This project is divided into three repos:
- Infinite-Ulysses-Public ( for in-progress code that can be shared with the public (i.e. no code from collaborators that hasn't yet been released, no code w/o proper licensing/attribution checks)
- Infinite Ulysses ( for my private work on the project (no one else can access this repo)
- FriendsofInfiniteUlysses/infinite-ulysses ( a private+shared repo (only me and people I add to the "Friends of Infinite Ulysses" organization can access; used for dissertation committee and collaborator access to code that hasn't been publicized yet by its authors, or otherwise can't go to the public repo yet)
Because of how GitHub handles read-only access to repositories, I needed to create two repositories:
A private repo, amandavisconti/infinite-ulysses, that only I can see and write to
A private repo, FriendsofInfiniteUlysses/infinite-ulysses, that only I can write to and that collaborators (members of the "Friends of Infinite Ulysses" organization, currently @mkirschenbaum and @mwidner) can read/clone.
To sync the shared repo (FriendsofInfiniteUlysses/infinite-ulysses) with my private repo (i.e. to let collaborators see what I'm doing w/o exposing code to entire public):
- On, click on "pull request"
- Click on "edit" and change first to shared, click on "compare across forks", change second to private.
- Click on "create pull request"
- Write message if desired and click "create pull request"
- Click "merge pull request"
- Click "confirm merge"