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Releases: afollestad/material-dialogs

19 Sep 20:08
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  1. Gradle and Gradle Plugin updates
  2. Added dialog parameter to the MaterialSimpleListAdapter callback
  3. Google libs 24.2.1
  4. Added .extensionFilter(String...) option for the FileChooserDialog, that you can use to filter files by extension

13 Aug 18:19
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  1. Checkbox prompts can be displayed with list and input dialogs, now. Not just basic dialogs.
  2. Some crash/bug fixes to the ColorChooserDialog (from pull requests).
  3. Fixed simple list dialog items not having background selectors (in the commons adapter).
  4. Fixed the top/bottom dialog divider lines not correctly hiding/showing while scrolling in long content/list dialogs.
  5. Other miscellaneous bug fixes. Also added a date picker example to the sample project.

08 Aug 00:50
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Warning, this is a major release. There are large changes that can break existing code. Also, make sure you are using 24.1.1 of Google's libraries.

  1. Removed AlertDialogWrapper. It was incompatible with new things in this release, and people should move away from it anyways. This library is more about fluidity and customization than it is backwards compatibility, at this point.
  2. Completely removed support for ListView and ListAdapter. The entire library now uses RecyclerView, unless you use a custom view dialog. Your custom adapters will now have to handle item click logic in their own since the RecyclerView class doesn't do it on its own. RecyclerView is modern, and very fast; it's time to move.
  3. Checkbox prompts. Add a simple checkbox to basic dialogs automatically, which mimics the look of a system permission dialog. See CheckBox Prompts.
  4. The FolderChooserDialog can now optionally allow users to create new folders while browsing. See Folder Selector Dialogs.
  5. Prefixed all view IDs with md_ so they don't clash with view IDs in your own applications.

Please check out the tutorial on the front page of this repository. There are various methods with different parameters now (and various methods that were removed altogether), especially the .adapter() method in the Builder. The MaterialSimpleListAdapter in commons also has a new way of setting a click listener.

18 Jul 21:34
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  1. Added .stackingBehavior(StackingBehavior) to the Builder, it replaces forceStacking(boolean).
  2. Updated MaterialProgressBar, which should fix some 4.x progress view issues.
  3. Added itemsDisabledIndices(Integer...) / itemsDisabledIndices(Integer[]) to the Builder which allows you to disable check boxes or radio buttons in choice dialogs.
  4. Other misc bug fixes and improvements.

25 Jun 23:09
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  1. Added a tag setter and getter to ColorChooserDialog.
  2. Added a .theme(Theme) setter to ColorChooserDialog.
  3. Fixed the "go up" item being invisible in empty folders (in the FileChooserDialog and FolderChooserDialog).
  4. Hopefully resolved once and for all.

20 Jun 22:11
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  • Both the core and commons modules should be able to be resolved correctly now (through jCenter, the default Android Studio repository).
  • Updated the target SDK 24, Google libs 24.0.0, Gradle 2.13, etc.

13 May 18:42
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The library is back on jCenter, the default Android Studio Maven repository. No more relying on JitPack (which doesn't always work).


09 Apr 21:03
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  1. Updated Google libs.
  2. Fixed a pre-Lollipop crash issue for single/multi choice dialogs.

14 Mar 06:07
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  1. Updated the Google libs to 23.2.1, which should fix compatibility issues some have had. Make sure you update the version your apps use too.
  2. Crash fixes and other misc improvements.

Pull requests are welcome, I don't have a lot of time to maintain this library right now.

26 Feb 22:59
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Minor fixes for, specifically for input dialogs.