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Releases: albfernandez/jboss-seam

Seam 2.3.8.ayg

30 May 21:08
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2.3.8.ayg version

Seam 2.3.6.ayg

26 May 21:23
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2.3.6.ayg release

Seam 2.3.5.ayg

03 May 21:08
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Release 2.3.5.ayg

Seam 2.3.4.ayg

23 Mar 17:57
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  • Log scanning and application load time
  • Small fixes

Seam 2.3.3.ayg

10 Mar 20:14
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  • [JBSEAM-4842] - Support for Enums in EL (disabled by default, can be enabled via initial parameter org.jboss.seam.deployment.EnumDeploymentHandler)

Seam 2.3.2.ayg

08 Mar 22:06
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Release Notes - Seam 2 - Version 2.3.2.ayg


* [JBSEAM-1898] - EntityQuery hints map is defined as <String, String> instead of <String, Object>
* [JBSEAM-4375] - ManagedEntityInterceptor destroys components in parent nested conversation, when ending a nested conversation
* [JBSEAM-4672] - s:graphicImage in rich:extendedDataTable - using byte array datasource results in wrong drawing
* [JBSEAM-4695] - UISelectItems.asSelectItem(items) should not wrap item if already instanceof SelectItem
* [JBSEAM-4777] - styleClass attribute not rendered properly for s:download
* [JBSEAM-4806] - failed to load multiple apps with jboss-seam.jar in global classpath
* [JBSEAM-4822] - MultipartRequestImpl incorrect parse filename with semicolon
* [JBSEAM-4827] - FacesMessages may trigger NPE in JSF code


* [JBSEAM-4853] - Change DocumentStorePhaseListener to allow downloads of IE over SSL


* [JBSEAM-1792] - Configure PersistenceContextName in EntityHome/EntityQuery using annotation
* [JBSEAM-3051] - Properties file translated to Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR)
* [JBSEAM-4625] - Include exception cause when UIAttachment fails to read DataSource
* [JBSEAM-4842] - Support for Enums in EL