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This page provides the formal operational semantics for the pSpace programming model.


We start defining the syntax that describes a system S as a multiset of applications. Each application runs on a host, has a memory M and a multiset of concurrent processes P. Parallel composition of applications is denoted with operator , which is associative, commutative and has the empty set 0 as identity.

S ::= 0 | S‖S | App(host,M,P)

Memory M is represented as a mapping of variables into values. Among those values we remark spaces and repositories. A local space space Space(kind,bound,TS) includes a class of space kind (one of Sequential, Queue, Stack, Pile and Random and NonDet), a bound on their size (a positive natural number or ∞) and a tuple structure TS. A remote space RemoteSpace(gate/spaceId) is defined by a gate and a space identifier spaceId. A repository Repository(ss,gg) is defined by a mapping ss of space identifiers into actual space variables and a set gg of gates.

Concurrent processes are composed with too. We do not specify control flow constructs and other language ingredients and focus instead on tuple space actions.

P ::= 0 | C‖C | A;P | ...

The actions of a process include creation of local and remote spaces, creation of repositories, addition/removal of gates and assignments using tuple space operations.

A ::= new P
  | space := new Space(kind,bound)
  | space := new RemoteSpace(gate,spaceId)
  | rep := new Repository()
  | rep.addSpace(spaceId,space)
  | rep.delSpace(spaceId)
  | rep.addGate(gate)
  | rep.closeGate(gate)
  | x,y := space.O

Operations O correspond to the core API

O ::= put(t) 
  | query(T) 
  | queryP(T)
  | queryAll(T)
  | get(T)
  | getP(T)
  | getAll(T)

A tuple structure TS is basically a list of all tuples, composed with the associative operation * (with nil being the identity operation)

TS ::= nil | t | TS * TS 

Tuples are denoted by non-empty lists of expressions e

t ::= e | e,t 

Templates are denoted as non-empty lists of expressions e or types τ

T ::= e | τ | e,T | τ,T

Operational semantics

The operational semantics is defined by the below set of inference rules. The inference rules provided below can be applied under any context (i.e. under any sub-term) up-to the axioms of the symbols used (e.g. associativity of *).

Operational semantics for actions

Creating a new local space

 App(host, M, space := new Space(kind,bound) ; P1 ‖ P2) =>
 App(host, M[space |-> Space(kind,bound)] , P1 ‖ P2 )

The following rule describes the behaviour of executing an operation on a local space. Note that the premise of the rule requires a reaction of the space to the operation. Such reactions are described as operational rules below. Note that a space may not react (and thus block the process).

 S1.O => S2,t,e
 App(host, (M , space |-> S1), x,y := space.O ; P1 ‖ P2) =>
 App(host, (M , space |-> S2)[x|->t][y|->e] , P1 ‖ P2)

The following rule describes the behaviour of executing an operation on a remote space.

   host(gate) = host2        M2[ss[spaceId]].O -> S,t,e
   App(host1, (M1 , space |-> RemoteSpace(gate/spaceId)), x,y := space.O ; P1 ‖ P2 )
 ‖ App(host2, (M2, rep |-> Repository(ss,(gate,gg)) , P3)  =>
   App(host1, (M1 , space |-> RemoteSpace(gate/spaceId))[x|->t][y|->e], P1 ‖ P2 )
 ‖ App(host2, (M2, rep |-> Repository(ss,(gate,gg)) , P3) 

Connecting to a remote space is formalised by

   host(gate) = host2         M2[spaceId] defined
   App(host1, M, space := new RemoteSpace(gate/spaceId); )
 ‖ App(host2, (M2, rep |-> Repository(ss),(gate,gg)) , P3)  =>
   App(host1, M[space|->RemoteSpace(gate/spaceId) P1 ‖ P2)
 ‖ App(host2, (M2, rep |-> Repository(ss),(gate,gg)) , P3) 

Creating a space repository is formalised by

 App(host, M, rep := new Repository() ; P1  ‖ P2) =>
 App(host, M[rep |-> Repository(0,0)], P1  ‖ P2)

Adding and deleting gates and spaces to repositories is formalised by the following set of rules

 ss[spaceId] undefined
 App(host, M[rep |-> Repository(ss,gg)], rep.addSpace(spaceId,space) ; P1 ‖ P2) =>
 App(host, M[rep |-> Repository(ss[spaceId |-> space],gg)], P1 ‖ P2)

 host(gate) = host
 App(host, M[rep |-> Repository(ss,gg)], rep.addGate(gate) ; P1 ‖ P2) =>
 App(host, M[rep |-> Repository(ss,(gg,gate))], P1 ‖ P2)

 App(host, M[rep |-> Repository(ss,gg)], rep.delSpace(spaceId,space) ; P1 ‖ P2) =>
 App(host, M[rep |-> Repository(ss/spaceId,gg)], P1 ‖ P2)

 App(host, M[rep |-> Repository(ss,gg)], rep.delGate(gate) ; P1 ‖ P2) =>
 App(host, M[rep |-> Repository(ss,gg/gate)], P1 ‖ P2)

Spawning a process just creates a new concurrent activity:

 App(host, M, new P1 ; P2 ‖ P3) -> App(host, M, P1 ‖ P2 ‖ P3)

Operational semantics of the core API

In the following rules tuple structures TS are to be understood up to associativity of *, and identity of nil (i.e. as a list). Note that the result of an operation may alter the tuple structure, and produce a tuple and an error code (either ok or ko)

The behaviour of put is common to all spaces

 |TS| <= b
 Space(k,b,TS).put(t) => Space(k,b,t*TS),t,ok

The behaviour of query depends on the class of space:

 t matches T and no tuple in TS' matches T
Space(Sequential,b,TS*t*TS').query(T) => Space(Sequential,b,TS*t*TS'),t,ok

 t matches T 
 Space(Queue,b,TS*t).query(T) => Space(Queue,b,TS*t),t,ok
 t matches T 
 Space(Stack,b,t*TS).query(T) => Space(Stack,b,t*TS),t,ok

 t matches T and no tuple in TS matches T
 Space(Pile,b,TS*t*TS').query(T) => Space(Pile,b,TS*t*TS'),t,ko

 t is chosen randomly in { t in TS such that t matches T}
Space(Random,b,TS).query(T) => Space(Random,b,TS),t,ok
 t matches T
 Space(NonDet,b,TS*t*TS').query(T) => Space(NonDet,b,TS*t*TS'),t,ok

The behaviour of queryP is similar but ensures progress and returns error codes accordingly. We just provide the rules for sequential spaces, the rest of the rules are defined similarly.

 t matches T and no tuple in TS' matches T
 Space(Sequential,b,TS*t*TS').queryP(T) => Space(Sequential,b,TS*t*TS'),t,ok
 no tuple in TS matches T
 Space(Sequential,b,TS).queryP(T) => Space(Sequential,b,TS),null,ko

The rest of the operations are defined similarly.