Copyright (c) (C) 2016, Altworx s.r.o.
Authors: Adam Kovari ([email protected]
abs_diff/3 | Assert whether two numbers are apart by at most an absolute value specified as the third parameter. |
binary_to_number/1 | Convert a binary to either float or integer. |
list_to_number/1 | Convert a list to either float or integer. |
percent_diff/3 | Assert whether two numbers are apart by at most a percent value specified as the third parameter. |
string_float_or_default/2 | Returns a float value of a string or default value if the input is not a string representing a float. |
string_integer_or_default/2 | Returns an integer value of a string or default value if the input is not a string representing an integer. |
string_is_float/1 | Assert whether a list or a binary actually represents a float. |
string_is_integer/1 | Assert whether a list or a binary actually represents a integer. |
string_is_numeric/1 | Assert whether a list or a binary actually represents a number (float or integer). |
abs_diff(FieldValue::number(), PrevFieldValue::number(), ConditionBody::number()) -> boolean()
Assert whether two numbers are apart by at most an absolute value specified as the third parameter
binary_to_number(B::binary()) -> number()
Convert a binary to either float or integer
list_to_number(L::list()) -> number()
Convert a list to either float or integer
percent_diff(FieldValue::number(), PrevFieldValue::number(), ConditionBody::number()) -> boolean()
Assert whether two numbers are apart by at most a percent value specified as the third parameter
string_float_or_default(F::list() | binary(), Default) -> float() | Default
Returns a float value of a string or default value if the input is not a string representing a float
string_integer_or_default(I::list() | binary(), Default) -> integer() | Default
Returns an integer value of a string or default value if the input is not a string representing an integer
string_is_float(L::list() | binary()) -> boolean()
Assert whether a list or a binary actually represents a float. Returns false if the input is neither a list or binary
string_is_integer(L::list() | binary()) -> boolean()
Assert whether a list or a binary actually represents a integer. Returns false if the input is neither a list or binary
string_is_numeric(L::list() | binary()) -> boolean()
Assert whether a list or a binary actually represents a number (float or integer). Returns false if the input is neither a list or binary