diff --git a/fedot/core/operations/evaluation/operation_implementations/models/ts_implementations/naive.py b/fedot/core/operations/evaluation/operation_implementations/models/ts_implementations/naive.py
index 7b6ae81e2e..f3600b094d 100644
--- a/fedot/core/operations/evaluation/operation_implementations/models/ts_implementations/naive.py
+++ b/fedot/core/operations/evaluation/operation_implementations/models/ts_implementations/naive.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 from copy import copy
-from typing import Optional
 import numpy as np
@@ -104,9 +103,9 @@ def predict(self, input_data: InputData) -> OutputData:
         """ Get desired part of time series for averaging and calculate mean value """
         forecast_length = input_data.task.task_params.forecast_length
-        elements_to_take = self._how_many_elements_use_for_averaging(input_data.features)
+        window = self._window(input_data.features)
         # Prepare single forecast
-        mean_value = np.nanmean(input_data.features[-elements_to_take:])
+        mean_value = np.nanmean(input_data.features[-window:])
         forecast = np.array([mean_value] * forecast_length).reshape((1, -1))
         output_data = self._convert_to_output(input_data,
@@ -117,9 +116,13 @@ def predict(self, input_data: InputData) -> OutputData:
     def predict_for_fit(self, input_data: InputData) -> OutputData:
         input_data = copy(input_data)
         forecast_length = input_data.task.task_params.forecast_length
-        parts = split_rolling_slices(input_data)
-        mean_values_for_chunks = self.average_by_axis(parts)
-        forecast = np.repeat(mean_values_for_chunks.reshape((-1, 1)), forecast_length, axis=1)
+        features = input_data.features
+        shape = features.shape[0]
+        window = self._window(features)
+        mean_values = np.array([np.mean(features[-window-shape+i:i+1]) for i in range(shape)])
+        forecast = np.repeat(mean_values.reshape((-1, 1)), forecast_length, axis=1)
         # Update target
         new_idx, transformed_target = ts_to_table(idx=input_data.idx, time_series=input_data.target,
@@ -133,42 +136,5 @@ def predict_for_fit(self, input_data: InputData) -> OutputData:
         return output_data
-    def average_by_axis(self, parts: np.array):
-        """ Perform averaging for each column using last part of it """
-        mean_values_for_chunks = np.apply_along_axis(self._average, 1, parts)
-        return mean_values_for_chunks
-    def _average(self, row: np.array):
-        row = row[np.logical_not(np.isnan(row))]
-        if len(row) == 1:
-            return row
-        elements_to_take = self._how_many_elements_use_for_averaging(row)
-        return np.mean(row[-elements_to_take:])
-    def _how_many_elements_use_for_averaging(self, time_series: np.array):
-        elements_to_take = round(len(time_series) * self.part_for_averaging)
-        elements_to_take = fix_elements_number(elements_to_take)
-        return elements_to_take
-def split_rolling_slices(input_data: InputData):
-    """ Prepare slices for features series.
-    Example of result for time series [0, 1, 2, 3]:
-    [[0, nan, nan, nan],
-     [0,   1, nan, nan],
-     [0,   1,   2, nan],
-     [0,   1,   2,   3]]
-    """
-    nan_mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(input_data.features, dtype=bool), k=1)
-    final_matrix = np.tril(input_data.features, k=0)
-    final_matrix = np.array(final_matrix, dtype=float)
-    final_matrix[nan_mask] = np.nan
-    return final_matrix
-def fix_elements_number(elements_to_take: int):
-    if elements_to_take < 2:
-        return 2
-    return elements_to_take
+    def _window(self, time_series: np.ndarray):
+        return max(2, round(time_series.shape[0] * self.part_for_averaging))
diff --git a/fedot/core/repository/data/data_operation_repository.json b/fedot/core/repository/data/data_operation_repository.json
index 27dc9ef572..32ae7884c3 100644
--- a/fedot/core/repository/data/data_operation_repository.json
+++ b/fedot/core/repository/data/data_operation_repository.json
@@ -219,9 +219,9 @@
 		"ransac_non_lin_reg": {
 			"meta": "regression_preprocessing",
-			"presets": ["fast_train", "*tree"],
+			"presets": ["*tree"],
 			"tags": ["affects_target", "non_linear", "filtering",
-				     "correct_params", "non_applicable_for_ts", "non-default"]
+				     "correct_params", "non_applicable_for_ts"]
 		"isolation_forest_reg": {
 			"meta": "regression_preprocessing",
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
 		"diff_filter": {
 			"meta": "custom_time_series_transformation",
-			"presets": ["fast_train", "ts"],
+			"presets": ["ts"],
 			"tags": [
diff --git a/test/integration/models/test_model.py b/test/integration/models/test_model.py
index 55af186a14..4719f9efa5 100644
--- a/test/integration/models/test_model.py
+++ b/test/integration/models/test_model.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 import pickle
-from collections import defaultdict
 from copy import deepcopy
 from time import perf_counter
+from typing import Tuple, Optional
 import numpy as np
 import pytest
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
 from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error, roc_auc_score as roc_auc
 from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
+from fedot.core.constants import FAST_TRAIN_PRESET_NAME
 from fedot.core.data.data import InputData, OutputData
 from fedot.core.data.data_split import train_test_data_setup
 from fedot.core.data.supplementary_data import SupplementaryData
@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@
 from fedot.core.pipelines.node import PipelineNode
 from fedot.core.pipelines.pipeline import Pipeline
 from fedot.core.repository.dataset_types import DataTypesEnum
-from fedot.core.repository.operation_types_repository import OperationTypesRepository
+from fedot.core.repository.operation_types_repository import OperationMetaInfo, OperationTypesRepository
 from fedot.core.repository.tasks import Task, TaskTypesEnum, TsForecastingParams
 from test.unit.common_tests import is_predict_ignores_target
 from test.unit.data_operations.test_time_series_operations import synthetic_univariate_ts
@@ -135,6 +137,41 @@ def get_pca_incorrect_data():
     return input_data
+def get_operation_perfomance(operation: OperationMetaInfo,
+                             data_lengths: Tuple[float, ...],
+                             times: int = 1) -> Optional[Tuple[float, ...]]:
+    """
+    Helper function to check perfomance of only the first valid operation pair (task_type, input_type).
+    """
+    def fit_time_for_operation(operation: OperationMetaInfo,
+                               data: InputData):
+        nodes_from = []
+        if task_type is TaskTypesEnum.ts_forecasting:
+            if 'non_lagged' not in operation.tags:
+                nodes_from = [PipelineNode('lagged')]
+        node = PipelineNode(operation.id, nodes_from=nodes_from)
+        pipeline = Pipeline(node)
+        start_time = perf_counter()
+        pipeline.fit(data)
+        return perf_counter() - start_time
+    for task_type in operation.task_type:
+        for data_type in operation.input_types:
+            perfomance_values = []
+            for length in data_lengths:
+                data = get_data_for_testing(task_type, data_type,
+                                            length=length, features_count=2,
+                                            random=True)
+                if data is not None:
+                    min_evaluated_time = min(fit_time_for_operation(operation, data) for _ in range(times))
+                    perfomance_values.append(min_evaluated_time)
+            if perfomance_values:
+                if len(perfomance_values) != len(data_lengths):
+                    raise ValueError('not all measurements have been proceeded')
+                return tuple(perfomance_values)
+    raise Exception(f"Fit time for operation ``{operation.id}`` cannot be measured")
 def classification_dataset():
     samples = 1000
@@ -475,31 +512,31 @@ def test_operations_are_serializable():
 def test_operations_are_fast():
-    # models that raise exception
-    to_skip = ['custom', 'decompose', 'class_decompose']
-    time_limits = defaultdict(lambda *args: 0.5, {'expensive': 2, 'non-default': 100})
+    """
+    Test ensures that all operations with fast_train preset meet sustainability expectation.
+    Test defines operation complexity as polynomial function of data size.
+    If complexity function grows fast, then operation should not have fast_train tag.
+    """
+    data_lengths = tuple(map(int, np.logspace(2.2, 4, 6)))
+    reference_operations = ['rf', 'rfr']
+    to_skip = ['custom', 'decompose', 'class_decompose', 'kmeans',
+               'resample', 'one_hot_encoding'] + reference_operations
+    reference_time = (float('inf'), ) * len(data_lengths)
+    # tries for time measuring
+    attempt = 2
     for operation in OperationTypesRepository('all')._repo:
-        if operation.id in to_skip:
-            continue
-        time_limit = [time_limits[tag] for tag in time_limits if tag in operation.tags]
-        time_limit = max(time_limit) if time_limit else time_limits.default_factory()
-        for task_type in operation.task_type:
-            for data_type in operation.input_types:
-                data = get_data_for_testing(task_type, data_type,
-                                            length=100, features_count=2,
-                                            random=True)
-                if data is not None:
-                    try:
-                        nodes_from = []
-                        if task_type is TaskTypesEnum.ts_forecasting:
-                            if 'non_lagged' not in operation.tags:
-                                nodes_from = [PipelineNode('lagged')]
-                        node = PipelineNode(operation.id, nodes_from=nodes_from)
-                        pipeline = Pipeline(node)
-                        start_time = perf_counter()
-                        pipeline.fit(data)
-                        stop_time = perf_counter() - start_time
-                        assert stop_time <= time_limit or True
-                    except NotImplementedError:
-                        pass
+        if operation.id in reference_operations:
+            perfomance_values = get_operation_perfomance(operation, data_lengths, attempt)
+            reference_time = tuple(map(min, zip(perfomance_values, reference_time)))
+    for operation in OperationTypesRepository('all')._repo:
+        if (operation.id not in to_skip and operation.presets and FAST_TRAIN_PRESET_NAME in operation.presets):
+            for _ in range(attempt):
+                perfomance_values = get_operation_perfomance(operation, data_lengths)
+                # if attempt is successful then stop
+                if all(x >= y for x, y in zip(reference_time, perfomance_values)):
+                    break
+            else:
+                raise Exception(f"Operation {operation.id} cannot have ``fast-train`` tag")