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alongubkin edited this page Oct 10, 2014 · 12 revisions



In order to use PhoneRTC in your app, you will need to set up 3 things:

  1. Signaling server
  2. TURN server
  3. PhoneRTC Cordova plugin

Setting up a Signaling server

When starting a call, PhoneRTC tries to establish a peer-to-peer connection between 2 users. It uses the signaling server to exchange network-related information between the 2 users.

The signaling server is simply a way to exchange messages between 2 users. It's something that you need to provide that works with the user system of your app. You don't care about the content of the messages, you just need to provide a way to exchange messages.

We recommend using or SignalR for this purpose.

A SocketIO-based signaling server is provided in the demo/server directory as an example.

Setting up a TURN server

In case the peer-to-peer connection fails, PhoneRTC will use your TURN server. The TURN server is simply a proxy.

To set up a TURN server, create an Amazon EC2 instance with the latest Ubuntu. Open the following ports in the instance security group:

TCP 443
TCP 3478-3479
TCP 32355-65535
UDP 3478-3479
UDP 32355-65535

Open SSH and run:

sudo apt-get install rfc5766-turn-server

Next, edit /etc/turnserver.conf and change the following options:

listening-ip=<private EC2 ip address>
relay-ip=<private EC2 ip address>
external-ip=<public EC2 ip address>
realm=<your domain>

Also uncomment the following options:


Next, open /etc/turnuserdb.conf and add a new user at the end of the file. The format is:


To start the TURN server, run the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/rfc5766-turn-server start

Plugin Installation

Install Cordova:

npm install -g cordova ios-deploy

Create a new Cordova project:

cordova create <name>
cordova platform add ios android
cordova platform add browser --usegit

Add the plugin:

cordova plugin add

For iOS, follow these steps:

  1. Go platforms/ios and click on [ProjectName].xcodeproj to open it with XCode
  2. Go to your project settings
  3. In General, change Deployment Target to 7.0 or above
  4. Go to Build Settings and change:

Valid Architectures => armv7

Build Active Architecture Only => No

Objective-C Bridging Header => [ProjectName]/Plugins/com.dooble.phonertc/Bridging-Header.h

Repeat step #4 for the CordovaLib project

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