name: Update docs on gh-pages on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: version: description: "The version number to download and update (e.g., 4.0.3)" required: true jobs: update-assets: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # 步骤 1:检出 gh-pages 分支的代码 - name: Checkout gh-pages branch uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: gh-pages # 步骤 2:下载指定版本的文档 ZIP 文件到 /tmp 目录 - name: Download documentation ZIP file run: | VERSION="${{ github.event.inputs.version }}" DOC_DOWNLOAD_URL="${VERSION}/arthas-packaging-${VERSION}" echo "Downloading documentation from $DOC_DOWNLOAD_URL" curl -L "$DOC_DOWNLOAD_URL" -o "/tmp/" # 步骤 3:解压文档 ZIP 文件 - name: Unzip documentation file run: | unzip -o /tmp/ -d /tmp/arthas-doc # 步骤 4:删除仓库中的 assets 目录 - name: Remove assets directory run: | rm -rf assets # 步骤 5:复制解压后的文档文件到仓库 - name: Copy documentation files to repository run: | cp -r /tmp/arthas-doc/* ./ # 步骤 6:下载指定版本的二进制 ZIP 文件到 /tmp 目录 - name: Download binary ZIP file run: | VERSION="${{ github.event.inputs.version }}" BIN_DOWNLOAD_URL="${VERSION}/arthas-packaging-${VERSION}" echo "Downloading binary files from $BIN_DOWNLOAD_URL" curl -L "$BIN_DOWNLOAD_URL" -o "/tmp/" # 步骤 7:解压二进制 ZIP 文件 - name: Unzip binary file run: | unzip -o /tmp/ -d /tmp/arthas-bin # 步骤 8:复制指定文件到仓库目录 - name: Copy binary files to repository run: | cp /tmp/arthas-bin/ ./ cp /tmp/arthas-bin/arthas-boot.jar ./ cp /tmp/arthas-bin/math-game.jar ./ # 步骤 9:赋予 可执行权限 - name: Make executable run: | chmod +x # 步骤 10:设置 Git 用户信息 - name: Set Git user run: | git config "${{ }}" git config "${{ }}" # 步骤 11:提交并推送更改到远程仓库 - name: Commit and push changes run: | git add . git commit -m "Update docs to version ${{ github.event.inputs.version }}" git push origin gh-pages