List of all the diferent model classes:
List of all the diferent collection classes:
A view-model it's an object that groups common classes that you might use in a app. Every class invoked will have a the same instance of the viewModel mixed in the options.
This is useful to have because you can have a viewModel object shared across the views, and listen or trigger events to comunicate with another views with the same context.
# ViewModel
class SiteViewModel extends Marionettist.Entities.ViewModels.Base
navItem: require("../models/nav-item")
navItems: require("../collections/nav-items")
layout: require("../../views/")
navbar: require("../../views/")
loading: require("../../views/")
sidebar: require("../../views/")
navItem: require("../../views/")
module.exports = SiteViewModel
# Controller
SiteViewModel = require("../entities/view-models/")
class SiteController extends Marionettist.Controllers.Base
constructor: (options)->
@app =
@viewModel = new SiteViewModel()
index: ()->
layoutView = @viewModel.getView("layout")
sidebarView = @viewModel.getView("sidebar")
layoutView.getOption("viewModel") # this is an instance of @viewModel
@listenTo layoutView, "show", =>
@showNavbar layoutView.navRegion
@showSidebar layoutView.sidebarRegion
A responder it's a simple service object oriented to show a view on a region.
Some benefits of using this service are:
- You can queue async fetches and when you call show, it will display a loading view while waits for all the fetches to resolve.
- A common interface to queue and fetch things.
- Can pass some parameters to it and do some custom logic inside of it, to separate concerns.
# Controller
SiteViewModel = require("../entities/view-models/")
class SiteController extends Marionettist.Controllers.Base
constructor: (options)->
@app =
@viewModel = new SiteViewModel()
fakeFetch: (duration = 3000)->
deferred = Marionettist.$.Deferred()
setTimeout (=>
console.log "ASYNC"
), duration
return deferred.promise()
index: ()->
responder = @viewModel.getResponder("base", region: @app.mainRegion)
layoutView = @viewModel.getView("layout")
# Changes the default loading view for a custom one, the default view use font-awesome as spinner icon
loaderView: @viewModel.getView("loading")
sidebarView = @viewModel.getView("sidebar")
@listenTo layoutView, "show", =>
@showNavbar layoutView.navRegion
@showSidebar layoutView.sidebarRegion
responder.set "async", @fakeFetch() # Added some async fetch, it can be a model or collection fetch or array of fetches, async: true) # This will display a loading view until all fetches are resolve
Note: All responders most have a region.