Aaron Robinson
- slack: aaron.robinson
- [email protected]
I will try to maintain a 24 hour turnaround time on all emails for this class.
We meet regularly on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm and every other Saturday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
- Breaks will be provided during class, so feel free to bring meals and snacks.
- A calendar will be provided so as to keep track of holidays where we will not be having class.
- If the University of Arkansas or NWACC are closed, we will not be meeting for class. The instructors will otherwise make class cancellations known by noon via email. If you feel it is unsafe for you to come to class, please email the instructors.
This course will walk you through back-end web application development using Node.js and MongoDB. JavaScript will be used throughout the course to teach how to create APIs. Discussions will also hit on how front-end web applications will utilize APIs in production scenarios.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to create a web API from scratch and deploy it to a cloud-based hosting provider. You will understand web architecture, including databases, and how web or mobile applications will interact with that API. You will also understand the role that developers play on an overall product team to prepare you for a transition into a work environment.
- Drinks in closed containers are allowed in the classroom. A breakroom and break time will be provided for meals.
- Attendance is mandatory. Please, keep in contact with your instructor in the event of having to miss a class.
- Computer will be provided for students in class, but you are encouraged to bring your own laptop.
- The instructors are equipped to help you with Linux/OSX machines.
This is a pass / fail course; there are no traditional grades. If at any time you are curious about your progress and where you stand, please feel free to reach out to the instructors.
Throughout the course, there will be quizzes and projects that serve as a means to provide information on progress and understanding on various subjects. The instructors will provide feedback on each of these, but they are not included as part of a final grade.
- We expect students to abide by the University of Arkansas's Academic Integrity Policy