This guide provides a chronological steps which goes through release tagging, staging, verification and publishing.
To see the original Jboss Richfaces guide, see howto-release.adoc
mvn clean install verify
mvn clean install verify -Prelease
export OPENSSL_CONF=/etc/ssl/
mvn clean install -Dintegration=wildfly81 -Dsmoke
bash components/ -r -o <4.5.0-SNAPSHOT> -n <4.5.0>
mvn clean install verify -Prelease
export OPENSSL_CONF=/etc/ssl/
mvn clean install -Dintegration=wildfly81 -Dsmoke
# edit and dist/src/main/resources/txt/release-notes.txt
mvn clean install verify deploy -Psign,release
git add -A
git commit -S -s -m 'Release <4.5.0>'
git tag -a <4.5.0> -m "Tagging release <4.5.0>"
git push
git push --tags
cd examples/showcase
mvn clean package -Prelease
bash components/ -r -o <4.5.0> -n <4.5.1-SNAPSHOT>
# edit dist/src/main/resources/txt/release-notes.txt
git add -A
git commit -S -s -m 'Next release cycle'