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File metadata and controls

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This repository contains a Dockerfile to create an image with the very nice tool github-release. With this tool you can upload respectively deploy any kind of artifacts to a release tag on GitHub.


  • Image is based on official Alpine Linux based golang image
  • Additional installed packages:
    • git

Upload Artifacts to GitHub


You should prepare a directory on the host machine, which contains all files, which should be uploaded to GitHub. This directory will be mounted into the container.

Additionally you need a proper GitHub access token and put it into the environemt variable GITHUB_TOKEN:

export GITHUB_TOKEN=1234568790abcdef

Available commands

To see a list of available commands and options you can run a container with this command:

docker run --rm -it spectreproject/github-uploader:latest github-release --help

For further details regarding usage of github-release please see it's own GitHub page.

Perfom GitHub upload

To do an upload the usage schema is as follows:

docker run \
    --rm \
    -it \
    -v <folder-with-files-to-upload>:/filesToUpload \
    spectreproject/github-deployer:latest \
    github-release upload \
        --user <GitHub-user-or-organization-name> \
        --repo <GitHub-repo> \
        --tag <tag-on-GitHub-repo> \
        --name <name-of-file-after-upload> \
        --file /filesToUpload/<file-to-upload>

All other commands of github-release can be used the same way.

Here's an example for the upload of the file aTest.txt, which will be available as notes.txt on the given tag latest:

docker run \
    --rm \
    -it \
    -v ~/filesToDeploy:/filesToUpload \
    spectreproject/github-deployer:latest \
    github-release upload \
        --user HLXEasy \
        --repo GitHub-Deployer \
        --tag latest \
        --name "notes.txt" \
        --file /filesToUpload/aTest.txt

Short explanation of parameters:

docker run \
    --rm \                                  # Container will automatically be removed afterwards
    -it \                                   # Start in interactive mode with a virtual terminal
    -v <local-path>:/filesToUpload/ \       # Mapping of local data folder into the container
    spectreproject/github-deployer:latest \ # Image to use
    github-release ...                      # Executed command followed by all it's parameters

How to build image from scratch

docker build -t spectreproject/github-uploader:latest .