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Algorithms for Scalable Synchronization on SharedMemory

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263 lines (239 loc) · 10.4 KB

Algorithms for Scalable Synchronization on Shared Memory Multiprocessors

Mellor-Crummey, Scott


Mellor-Crummey and Scott analyze existing spin-lock and barrier algorithms on shared memory multiprocessors. They also describe a new spin-lock algorithm and a new barrier algorithm.


  • Performance of spin-lock and barrier algorithms is of great importance in shared memory multiprocessors.
  • Typical implementions tend to result in high memory contention and interconnection network contention.
  • When multiple processors busy-wait on a shared variable, they produce a hot-spot that becomes a serious performance degradation.

Main argument

The busy-wait contention can be eliminated by properly designed algorithms that ensure that processors are spinning on local variables. The only requirement in terms of hardware is a set of fetch-and-phi operations, and the ability for a processor to read some portion of the shared memory without using the interconnection network.

Spin Locks

Test-and-set Lock

  • Polling on a shared variable that indicates whether the lock is held.
  • Processor issues test-and-set call when attempting to acquire the lock.
  • If the lock is held, the test-and-set call returns true, and the processor keeps trying.
  • In the event that the locks is free, one of the test-and-set calls will return false and set lock = true.
  • To release the lock, all that is needed is to set the lock state to unlocked.
  • Test-and-test-and-set: On cache-coherent hardware, the spinning can be performed on a local variable. Once the lock is freed, the processor issues the test-and-set operation as an attempt to acquire the lock.
  • Test-and-set with exponential backoff: Empirical research shows that adding exponential delays reduces the contention in the interconnection network.
locked = false
func acquire(lock bool) {
  delay = 1
  while test_and_set(lock) == true {
    delay = delay * 2

func release(lock bool) {
  lock = false

Ticket Lock

  • In the case of test-and-set locks, all processors are trying to acquire the lock, which results in a high number of test-and-phi operations.
  • The ticket lock reduces this number to one per lock acquisition.
  • Also results in FIFO, which means starvation is not possible
  • Two counters are employed.
  • Next ticket == number of requests to acquire lock
  • Now serving == number of times the lock has been released
  • Acquire lock by performing fetch_and_increment and then spinning until now_serving == my_ticket
  • Release lock by incrementing the now_serving variable
  • Delaying also helps in the ticket lock
Lock = {now_serving = 0; next_ticket = 0}
def acquire(lock Lock) {
  my_ticket = fetch_and_increment(lock.next_ticket)
  while lock.now_serving != my_ticket {
    pause(my_ticket - lock.now_serving) 

def release(lock Lock) {

Array-Based Queueing Lock (Anderson's Lock)

  • Use array of lenght P, where P is the number of processors
  • The value in the array can have two possible states
  • Guarantees FIFO ordering of lock requests
  • Downside is space complexity O(P)
type Lock {
  has_lock = []bool{true, false, false, ... , false}
  queue_last = 0 // initialize to zero
def acquire(lock Lock) {
  my_place = fetch_and_increment(lock.queue_last)
  while (!has_lock[my_place % P]) // spin
  has_lock[my_place % P] = false // reset for next round

def release(lock Lock, my_place int) {
  next = (my_place + 1) % P
  lock.has_lock[next] = true

MCS Lock

  • Guarantees FIFO ordering
  • Spins on locally-accessible variables
  • O(1) space complexity
  • O(1) network transactions per lock acquisition => works well in both cache-coherent and non-cache-coherent systems.
  • Downside is that requires more specialized instruction set (fetch_and_store and compare_and_swap)
  • Lock implemented using linked-list structure
  • When me is acquiring the lock, the lock's last_requestor variable is set to me using fetch_and_store instruction.
  • If the last_requestor is not null, the last_requestor's next pointer is updated to point to me
  • The processor spins until me.has_lock is true
  • When releasing the lock, we set next.has_lock to true.
  • In the release case when next is null, the compare_and_swap operation is required to set the Lock's last_requestor to null.
  • If compare_and_swap returns false, this means that there's a new request for the lock, thus we must wait until is non-null.
  • If compare_and_swap returns true, we return, effectively releasing the lock.
type QNode {
  next QNode
  has_lock bool
type Lock {
  last_requestor QNode
func acquire(lock Lock, me QNode) {
  last = fetch_and_store(lock, me) = me
  while (!me.has_lock) // spin
func release(lock Lock, me QNode) {
  if != null { = true
  if compare_and_swap(lock, me, null) {
    return // lock.last is me, and swap was succesful
  while == null // spin because another processor is requesting the lock


Counting Barrier

  • Initialize count variable to P, where P is the number of processors
  • When arriving at barrier, decrement count atomically
  • Spin until count equals zero
  • If count equals one, reset count to N
  • Processors spinning on count equals zero, must also spin on count equals N to make sure that barrier has been reset
  • Requires two spin loops

Sense-reversing Barrier

  • Gets rid of one of the spin loops
  • Similar to counting barrier, initialize count to N
  • There is a shared sense variable initialized to true
  • Each processor also has a local sense variable initialized to true
  • When arriving at barrier, reverse your local sense variable and decrement count atomically
  • Spin until shared sense barrier equals local sense variable
  • When count equals one, reverse the shared sense variable, and reset count
count = N // number of processors
shared sense = true
processor private local_sense = true
func central_barrier() {
  local_sense = not local_sense
  if fetch_and_decrement(count) == 1 {
    count = N
    sense = local_sense
  } else {
    while sense != local_sense // spin

Tree Barrier

  • Break up N processors into groups of k
  • Results in tree of O(log_k N)
  • Last processor in group to arrive goes up the tree
  • Keep going up the tree until parent is null
  • Benefit is that the spinning var is broken up into multiple vars => reduces contention
  • Downside is that spin location is dynamically determined, which is problematic in non-cache-coherent systems. That is, the spinning must happen on remote, shared memory.
type Node {
  k integer // fan-in of this node (number of children)
  count integer // initialized to k
  locksense bool // initiallized to false
  parent Node

shared nodes = []Node{0 ... P-1} // Array of nodes
processor private sense bool = true
processor private mynode Node // my group's leaf in the tree

func combining_barrier() {
  // the processor that went all the way up to the root issues this call
  // which effectively frees the processors spinning
  sense = not sense 

func combining_barrier_aux(node Node) {
  if fetch_and_decrement(node.count) == 1 {
    if node.parent != nil {
      combining_barrier_aux(node.parent) // Go up the tree
    // We have gone all the way up the tree...
    count := node.k // prepare for next barrier
    node.locksense = not node.locksense // reverse my own locksense to avoid spinning
  while (node.locksense == sense) // spin

Dissemination barrier

  • Number of processors need not be a power of 2
  • Multiple rounds are involved = ceil(log N) rounds
  • Round is over when processor has sent a message and received a message
  • Barrier is complete when all processors have communicated with every other processor
  • O(N) number of communication events per round => O(N log N) communication complexity
  • No wake up required
  • Static spin location for each processor
  • Suitable for NCC and clustered machines

Tournament barrier

  • N processors => log N rounds
  • Basically a tree where the "winner" is known ahead of time
  • The winner spins until loser is done
  • Loser spins on global sense reversal variable
  • Winner goes up the tree and spins until new loser is done
  • Processor 0 sets a global flag when tournament is over, freeing rest of processors
  • Use of wake-up tree avoids spinning on global shared variable. The processors are spinning on local variable that is changed by winner of each round when traversing the wake-up tree.
  • Network communication complexity is O(P) vs O(P log P) in dissemination barrier

MCS Tree barrier

  • Spinning on locally-accessible flag only
  • O(P) space complexity
  • Performs minimum number of network transactions on non-cache-coherent systems
  • O(log P) network transactions
  • 4-ary arrival tree
  • Binary wake-up tree
  • The 4-ary tree is constructed from the N processors in the following manner:
N = 16
P0 = {P1, P2, P3, P4}
P1 = {P5, P6, P7, P8}
P2 = {P9, P10, P11, P12}
P3 = {P13, P14, P15, P16}
Rest of processors have no children in tree
  • Processor does not inspect any other node, except when signaling arrival by setting a flag in the parent's node
  • During wake-up, the parent signals each child node
  • Upon arrival, the node spins until all children have cleared their child-not-ready flag.
  • Once the node's child-not-ready vector is cleared, the node clears its child-not-ready flag in the parent's child-not-ready vector.
  • All except the root node are spinning on the parentsense flag.
  • When the root arrives at barrier, and the child-not-ready vector is clear, the processor at the root toggles the parentsense flag on each of its children. This frees spinning nodes, which in turn set their children's parentsense flag.

Performance considerations


  • MCS Lock and array-based queueing lock (on cache-coherent machines) are the most scalable algorithms.
  • MCS Lock requires fetch_and_store and compare_and_swap, which might not be available in all systems.
  • Test-and-set with exponential backoff is a reasonable alternative when neither fetch_and_store nor fetch_and_increment is available.


  • Dissemination barrier is most appropriate for non-cache-coherent systems.
  • MCS tree barrier is the most performant on cache-coherent systems. It requires O(P) updates to shared variables vs O(P log P) in dissemination barrier.