This app receive, store and visualize meter readings from 5 gas consuming devices.
To get started run
docker-compose up --build
The React dashboard is now available at http://localhost:3000/
5 gas consuming devices publish meter readings every 10s through sensors (sensor-receptor/sensor.js)
connected to a MQTT client (sensor-receptor/receptor.js)
at the /gas/{deviceId}/volume
The MQTT client increment a counter for liters consumed by each device in a Redis DB after each publication. Every 10 min the MQTT client store the amount of gas consumed in a PostreSQL DB and reset the counter.
An Express API query PostgreSQL for the daily consumption of the last 10 days, format the data and listen to http://localhost:4000/gas10 to send it to the React dashboard.
docker exec -it catapult-gas_api_1 sh
npm test
docker exec -it catapult-gas_dashboard_1 sh
npm test