TV Tracker is meant for people who like to watch TV--be it on Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, or whatever other streaming service(s) you use! There's such a wealth of streaming services out there that everything you want to watch is surely spread out among multiple sites, so it's really hard to keep track of what you've watched, what you want to watch, and how far you are in the things you're watching. That's where TV Tracker would come into play--like the name suggests, it's a site to track your TV show watching in one place.
There will be one main component to TV Tracker: a website where you can:
- Create an account
- Search for TV shows
- View TV shows
- Add a TV show to a list
Users wil be able to create an account to save TV shows to their list. Account information would be fairly basic, requiring a username and password. Once a user has created an account, they will see they have a few premade lists corresponding to the site's status options for shows.
Users can select what streaming services they have access to when creating their account so that they can optionally view TV shows by what streaming services they have access to.
Users will be able to do a basic search for TV shows based on series name or IMDb id.
Users will be able to view TV shows on the site (even while not being signed in). TV show view pages will contain basic information about the show--a brief summary, number of episodes, airing year(s), and other information useful in identifying and distinguishing shows from others with similar names (including information about legal streaming options of the show in the US).
On this page, users will be able to give the show a status--currently watching, completed, planning to watch, and possibly a few more options (such as on-hold or dropped).
If the group, when discussing the project and further defining scope after getting a better grasp as to everyone's skills and experience, deem it possible, the TV show view page could contain other information like user scores and reviews.
From the TV show view page, users will be able to select a status to give the show--or perhaps, depending on the scope of the project, a custom list to add the show to.
In terms of list view, each list will display a TV show's name, number of episodes logged as watched, and the number of total episodes in the show.
I think this is a solid baseline to a project that, upon examination of the group of programmers' skills, can have scope be broadened to be appropriate for a semester-long project. I think with the basic plans for TV Tracker, there is a fair amount that could be done--a frontend for user interaction with the site, plus a database and a backend for interfacing with the data.
Additional things that could be added include: a browser extension that could sync with the site, and additional functionality for the site beyond the bare-bones listing--such as scores, reviews, and custom list-making.
Samantha Eng (sme388)
Ben Kaplan (brk313)
Lev Bernstein (lkb335)