Releases: aiekick/NoodlesPlate
Releases · aiekick/NoodlesPlate
NoodlesPlate v0.1.974
[FIX] changelog was not displayed
[FIX] when rendering was paused, any tuning did not refresh the view
[FIX] crash at app close
[FIX] in some case, the config change crashed the app
NoodlesPlate v0.1.955
ChangeLog :
[ADD] Settings dialog :
- proxy settings move from import bar to here
- same for ShaderToy api key
[ADD] Transparant window support :
- activate or not in Settings Dialog
- control tranparancy with alpha value of the current buffer
- ex here
[ADD] you can save pictures of UI and FBO after each code modification
- let you create a video of your shader like, ex : here
[ADD] you can get metrics and infos about your GPU :
- only support for nvidia for the moment.
- you get temperature, load, etc..
- you can get infos of your opengl config
- acces it in menu Infos, video
[ADD] FullScreen support
- video
- windowed or not, see F11 / F12 infos in title bar
[ADD] Pixel Debugging Capability :
- Pixel debug value under mouse cursor : video
- for all buffers attachments, let your record in a graph
- you can record if value change and/or if mouse pose change
- you can define the measure frequency
- Pixel debug values under a line : video
- you can configure the line, and record graph of change of whole line
- you can check where you are on the line on screen when mouse over the graph
- Pixel Debug tool for show 2d/3d normal under mouse cursor : video
- you need to use the world camera for ray origin and ray direction
- Pixel debug tool for use gizmo for : video
- you can move a gizmo with the current buffer value.
- with that you can vizualize a virtual position
- you can move a shape by the buffer value under mouse
- you need to use the world camera for ray origin and ray direction
[ADD] GamePad Support
- video
- you get uniforms and widgets :
- vec4 with value for : left and right thumb and trigger
- vec4 for cross pad and buttons down => true is > to 0.5, release => false is < to 0.5 (like checkbox widget)
- fully compatible with PS4 GamePad, not tested with others, but NoodlesPlate use glfw binding
- see Settings Dialog for affect you gamepad items to uniforms
[ADD] Uniforms Config Load / Save
- video
- you can save / load at a moment the curent uniforms config
- NoodlesPlate will create one conf file per config
- indeed if you chnage your sahder or uniforms, maybe an past conf will not prduce same shader :)
- all uniforms not currently in the config file will be not changed
- the uniforms values are just repalce with the content of the conf file, there is no overwrite, unitl you decide to overwrite conf file
[ADD] for Heavy Shader, play/pause shader but listening inputs :
- each modif of input like mouse camera, gizmo will refresh the frame
- you can code heavy shader without overload the Ui and your system
[ADD] ca, enable or not Input using :
- Camera, Gizmo, Mouse, and Gamepad, each with a check button
[ADD] Culling System :
- video 1, video 2
- used if you have a heavy shader, or if you want to explore your sdf
- you need to use the world camera for ray origin and ray direction
- you need also to modify your raymarch loop, a example is provided in File -> new -> Gizmo_Culling_related menu
- you can enable or disable the culling of select culling primitive (sphere / cube) in menu Gizmo
[ADD] new widget of type radio buttons, like a checkbox, but with vec2, vec3, vec4. and one check at true at same time
[ADD] a mesh sahder can be selected : menu settings -> show mesh
- for load a mesh and superpose whit you sdf if you want comapred and simplify modeling fo your sdf
- support olny the loading of a obj file and with only triangles for the moment
- your shader need to use the world camera and depth buffer, for have good sdf / mesh merge
[ADD] Check version of app at start, you can disable it in settings
[ADD] changelog visualization in file menu
[BREACK] i have disabled the nodegraph because i have many issue and crash. need more time. will comeback in a future release)
[BREACK] i have disabled the help pane (need a better system). for the moment the help is on the wiki, will be updated as you go
[CHANGE] the framebuffer definition is not any mosre in sampler uniforms :
- you will define that in the FRAMEBUFFER SECTION :
- buffer count (1-8)
- wrap mode (clamp,repeat,mirro)
- filter mode (linear,nearest)
- mipmap mode (true,false)
- format (byte,float)
- size (x,y or picture file)
- ratio (value or picture file)
- for use a buffer in a sampler, juste set the target tag :
- uniform sampler2d(buffer:target=0) name; if you want to target the buffer attachment of the current fbo
- uniform sampler2d(buffer:target=0:file=toto) name; if you want to target the buffer attachment of the file fbo
- you can get sampler size by target a sampler uniform from a vec2 : uniform vec2(buffer:target=name) toto;
[CHANGE] simplification of uniform sections :
- for contol visibility of an unfiorm you just need to target another uniform and define a condition :
- section : name (string and space), order (nurmber only), condition (accepted operator are ==, !=, < or >)
- uniform(section0:0) float(checkbox:false) activation;
- uniform(section0:1:activation==true) float(0:2:1);
[CHANGE] combobox and checkbox default params are string now and not numbers
[CHANGE] Slider widgets can be stepped :
- with the step increment in the last optionnal params
- uniform float(inf:sup:default:step) toto;
[RELEASES] you have two type of release :
- release standard for X86 and X64
- release with profiler for X86 and X64 ( open profiler in html directory profiler with package)
Many bug fixs, and perf improvments
if you found other bugs and want featrue request, go here
NoodlesPlate v0.0.8736
NoodlesPlate not offer code edition, you must associate a external editor to the extention *.glsl
I use NotePad++
Installation :
- no lib or dll requried, except maybe the redistribuable for vc14 x86 or x64
- Just put the exe in a directory and run. NoodlesPlate will create the directory and files he need.
Features availables :
- Vertex, Geometry, and fragment Shader in one file
- Can Import from url, ShaderToy (partially), VertexShaderArt (partially), GlslSandbox (Fully)
- a lot of widgets available for easy tuning of your uniforms,
- Support of Multi Pass Buffers
- Can play with FrammeBuffer Attachment (until 8)
- Many primitive type : Quad (like on ShaderToy and GlslSanbox), Point (like on VertexShaderArt), and Mesh (Support only Obj File with triangular faces for the moment)
- Include File Support
- In-Code Config Systeme Selectable via ComboBox, let you switch between functionnality of your shader easily
- Compute Shader Support, let you fill texture 2d on texture 3d by example (not very stable for the moment)
- Support of mesh instancing
- NodeGraph (experimental and not stable so pay attention when using it, well know bug)
See help in the Soft
Some Samples are Avaalable in this Repo
License (available in About dialog) :
Copyright 2017-2019 Stephane Cuillerdier / AieKick
- Free to use without limitations
- Credit to the software is appreciated by ex : 'designed with NoodlesPlate
- Selling or modify the binary of this software is disallowed
- The Software is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind, express or implied.
In no event shall the authors or copyright holders X be liable for any claim, damages or other liability
whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software
or the use or other dealings in the Software.