- Set release version, drop
- Update all required doc files - see a previous release tag for an example of what should be updated.
- Final release commit should be signed with
-S -s
- Check build passes on Travis.
- Tag release using
git tag -a -s -m "release ?.?.?" v?.?.?
- Checkout tag.
- Set JDK path to a JDK8 installation.
./gradlew build
- Export required variables. I precede these with a space and have
so they won't appear in my history:
export BINTRAY_USER="javabrett"
export BINTRAY_KEY="<secret>"
export BINTRAY_REPO="maven"
export BINTRAY_PACKAGE="org.gretty"
export GPG_PASSPHRASE="<secret>"
- Check
for credentials for plugins.gradle.org:
- Push to bintray (again I lead with a space):
./gradlew bintrayUpload -PbintrayUser=${BINTRAY_USER} -PbintrayKey=${BINTRAY_KEY} -PbintrayRepo=${BINTRAY_REPO} -PbintrayPackage=${BINTRAY_PACKAGE} -PgpgPassphrase="${GPG_PASSPHRASE}"
- Publish to plugins.gradle.org:
- Release files on Bintray - login and release stages files.
- Update a test-project to use the new Gretty version number and confirm download and build.
- Push tags:
git push origin --tags
- Update version on
to new version number with -SNAPSHOT
- Update version links in README.md.
- Add/edit the release created on GitHub.