diff --git a/proposals/host-bindings/binary.bs b/proposals/host-bindings/binary.bs
deleted file mode 100644
index 95d0537f32..0000000000
--- a/proposals/host-bindings/binary.bs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,840 +0,0 @@
-Title: Binary Representation of WebIDL
-Shortname: binaryWebIDL
-Level: 1
-Status: ED
-Group: wasm
-TR: http://www.w3.org/TR/wasm-webidl-1
-URL: http://webassembly.github.io/spec/webidl
-Editor: Francis McCabe, Google Inc., fgm@google.com
-Abstract: A binary encoding of webIDL suitable for processing by WASM engines.
-Markup Shorthands: markdown yes
- "href": "https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/",
- "title": "WebAssembly Core Specification",
- "publisher": "W3C WebAssembly Community Group",
- "status": "Draft"
- },
- "webIDL" : {
- "href" : "http://heycam.github.io/webidl",
- "title" : "Web IDL",
- "publisher" : "W3C",
- "status" : "Editor's Draft"
- }
-Introduction {#intro}
-In order to be able to process webIDL signatures efficiently it is
-convenient to support a binary representation of the webIDL.
-This specification mirrors the official specification [[!webIDL]] in most
-ways. However, the binary encoding may admit non-legal forms of
-webIDL. Furthermore, some of the artifacts of webIDL do not apply to any binary
-A webIDL specification consists of a sequence of top-level elements. Each of
-these top-level elements may define a type; an interface; or a name space.
-Notation {#notation}
-A production that defines a part of this encoding is written in the form:
-NT(Arg) => Body
-where *Body* is a sequence of terminals and non-terminals.
-The terminals are either single characters (ASCII) or byte codes -- represented
-as hex sequences.
-A Non Terminal is represented as a name enclosed in angle brackets followed
-optionally by an argument in parentheses and/or a repeat count -- a number or
-argument enclosed in braces.
-Multiple productions may be applicable to a given non-terminal; these are
-represented as multiple rules.
-Non terminals may have argument expressions, the constraint on the production is
-that all occurrences of a given argument variable must have the same value.
-For example, in the production:
-NullableType => 0x72 0x08 N u l l a b l e 0x01 Type
-the term `Type` refers to the non terminal `Type`.
-Similary, the production:
-String => u32(C) CodePoint{C}
-denotes the fact that a `String` is represented by a count `C` -- which
-satisfies the `u32` non-terminal -- followed by `C` CodePoints.
-Binary AST {#ast}
-The binary encoding is layered on a basic set of primitives that
-permit the encoding of integers, strings and combinations of entities.
-Encoding Integers {#integer-encoding}
-Integers are encoded using the LEB128 variable length integer encoding. Although
-the LEB format is able to represent both signed and unsigned integers, this
-specification only uses unsigned integers.
-7bit(0) => 0x00
-7bit(1) => 0x01
-7bit(127) => 0x7f
-8bit(0) => 0x80
-8bit(1) => 0x81
-8bit(127) => 0xff
-u32(Ix) => 7bit(Ix)
-u32(Ix<<7+Lx) => 8bit(Lx) u32(Ix)
-Encoding Vectors {#vector-encoding}
-A vector of entities is encoded as a length integer (itself encoded as LEB128)
-following length entries of the vector -- each of which is of the expected type.
-Encoding Strings {#string-encoding}
-A string is encoded as a vector of Codepoints represented as sequences of UTF8
-String => u32(L) CodePoint{L}
-Standard Scheme {#standard-scheme}
-All of the encodings follow a common scheme, consisting of a single lead-in byte
-followed by type specific content. Any collections are preceded by a length
-(encoded as an LEB) so that a streaming parser knows exactly how much input to
-For convenience, in the presentation, where a literal string is required in the
-encoding it is listed using the string's characters spaced out.
-For example, the encoding:
-0x71 0x09 D O M S t r i n g
-is a convenience form of the sequence of bytes:
-0x71 0x09 0x44 0x4f 0x4d 0x53 0x74 0x72 0x69 0x6e 0x67
-Note: all of the type names defined in this document use only ASCII characters
-in their name.
-Many of the primitive types are encoded as single bytes; and where applicable,
-use the same encoding as for their WASM counterparts.
-Top-level Elements {#top-level}
-A complete encoding of a webIDL consists of a sequence of top-level
-elements. These top-level elements can be viewed as defining a set of interfaces
-and/or types.
-Note that a given use of the binary encoding may not *start* at the
-top-level. It may be that a `Type` or an `Interface` is encoded. This is
-application specific.
-WebIDL => u32(C) TopLevel{C}
-TopLevel => TypeDef
-TopLevel => InterfaceDef
-TopLevel => DictionaryDef
-TopLevel => EnumerationDef
-TopLevel => NamespaceDef
-TypeDef {#type-def}
-A `TypeDef` is a way of giving a name to a type:
-TypeDef => 0x01 String Type
-InterfaceDef {#interface-def}
-An `InterfaceDef` gives a name to an interface.
-InterfaceType => 0x02 String Type u32(C) InterfaceMember{C}
-DictionaryDef {#dictionary-def}
-DictionaryDef => 0x03 String Type u32(F) DictionaryMember{F}
-DictionaryMember => WriteableDictionaryMember
-DictionaryMember => ReadOnlyDictionaryMember
-DictionaryMember => 0x6a String DictionaryMember
-WriteableDictionaryMember => 0x01 String Type
-ReadOnlyDictionaryMember => 0x02 String Type
-Note: This specification does not support partially specified dictionaries.
-EnumerationDef {#enumeration-def}
-An `EnumerationDef` defines a type by enumerating its values as one of a set of
-EnumerationDef => 0x04 String u32(C) String{C}
-NamespaceDef {#namespace-def}
-A `NameSpace` simultaneously defines an `Interface` and a singleton that
-implements that interface.
-NameSpaceDef => 0x05 String u32(C) NameSpaceMember{C}
-The `NameSpaceMember`s are a subset of the `InterfaceMember`s that refer to
-regular operations and attributes.
-NameSpaceMember => 0x02 String Type
-NameSpaceMember => 0x6a String NameSpaceMember
-Note: all elemements of a `NameSpace` are read-only in nature.
-Type {#type}
-Type => VoidType
-Type => AnyType
-Type => NumericType
-Type => StringType
-Type => ObjectType
-Type => ErrorType
-Type => NamedType
-Type => GenericType
-Type => BufferSourceType
-Type => CompoundType
-Void {#void-type}
-VoidType => 0x40
-Any { #any-type}
-AnyType => 0x6f
-Numeric Types {#numeric-types}
-The numeric types correspond to numeric values.
-NumericType => Boolean
-NumericType => Octet
-NumericType => Short
-NumericType => UnsignedShort
-NumericType => Long
-NumericType => UnsignedLong
-NumericType => LongLong
-NumericType => UnsignedLongLong
-NumericType => Float
-NumericType => UnrestrictedFloat
-NumericType => Double
-NumericType => UnrestrictedDouble
-Boolean { #boolean-type}
-BooleanType => 0x79
-Octet {#octet-type}
-OctetType => 0x7a
-(Otherwise known as an unsigned byte)
-Short { #short-type}
-ShortType => 0x7b
-Unsigned Short { #unsigned-short-type}
-UnsignedShortType => 0x78
-Long {#long-type}
-LongType => 0x7f
-Unsigned Long {#unsigned-long-type}
-UnsignedLongType => 0x77
-Long Long {#long-long-type}
-LongLongType => 0x7e
-Unsigned Long Long {#unsigned-long-long-type}
-UnsignedLongLongType => 0x76
-Float {#float-type}
-FloatType => 0x75
-Unrestricted Float {#unrestricted-float-type}
-UnrestrictedFloatType => 0x7d
-Double {#double-type}
-DoubleType => 0x74
-Unrestricted Double {#unrestricted-double-type}
-UnrestrictedDoubleType => 0x7c
-String Style Types {#string-style-types}
-StringType => DOMStringType
-StringType => ByteStringType
-StringType => USVStringType
-StringType => SymbolType
-DOMString {#dom-string-type}
-DOMStringType => 0x71 0x09 D O M S t r i n g
-ByteString {#byte-string-type}
-ByteStringType => 0x71 0x0a B y t e S t r i n g
-USVString {#usv-string-type}
-USVStringType => 0x71 0x09 U S V S t r i n g
-Object {#object-type}
-ObjectType => 0x71 0x06 O b j e c t
-Symbol {#symbol-type}
-SymbolType => 0x71 0x06 S y m b o l
-Error {#error-type}
-ErrorType => 0x71 0x05 E r r o r
-Named Type {#named-type}
-NamedType => 0x71 u32(L) CodePoint{L}
-A `NamedType` refers to a type that is defined by one of the standard webIDL
-elements: `InterfaceDef`, `EnumerationDef`, or `DictionaryDef`.
-Note that some of the standard types are also encoded as named types.
-Type Combinations {#type-combinations}
-Type combinations include various forms of generic type and
-Generic Type {#generic-type}
-Note that the concept of a generic type is not a standard part of web IDL;
-although webIDL has many generic types in its specification. The definition of
-`GenericType` is included here as a form of documentation.
-GenericType => 0x72 u32(L) CodePoint{L} u32(A) Type{A}
-GenericType => NullableType
-GenericType => SequenceType
-GenericType => PromiseType
-GenericType => RecordType
-GenericType => FunctionType
-GenericType => FrozenArrayType
-Some of the standard types are generic, for example, the `Promise` type is
-generic in one type argument; although, often, there are additional restrictions
-on the possible instantiations of the generic type that are not reflected in
-this specification.
-A type expression intended to denote `Promise(long)` would be encoded:
-PromiseType => 0x72 0x06 P r o m i s e 0x01 0x7f
-Nullable Type {#nullable-type}
-NullableType => 0x72 0x08 N u l l a b l e 0x01 Type
-Sequence Type {#sequence-type}
-SequenceType => 0x72 0x08 S e q u e n c e 0x01 Type
-Promise Type {#promise-type}
-PromiseType => 0x72 0x06 P r o m i s e 0x01 Type
-Record Type {#record-type}
-RecordType => 0x72 0x06 R e c o r d 0x02 Type Type
-The first type in the vector of type arguments is the type of keys in the record
-and the second is the type of values in the record.
-Function Type {#function-type}
-FunctionType => 0x60 u32(A) Type{A} u32(R) Type{R}
-Note that the `optional` argument in webIDL is not directly modeled in the
-binary representation. Instead, use multiple instances of a function type
-FrozenArray Type {#frozen-array-type}
-FrozenArrayType => 0x72 0x0b F r o z e n A r r a y 0x01 Type
-Buffer Source Types {#buffer-source-types}
-BufferSourceType => ArrayBuffer
-BufferSourceType => DataView
-BufferSourceType => Int8Array
-BufferSourceType => Int16Array
-BufferSourceType => Int32Array
-BufferSourceType => UInt8Array
-BufferSourceType => UInt16Array
-BufferSourceType => UInt32Array
-BufferSourceType => UInt8ClampedArray
-BufferSourceType => Float32Array
-BufferSourceType => Float64Array
-ArrayBuffer Type {#arraybuffer-type}
-ArrayBufferType => 0x71 0x0b A r r a y B u f f e r
-DataView Type {#dataview-type}
-DataViewType => 0x71 0x08 D a t a V i e w
-Int8Array Type {#int8array-type}
-Int8ArrayType => 0x71 0x09 I n t 8 A r r a y
-Int16Array Type {#int16array-type}
-Int16ArrayType => 0x71 0x0a I n t 1 6 A r r a y
-Int32Array Type {#int32array-type}
-Int32ArrayType => 0x71 0x0b I n t 3 2 A r r a y
-Uint8Array Type {#uint8array-type}
-Uint8ArrayType => 0x71 0x0a U i n t 8 A r r a y
-Uint16Array Type {#uint16array-type}
-Uint16ArrayType => 0x71 0x0b U i n t 1 6 A r r a y
-Uint32Array Type {#uint32array-type}
-Uint32ArrayType => 0x71 0x0c U i n t 3 2 A r r a y
-Float32Array Type {#float32array-type}
-Float32ArrayType => 0x71 0x0c F l o a t 3 2 A r r a y
-Float64Array Type {#float64array-type}
-Float64ArrayType => 0x71 0x0c F l o a t 6 4 A r r a y
-Compound Types {#compound-types}
-CompoundType => UnionType
-CompoundType => AnnotatedType
-Union Type {#union-type}
-UnionType => 0x6c u32(C) Type{C}
-Annotated Types {#annotated-types}
-AnnotatedType => 0x6a String Type
-In this encoding, annotations are not parsed out. A future extension/revision
-may change this.
-Extended Attributes {#extended-attributes}
-In addition to individual types being annotatable (sic) elements of dictionaries
-and interfaces may also be annotated. In this specification we do not specify a
-specific encoding for such extended attributes; we merely represent the
-entireannotation as a string. However, webIDL puts other constraints on the
-legitimate forms of such attributes.
-Interface Definition {#interface-type}
-InterfaceDef => 0x02 String Type u32(C) InterfaceMember{C}
-InterfaceMember => ConstantMember
-InterfaceMember => RegularMember
-InterfaceMember => StaticMember
-InterfaceMember => OperationMember
-InterfaceMember => SpecialOperationMember
-InterfaceMember => IterableMember
-InterfaceMember => MaplikeMember
-InterfaceMember => SetlikeMember
-InterfaceMember => AnnotatedInterfaceMember
-AnnotatedInterfaceMember => 0x6a String InterfaceMember
-Constant Member {#constant-member}
-Constant members are not supported in the MAP.
-ConstantMember => 0x01 String Type Value
-Regular Member {#regular-member}
-A regular member has two variants: readonly and re-assignable:
-RegularMember => ReadWriteMarker String Type
-ReadWriteMarker => 0x02
-ReadWriteMarker => 0x03
-The value 0x02 signifies a readonly attribute, 0x03 signifies a reassignable
-attribute of the interface.
-Static Member {#static-member}
-StaticMember => 0x04 String Type
-Operation Member {#operation-member}
-An operation member *looks like* a regular read-only member whose type is a
-function type:
-OperationMember => 0x02 String FunctionType
-OperationMember => 0x04 String FunctionType
-Special Operation Member {#special-operation-member}
-A special operation member is a regular operation member with a distinguished
-name, or is a property member:
-SpecialOperationMember => 0x02 SpecialName FunctionType
-SpecialOperationMember => 0x04 SpecialName FunctionType
-SpecialOperationMember => PropertyMember
-PropertyMember => 0x05 SpecialName String Type
-SpecialName => 0x06 g e t t e r
-SpecialName => 0x06 s e t t e r
-SpecialName => 0x07 d e l e t e r
-SpecialName => 0x0b s t r i n g i f i e r
-IterableMember {#iterable-member}
-IterableMember => 0x05 0x01 Type
-IterableMember => 0x05 0x02 Type Type
-Only styles of `IterableMember` are permitted, single-typed and double-typed.
-In the former case, the iterator is a *value iterator* and in the case of two
-types, it is a *pair iterator*: the first type is the key type and the second is
-the value type.
-Annotated Member {#annotated-member}
-AnnotatedMember => 0x6a String InterfaceMember
-Examples {#worked-examples}
-Note: Non-normative
-In this section we give some examples of webIDL that are encoded in this binary
-Note: spaces below are not semantically significant; used for
-presentation purposes only.
-Simple Interface Examples {#simple-interface-examples}
-interface Paint { };
-This empty interface is encoded:
-0x6a 0x0e E x p o s e d = W i n d o w
- 0x02 0x05 P a i n t 0x40 0x00
-The `SolidCOlor` interface inherits from the `Paint` interface:
-interface SolidColor : Paint {
- attribute double red;
- attribute double green;
- attribute double blue;
-The elements of this interface are `double` values:
-0x6a 0x0e E x p o s e d = W i n d o w
- 0x02 0x0a S o l i d C o l o r 0x71 0x05 P a i n t 0x03
- 0x02 0x03 r e d 0x74
- 0x02 0x05 g r e e n 0x74
- 0x04 0x04 b l u e 0x74
-interface Pattern : Paint {
- attribute DOMString imageURL;
-0x6a 0x0e E x p o s e d = W i n d o w
- 0x02 0x07 P a t t e r n 0x71 0x05 P a i n t 0x01
- 0x02 0x08 i m a g e U R L 0x71 0x09 D O M S t r i n g
-[Exposed=Window, Constructor]
-interface GraphicalWindow {
- readonly attribute unsigned long width;
- readonly attribute unsigned long height;
- attribute Paint currentPaint;
- void drawRectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height);
- void drawText(double x, double y, DOMString text);
-0x6a 0x0e E x p o s e d = W i n d o w
- 0x02 0x0f G r a p h i c a l W i n d o w 0x40 0x05
- 0x02 0x05 w i d t h 0x74
- 0x02 0x06 h e i g h t 0x74
- 0x02 0x0c c u r r e n t P a i n t 0x71 0x05 P a i n t
- 0x02 0x0d d r a w R e c t a n g l e
- 0x60 0x04 0x74 0x74 0x74 0x74 0x00
- 0x02 0x08 d r a w T e x t
- 0x60 0x03 0x74 0x74 0x71 0x09 D O M S t r i n g
diff --git a/proposals/host-bindings/spec.bs b/proposals/host-bindings/spec.bs
deleted file mode 100644
index c637bb527b..0000000000
--- a/proposals/host-bindings/spec.bs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-Title: WebAssembly webIDL Bindings
-Shortname: wasmWebIDLBinding
-Level: 1
-Status: ED
-Group: wasm
-TR: http://www.w3.org/TR/wasm-webidl-binding-1
-URL: http://webassembly.github.io/spec/webidl-binding
-Editor: Luke Wagner, Mozilla Inc., luke@mozilla.com
-Editor: Francis McCabe, Google Inc., fgm@google.com
-Abstract: Custom WebAssembly section for representing webIDL bindings for imported functions.
-Markup Shorthands: markdown yes
- "href": "https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/",
- "title": "WebAssembly Core Specification",
- "publisher": "W3C WebAssembly Community Group",
- "status": "Draft"
- },
- "webIDL" : {
- "href" : "http://heycam.github.io/webidl",
- "title" : "Web IDL",
- "publisher" : "W3C",
- "status" : "Editor's Draft"
- }
- "webIDLBinary" : {
- "href" : "http://heycam.github.io/wasm-webidl-1",
- "title" : "Binary Representation of Web IDL",
- "publisher" : "W3C",
- "status" : "Editor's Draft"
- }
-Introduction {#intro}
-This specification describes the format and semantics of a WebAssembly embedder
-specification [=WEBASSEMBLY/custom section=] called "webIDL-binding".
-This specification allows an embedder to efficiently map imports exposed by the
-WebAssembly module to functions whose implementations are known by the host.
-This specification is limited to those functions that have a webIDL
-specification. Other host environments may require different means of
-description and may require their own custom section.
-This specification is presented in two parts: a description of the features of
-the specification in terms of a surface syntax. This surface syntax may be
-present in source representations of WebAssembly modules.
-The second part of the specification describes the binary encoding of contents
-of the `webIDL-binding` custom section.
-WebIDL Binding Custom Section {#custom-section}
-Binding Map {#binding-map}
-WebIDL Types {#webIDL-types}
-Binding Operators {#binding-expressions}
-As Cast
-Utf8 String
-Utf8 CString
-Typed View
-Typed Copy
-Get Cast
-Alloc Utf8 String
-Alloc Copy
-Enum to I32
-Dictionary Field
-Bind Import
-Conformance Requirements {#conformance}
-Binary Encoding {#binary}