These third-party services, including the services provided by financial institutions and cryptocurrency exchanges, are not controlled by us. We encourage our users to read the privacy policies of each website and application with which they interact. We do not endorse, screen, or approve, and are not responsible for, the privacy practices or content of such other websites or applications. Providing personal information to third-party websites or applications is at your own risk.</div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9h0g"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t40 _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie9gzk _1fdeie9868">13. Contact Us</div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9t5s _1fdeie9t1s _1fdeie987k _1fdeie9868">If you have any questions about our privacy practices or this Privacy Notice, or to exercise your rights as detailed in this Privacy Notice, please contact us at<!-- --> <a class="geo66s0 geo66sf _1fdeie99r4 _1fdeie9j2o _1fdeie9gy8 _1fdeie9hv4 _1fdeie9is0 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie99uo _1fdeie910g _1fdeie9o4w _1fdeie9vx7 _1fdeie9vx9 _1fdeie9nr4 _1fdeie9nq9 _1fdeie9npg _1qk0eqq1 _1qk0eqq8 _1fdeie99ps _1qk0eqqd _1qk0eqqf _1qk0eqq4" style="display:inline" href="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected]</a>.</div></div></div></div><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9p6o _1fdeie9p8r _1fdeie9q3k _1fdeie9q5n _1fdeie9r1s _1fdeie9r2j _1fdeie9ob4 _1fdeie9obv _1fdeie9rn4 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9esg _1fdeie99c _1fdeie9euo _1fdeie9rpc _1fdeie9tlc _1fdeie985c"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9hr0 _1fdeie9inw _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99f4 _1fdeie9esg _1fdeie9vi8"><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9esg"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="16px" viewBox="0 0 153 24" aria-labelledby="title" style="overflow:visible"><title id="title">Dakota</title><g fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"><path d="M136.426 23.4234H129.26L136.682 0.575439H145.64L152.999 23.4234H145.672L144.649 19.7434H137.418L136.426 23.4234ZM141.033 6.49544L138.954 14.0794H143.113L141.033 6.49544Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M113.874 6.81544H107.507V0.575439H127.503V6.81544H121.136V23.4234H113.874V6.81544Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M78.7539 12.096C78.7539 8.27733 79.8093 5.312 81.9199 3.2C84.0528 1.06667 87.03 0 90.8514 0C94.6285 0 97.5501 1.03467 99.6163 3.104C101.705 5.17333 102.749 8.096 102.749 11.872C102.749 15.712 101.694 18.6987 99.583 20.832C97.4723 22.944 94.4951 24 90.6515 24C86.8745 24 83.9417 22.9653 81.8533 20.896C79.787 18.8267 78.7539 15.8933 78.7539 12.096Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M54.1387 0.575439H61.4012V8.15944L67.416 0.575439H75.0304L67.9279 9.08744L75.8623 23.4234H67.9599L63.1928 14.4314L61.4012 16.6074V23.4234H54.1387V0.575439Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M31.8003 23.4234H24.6338L32.0563 0.575439H41.0145L48.373 23.4234H41.0465L40.0227 19.7434H32.7921L31.8003 23.4234ZM36.4074 6.49544L34.3278 14.0794H38.487L36.4074 6.49544Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M0 0.575439H9.37409C13.2986 0.575439 16.2634 1.53544 18.2683 3.45544C20.2732 5.35411 21.2757 8.14877 21.2757 11.8394C21.2757 15.5941 20.2519 18.4634 18.2043 20.4474C16.178 22.4314 13.2346 23.4234 9.37409 23.4234H0V0.575439ZM13.9172 11.9354C13.9172 8.41544 12.4881 6.65544 9.63004 6.65544H7.10255V17.3434H9.63004C12.4881 17.3434 13.9172 15.5408 13.9172 11.9354Z" fill="white"></path></g></svg><div class="geo66s0 geo66s1 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie99fk _1fdeie9ar4 _1fdeie9er4"><a class="geo66s0 geo66sf _1fdeie99r4 _1fdeie9j2o _1fdeie9gy8 _1fdeie9hv4 _1fdeie9is0 _1fdeie9868 _1fdeie9g _1fdeie9vwx _1fdeie99uo _1fdeie910g 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