Releases: amazon-braket/amazon-braket-pennylane-plugin-python
Releases · amazon-braket/amazon-braket-pennylane-plugin-python
Remove QS2 and QS3
- The QS2 and QS3 backends have been removed from AWSSimulatorDevice, since those simulators are no longer available in Braket. QS1 remains and is now the default.
- Identity gates are now only applied to unused qubits, as opposed to all.
Integ test workflow and doc improvements
- The S3 bucket is now created automatically for the integ tests; the only thing the user has to set is the
environment variable - Documentation fixes and improvements all around
- Set QPU timeout to 1 day
Introducing the Amazon Braket PennyLane Plugin
First release of the Braket plugin for PennyLane, allowing Xanadu's PennyLane quantum machine learning library to be used with the Amazon Braket service.