These are changes to the way things are named, but the functionality remains the same. This list is not exhaustive.
TEALScript | PuyaTS | Notes |
GlobalStateKey |
GlobalState |
LocalStateKey |
LocalState |
BoxKey |
BoxRef |
prefix |
keyPrefix |
The prefix option for BoxMap |
this.txn |
Txn |
| |
Global.currentApplicationId |
isOptedInToApp , isOptedInToAsset |
isOptedIn |
The Puya function accepts a union of these types |
size |
length |
The size of a box |
These are minor changes to the syntax of the language/API. This list is not exhaustive.
TEALScript | PuyaTS | Notes |
this.boxRef.create(boxSize) |
this.boxRef.create({ size: boxSize }) |
The size option is now a property of the create method |
Explcicit method return types are required | Implicit method return types are allowed | |
verify...Txn |
assertMatch |
assertMatch accepts any object. This means, however, that txn types must be explicitly checked if the verified fields apply to more than one txn type |
Methods, classes, and types are in global scope | Methods, classes, and types must be imported | |
forEach is supported |
forEach is not supported, but for ... of is supported |
for ... of also enables continue/break |
These are major changes to the syntax of the language/API.
Each action (OnCompletes and create) has a method name that is used to route to the correct method when that action/OC is performed.
createApplication() {
Alternatively, decorators can be used for more complex contracts
myCustomCreateMethod() {
Decorators must be used to specify the action/OC.
@abimethod({ onCreate: "require", allowActions: "NoOp" })
createApplication() {
TEALScript supports math operators on any uint<n>
type and returns the result as the same type.
getSum(x: uint64, y: uint64): uint64 {
const sum = x + y;
return sum;
PuyaTS requires explicit usage of a constructor or type hint to return the result of a math operation. This is required so TypeScript (and thus your IDE and other tooling) knows the type of the result is not number
(which is unavoidable TypeScript behavior).
getSum(x: uint64, y: uint64): uint64 {
const sum = Uint64(x + y);
return sum;
getSum(x: uint64, y: uint64): uint64 {
const sum: uint64 = x + y;
return sum;
TEALScript allows casting between types using the as
const x: uint8 = 10;
const y = x as uint64;
PuyaTS does not support casting between types with as
. Instead, the respective constructor must be used.
const x: uint8 = 10;
const y = UintN<64>(x);
In TEALScript, bytes and strings are the same type and can be used interchangeably.
assert(swapAsset.assetName === "SWAP");
In PuyaTS, bytes and strings are distinct types. Most functions acccept bytes | string
, but outputs will always be bytes
assert(swapAsset.assetName === Bytes("SWAP"));
TEALScript supports mutable native TypeScript arrays
const myArray: uint64[] = [1, 2, 3];
In PuyaTS native arrays are always immutable.
let myArray: uint64[] = [1, 2, 3];
myArray = [...myArray, 4];
If you want mutability, there is an explcit MutableArray
let myArray = new MutableArray<uint64>(1, 2, 3]);
This type, however, can only be used internally. It cannot be put in storage, events, scratch, or used as a public ABI method parameter/return type.
In TEALScript, objects are mutable
type Favorites {
color: string,
number: uint64,
updateFavoriteNumber(n: uint64) {
this.favorites(this.txn.sender).value.number = n;
Like Arrays, all objects are immutable.
type Favorites {
color: string,
number: uint64,
updateFavoriteNumber(n: uint64) {
{ ...this.listings.get(Txn.sender), number: n }