- django-parler >= 1.8.1 is now required
- Changed the category field label
- Dropped django CMS 3.2 & 3.3 support
- Introduced django CMS 3.5 support
- Added Django 1.10 support
- Dropped aldryn-reversion/django-reversion support
- Dropped Django 1.6 and 1.7 support
- Updated translations
- Fixed related_name inconsistency with django CMS 3.3.1
- Dropped support for djangoCMS < 3.2
- Introduced support for djangoCMS 3.4.0
- Added support for cache durations fields in "time-sensitive" plugins on django CMS 3.3.0+
- Updated translations
- Compatibility for Py35, Dj19, and CMS33 combinations
- Improved frontend testing
- Update test matrices for Py35, Dj19, and CMS33 combinations
- Add stripped default django templates to /aldryn_faq/templates
- Remove unused render_placeholder configs
- Add static_placeholders where necessary
- Simplify templates
- Fixes error if tags were filled with non-ascii characters.
- Added an optional description field to category.
- Add Django 1.9 support.
- Clean up test environments.
- Add default FaqConfig migrations.
- Adjust requirements for django-reversion to allow 1.10
- Improves support for current versions of django-reversion
- Adds FE tests against DMS 3.2
- Adds reversion support to wizards
- Updates test configuration
- Fixes issue with toolbar (when language is different than the page language)
- Fixes issue for plugins if category didn't had a valid namespace
- Fixes Attribute error on menu processing
- Wizards for CMS 3.2
- Fix issue when updating form <1.0.6 to 1.0.7+ (slug generation for questions) Note that 1.0.6 is still affected.
- Support for Django 1.8
- Updated requirements
- More reversion support
- Added permalink options and support
- Improvements to FAQ CMSToolbar
- Documentation improvements
- Pins Aldryn Translation Tools to >=0.1.0
- Pins Aldryn Reversion to >=0.1.0
- Pins Aldryn Boilerplates to >=0.6.0
- Improvements to FAQ CMSToolbar
- Unrestrict Aldryn Translation Tools version.
- Much better handling of language fallbacks
- Add automated frontend tests and configuration
- Improved admin display of translations
- Fix up some dependencies
- README cleanups
- Adds documentation
- Categories in the CategoryList plugin are now re-arrangeable via drag-and-drop as opposed to manually managing a sort metric.
- The Category List view and the Question List pages in different apphooks can now be presented differently if so required via new Placeholder Fields.
- The older, Static Placeholders still remain for this release, but are marked in the mark-up as "DEPRECATED". Please use this release to migrate any plugins in these plugins to their respective PlaceholderField replacements. These will be remove in the next release.
- Use get_current_language from cms instead get_language from Django because Django bug #9340
- Adds reversion support
- Switch to django-admin-sortable2 v0.5.0 or later
- multi-boilerplate support new requirement: aldryn-boilerplates (needs configuration)
- added bootstrap templates