baseURL: "" title: "Tokyo Hiker 🥾" theme: "hugo-book" # Book configuration disablePathToLower: true enableGitInfo: true # Needed for mermaid/katex shortcodes markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true tableOfContents: startLevel: 1 # Multi-lingual mode config # There are different options to translate files # See # And defaultContentLanguage: en languages: en: languageName: English weight: 1 ja: languageName: Japanese weight: 2 # zh: # languageName: Chinese # contentDir: content.zh # weight: 3 menu: # before: [] after: - name: "Github Repo" url: "" weight: 10 # - name: "Theme" # url: "" # weight: 20 params: # (Optional, default light) Sets color theme: light, dark or auto. # Theme 'auto' switches between dark and light modes based on browser/os preferences BookTheme: "auto" # (Optional, default true) Controls table of contents visibility on right side of pages. # Start and end levels can be controlled with markup.tableOfContents setting. # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter. BookToC: true # (Optional, default none) Set the path to a logo for the book. If the logo is # /static/logo.png then the path would be logo.png # BookLogo: /logo.png # (Optional, default none) Set leaf bundle to render as side menu # When not specified file structure and weights will be used # BookMenuBundle: /menu # (Optional, default docs) Specify root page to render child pages as menu. # Page is resoled by .GetPage function: # For backward compatibility you can set '*' to render all sections to menu. Acts same as '/' BookSection: docs # Set source repository location. # Used for 'Last Modified' and 'Edit this page' links. BookRepo: # (Optional, default 'commit') Specifies commit portion of the link to the page's last modified # commit hash for 'doc' page type. # Requires 'BookRepo' param. # Value used to construct a URL consisting of BookRepo/BookCommitPath/<commit-hash> # Github uses 'commit', Bitbucket uses 'commits' BookCommitPath: commit # Enable "Edit this page" links for 'doc' page type. # Disabled by default. Uncomment to enable. Requires 'BookRepo' param. # Edit path must point to root directory of repo. BookEditPath: edit/main/ # Configure the date format used on the pages # - In git information # - In blog posts BookDateFormat: "2006-01-02" # (Optional, default true) Enables search function with flexsearch, # Index is built on fly, therefore it might slowdown your website. # Configuration for indexing can be adjusted in i18n folder per language. BookSearch: true # (Optional, default true) Enables comments template on pages # By default partals/docs/comments.html includes Disqus template # See # Can be overwritten by same param in page frontmatter BookComments: true # /!\ This is an experimental feature, might be removed or changed at any time # (Optional, experimental, default false) Enables portable links and link checks in markdown pages. # Portable links meant to work with text editors and let you write markdown without {{< relref >}} shortcode # Theme will print warning if page referenced in markdown does not exists. BookPortableLinks: true # /!\ This is an experimental feature, might be removed or changed at any time # (Optional, experimental, default false) Enables service worker that caches visited pages and resources for offline use. # BookServiceWorker: true # /!\ This is an experimental feature, might be removed or changed at any time # (Optional, experimental, default false) Enables a drop-down menu for translations only if a translation is present. BookTranslatedOnly: true