All notable, unreleased changes to this project will be documented in this file. For the released changes, please visit the Releases page.
4.4.0 - TBD
- Sort OptionValues by position in filter metadata #11549 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- Validate presence of name on tax rate. #11548 (MatthewKennedy)
- Enhancing Platform API security #11545 (damianlegawiec)
- SD-1544 Check if updated_only_timestamps for update events only #11544 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- Removing Variant#track_inventory #11541 (damianlegawiec)
- SD-1544 Do not emit webhooks on touch events #11539 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- Doorkeeper controllers now inherit from
#11538 (damianlegawiec) - VEN-99 Run brakeman #11537 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- Raise exception when webhook event can not be created #11536 (sebastian-palma)
- Install mysql gem only when mysql environment is required #11535 (damianlegawiec)
- Stop creating dummy user role #11533 (damianlegawiec)
- failure payment when connection error is raised #11532 (KacperMekarski)
- Move webhook factories to core/lib #11531 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- SD-1452 As a Storefront API user I can set Order MetaData when creating a Cart - clean #11530 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- Rename all occurrences of webhooks "body" to "webhook_payload_body" #11528 (sebastian-palma)
- [SD-1506] System should emit product.out_of_stock event when product is sold out #11527 (sebastian-palma)
- SD-1451 Enable Setting LineItem MetaData when adding Item to Cart #11525 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- Lock
broke our test builds #11524 (damianlegawiec) - Convert added money attributes to string #11523 (sebastian-palma)
- We should always cast Money objects to strings in serializers #11521 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix Sync Taxonomy Name with Root Taxon Name. #11519 (MatthewKennedy)
- Do not execute role check query for guest visitors #11518 (damianlegawiec)
- Use 1 SQL query to generate collection cache key rather than 2 #11517 (damianlegawiec)
- Improve performance of
scope #11516 (damianlegawiec) - Fix Taxonomy renaming the root Taxon on reposition. #11514 (MatthewKennedy)
- Adds ability to (softly) delete default store #11513 (damianlegawiec)
- Add Custom Reposition Actions - Platform API #11512 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fixed flaky specs working only with integer IDs #11510 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixed flaky resource includes spec #11509 (damianlegawiec)
- Add ability to query Orders / Payments / Shipments by number in Platfo… #11508 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixed method automatic type casting which doesn't work with UUIDs #11507 (damianlegawiec)
- Platform API Stock Items #11506 (damianlegawiec)
- Change HABTM relations to has_many through #11505 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- [SD-1535] Add the name event to the Webhook serializer payload/body #11504 (sebastian-palma)
- [SD-1544] Don't fire webhooks touch events if only timestamps were changed #11503 (sebastian-palma)
- Include jsbundling setup step for extensions #11502 (damianlegawiec)
- SD-1448 As a Storefront API User I can fetch public metadata for all Storefront resources available #11500 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- Simplify Shipments API controller code #11498 (damianlegawiec)
- SD-1453 As a Storefront API user I can set User MetaData when creating an Account #11497 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- SD-1551 Add Stock Locations to Platform API #11496 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- Add List of custom webhook events in Webhooks::Subscriber #11495 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- Platform API Shipments pt II #11494 (damianlegawiec)
- Add/fix remaining Webhooks events #11493 (sebastian-palma)
- Fixed relationships for Stock Location serializer in Platform API #11492 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix spelling in file name. #11491 (MatthewKennedy)
- Stock Location fixes #11490 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1494] - Add Taxonomies to Platform API #11487 (MatthewKennedy)
- Change SPREE_BACKEND_PATH to SPREE_DASHBOARD_PATH as in the docs #11483 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- SD-1491 I can pragmatically disable Webhooks for a block code #11482 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- SD-1491 Store Credit API - Types and Categories #11481 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- Remove unused routes and actions from Platform API #11479 (MatthewKennedy)
- Remove @spree/dashboard link before spree:backend:install #11477 (sebastian-palma)
- SD-1471 Geo API - Add States endpoints to Platform API #11475 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- SD-1492 Tax API - Tax Rates and Tax Categories #11474 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- SD-1491 Add Store Credits endpoints to Platform API #11473 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- SD-1489 Add Roles Endpoints to Platform API #11471 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- Support JS Bundling of Spree Dashboard #11470 (damianlegawiec)
- SD-1471 Geo API - Zones endpoint Platform API #11468 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- Remove admin translation keys. #11466 (MatthewKennedy)
- SD-1450 As a Platform API application I can set public and private metadata for all resources #11465 (aleksandarpetrushev)
- SD-1511 System should emit
if Variant is sold out #11464 (aleksandarpetrushev) - SD-1510 System should emit
after Order is resumed (order.resume!) #11463 (aleksandarpetrushev) - [SD-1507] System should emit
when a Product is discontinued #11462 (aleksandarpetrushev) - Brought capybara config up to date #11461 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1514] Emit variant.discontinued when a variant was discontinued #11459 (sebastian-palma)
- Storefront API - Checkout Select Shipping Method endpoint #11458 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1515] Emit payment.paid after the payment is moved to complete #11457 (sebastian-palma)
- Re-organize Address services to be use outside of Account context #11453 (damianlegawiec)
- Add Codespell Github Workflow #11450 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add placeholder Serializers for Webhooks. #11449 (MatthewKennedy)
- Clean Up Platform API Controllers #11448 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1517] Emit order.shipped when all order shipments were shipped. #11443 (sebastian-palma)
- [SD-1474] - Fix User Create & Update actions on Platform API #11442 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix/shipping method serializer attributes #11441 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1501] - Fix 500 Error on Adjustments Serializer. #11440 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add Webhooks Events list endpoint #11438 (sebastian-palma)
- [SD-1496] - Add Payment Method endpoints to Platform API #11437 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add Storefront API Checkout Create Payment endpoint #11436 (damianlegawiec)
- Use Rails way of managing has_many association through API requests. #11435 (MatthewKennedy)
- Track and record Webhook Events #11434 (sebastian-palma)
- [SD-1505] - Add Shipping Methods To Platform API v2 #11433 (MatthewKennedy)
- Use past tense for Webhook event names #11432 (damianlegawiec)
- fix migration with stock_item_by_loc_var_id_deleted_at index #11431 (KacperMekarski)
- Added tests for Variants filtering in Platform API #11430 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixed filtering of Line Items in Platform API #11429 (damianlegawiec)
- Add create/index/show webhooks subscribers endpoints #11428 (sebastian-palma)
- Remove integer casting for IDs #11426 (damianlegawiec)
- Add promotion_categories to Platform API v2 #11423 (MatthewKennedy)
- Change Image content type validation to use
Active Storage Validations
gem #11419 (KacperMekarski) - Add Webhooks::Subscriber check_uri_path validation #11418 (sebastian-palma)
- SD-1446 use pg_search for full text search of porduct names when pg_search is available. #11416 (KacperMekarski)
- Added Platform Payments API for fetching Payments #11414 (damianlegawiec)
- Added Platform Variants API for fetching Variants #11413 (damianlegawiec)
- Stop using currency/checkout zone/default country preferences #11408 (damianlegawiec)
- Replace rspec-activemodel-mocks in specs with FactoryBot #11407 (KacperMekarski)
- Rails 7 preparation work #11406 (damianlegawiec)
- Use i18n-tasks to manage translations in API #11403 (MatthewKennedy)
- FIX: digital_link update cache after authorized download. #11402 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix for Digital Downloads #11401 (MatthewKennedy)
- SD-1352 As a System I can store MetaData for Spree Resources #11400 (kgorazd)
- SD-1445 feature implement Spree Webhooks #11399 (sebastian-palma)
- [SD-1480] Platform API - Promotions #11398 (MatthewKennedy)
- Improve checking user permissions in Platform API #11396 (damianlegawiec)
- Simplify permission checks for Platform API #11394 (damianlegawiec)
- Platform API - Shipments pt 1 #11393 (damianlegawiec)
- Added Platform API Orders Approve and Cancel endpoints #11386 (damianlegawiec)
- Introduce Spree.admin_user_class #11385 (damianlegawiec)
- Platform API - Shipping Categories #11382 (damianlegawiec)
- Platform - Adjustments API #11381 (damianlegawiec)
- Platform - Line Items API #11380 (damianlegawiec)
- Platform API - Orders #11376 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1461] fix money_methods for ruby version < 2.7 #11373 (KacperMekarski)
- [SD-1422] - Migrate Spree Digital into Spree Core #11369 (MatthewKennedy)
- Extract backend into a separate repo #11360 (damianlegawiec)
- Move backend configuration to spree_backend gem #11359 (damianlegawiec)
- Extract
into a separate repo #11358 (damianlegawiec) - [SD-1467] - Add Platform API For Wishlists #11355 (MatthewKennedy)
- Move frontend preferences out of spree core #11354 (damianlegawiec)
- Squash all Spree 4.3 migrations into one #11353 (damianlegawiec)
- Utilize
to cut seed loading time #11352 (damianlegawiec) - Simplify and fix handling polymorphic Oauth Token's resource owners #11351 (damianlegawiec)
- Enable polymoprhic resource owners for OAuth Access Tokens #11350 (damianlegawiec)
- Introduce
models #11349 (damianlegawiec) - Introduce
concern #11348 (damianlegawiec) - Use bang methods in seeds to avoid silently failing #11347 (damianlegawiec)
- Introduce
concern #11346 (damianlegawiec) - Remove APIs' magic 404 logic #11345 (damianlegawiec)
- Move Spree Seeds into their own services to allow easier customization #11344 (damianlegawiec)
- SD-1465 - 500 error on re-using identical data as a soft deleted store #11343 (kgorazd)
- [SD-1413] - Move Wishlist into Spree Core #11308 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1438] Remove API -> API v1 redirect #11306 (pmilewski)
- [SD-1358] As a Admin I should not be able to permanently delete Store #11315 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1429] Rename Spree CMD to Spree CLI and make it a dependency of spree gem #11307 (pmilewski)
4.3.0 - 2021-09-14
- Improve
performance #11335 (damianlegawiec) - Add API endpoint for changing cart currency #11331 (rafalcymerys)
- SD-1462 Product #purchasable?, #in_stock?, #backorderable? will use defau… #11329 (kgorazd)
- Add missing spree preferences reset in API specs #11324 (damianlegawiec)
- Return filter options with products #11318 (rafalcymerys)
- [SD-1456] Default Bill Address ID / Ship Address ID in Account Update endpoint should be strings, not integers #11317 (pmilewski)
- Move leftover email template from core to emails gem #11316 (damianlegawiec)
- Use Pretty Name in section Links + Bug Fix #11300 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1439] Invalid-SQL-statement-when-filtering-Products-via-Storefront-API #11298 (kgorazd)
- API for associating order with user #11297 (rafalcymerys)
- [SD-1377] Display addresses from countries supported in the current store #11271 (v10110)
- Add public preferences to payment methods Storefront API #11301 (damianlegawiec)
- ADMIN UI - Use svg for missing image #11296 (MatthewKennedy)
- Storefront Countries API returns all countries on a single page #11289 (damianlegawiec)
- [NX-7] Filter taxons by taxonomies' permalinks #11288 (pmilewski)
- Allow to sort products by sku #11270 (szymoniwacz)
- Allow to specify image dimensions/quality in API URLs to get the transformed image #11264 (damianlegawiec)
- Use icon serializer for menu_item. #11236 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix API V2 Platform products by price sorting #11276 (szymoniwacz)
- Fix api v2 products available on specs #11273 (szymoniwacz)
- Updated Extension Generator for Spree 4.3 #11272 (damianlegawiec)
- Add CMS Pages to Storefront API docs #11268 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add primary variant to storefront product serializer #11267 (szymoniwacz)
- Storefront product sort #11266 (szymoniwacz)
- Add product scopes #11265 (szymoniwacz)
- [SD-1414] Update api platform specs and swagger #11263 (szymoniwacz)
- Allow frontend flash alert to span full width of screen. #11262 (MatthewKennedy)
- Move #ensure_current_store to core based controller helper #11261 (MatthewKennedy)
- Update Seed Data. #11260 (MatthewKennedy)
- Allow footer columns to stack neatly if more than 4 used. #11259 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1400] Search properties by filterable status #11258 (v10110)
- Increased API v2 per page limit to 500 #11257 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix typo - (parent) in location_after_destroy. #11256 (MatthewKennedy)
- Use dash (-) for id target elements on sliders, not backslash (/) #11255 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix typos #11254 (vfonic)
- Extracted gatsby guides to #11253 (damianlegawiec)
- Redirect developer documentation to the new dev-docs site #11252 (damianlegawiec)
- Replace links to to #11250 (damianlegawiec)
- Rescue load error on dummy app generation #11247 (szymoniwacz)
- Added universal collection caching for Platform/Storefront API #11245 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1339] - Change the taxon autocomplete to use Platform API. #11244 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix create StoreProducts migration #11241 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixed: do not call OrderMailer directly and use Order#deliver_order_c… #11239 (damianlegawiec)
- Add locale for model cms_pages and cms_sections #11238 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add text foreground and background color options to WYSIWYG editor. #11237 (MatthewKennedy)
- Tidy up serializer -name serializer for polymorphic associations. #11235 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix Polymorphic Association to Linked Resources via STI Page Types #11234 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix validation errors for Swagger Open API #11228 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1266] Fix lifetime stats display #11208 (szymoniwacz)
- Migrate User Roles code from Spree Auth Devise to Spree Core #11108 (damianlegawiec)
- Do not authorize admin on forbidden #11226 (szymoniwacz)
- User
in Storefront Products API #11225 (damianlegawiec) - Credit Card model: Drop DB connection check as it's not reliable #11224 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1405] - As a Admin on Edit Page I always see live preview, even without the Frontend installed #11222 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1404] - Always link to Product pages in Emails #11219 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix Ambiguous span tag containing 24 causing promotion fail. #11218 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1402] - As a Admin on Edit Product page I can see a Preview Product link without Spree Frontend #11216 (MatthewKennedy)
- Added Platform API tests and OpenAPI docs for Taxons API #11214 (damianlegawiec)
- Updates to more sample data from taxon permalink change. #11213 (MatthewKennedy)
- Remove Line That Strips Out 'categories/' From Permalink In Sample Data. #11211 (MatthewKennedy)
- Guard against nil value slug or permalink. #11210 (MatthewKennedy)
- Don't display Store dropdown when it shouldn't be #11209 (damianlegawiec)
- Active Record Base Store & Rails 5 #11207 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix Rails 5.2 attachment presence CMS sections. #11205 (MatthewKennedy)
- Move JS assets outside of API gem #11204 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix active link color in drop-down menu. #11203 (MatthewKennedy)
- localize links for hero and feature article sections. #11202 (MatthewKennedy)
- Quick fix for clean request on AutoComplete #11201 (MatthewKennedy)
- Products API, Taxons API and Classifications API performance fixes #11199 (damianlegawiec)
- Move validation of locale uniqueness on homepage to cms_page.rb #11198 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix/i18n locale issue #11197 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix duplicate key causing swagger to fail. #11196 (MatthewKennedy)
- Platform API Classifications endpoints #11195 (damianlegawiec)
- Platform API - Product & Variants serializers #11194 (damianlegawiec)
- Add WYSIWYG editor to taxon description. #11193 (MatthewKennedy)
- Platform API serializer spec fixes #11191 (damianlegawiec)
- Drop Promotion#code and path uniqueness validation #11189 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix Promotion Pagination #11188 (MatthewKennedy)
- SD-1389 add platform serializers tests #11187 (KacperMekarski)
- Fix user account store credit display #11186 (szymoniwacz)
- Fix/sd 666 double title #11184 (damianlegawiec)
- Change integer id columns into bigint #11182 (szymoniwacz)
- Use RTE for product description. #11181 (MatthewKennedy)
- Hide unavailable user's credit cards in the account page #11180 (tomurb)
- Add missing end. #11179 (MatthewKennedy)
- Use var not const in ES5 JavaScript file. #11178 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix Issue when creating a store and a required field has no value. #11176 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix AddStoreIdToSpreeCustomerReturns migration #11174 (szymoniwacz)
- Fix sandbox script to also include spree_sample gem and load samples #11173 (damianlegawiec)
- SD-1378 Storefront API docs - update address named as List of Addresses #11172 (tomurb)
- Fix CSS causing drop-down to be off center on chrome. #11170 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add store for products finder taxons scope #11169 (szymoniwacz)
- List only current store taxons for prototype form #11168 (szymoniwacz)
- SD-1379 Multi Store Promotions #11167 (damianlegawiec)
- SD-1374 Associate customer returns with store #11166 (szymoniwacz)
- Show payment form in checkout when has credit cards for the wrong PaymentMethod #11164 (tomurb)
- [SD-1367] Use store.default_country instead of deprecated one #11162 (szymoniwacz)
- [SD-1339] Add store to taxonomies #11161 (szymoniwacz)
- Allow developer to specify deprecation for preference #11160 (Vegann)
- Add additional associations to the Store model #11158 (damianlegawiec)
- Compatibility fixes for extension test runners and Spree 4.3 #11156 (damianlegawiec)
- Add Store to StoreCredit association #11155 (szymoniwacz)
- [SD-1372] Add the ability to create a new store from store selector drop-down #11154 (MatthewKennedy)
- fix spelling in About Spark Solutions section #11153 (aneskap)
- Fix small spelling issue in Support Section #11152 (aneskap)
- SD-1255 Display correct currency for customer return's pre-tax total #11150 (tomurb)
- SD-1361 Add destroy endpoint for basket in spree-api. #11149 (KacperMekarski)
- Add unique index on property_id and product_id on spree_product_properties #11148 (szymoniwacz)
- Fix bug, ensure that current_oauth_token method return not expirable token #11147 (PauSentis)
- Add missing pagination to menus. #11143 (MatthewKennedy)
- Require Product and Payment Method to be assigned to at least one store #11141 (damianlegawiec)
- SD-1357 move core create & update address services to frontend addresses controller #11140 (KacperMekarski)
- Fixed store switching based an URL + added a lot of regression tests … #11139 (damianlegawiec)
- SD-1354 Add pagination to the view of product's variants #11137 (tomurb)
- Fix spec for the product sorting #11135 (Vegann)
- [SD-1346] Adds admin panel stock menu for stock locations and transfers #11134 (aplegatt)
- Revert "SD-1354 Add pagination to the view of product's variants" #11133 (damianlegawiec)
- SD-1356 remove overwriting default user addresses during checkout. #11132 (KacperMekarski)
- SD-1340 Add missing timestamps to join tables #11130 (tomurb)
- SD-1354 Add pagination to the view of product's variants #11129 (tomurb)
- SD-1349 Use dropdown for currency not text input in Promotion UI #11128 (tomurb)
- Include locale in API v2 serializer params plus remove code duplication #11127 (damianlegawiec)
- Return only Store resources in Storefront API, Platform API and Storefront UI #11126 (damianlegawiec)
- Remove outdated VAT label in orders emails #11124 (pmilewski)
- Small Fix to Menu Sample Data + Add Active Class to Spree Menu Links #11120 (MatthewKennedy)
- fix: The VAT displayed in the orders emails is incorrect #11118 (pmilewski)
- Use
instead ofrequire
when loading seeds #11115 (zavan) - [Skip CI] Added Flow Commerce Spree extension #11113 (damianlegawiec)
- Lean Core #11110 (damianlegawiec)
- Update Storefront and Admin Panel in the preview app #11107 (damianlegawiec)
- Use Circle CI 2.1 #11106 (damianlegawiec)
- Make frontend/backend fully optional when installing spree gem #11105 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixes order and product number and slug performance #11102 (damianlegawiec)
- Admin store switcher #11099 (Vegann)
- [Snyk] Security upgrade serve from 11.3.2 to 12.0.0 #11097 (snyk-bot)
- Automatically set Store and Currency when creating resources in Admin UI #11096 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1348] - Fix Taxon Carousel #11095 (MatthewKennedy)
- Support Store's Default Country #11093 (damianlegawiec)
- Remove duplications for fetching accessible Stores in Admin Panel #11092 (damianlegawiec)
- Allow user to sort products by name on PLP #11091 (Vegann)
- Fix For Promotions Date Picker Failing Spec Test. #11090 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add missing single quotes from version. #11089 (MatthewKennedy)
- Remove 'id: :serial' from create table #11088 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix Change from :unique_code to :location in Menus API #11086 (MatthewKennedy)
- fix api account addresses scope #11085 (chinoxchen)
- [SD-1297] - Fix menu-item links drop down on mobile. #11083 (MatthewKennedy)
- Remove "Adding new links to the Admin Panel menu" since it doesn't work #11082 (Vegann)
- handle default address when previous is removed #11081 (KacperMekarski)
- Update documentation on Spree 3 to 4 migration #11080 (damianlegawiec)
- Don't try to create table and index if already exists #11078 (damianlegawiec)
- Replace Twitter::CLDR with ValidatesZipcode #11077 (Vegann)
- [SD-1296] - CMS Pages #11076 (MatthewKennedy)
- fix address_not_deprecated_in_completed_order validation #11074 (KacperMekarski)
- [SD-1329] Allow assigning Products to Stores and display assigned Products only on the PLP #11073 (mad-eel)
- SD-1245 - Fix Text Blowing Out of Containers #11072 (MatthewKennedy)
- Back to validate number with case sensitive true #11070 (ronzalo)
- Adjust failing specs #11067 (mad-eel)
- SD-1099 - Add info note to option type filterable. #11066 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix filtering Products by Options #11065 (mad-eel)
- Add spree current user to base cache key #11064 (v10110)
- [SD-1331] Assign Store to Payment Method factory #11063 (mad-eel)
- add translations for user validations #11062 (KacperMekarski)
- Replace master_id with #11059 (damianlegawiec)
- More performant way of generating filter params in DB migrations #11058 (damianlegawiec)
- add has_many :states association to country #11057 (KacperMekarski)
- fix including many shipping rates #11056 (KacperMekarski)
- [SD-1337] Validate Store favicon image properties #11055 (mad-eel)
- SD-1297 - Add Documentation For Using Menus #11054 (MatthewKennedy)
- SD-1297 - Improvements to Spree::Menu #11051 (MatthewKennedy)
- Added more information about Serializer caching #11048 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-987] Stop displaying duplicate Products on PLP when viewing by Taxon #11047 (mad-eel)
- Rails 5.2 support #11046 (damianlegawiec)
- Remove unused no-image assets. #11043 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1099] Fix caching of Option Values filters #11042 (mad-eel)
- Fix/slim down core dependencies #11041 (damianlegawiec)
- Relax dependencies to allow for more flexbility with Gemfiles #11040 (damianlegawiec)
- Menu Items Using Live Link #11038 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1327] Fix issue with mixing Properties and Price filters #11037 (mad-eel)
- Fixed JS undefined errors when application does not use the updated 4… #11036 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1319] As a Admin in Admin Panel -> Store Edit I can upload a Store Favicon #11035 (Vegann)
- Fix Issue with menu changes not appearing because of Turbo Links #11032 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1101] Allow clearing all Filters on PLP #11031 (mad-eel)
- Tidy up the view for Menus new / edit form. #11030 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix broken test for touch after create, add tests for level of newly … #11029 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add Ability To Remove Icon Image From menu_item. #11028 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fixes error on pages without price filters html elements #11026 (aplegatt)
- Fixed cache expiration for new Nav CMS #11025 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1326] Display only these Filters that have Products attached #11023 (mad-eel)
- Product Properties Filtering fixes #11021 (damianlegawiec)
- Don't precompile assets for API, Core and Sample gems #11020 (damianlegawiec)
- Simplify currency handling for Product#available #11019 (damianlegawiec)
- Adds more flexibility for Product validation #11010 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixed Please use symbols for polymorphic route arguments #11008 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1323] Allow filtering Products on PLP by a custom price range #11007 (mad-eel)
- Added Properties filtering to Storefront API #11006 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixes #10175 removes upper limit for property value #11005 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix no resource found translation on stores#index #11004 (ronzalo)
- allow user to change default addresses through API #11002 (KacperMekarski)
- Add email regex as constant #11001 (pmilewski)
- Do not return other users credit cards for admin user #11000 (szymoniwacz)
- Fix addresses controller scope #10999 (szymoniwacz)
- Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot #10996 (dependabot-preview)
- Add deleted_at: nil default scope to address #10995 (szymoniwacz)
- Clarifies use of mount point and modules. #10994 (djdarkbeat)
- Remove document.write to fix compatibility with Turbo(links) #10993 (damianlegawiec)
- Support different cache keys for signed/not-signed/admin users when v… #10992 (damianlegawiec)
- Lock Node at 14.x for Guides #10987 (damianlegawiec)
- Destroy account address via API v2 #10985 (pmilewski)
- ignore taxon when is not valid #10977 (chinoxchen)
- Fix EmailValidator regex #10973 (pmilewski)
- Navigation CMS #10972 (MatthewKennedy)
- Issue 10965 variant fix #10970 (HumzahChoudry)
- Lint money.rb #10968 (MatthewKennedy)
- fix Spree.localizedPathFor JS function for api paths #10967 (KacperMekarski)
- Use SweetAlert2 for pop-up notifications. #10964 (MatthewKennedy)
- Format APIv2 guides and update payment and shipment id field type #10962 (tniezg)
- [SD-1280] Fix currency code in spec #10960 (piotrpanko)
- Add a guard clause for pages without quick search. #10958 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add Indication To Search #10956 (MatthewKennedy)
- Sort admin.js Functions #10955 (MatthewKennedy)
- [Documentation] Fix Storefront update generator task #10951 (albertoalmagro)
- Fix assets_exists? method not working in the production #10946 (Vegann)
- cancelled & returned orders should be uneditable by user #10937 (KacperMekarski)
- Generator for the manifest.js #10936 (Vegann)
- Fix misspelled words in spree developer internals pages #10935 (mariosobhy)
- Allow 4 digit CVV for Amex cards #10929 (zavan)
- Ensure comparison is on a symbol. #10914 (MatthewKennedy)
- Platform API Developer Preview part 1 #10913 (damianlegawiec)
- Uniform Icon Buttons #10911 (MatthewKennedy)
- Give minimum width to the pricing columns, tidy up unused classed in BS4 #10900 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix no responsive scroll for add_stock table #10897 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix Flatpicker mobile hidden field being picked up by ransack. #10896 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix spree localizedpathfor js function #10878 (KacperMekarski)
- Add caching to API v2 serializers #10875 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix Duplicate Locales Coming From spree_i18n #10871 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix docs navigation on smaller desktop screens #10870 (AleksandraKaminska)
- Docs/extensions update 1 #10869 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix jsonapi_serializer in version > 2.2 #10868 (Vegann)
- Spree 4.2 documentation update #10862 (damianlegawiec)
- Make product modal reusable #10861 (SylarRuby)
- Upgrade Sprockets to v4 🚀 #10852 (damianlegawiec)
- Use
for couponc code apply/remove in CouponM… #10845 (damianlegawiec) - Fixes spree#10816 #10820 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix taxon promotion rule form #10814 (hoshinotsuyoshi)
- Fix turbolinks caching issues with currency change #10812 (damianlegawiec)
- Remove page from whitelisted parameters #10811 (KacperMekarski)
- Add gem-release gem #10809 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix copyright link target attribute #10808 (zavan)
- [SD-1369] Enables user to remove credit card #10592 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-987] Add filtering products by properties #10555 (aplegatt)
- Update acts_as_list requirement from ~> 0.8 to >= 0.8, < 2.0 in /core #9554 (dependabot-preview)
4.2.0 - 2021-02-25
- Extract Storefront installer into a separate Generator #10802 (damianlegawiec)
- Improve Spree installer #10801 (damianlegawiec)
- Add locales from the SpreeI18n to the routes #10800 (Vegann)
- Support localized URLs #10794 (damianlegawiec)
- fix: use select2-full for full back compatibility #10793 (aforty)
- Use BaseController serialize_resource for checkout controller #10791 (btolarz)
- Update Documentation for Spree 4.2 #10789 (damianlegawiec)
- Assign all products to all Stores in Samples #10788 (damianlegawiec)
- Ability to have different navigation menus per locale #10787 (damianlegawiec)
- Feature/store multi lang currency seeds #10785 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1158] Show a humanized tooltip #10784 (agnieszkajacek)
- Add Spree::Api::ErrorHandler #10783 (damianlegawiec)
- Move back into BaseController some methods moved previously to Resour… #10782 (damianlegawiec)
- Update params in call method for the Ruby 3 #10780 (Vegann)
- [SD-1117] Show N/A if brand for card is empty #10779 (agnieszkajacek)
- Fixed store address suggestions #10777 (nnande)
- [SD-1158] Use option value presentation in tooltip #10776 (agnieszkajacek)
- fixed store checkout zone user addresses suggestions #10775 (nnande)
- Reset product memoized data on reload and save #10774 (btolarz)
- Check column and index presence in db in filtrable for option types m… #10770 (btolarz)
- [SD-1171] Set per page limit and do not allow for 0 value #10768 (agnieszkajacek)
- Set Common Flatpickr Defaults. #10766 (MatthewKennedy)
- Ability to switch between different Locales and Currencies in a single Store #10764 (damianlegawiec)
- add vertical align for adjustment amount in emails #10763 (AleksandraKaminska)
- [SD-1125 SD-1123 SD-1124 SD-1111] Fixes email line items styles for mobiles #10762 (AleksandraKaminska)
- Human Friendly Date Formatting #10760 (MatthewKennedy)
- 4.2.0.rc5 #10757 (damianlegawiec)
- Setup a fallback for Select2 not having a locale #10753 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1150] Do not return access token when user has not confirmed yet #10751 (agnieszkajacek)
- [SD-1128] Order the store selectors in ascending order by ID #10749 (agnieszkajacek)
- ERBlint Backend View Files #10745 (MatthewKennedy)
- Correct Frontend view files with ERB lint. #10743 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix/color option type name frontend cache #10741 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1146] Fix compare at price displaying on PDP #10740 (aplegatt)
- Avoid creating instances of objects when we only need their IDs #10739 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixed Stock Movement form and added missing Stock Movement spec #10738 (damianlegawiec)
- Remove
from attachment#variant since it is deprecated in Rails 6.1 #10737 (Vegann) - [SD-1133] Fix for Sportswear banner text on home page #10736 (aplegatt)
- Change
in Spree::Admin::ImagesController #10735 (Vegann) - [SD-1125] Fixes email line items styles for mobiles #10734 (aplegatt)
- Add essential gems to sandbox #10732 (damianlegawiec)
- Improve valid payment sources scope #10731 (KacperMekarski)
- Multi Store seed/samples fixes #10730 (damianlegawiec)
- Update bootstrap requirement from >= 4.3.1, < 4.6.0 to >= 4.3.1, < 4.7.0 in /backend #10729 (dependabot-preview)
- Update bootstrap requirement from >= 4.3.1, < 4.6.0 to >= 4.3.1, < 4.7.0 in /frontend #10728 (dependabot-preview)
- Headless Mode fixes #10727 (damianlegawiec)
- Default config locale should be nil #10726 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixed undefined method `to_url' for :"New Collection":Symbol #10725 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1130] Adds feature tests for stores supporting multiple currencies #10724 (aplegatt)
- Add memomization to some methods to speed things up #10723 (damianlegawiec)
- SD-1127 Fix dynamic delivery costs #10721 (przemosk)
- [SD-1129] Fixes error after setting certain languages for a store #10718 (aplegatt)
- Improve multi language support #10714 (damianlegawiec)
- Feature/supported currencies refactor #10713 (damianlegawiec)
- Support multiple relation types for related products on PDP #10711 (damianlegawiec)
- Checkout confirm step and order summary styling fixes #10710 (aplegatt)
- Fixed compatibility of order_details partial for extensions #10707 (damianlegawiec)
- Use order_details partial with proper data-hooks on confirm step and … #10706 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1106] Fixes categories in samples and links #10701 (aplegatt)
- Ensure that Stores locale is set #10700 (damianlegawiec)
- Release/4 2 0 rc4 #10699 (damianlegawiec)
- Feature/permissions guide #10698 (damianlegawiec)
- I18n fixes #10696 (damianlegawiec)
- Allow to switch to different stores in Sandbox #10695 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1102] Adds two additional stores to Spree samples #10694 (aplegatt)
- Fixed lazy_image usage on Ruby 3.0 #10693 (damianlegawiec)
- Docs/install options #10691 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1098] Added preference to toggle HTTP caching for Storefrront #10688 (KacperMekarski)
- Update Stores Make Default Button #10687 (MatthewKennedy)
- 4.2.0.rc3 #10685 (damianlegawiec)
- Multiple Stores Payment Methods #10684 (MatthewKennedy)
- Missing braces crashing js file. #10683 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix current order finder #10680 (pmilewski)
- Add id attribute to parent div in preferences. #10679 (MatthewKennedy)
- fix for sassc segfaults on ruby 3.0.0 on macOS Big Sur #10678 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixes For Issues With Placeholders #10677 (MatthewKennedy)
- rspec fixes #10676 (damianlegawiec)
- Improve UX for setting up Payment Methods. #10675 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1084] Ruby 3.0 random spec failing #10674 (przemosk)
- Fix Auto Generated Forms Fields Layouts #10673 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1070] change calculator currency field to selector #10672 (KacperMekarski)
- [SD-1074] Hide country picker from header on mobile #10671 (aplegatt)
- [SD-1068] Rails 6.1 deprecation warning Calling
to an ActiveModel::Errors #10670 (przemosk) - Optimize Circle CI test matrix #10667 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1071] Changes cost currency field to dropdown on product edit page #10666 (aplegatt)
- Admin Panel UX improvements #10665 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixes invalid ES5 syntax error #10661 (aplegatt)
- [SD-1072] Add unique ids to option types in variants edit form #10657 (piotrpanko)
- [SD-1069] Fixes Spree SCSS warnings #10656 (aplegatt)
- [SD-1073] change product meta description to text area. #10654 (KacperMekarski)
- Guides design fixes #10653 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix current order finder #10652 (pmilewski)
- Better API v2 code standardisation practices #10650 (damianlegawiec)
- Replace webrick with puma for capybara tests #10649 (damianlegawiec)
- Ruby 3.0 support #10648 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-1065] Add remove icon button to admin edit taxon page #10646 (aplegatt)
- Require Awesome Nested Set 3.3.1 to resolve issues with Rails 6.1/Ruby 3.0 #10644 (damianlegawiec)
- Cmd/ Remove comment in gemspec #10638 (coolprobn)
- Ruby 3.0 compatibility #10637 (damianlegawiec)
- Add order channel editing #10634 (poudelprakash)
- Small tweaks to Select2 to match previous behavior. #10633 (MatthewKennedy)
- Upgrade FactoryBot to 6.x #10632 (damianlegawiec)
- Small Select2 v4 Updates #10630 (MatthewKennedy)
- Allow Rails 6.1 #10629 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix wrong path for index.yaml #10626 (iasthc)
- Setup configurations template for new extensions #10622 (MatthewKennedy)
- Upgrade select2-rails to 4.0 #10613 (przemosk)
- Fix B - for issue: #10608 (whitelisted_parameters changed to allowed_parameters) #10610 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-1053] Add Seo Robots field to the Store in Admin Panel #10603 (piotrpanko)
- Fix Address Editing JS #10602 (MatthewKennedy)
- Display variant compare_at price on PDP fix #10601 (nnande)
- Add .reload in product_carousel method to prevent query errors #10599 (piotrpanko)
- use Rails logger #10596 (userzee)
- Update ransack requirement from ~> 2.3.0 to >= 2.3, < 2.5 in /core #10591 (dependabot-preview)
- Fixed checkout countries and states suggestions based on current_stor… #10589 (nnande)
- Display available countries on checkout address step with respect to the Spree::Store#default_zone #10588 (nnande)
- Migrate to jsonapi-serializer #10587 (nnande)
- [SD-1004] Changes links in mails to contain current store url #10586 (aplegatt)
- Spree::UserMethods - added missing table name prefixes #10585 (nnande)
- [SD-1009] Updates Rubocop version to 1.0.0 #10584 (aplegatt)
- New API docs powered by #10582 (damianlegawiec)
- Sd 949 uninitialized constant rma required #10580 (KacperMekarski)
- Expose payment/shipment state in Cart API v2 #10578 (damianlegawiec)
- Revert "Sd 949 uninitialized constant rma required" #10575 (KacperMekarski)
- Sd 949 uninitialized constant rma required #10574 (KacperMekarski)
- Fix security issue in order status endpoint #10573 (kshalot)
- Update mini_magick requirement from >= 4.9.4, < 4.11.0 to >= 4.9.4, < 4.12.0 in /core #10572 (dependabot-preview)
- Fix #10569 : Set
to new address inPATCH /addresses/:id
#10570 (hoshinotsuyoshi) - Unique Store Name #10568 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-991] Use constantize in remove item service call #10564 (piotrpanko)
- [SD-994, NUT-200] Shipping summary label issue #10563 (KacperMekarski)
- Adds an ability to use different Order serializer for Account Orders … #10561 (damianlegawiec)
- Make option types in sample products and their variants consistent #10558 (matlagp)
- Push buttons to the end of the row. #10557 (MatthewKennedy)
- [NUT-201] Refactor used_by? method for one_use_per_user rule #10554 (KacperMekarski)
- [SD-988] Removes vendor info partial from Spree #10553 (aplegatt)
- Encourage to use up to date Gateway/Auth gems with Spree 4.1+ #10552 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix javascript related products url #10551 (szymoniwacz)
- [SD-956] Fixes SCA checkout step indicator position for mobile devices #10549 (aplegatt)
- [SD-954] Fixes progress steps positions with SCA confirmation step #10548 (aplegatt)
- [SD-944] Adds 'remove from cart' event for GA #10546 (aplegatt)
- Sd 962 unassociated addresses #10543 (KacperMekarski)
- Add seo_robots to the Stores, add robots to the head #10542 (piotrpanko)
- Split order products into shipments by stock location #10541 (szymoniwacz)
- Dont allow expired tokens in api V2 base controller #10540 (Morantron)
- Remove duplication in add_item_spec #10538 (pmilewski)
- Enable admin user to set filterable option types #10536 (nnande)
- Convert ES6 code to ES5 #10535 (damianlegawiec)
- Sd 959 show or hide currency selector as admin #10533 (KacperMekarski)
- Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Order#set_current_order - try to merg… #10531 (nnande)
- [SD-961] As a Admin I can set the Checkout zone per Store #10529 (przemosk)
- Store Configuration - default country issue #10528 (nnande)
- Fix payment methods display when payment_sources are available #10526 (szymoniwacz)
- Cleanup of Order/Line Item total methods and API v2 #10525 (damianlegawiec)
- Basic support for open graph meta tags for PDP #10524 (nnande)
- Normalize promotion code before validation #10523 (storm2513)
- Fixes bugs with js-filter badges #10521 (aplegatt)
- Add method: :get to checkout logo link. #10520 (MatthewKennedy)
- Sd 875 add promotion code again by admin #10518 (KacperMekarski)
- Fix order outstanding balance when store credit is without auto capture #10516 (szymoniwacz)
- Add last_modified and etag helper methods for Spree::ProductsController #10515 (nnande)
- API v2 always include shipping rates as shipment relationship #10514 (damianlegawiec)
- Spree::ProductHelper#product_variants_matrix - pass an instance of cu… #10512 (nnande)
- Change structure of remove address button #10511 (AleksandraKaminska)
- Fix checkout order summary on safari #10510 (AleksandraKaminska)
- Fix N+1 queries on /api/v2/storefront/taxons #10508 (yann120)
- SD-942 hide outdated cards in checkout #10503 (KacperMekarski)
- Fix DB_EXCEPTIONS Warning #10498 (poudelprakash)
- Update Guides dependencies #10496 (damianlegawiec)
- Adds active_storage_validations and mailer_logo validation #10495 (aplegatt)
- Fix failing specs for PromotionDuplicator #10493 (Vegann)
- Update the Spelling #10492 (Piyush-Chaudhary)
- Fix link to Active Merchant supported gateways #10490 (akshatkedia)
- [EN-499] Adds uploading of mailer logo to store form #10489 (aplegatt)
- Fix code quality issues #10488 (ravi-deepsource)
- Add random string instead of 'new' in a duplicated promotion. #10486 (Vegann)
- Address Book API endpoints #10485 (kgorazd)
- API v2 include Stock Location relationship in Checkout Shipping Rates endpoint #10484 (damianlegawiec)
- Improve Carmen Data Import #10483 (MatthewKennedy)
- API v2 Set order state to delivery if selected shipping rate is changed #10480 (johannboutet)
- API v2 Set order state to address if billing or shipping address is updated #10476 (johannboutet)
- [EN-461] Fixes logos and email from addresses for OrderMailer with multiple stores #10473 (aplegatt)
- Fixes PLP Images URLs #10472 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix the mkdir command instruction #10470 (RaminMammadzada)
- Bump version to 4.2.0.beta 🚀 #10469 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixes cancel button url on store edit page #10468 (aplegatt)
- Use scope to select payment states #10467 (lifelofranco)
- [EN-462] Small change for product form stores field on admin panel #10464 (aplegatt)
- [EN-462] Fixes admin panel bug with stores field on product form #10463 (aplegatt)
- Add unique index on taxon_id and product_id to spree_products_taxons #10462 (kgorazd)
- Add email preview for order store_owner_notification mail #10461 (AleksandraKaminska)
- Add user_mailers previews #10460 (AleksandraKaminska)
- Fix cache issue: avoid
#10381 #10459 (hoshinotsuyoshi) - Display store payment methods #10457 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-936] Modify thank you part in email and add some space on the bottom #10454 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Storefront - Api for fetching details of a store by its code #10453 (coolprobn)
- [SD-884] Use pretty_time on stock transfer created_at #10450 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-933] Improve footer store name #10449 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Add compare_at_price to products api #10448 (poudelprakash)
- Added Product#default_variant_cache_key #10447 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-892] Better display shipping free when promotion is applied #10446 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Update link to testing instructions, fixes #10444 #10445 (camro)
- Fix emails preview text #10441 (AleksandraKaminska)
- Update friendly_id requirement from >= 5.2.1, < 5.4.0 to >= 5.2.1, < 5.5.0 in /core #10440 (dependabot-preview)
- [SD-927] Show active store with bolded text #10439 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-855] Improve address label html structure and add role button in address icons #10438 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-741] Fix PDP thumbnails carousel scrolling behaviour #10437 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Fix PLP searcher (spree-multi-domain) #10436 (tomurb)
- [SD-832] Remove autofocus attributes #10435 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Fix uploading svg logo #10433 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-915] Fixes user dropdown on promotion form showing not matching emails #10427 (aplegatt)
- load all countries on create. #10426 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-922] Fixes issue with not being able to disable currency settings #10425 (aplegatt)
- [SD-899] Add timezone in returns views #10424 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Add validation code uniqueness #10421 (MatthewKennedy)
- Frontend Mobile Nav Top Bar #10419 (MatthewKennedy)
- Lock thor at 0.20.3 #10418 (damianlegawiec)
- Order the content & images for easy understanding #10417 (bharathiraja252)
- [SDP-420] Set page invalidated on login submit to prevent scrolling with turbolinks #10416 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-920] Increase close button clickable area #10415 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-918] Blur option value after click to avoid overlapping tooltips #10414 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-910] Correct variants flash message #10412 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Outstanding balance uses reimbursement #10411 (chrishummel)
- [SDP-413] Translate order adjustments state #10410 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-915] Fixes promotions user dropdown not showing user emails based on entered query phrase #10408 (aplegatt)
- [SD-894] Make close contextual menu button always visible #10406 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Admin Country Updates #10405 (MatthewKennedy)
- show mobile navigation sub navigation only if root items are present #10404 (bhtabor)
- Fix Alignment & Logo #10400 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix call & email us text staying in footer, even if fields are blank. #10396 (MatthewKennedy)
- Make config :show raw product_description usable in new storefront. #10395 (MatthewKennedy)
- Sortable Backwards Compatibility #10394 (MatthewKennedy)
- fix frontend product partial nil price ternary operator bug #10393 (bhtabor)
- Restores jquery.payment source #10392 (aplegatt)
- [SD-907] Fixes error on credit card payment checkout step #10391 (aplegatt)
- [SD-891] Fix persisting flash message #10390 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-905] Adds product_add_to_cart event triggering #10389 (aplegatt)
- [SD-866] Fix close button on gallery modal #10388 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Improve z-index javascript fix for Select2 z-index #10387 (MatthewKennedy)
- Adds ability o set Store logo via Admin Panel #10386 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixed ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Could not find table 'spree_sto… #10385 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-894] Add close button in contextual menu #10384 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-899] Add timezone to dates across entire app #10382 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-903] Fix missing product added modal when related products are loaded #10380 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- ADMIN: Small css tweaks. #10379 (MatthewKennedy)
- Admin UI & UX Improvements #10375 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-876] Improve colors while adding new product using prototype #10373 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- use Spree.ready instead of document ready on checkout address book #10369 (chinoxchen)
- Payments Card Page Update #10366 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-885] Adds check and flash message when trying to create stock transfer with a variant not available on hand in source location #10365 (aplegatt)
- Replace jquery.payment with cleave #10363 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SDP-326] Select radio button immediately after click #10361 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-882] Improve product properties view on mobile #10360 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-884] Format date to show timezone name in stock transfers list #10358 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-877] Fix entering taxonomy menu on iOS devices #10357 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Lower z-index on flatpickr, select2 & tooltips #10356 (MatthewKennedy)
- ADMIN: Fix Bad ID on address form + Select2 styling. #10355 (MatthewKennedy)
- ADMIN: Valid HTML #10354 (MatthewKennedy)
- Remove ID's & serif declarations from SVG's for valid HTML #10353 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-873] Fix additional scrollbar on Chrome/Windows #10352 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Align Product Buttons #10351 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix Appearance of Action Buttons in The Contextual Menu #10350 (MatthewKennedy)
- [WCAG-33] Use aria-label in radio button so the color could be read by voice over app #10349 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-874] Prevent showing tooltip on touch devices to avoid uncrolled behavior #10348 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- ADMIN: Add purify.js to Stop XXS Attacks on Admin. #10346 (MatthewKennedy)
- ADMIN: Set .card overflow to hidden #10344 (MatthewKennedy)
- ADMIN: contentHeader ID Moved Up #10343 (MatthewKennedy)
- ADMIN: Sticky Contextual Menu on Large Screens #10342 (MatthewKennedy)
- ADMIN: Bounce-in / fade-out alerts. #10341 (MatthewKennedy)
- ADMIN: Use new svg's in payment actions. #10340 (MatthewKennedy)
- ADMIN: Select2 Styling Improvements #10339 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix mismatched tags in default frontend #10338 (stefanwild)
- [SD-874] Add complete function with blur event to hide tooltip when request finishes #10336 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Refine Flatpicker Admin Javascript #10335 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-889] Fix new reimbursement form checkboxes #10334 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-863] Fixes 500 error when creating stock location with propagate all variants option #10333 (aplegatt)
- [WCAG-33] Pass color option value name and use it as a title #10332 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Incorrect I18n scopes used in admin/state_changes/index.html.erb #10331 (gamecreature)
- [WCAG-38] Add aria label in checkout navigation related elements #10330 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Improve Promotions UX #10329 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-872] Removes required attribute from Shipping Categories dropdown #10328 (aplegatt)
- [SDP-331] Shows email FROM address using reimbursement store's data #10327 (aplegatt)
- Mobile Friendly Flatpickr Cal On Admin. #10326 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-839] Increase clickable area in back navigation arrow #10325 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- irremovable-promotions #10324 (tomurb)
- Use a single button in the content header to trigger the dropdown. #10320 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SD-870] Change default orders count to 15 #10318 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-874] Change tooltip container so tooltip could disappear when its parent is deleted #10317 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-869] Fix badge icon #10316 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-868] Fix missing arrows in callendar #10315 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SD-867] Increase sidebar width on large size #10314 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Small Admin Fixes #10313 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add missing icon in admin panel #10312 (AleksandraKaminska)
- [SDP-340] Fixes currency on variants list for product #10309 (aplegatt)
- UX Change - Move clickable items to the first column (products & orders) #10307 (MatthewKennedy)
- More Responsive Table fixes #10306 (MatthewKennedy)
- Updates migrations with column_exists checks #10305 (aplegatt)
- Remove duplicated jquery import #10304 (AleksandraKaminska)
- Fix flash of old arrow in ransackable tables. #10303 (MatthewKennedy)
- Small Fixes #10302 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SDP-385] Fixes products carousel caching problem #10301 (aplegatt)
- SDP-388 Edit icons are significantly enlarged #10300 (AleksandraKaminska)
- SDP-306 - DE Store needs translation for 404 pages #10299 (AleksandraKaminska)
- [SDP-311] Order Confirmation page needs translation of months #10298 (AleksandraKaminska)
- Fix Over Scroll In Admin #10297 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add A Responsive Contextual Menu To Admin #10296 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add metadata to gemspecs #10295 (dav-armour)
- [WCAG-39] Fix issues reported by axe tool on cart page #10294 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Fix email styling issues with order adjustments #10293 (dav-armour)
- [SDP-352] Fixes for mailer issues related to stores #10292 (aplegatt)
- Fix firefox bug for incorrect input width with display flex property #10291 (AleksandraKaminska)
- [WCAG-37] Fix Landmarks must be uniquely identifiable issue #10290 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-38] Add aria-label attribute to multiple navigation elementns #10289 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SDP-357] Add additional filter partials #10288 (AleksandraKaminska)
- [WCAG-36] Fix duplicated icons/links #10287 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SDP-340] Fixes products in admin taxons displaying prices only in USD #10284 (aplegatt)
- 🌐 (en) add missing translation shipment #10282 (imgarylai)
- incorporate cache_version in variant in_stock method #10281 (Oldharlem)
- Admin Update With Inline SVG's #10279 (MatthewKennedy)
- Added ability to conditionally disable Variant SKU uniqueness validation #10278 (damianlegawiec)
- [WCAG-35] Open meganav submenu on focus #10277 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Add example how to swap API dependencies in spree initializer #10273 (damianlegawiec)
- Allow to use custom ability classes in testing environment #10271 (damianlegawiec)
- [WCAG-24] Add role navigation attribute #10268 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-18] Fix main categories structure so user could see outline #10267 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [SDP-343] Fixes multiple occurrences of a product on admin products list search #10265 (aplegatt)
- [SDP-250] Add vendor visibility on PDP with redirect to Vendor PLP #10263 (AleksandraKaminska)
- 🏗️ (backend) improve customer attribute editor. #10262 (imgarylai)
- [SDP-348] Filters are not highlighted after picking and refreshing modal #10260 (AleksandraKaminska)
- [SDP-337] Make sure to enable place order button when payment method is changed #10259 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- API v2 checkout update rescue from GatewayError #10257 (johannboutet)
- 💄 (footer) there might be some store without phone number. #10256 (imgarylai)
- [SDP-295] Fixes error on product search in admin panel when spree_globalize is used #10255 (aplegatt)
- Feature: Order Notification Emails for Store Owner #10253 (imderek)
- 🐛 (variant) fix variant searching issue #10252 (imgarylai)
- Allow user to add names to addresses. #10250 (MatthewKennedy)
- Avoid duplicate ID's in DOM #10248 (MatthewKennedy)
- add id to each of menu item #10245 (imgarylai)
- Retain Zip Code Value When Optional #10241 (MatthewKennedy)
- Add ship to address on "Choose Delivery Method" page. #10239 (MatthewKennedy)
- [SDP-304] Shows my account store credits in current currency #10238 (aplegatt)
- Use zoom-in cursor as fallback #10237 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Fix selection of sorting products #10236 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- hide carousel thumbnails arrows on PDP with small number of images #10235 (AleksandraKaminska)
- [SDP-303] Uses name instead of presentation parameter to compare #10234 (aplegatt)
- Fixes #10176 prioritizes displaying images for All variants first #10231 (damianlegawiec)
- Changes country picker dropdown flag icon to globe #10230 (aplegatt)
- [SDP-303] Fixes problem with color picker on filters when OptionType has been translated #10229 (aplegatt)
- Update kaminari to 1.2.1 to fix GHSA-r5jw-62xg-j433 #10228 (damianlegawiec)
- All CSS Slide in Form labels on Address Fields. #10227 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fixes problem with color picker when OptionType name has been translated #10220 (aplegatt)
- Fixes missing country picker flags #10214 (aplegatt)
- [WCAG-17] Fix choosing variants on PDP using keyboard #10210 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-16] Make sort button and filters on PLP accessible and interactive #10209 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-15] Fix tabindex on checkout confirm page by removing flex order #10208 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-13][WCAG-14] Add focus indicator to radio buttons #10207 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-12] Fix login form tabindex order #10205 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-11] Wrap checkout footer content with footer tags #10204 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-10] Add aria labels in checkout address step inputs #10203 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-9] AAU I can navigate the main menu using TAB key #10202 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-8] Add title attr to search field #10201 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-7] Use submit button instead of submit input #10200 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-6] Fix aria-labelledby attr #10199 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-5] Add aria-label attr to search input #10198 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-4] Add aria-label attribute to affected links #10197 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- [WCAG-3] Optimize pagination svg icons in order to avoid id's collisions #10196 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- WCAG-2 Update fashion trends note #10193 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Add a spec test for the product properties functionality on the frontend #10191 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fixes checkout progress line #10178 (aplegatt)
- Add new tutorial for basic product attribute extension #10177 (flobby)
- update swager doc #10174 (chhlga)
- includes translations to avoid n + 1 query #10173 (imgarylai)
- use i18n helper to show the page title #10172 (imgarylai)
- Update bootstrap requirement from ~> 4.3.1 to >= 4.3.1, < 4.6.0 in /backend #10169 (dependabot-preview)
- Update bootstrap requirement from ~> 4.3.1 to >= 4.3.1, < 4.6.0 in /frontend #10168 (dependabot-preview)
- Developing spree documentation enhancements #10167 (damianlegawiec)
- Adds The Ability To Show / Not Show Specific Product Properties #10163 (MatthewKennedy)
- Use Spree Dev Tools in extension generator #10162 (damianlegawiec)
- Add safeguard for scenarios where supported_currencies is nil #10161 (damianlegawiec)
- Add Customer Returns API v1 docs #10159 (storhet)
- Add missing attribute for taxon #10158 (flobby)
- [SD-234] Adds compare at price editing for admin product prices tab #10157 (aplegatt)
- Set Product Variant Via URL Query Parameter #10156 (MatthewKennedy)
- Extensions tutorial: fix VariantDecorator example. #10155 (emystein)
- [SD-828] return active record relation instead of array #10153 (chhlga)
- Updates migrations with column_exists checks #10152 (aplegatt)
- Introduce concat taxons filter #10151 (flobby)
- Fix #169 spree_related_products issue with spree_globalize #10150 (AleksandraKaminska)
- Reverting changes from SD-633 PR #10079 #10149 (aplegatt)
- Fixed: throw(:abort) cannot be called in after_ callbacks #10148 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-838] Fixes filters list scroller #10147 (aplegatt)
- [SD-837] Changes 'email' edit link on my account to 'account info' #10145 (aplegatt)
- Storefront country picker #10139 (arudnicka)
- #10117 Add record_type: address to cart_serializer, and fix rspec #10137 (cuon-kakimoto)
- Fixes requesting products from multiple taxon in API v2 #10136 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix issue #9940 #10135 (emystein)
- Extensions tutorial: remove extra % in view code #10134 (emystein)
- Enable product filtering within multiple
#10132 #10133 (oklas) - Use filtering_params_cache_key in option values partial rather than t… #10131 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix FrontendHelper#filtering_params_cache_key #10130 (damianlegawiec)
- Product list filters additional optimization techniques #10129 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-263] Spree::Store fields for footer info #10128 (aplegatt)
- Issue #10126 Product cache key contains promotion address in memory #10127 (v-may)
- Fixes to Products filtering by Taxon #10125 (damianlegawiec)
- Improves products list performance by avoiding to call the SQL query … #10124 (damianlegawiec)
- Adds ability to configure site-wide products filters via config #10123 (damianlegawiec)
- Small changes to the structured data. #10122 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fix for issue #10120 #10121 (v-may)
- Update twitter_cldr requirement from >= 4.3, < 6.0 to >= 4.3, < 7.0 in /core #10113 (dependabot-preview)
- Added multi store support to Spree core emails #10109 (damianlegawiec)
- Use ActionController::API for API v1 controllers #10106 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-234] Crossed out compare at price #10105 (aplegatt)
- remove product delegated fields from api-v2 variant serializer #10104 (aforty)
- Guides build fix #10102 (pmilewski)
- [SD-854] Fixes Ruby 2.7 deprecation error on service module spec #10101 (aplegatt)
- Responsive transactional email templates #10100 (klaszcze)
- [SD-845] Fixes going back to checkout on Safari bug #10096 (aplegatt)
- [SD-833] Hides product added modal when leaving PDP #10093 (aplegatt)
- Fix Storefront Customization doc images #10092 (AleksandraKaminska)
- Ruby 2.7 fixes #10090 (damianlegawiec)
- Spree Guides: Update logic customization examples #10085 (sun-meihouwang)
- [SD-838] Adds scrolling to PLP filters accordion #10084 (aplegatt)
- [SD-834] Adds email value on login page when login failed #10083 (aplegatt)
- [SD-844] Adds required fields annotation to address form #10082 (aplegatt)
- Spree Guides fixes #10080 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-633] Shows all variants image as default for product if it is set #10079 (aplegatt)
- Typo fix #10077 (jolyonruss)
- [SD-848] Adds admin taxon edit page improvements #10075 (aplegatt)
- Fix flaky locale spec #10071 (damianlegawiec)
- Ensure no line item quantity that exceedes underlying DB datatype ran… #10070 (nnande)
- Replaces theme-color functions with variables in products/index scss #10069 (aplegatt)
- [SD-849] Fixes clear all button overlapping filters #10068 (aplegatt)
- [SD-824] pass option_type presentation to dropdown menu #10067 (chhlga)
- Display products from requested category and its descendants on categ… #10066 (nnande)
- [SD-665] Reduces continue shopping button margin on empty cart #10065 (aplegatt)
- Add Class method Zeitwerk loader migration documentation #10064 (raulperezalejo)
- Fixed Zone#kind getter #10063 (damianlegawiec)
- Always return distinct products #10058 (damianlegawiec)
- Spree Guides - Fix canonical url #10057 (damianlegawiec)
- Replace require_tree with declerative requirements #10055 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix account page sass variables #10054 (AleksandraKaminska)
- Add Storefront Customization section to Spree Guides #10051 (damianlegawiec)
- Fix extension generator with empty app folder #10048 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-785] Rapidly clicking on PDP'S Quantity + or - zoom in the page - Mobile issue #10047 (pmilewski)
- Upgrade Spree Guides to Node 12 #10045 (damianlegawiec)
- Rubocop upgraded to 0.80 #10044 (damianlegawiec)
- fix falling specs #10038 (pmilewski)
- [SD-843] Adds scroll option to mobile navbar #10037 (PSzyszkaSpark)
- replace string with array parameter #10036 (qoobaa)
- Add Customer Support Email Address #10035 (MatthewKennedy)
- Fixed ProductsHelper#cache_key_for_products #10034 (damianlegawiec)
- Use PermittedAttributes#address_attributes in AddressesController #10032 (damianlegawiec)
- Enable touch events on mobile navigation #10030 (kaliszKrzysztof)
- Added ability to set Store locale in Admin Panel #10029 (damianlegawiec)
- Use currently used locale for Etag cache keys rather then static defa… #10028 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixes re-running of samples multiple times #10027 (damianlegawiec)
- [SD-843] Adds scroll option if necessary to mobile navigation #10024 (PSzyszkaSpark)
- Added support for solargraph in development #10023 (damianlegawiec)
- Fixed errors with admin time helpers when nil values where supplied #10022 (damianlegawiec)
- Update documentation for 4.1 release #10020 (dav-armour)
- [SD-841] Creates select_user_available_addresses method in addresses_helper.rb and specs for it #10019 (PSzyszkaSpark)
- Stop text string appearing for £ and € #10015 (MatthewKennedy)
- Show Spree 4.1 homepage screenshot in Getting Started #10014 (tniezg)
- [SD-824] Corrects color presentation in admin panel #10012 (PSzyszkaSpark)
- [SD-763] Replaces store default meta description #10000 (PSzyszkaSpark)
- [SD-806] Adds product preview buttons in product admin panel #9999 (PSzyszkaSpark)
- [SD-811] Adds admin panel link for admin users #9993 (PSzyszkaSpark)
- [SD-822] Changes image and product name to link in admin orders #9990 (PSzyszkaSpark)
- [SD-823] Corrects 'pendingpackage' issue #9987 (PSzyszkaSpark)
- API V2 Storefront Shipping Rates GET request crashes the server [fixing: #9901] #9912 (przemosk)
- Update rubocop version #9666 (hmtanbir)
- Multi Currency Improvements #9415 (PSzyszkaSpark)