<a name"1.2.0">
- execute testability in window context (744c6874)
- exclude failing test (c3c30252)
- Regression - Race conditions (0f6ffaa2)
- Prevent racing conditions (bb3f606e)
- bindings: setInterval should not be monkey patched (5605d894)
- travis: Remove node 4 and 5 as not supported by protractor latests versions (8fd2cfb6)
- testability: Custom testability object per configuration (2808ac45)
<a name"1.1.0">
- Updated protractor version
- Updated node compatiblity to >4
- Prevent racing conditions (bb3f606e)
<a name"1.0.5">
<a name"1.0.2">
- dist: Fix missing dist files from PR 3 (270e2033)
- e2e_tests: Upgrade to safari 8 due to saucelabs probs with 7 (476915b1)
- travis: Fix wrong travis syntax (7d041275)
- XMLHttpRequest:
<a name"1.0.2">
- dist: Fix missing dist files from PR 3 (270e2033)
- e2e_tests: Upgrade to safari 8 due to saucelabs probs with 7 (476915b1)
- travis: Fix wrong travis syntax (7d041275)
- XMLHttpRequest: Also detect outstanding requests (1f6e7d71)
<a name"1.0.1">
- Solve sync issue (1b33c6af)
- Improve support for setImmediate (cd3f33c8)
- Support setImmediate (8a3435ea)
- Wait for setTimeout also (292d0c13)
- JQuery: wait for JQuery ajax request automatically (40b9a20a)
<a name"1.0.1">
- Solve sync issue (1b33c6af)
- Support setImmediate (8a3435ea)
- Wait for setTimeout also (292d0c13)
- JQuery: wait for JQuery ajax request automatically (40b9a20a)
<a name"1.0.1">
- JQuery: wait for JQuery ajax request automatically (40b9a20a)
<a name"0.1.0">